--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmresourcemgmt/mmresctrl/inc/mmrcserverinfo.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32msgqueue.h>
+#include "mmrcutil.h"
+#include "mmrcclientserver.h"
+#include "mmrcserversession.h"
+class CMMRCServerController;
+This class implements the MMRC Server Info.
+The main purpose of this class is to contain the different information
+ about the MMRC Server.
+ The server state
+ The queue of resource Context
+ The queue of resource in process
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMMRCServerInfo ): public CBase
+ {
+ typedef RMMRCFifoQueue<CMMRCServerSession> RMMRCContextsQueueTD;
+ typedef RMMRCFifoOrderQueue<CMMRCServerSession> RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD;
+ /**
+ * Constructs, and returns a pointer to, a new CMMRCServerInfo object.
+ * Leaves on failure.
+ * @param CMMRCServerController& A reference on the MMRC Server controller
+ * @return CMMRCServerInfo* A pointer to newly created utlitly object.
+ */
+ static CMMRCServerInfo* NewL(CMMRCServerController& aServerController);
+ /**
+ * Constructs, leaves object on the cleanup stack, and returns a pointer
+ * to, a new CMMRCServerInfo object.
+ * Leaves on failure.
+ * @param CMMRCServerController& A reference on the MMRC Server controller
+ * @return CMMRCServerInfo* A pointer to newly created utlitly object.
+ */
+ static CMMRCServerInfo* NewLC(CMMRCServerController& aServerController);
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CMMRCServerInfo();
+ TInt AllocatedPausedContextsCount();
+ TInt RequestsCount();
+ TInt AllocatedResourceContextsCount();
+ TInt AllocatedAPRContextsCount();
+ /**
+ * Change the state of the server
+ * @param TMMRCServerState aNewState
+ * @param TUint64 aContextId
+ */
+ void SwitchServerState(TMMRCServerState aNewState, TUint64 aContextId);
+ /**
+ * get the state of the server
+ * @param TMMRCServerState the state of the server
+ * @param TUint64 aContextId
+ */
+ void ServerState(TMMRCServerState& aServerState, TUint64& aContextId) const;
+ /**
+ * Push a Context on the Context queue
+ * @param CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession
+ * @leave in case of memory error
+ */
+ void PushRequestL(const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession);
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context from the Context queue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstRequest();
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context from the Context queue by contextId
+ * @param const TAudioContextId& aContextId
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstRequestByContextId( const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue
+ * @param TInt aPriority
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveRequestFirstHighestPriority( );
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority and more than aPriority
+ * from the Context queue
+ * @param TInt aPriority
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveRequestFirstHighestPriority( TInt aPriority );
+ /**
+ * Pop the first Context from the Context queue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopFirstRequest( ) const;
+ /**
+ * Pop the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopRequestFirstHighestPriority( ) const;
+ /**
+ * Pop the first Context of the highest priority and more than aPriority
+ * from the Context queue
+ * @param TInt aPriority
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopRequestFirstHighestPriority( TInt aPriority ) const;
+ /**
+ * Push an Context on the in-process Context queue
+ * @param CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession
+ * @leave in case of memory error
+ */
+ void PushAllocatedResourceContextL(const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession);
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority from the in-process Context queue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstAllocatedResourceContext();
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context from the in-process Context queue by contextId
+ * @param const TAudioContextId& aContextId
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstAllocatedResourceContextByContextId( const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
+ /**
+ * Pop the first Context from the in-process Context queue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopFirstAllocatedResourceContext( ) const;
+ void PushPausedContextL(const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession );
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstPausedContext();
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemovePausedContext(const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
+ CMMRCServerSession* PausedContextByIndex(TInt aIndex);
+ void PushAPRContextL(const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession );
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstAPRContext();
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstAPRContextByContextId(const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopFirstAPRContext() const;
+ TBool IsOnAPRList(TAudioContextId aId);
+ TBool IsOnPauseList(TAudioContextId aId);
+ /**
+ * Push an Context on the Context queue in parameter
+ * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
+ * @param CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession
+ * @leave in case of memory error
+ */
+ void PushContextL(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue, const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession);
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue in parameter
+ * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstContext(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue);
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context from the Context queue in parameter by contextId
+ * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
+ * @param const TAudioContextId& aContextId
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstContextByContextId(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue, const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue in parameter
+ * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveContextFirstHighestPriority(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue);
+ /**
+ * Pop and remove the first Context of the highest priority and more than aPriority
+ * from the Context queue in parameter
+ * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
+ * @param TInt aPriority
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveContextFirstHighestPriority(RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue, TInt aPriority );
+ /**
+ * Pop the first Context from the Context queue in parameter
+ * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopFirstContext(const RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue) const;
+ /**
+ * Pop the first Context of the highest priority from the Context queue in parameter
+ * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopContextFirstHighestPriority(const RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue) const;
+ /**
+ * Pop the first Context of the highest priority and more than aPriority
+ * from the Context queue in parameter
+ * @param RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue
+ * @param TInt aPriority
+ * @return CMMRCServerSession* the session of the Context
+ */
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopContextFirstHighestPriority(const RMMRCContextsQueueTD& aContextsQueue, TInt aPriority ) const;
+ void PushContextInOrderL(RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD& aContextsQueue, const CMMRCServerSession& aServerSession);
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveFirstContextForPause(RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD& aContextsQueue);
+ CMMRCServerSession* PopAndRemoveContextIdForPause(RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD& aContextsQueue, const TAudioContextId& aContextId );
+ CMMRCServerSession* PausedContextByIndexForPause(RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD& aContextsQueue, TInt aIndex);
+ /**
+ * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+ * @param CMMRCServerController& A reference on the MMRC Server controller
+ */
+ CMMRCServerInfo(CMMRCServerController& aServerController);
+ /**
+ * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ CMMRCServerController& iMMRCServerController;
+ TMMRCServerState iMMRCServerInfoState;
+ RMMRCContextsQueueTD iMMRCContextsQueue; //0 or more context(s)
+ RMMRCContextsQueueTD iMMRCAllocatedResourceContextsQueue;
+ RMMRCContextsQueueOrderTD iMMRCPausedContextsQueue;
+ RMMRCContextsQueueTD iMMRCAPRContextsQueue;
+ TUint64 iLastTransactionContextId;
+ };
+#endif //__MMRCSERVERINFO_H__