changeset 0 40261b775718
child 3 f7d9134af83e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmtestenv/mmtesttools/Build/buildutils/	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# mmbuild2 - python script intended to replace
+from optparse import (make_option,OptionParser)
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+import MbcUtils
+# some literals. TODO - use explicit type?
+_KAll = "all"
+_KMmf = "mmf"
+_KMisc = "misc"
+_KIcl = "icl"
+_KMainTempConfig = ".config.xml"
+_KTestTempConfig = ".testconfig.xml"
+_KTestBuildTempConfig = ".testbuildconfig.xml"
+class Unimplemented(Exception):
+    """Raised for invalid commands"""
+    def __init__(self, msg):
+        self.__msg = msg
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__msg
+class Script(object):
+    # TODO this option_list should be replaced by add_option calls to parameter
+    # option_list parameter to OptionParser is down as deprecated
+    option_table = [
+        make_option ("-t", "--test",
+                     action="store_true", dest="buildTest", default=False,
+                     help="""build test code rather than main code (without -b, that built by "abld build" or equiv)"""),
+        make_option ("-b", "--testBuild",
+                     action="store_true", dest="buildTestBuild", default=False,
+                     help="""when given with -t, build that code that requires "abld test build" """),
+         make_option ("-x", "--additional", "--opt", "--extra",
+                     action="store_true", dest="extra", default=False,
+                     help="build additional modules (from Xopt.mbc files)"),
+        make_option ("-i", "--icl",
+                     action="store_const", const=_KIcl, dest="toBuild", default=_KAll,
+                     help="build icl modules only"),
+        make_option ("-m", "--mmf",
+                     action="store_const", const=_KMmf, dest="toBuild", default=_KAll,
+                     help="build mmf modules only"),
+        make_option ("-c", "--misc",
+                     action="store_const", const=_KMisc, dest="toBuild", default=_KAll,
+                     help="build misc modules only"),
+        make_option ("-f", "--full", "--all",
+                     action="store_const", const=_KAll, dest="toBuild", default=_KAll,
+                     help="build all modules (which depends on if -x is given too)"),
+        make_option ("-k", "--keepgoing",
+                     action="store_true", dest="keepgoing", default=False,
+                     help="keep going if errors are found"),
+        make_option ("-g", "--gccxml",
+                     action="store_true", dest="gccxml", default=False,
+                     help="build for gccxml"),
+        make_option ("-s", "--skipmake",
+                     action="store_true", dest="skipmake", default=False,
+                     help="skip building makefile (ignored)"),
+        make_option ("--iclTestdata",
+                     action="store_true", dest="icl_tests", default=False,
+                     help="build ICL Tests"),
+        ]
+    description = \
+"""Script for selection appropriate set of multimedia
+components and build them together, so build order does not matter.
+One, and only one of "setup", "build" or "clean" must be given.
+    def __init__(self):
+        # need to implement commands as property and not class constant or
+        # we get a forward declaration problem
+        self.iCommands = {"setup": self.doSetup, "build": self.doBuild, "clean": self.doClean}
+        self.iOptions = None
+        self.iProdCodeList = []
+        self.iTestCodeList = []
+        self.iTestBuildCodeList = []
+        self.iOptionParser = None
+        self.iDebug = False
+    def main(self):
+        "main function of script"
+        self.iOptionParser = OptionParser(
+            option_list = Script.option_table,
+            usage="%prog [-t [-b]] [-i|-m|-c|-f] (setup|build [winscw]|clean)",
+            description = Script.description
+            )
+        (self.iOptions, args) = self.iOptionParser.parse_args()
+        self.DebugPrint (str(self.iOptions))
+        self.DebugPrint (str(args))
+        if (len(args)==0 or not args[0] in self.iCommands or
+                not self.CheckOptions()):
+            self.iOptionParser.print_usage()
+            return -1
+        remainingArgs = args[1:len(args)]
+        return self.iCommands[args[0]](remainingArgs) # effective switch to doBuild, doSetup or doClean
+    def CheckOptions(self):
+        "Check for any invalid option combinations. Warn about ignored ones etc"
+        if self.iOptions.skipmake:
+            print ("Warning ignoring -s - option is no longer valid in raptor version")
+        if not self.iOptions.buildTest and self.iOptions.buildTestBuild:
+            return False # can't do -b without -t
+        return True # all other combinations OK
+    def doBuild(self, remainingArgs):
+        # if we have a remainingArg, only "winscw" is allowed
+        if not (len(remainingArgs)==0 or len(remainingArgs)==1 and remainingArgs[0]=="winscw"):
+            self.iOptionParser.print_usage()
+            return -1
+        # for normal build need to run "sbs -s .config.xml build"
+        # for test build need to run "sbs -s .testconfig.xml build"
+        # use --logfile=- to send output to stdout instead of log file
+        configFile = _KMainTempConfig
+        testBuild = False
+        if self.iOptions.buildTest:
+            if not self.iOptions.buildTestBuild:
+                # build test config instead when -t etc given
+                configFile = _KTestTempConfig
+            else:
+                # build test config instead when -t -b etc given
+                configFile = _KTestBuildTempConfig
+                testBuild = True
+        sbs_command = self.sbsCommand()
+        commands = [sbs_command, "-s", configFile]
+        commands += ["--logfile=-"] # send output to stdout
+        if self.iOptions.keepgoing:
+            commands += ["--keepgoing"]
+        if len(remainingArgs)>0 and remainingArgs[0]=="winscw":
+            if testBuild:
+                commands += ["--config=winscw.test"]
+            else:
+                commands += ["--config=winscw"]
+        else:
+            if testBuild:
+               commands += ["--config=default.test"]
+        commands += ["--filters=FilterSquashLog"] # reduce log size
+        commands += ["--tries=2"] # retry on failure - e.g. for license fails
+        commands += ["build"]
+        self.DebugPrint("""command="%s" """ % str(commands))
+        print "------------------ sbs start : %s" % str(commands)
+        sys.stdout.flush() # flush any output here so appears correct in log
+        subprocess.check_call(commands) # raises exception on error
+        print "------------------ sbs end"
+        return 0
+    def sbsCommand(self):
+        "sbs command - that can be used by subprocess"
+        # For some reason, have to work out batch file to run by longhand
+        # rather than just saying "sbs" and letting command work it out.
