--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmtestenv/mmtestfw/Source/TestFrameworkClient/TestUtils.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This contains file utilities which can be called from Test Framework scripts
+// EPOC includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+// Test system includes
+#include <testframework.h>
+// do not export if Unit Testing
+#if defined (__TSU_TESTFRAMEWORK__)
+#undef EXPORT_C
+#define EXPORT_C
+ *
+ * Initialise the test utilities.
+ *
+ * @param "CLog* aLogSystem"
+ * The logger the test utilities are to use.
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+EXPORT_C CTestUtils* CTestUtils::NewL(CLog* aLogSystem)
+ {
+ CTestUtils* self = new(ELeave) CTestUtils;
+ self->Construct(aLogSystem);
+ return self;
+ }
+ *
+ * Initialise the test utilities (second phase).
+ *
+ * @param "CLog* aLogSystem"
+ * The logger the test utilities are to use.
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::Construct(CLog* aLogSystem)
+ {
+ iLogSystem = aLogSystem;
+ }
+ *
+ * Run the test utilities inside a trap harness.
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aText"
+ * Test string giving the utility to run.
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CTestUtils::RunUtils(const TDesC& aText)
+ {
+ TRAPD(r, RunUtilsL(aText));
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ WARN_PRINTF3(_L("Warning: Test Utils : %S left, error %d"), &aText, r);
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * Run the test utilities inside a trap harness.
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aText"
+ * Test string giving the utility to run.
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::RunUtilsL(const TDesC& aText)
+ {
+ // use Tlex to decode the cmd line
+ TLex lex(aText);
+ // step over the keyword
+ lex.NextToken();
+ // get util required
+ TPtrC token;
+ token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+ if (token.FindF( _L("ChangeDir")) == 0)
+ {
+ User::Panic(_L("ChangeDir is not supported on EKA2"), KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ else if (token.FindF( _L("CopyFile")) == 0)
+ {
+ // get the parameter
+ TPtrC file1 = lex.NextToken();
+ TPtrC file2 = lex.NextToken();
+ CopyFileL(file1, file2);
+ }
+ else if (token.FindF( _L("CopyAndInvertFile")) == 0)
+ {
+ // get the parameter
+ TPtrC file1 = lex.NextToken();
+ TPtrC file2 = lex.NextToken();
+ CopyAndInvertFileL(file1, file2);
+ }
+ else if (token.FindF( _L("MkDir")) == 0)
+ {
+ // get the parameter
+ token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+ MakeDirL(token);
+ }
+ else if (token.FindF( _L("Delete")) == 0)
+ {
+ // get the parameter
+ token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+ DeleteFileL(token);
+ }
+ else if (token.FindF( _L("MakeReadWrite")) == 0)
+ {
+ // get the parameter
+ token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+ MakeReadWriteL(token);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to decode RUN_UTILS command : %S"), &aText);
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * Test utility : make new directory
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aDirname"
+ * New directory path.
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::MakeDirL(const TDesC& aDirname)
+ {
+ // parse the filenames
+ _LIT(KDefault,"C:\\");
+ TParse fullFileName;
+ TInt returnCode = fullFileName.Set(aDirname, &KDefault, NULL);
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Failed to decode full path name %S - %S"),
+ &fullFileName.FullName(),
+ &errortxt);
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // connect to file server
+ returnCode = iFs.Connect();
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error connecting to file server"));
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // now create the new directory
+ returnCode = iFs.MkDirAll(fullFileName.DriveAndPath());
+ if ((returnCode != KErrNone) && (returnCode != KErrAlreadyExists))
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Error %S making directory %S"),
+ &errortxt,
+ &fullFileName.FullName());
+ iFs.Close();
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ if(returnCode == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // display full (including path) file name
+ INFO_PRINTF2( _L("Made directory %S"), &fullFileName.FullName());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2( _L("directory already exists %S"), &fullFileName.FullName());
+ }
+ iFs.Close();
+ }
+ *
+ * Test utility : copy a file
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aOld"
+ * Source file.
