changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmplugins/imagingplugins/imagedisplay/plugins/mng/MngObjects.h	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __MNGOBJECTS_H__
+#define __MNGOBJECTS_H__
+/** 	@file
+	@internalTechnology */
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include "PixelFilter.h"
+#include "Providers.h"
+#include "MngChunks.h"
+#include "ColourDefs.h"
+#include "PixelConsumer.h"
+class CMngPlayer;
+typedef TInt TMngObjLabel;
+const TMngObjLabel KFirstObjectLabel=1;
+enum TMngExecCommand 
+	{
+	ECmdProcessNext=0,
+	ECmdJumpToObject,
+	ECmdStartFromBeginning,
+	ECmdTerminate,
+	ECmdTerminateClearOutput,
+	ECmdTerminateAfter1stFrame,
+	};
+class TMngExecuteResult 
+	{
+	inline TMngExecuteResult();
+	TMngExecCommand iCommand;
+	TMngObjLabel	iObjectLabel;
+	TInt			iDelayInTicks;
+	};
+class CMngObject:public CBase 
+	{
+	inline TMngObjLabel ObjectLabel() const;
+	inline void SetObjectLabel(const TMngObjLabel& aLabel);
+// Object Acess interface //
+	virtual void  ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult)=0;
+	virtual TBool IsSubFrame() const;
+	virtual TBool IsLayer() const;
+	virtual void OnAddToPlayerL(const CMngPlayer& aPlayer);
+	virtual void Reset();
+	TMngObjLabel iObjectLabel;
+	};
+class CMngTermination:public CMngObject 
+	{
+	static CMngTermination* NewL(TTermChunk*& aTermChunk, TBool aMngSubframesNoLoops);  //Subframes with No Loops
+	virtual void ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult);
+	virtual void Reset();
+	inline explicit CMngTermination(const TTermChunk& aTermChunk, TBool aMngSubframesNoLoops);  //Subframes with No Loops
+	TBool 					iMngSubframesNoLoops;  //Subframes with No Loops
+	TMngTerminationAction	iTerminationAction;
+	TMngTerminationAction	iPostIterationAction;
+	TInt					iDelay;				// delay in ticks
+	TInt					iIterationMax;
+	TInt					iIterationCounter;
+	};
+class CMngKeyFrame:public CMngObject 
+	{
+	static CMngObject* NewL(TMngChunk*& aFramChunk);
+	~CMngKeyFrame();
+	virtual void  ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult);
+	virtual TBool IsSubFrame() const;
+	explicit CMngKeyFrame(TFramChunk* aFramChunk);
+	TFramChunk*	iFramChunk;
+	};
+class CMngBackground:public CMngObject 
+	{
+	static CMngObject* NewL(TMngChunk*& aBackChunk);
+	virtual void  ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult);
+	inline explicit CMngBackground(const TBackChunk& aBackChunk);
+	TRgb					iBackgroundColour;
+	TMngBackroundMandatory	iBgMandatory;
+	};
+class CMngRawChunkHolder:public CMngObject, public MUniqueChunkDataProvider 
+	{
+	static CMngObject* NewL(TMngChunk*& aRawChunk);
+	~CMngRawChunkHolder();
+	virtual void  ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult);
+	TInt GetChunkData(const TText8* aChunkId, const TUint8*& aDataPtr, TInt& aSizeInBites);
+	inline explicit CMngRawChunkHolder(TMngRawChunk* aPaltChunk);
+	TMngRawChunk* const	iChunk;
+	};
+class CMngImageDefinition:public CMngObject 
+	{
+	static CMngObject* NewL(TMngChunk*& aDefiChunk);
+	virtual void  ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult);
+	void OnAddToPlayerL(const CMngPlayer& aPlayer);
+	inline explicit CMngImageDefinition(const TDefiChunk& aDefiChunk);
+	TBool		iDoNotShow;
+	TPoint		iOrigin;
+	TRect		iClippingRect;
+	};
+class CMngMagnDefinition:public CMngObject, public MPixelFilter 
+	{
+	enum TBorderIdx
+		{
+		EBorder1st=0,
+		EBorderMiddle,
+		EBorderPreLast,
+		EBorderLast
+		};
+	static CMngObject* NewL(TMngChunk*& aMagnChunk);
+	~CMngMagnDefinition();
+	virtual void  ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult);
+// from the MPixelFilter // 
+	virtual void PrepareL(const TSize& aOriginalSize,CRgbPixelConsumer* aConsumer);
+	virtual void Commit();
+	virtual void SetPixel(const TPoint& aPosition, TUint aPixelColour);
+	virtual void AddRef();
+	virtual void Release();
+	explicit CMngMagnDefinition(TMagnChunk& aMagnChunk);
+	void CommitSimpleRepeat();
+	void CommitInterpolation();
+	inline TInt XRepeat(TInt aX) const;
+	inline TInt YRepeat(TInt aY) const;
+	inline TInt	RealPosX(TInt aSrcX) const;
+	inline TInt	RealPosY(TInt aSrcY) const;
+	TMagnChunk*	iMagn;
+	TRgbaColour* iColorBuffer;
+	TSize iImageSize;
+	TInt iXRepeat[EBorderLast+1];
+	TInt iYRepeat[EBorderLast+1];
+	CRgbPixelConsumer* iConsumer;
+	CRgbPixelConsumer::SetPixelFunc iSetPixelFunction; // function pointer to either SetRGBPixel or SetRGBAPixel
+	TInt iRefCount;
+	};
+class CMngLoopEntry:public CMngObject 
+	{
+	static CMngObject* NewL(TMngChunk*& aLoopChunk);
+	virtual void ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult);
+	void Reset();
+	inline explicit CMngLoopEntry(const TLoopChunk& aLoopChunk);
+	TInt	iNestLevel;
+	TInt	iIterationCount;
+	TInt	iIterationsLeft;
+	};
+class CMngLoopEnd:public CMngObject 
+	{
+	static CMngObject* NewL(TMngChunk*& aLoopChunk);
+	virtual void ExecuteL(CMngPlayer& aPlayer, TMngExecuteResult& aResult);
+	inline explicit CMngLoopEnd(const TEndlChunk& aLoopChunk);
+	TInt	iNestLevel;
+	};
+class CMngLayer:public CMngObject 
+	{
+	virtual TBool IsLayer() const;
+	};
+#include "MngObjects.inl"
+#endif //ndef __MNGOBJECTS_H__