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aNew"
+ * Destination file.
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::CopyFileL (const TDesC& aOld,const TDesC& aNew)
+ {
+ // connect to file server
+ TInt returnCode = iFs.Connect();
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error connecting to file server"));
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // create a file manager
+ CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL(iFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(fileMan);
+ // parse the filenames
+ TParse parseSource;
+ returnCode = parseSource.Set(aOld, NULL, NULL);
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF3( _L("Failed to parse %S - %S"),
+ &aOld,
+ &errortxt);
+ iFs.Close();
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // parse the filenames
+ TParse parseTarget;
+ returnCode = parseTarget.Set(aNew, NULL, NULL);
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Failed to parse %S - %S"),
+ &aNew,
+ &errortxt);
+ iFs.Close();
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // do the copy
+ returnCode = fileMan->Copy(parseSource.FullName(),
+ parseTarget.FullName(),
+ CFileMan::EOverWrite | CFileMan::ERecurse);
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF4(_L("Failed to copy %S to %S - %S"),
+ &parseSource.FullName(),
+ &parseTarget.FullName(),
+ &errortxt);
+ iFs.Close();
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Copied file from %S to %S"),
+ &parseSource.FullName(),
+ &parseTarget.FullName());
+ iFs.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileMan);
+ }
+ *
+ * Test utility : invert a file and copy it to a tartget file
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aOld"
+ * Source file.
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aNew"
+ * Destination file.
+ * Will contain the inverted file
+ *
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::CopyAndInvertFileL (const TDesC& aOld,const TDesC& aNew)
+ {
+ TRAPD(error, DoCopyAndInvertL(aOld, aNew));
+ if (error != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(error);
+ ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to copy Files - %S"), &errortxt);
+ User::Leave(error);
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * Test utility : Do the invert and copy of a source file
+ * into a target file.
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aOld"
+ * Source file.
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aNew"
+ * Destination file.
+ * Will contain the inverted file
+ *
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::DoCopyAndInvertL (const TDesC& aOld,const TDesC& aNew)
+ {
+ // connect to file server
+ TInt returnCode = iFs.Connect();
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error connecting to file server"));
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ CleanupClosePushL(iFs);
+ // parse the filenames
+ TParse parseSource;
+ User::LeaveIfError(parseSource.Set(aOld, NULL, NULL));
+ // parse the filenames
+ TParse parseTarget;
+ User::LeaveIfError(parseTarget.Set(aNew, NULL, NULL));
+ RFile sourceFile;
+ // open the source file for reading
+ User::LeaveIfError(sourceFile.Open(iFs, parseSource.FullName(), EFileRead));
+ CleanupClosePushL(sourceFile);
+ RFile targetFile;
+ // open the target file for writing
+ User::LeaveIfError(targetFile.Replace(iFs, parseTarget.FullName(), EFileWrite));
+ CleanupClosePushL(targetFile);
+ const TInt KSizeOfInvertBuf = 256;
+ // Buffers used for read,invert and write to the target file
+ TBuf8<KSizeOfInvertBuf> invertBuffer;
+ TInt8 byteBuf;//A temp byte size buffer
+ //Invert the source file and copy it into the target file
+ do
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(sourceFile.Read(invertBuffer));
+ for (TInt index=0; index<invertBuffer.Length(); index++)
+ {
+ byteBuf = invertBuffer[index];
+ byteBuf ^= 0xFF; //inverting the buf bits
+ invertBuffer[index] = byteBuf;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(targetFile.Write(invertBuffer));
+ }
+ while (invertBuffer.Length() != 0);
+ // Flush the data to the target file
+ User::LeaveIfError(targetFile.Flush());
+ // display full (including path) file name
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Copied and Inverted successfully file %S to file %S"),
+ &parseSource.FullName(),
+ &parseTarget.FullName());
+ //closing the files
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &iFs);
+ }
+ *
+ * Test utility : delete a file
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aFile"
+ * File to be deleted.
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::DeleteFileL (const TDesC& aFile)
+ {
+ // parse the filenames
+ _LIT(KDefault,"C:\\xxxxx.xxx");
+ TParse fullFileName;
+ TInt returnCode = fullFileName.Set(aFile, &KDefault, NULL);
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Failed to decode full path name %S - %S"),
+ &fullFileName.FullName(),
+ &errortxt);
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // connect to file server
+ returnCode = iFs.Connect();
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error connecting to file server"));
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // now do the delete
+ returnCode = iFs.Delete(fullFileName.FullName());
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Error %S deleting %S"),
+ &errortxt,
+ &fullFileName.FullName());
+ iFs.Close();
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // display full (including path) file name
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Deleted %S"), &fullFileName.FullName());
+ iFs.Close();
+ }
+ *
+ * Test utility : make a file read-write (clear the read-only attribute)
+ *
+ * @param "const TDesC& aFile"
+ * File to be made read-write.
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::MakeReadWriteL (const TDesC& aFile)
+ {
+ // parse the filenames
+ _LIT(KDefault,"C:\\xxxxx.xxx");
+ TParse fullFileName;
+ TInt returnCode = fullFileName.Set(aFile, &KDefault, NULL);
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Failed to decode full path name %S - %S"),
+ &fullFileName.FullName(),
+ &errortxt);
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // connect to file server
+ returnCode = iFs.Connect();
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error connecting to file server"));
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // now do the delete
+ returnCode = iFs.SetAtt(fullFileName.FullName(), 0, KEntryAttReadOnly);
+ // check for errors
+ if (returnCode != KErrNone )
+ {
+ TPtrC errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
+ ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Error %S making %S read-write"),
+ &errortxt,
+ &fullFileName.FullName());
+ iFs.Close();
+ User::Leave(returnCode);
+ }
+ // display full (including path) file name
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Made %S read-write"), &fullFileName.FullName());
+ iFs.Close();
+ }
+ *
+ * General logging function for test utils.
+ *
+ * @param "TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt"
+ * Printf-style format.
+ *
+ * @param "..."
+ * Variable print parameters
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt, ...)
+ {
+ VA_LIST aList;
+ VA_START(aList, aFmt);
+ if(iLogSystem)
+ iLogSystem->Log(aFmt, aList);
+ VA_END(aList);
+ }
+ *
+ * General logging function for test utils, with severity.
+ *
+ * @param "TInt aSeverity"
+ * Severity level required to log
+ *
+ * @param "TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt"
+ * Printf-style format.
+ *
+ * @param "..."
+ * Variable print parameters
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::Log(TInt /* aSeverity */, TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt, ...)
+ {
+ VA_LIST aList;
+ VA_START(aList, aFmt);
+ // NB : Test Utils log regardless of severity (as they are tied to no suite)
+ if(iLogSystem)
+ iLogSystem->Log(aFmt, aList);
+ VA_END(aList);
+ }
+ *
+ * Traceable logging function for test utils.
+ *
+ * @param "const TText8* aFile"
+ * Source code file name
+ *
+ * @param "TInt aLine"
+ * Source code line
+ *
+ * @param "TInt aSeverity"
+ * Severity level required to log
+ *
+ * @param "TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt"
+ * Printf-style format.
+ *
+ * @param "..."
+ * Variable print parameters
+ *
+ * @xxxx
+ *
+ */
+void CTestUtils::LogExtra(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity,
+ TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt,...)
+ {
+ VA_LIST aList;
+ VA_START(aList, aFmt);
+ // NB : Test Utils log regardless of severity (as they are tied to no suite)
+ if(iLogSystem)
+ iLogSystem->LogExtra(aFile, aLine, aSeverity, aFmt, aList);
+ VA_END(aList);
+ }