+        # Could use sys.command() instead, but that is deprecated
+        sbs_home = os.getenv("SBS_HOME")
+        assert sbs_home, "SBS_HOME must be defined to use this script"
+        sbs_command = os.path.join(sbs_home, "bin", "sbs.bat")
+        return sbs_command
+    def doSetup(self, remainingArgs):
+        if len(remainingArgs)!=0:
+            self.iOptionParser.print_usage()
+            return -1
+        self.buildMbcLists()
+        self.DebugPrint ("prodCodeList=%s" % str(self.iProdCodeList))
+        self.DebugPrint ("testCodeList=%s" % str(self.iTestCodeList))
+        self.DebugPrint ("testBuildCodeList=%s" % str(self.iTestBuildCodeList))
+        mbcParser = MbcUtils.MbcParser(self.iProdCodeList)
+        folders = mbcParser()
+        self.DebugPrint ("folders=%s" % str (folders))
+        getFolderList = MbcUtils.GetFolderList(folders)
+        groupFolders = getFolderList()
+        self.DebugPrint ("prodCodeFolderList=%s" % str(groupFolders))
+        generator = MbcUtils.ConfigFileGenerator(groupFolders, _KMainTempConfig)
+        generator.write()
+        mbcParser = MbcUtils.MbcParser(self.iTestCodeList)
+        folders = mbcParser()
+        self.DebugPrint ("testfolders=%s" % str (folders))
+        getFolderList = MbcUtils.GetFolderList(folders)
+        groupFolders = getFolderList()
+        self.DebugPrint ("testCodeFolderList=%s" % str(groupFolders))
+        generator = MbcUtils.ConfigFileGenerator(groupFolders, _KTestTempConfig)
+        generator.write()
+        mbcParser = MbcUtils.MbcParser(self.iTestBuildCodeList)
+        folders = mbcParser()
+        self.DebugPrint ("testBuildfolders=%s" % str (folders))
+        getFolderList = MbcUtils.GetFolderList(folders)
+        groupFolders = getFolderList()
+        self.DebugPrint ("testBuildCodeFolderList=%s" % str(groupFolders))
+        generator = MbcUtils.ConfigFileGenerator(groupFolders, _KTestBuildTempConfig)
+        generator.write()
+        return 0
+    def buildMbcLists(self):
+        # some boolean values
+        want_mmf = self.iOptions.toBuild in [_KAll, _KMmf];
+        want_icl = self.iOptions.toBuild in [_KAll, _KIcl];
+        want_misc = self.iOptions.toBuild in [_KAll, _KMisc];
+        want_extra = self.iOptions.extra
+        want_icl_tests = self.iOptions.icl_tests
+        # now build up the lists depending on which "component" we want
+        # perhaps this should be reworked as a table, but not obvious as to how
+        self.iTestCodeList += ["AllTests.mbc", "TestFrameworkTest.mbc",
+                               "targettools.mbc"]
+        if want_mmf:
+            self.iProdCodeList += ["mmf.mbc"]
+            self.iTestCodeList += ["mmfTest.mbc"]
+            self.iTestBuildCodeList += ["mmfTestBuild.mbc"]
+            # assume mmfPhys and mmfOptPhys can currently be ignored
+            # they should generate another list and be built as special cases
+            # self.iProdCodeList += ["mmfPhys.mbc"]
+            if want_extra:
+                self.iProdCodeList += ["mmfOpt.mbc"]
+                self.iTestCodeList += ["mmfOptTest.mbc"]
+                self.iTestBuildCodeList += ["mmfOptTestBuild.mbc"]
+                # self.iProdCodeList += ["mmfOptPhys.mbc"]
+            else:
+                self.iTestCodeList += ["mmfNotOptTest.mbc"]
+        if want_icl:
+            self.iProdCodeList += ["icl.mbc"]
+            if want_icl_tests:
+            	self.iTestCodeList += ["iclTest.mbc"]
+            	self.iTestBuildCodeList += ["iclTestBuild.mbc"]
+            	if want_extra:
+            		self.iTestCodeList += ["iclOptTest.mbc"]
+            		self.iTestBuildCodeList += ["iclOptTestBuild.mbc"]
+            if want_extra:
+                self.iProdCodeList += ["iclOpt.mbc"]   
+        if want_misc:
+            self.iProdCodeList += ["misc.mbc"]
+            self.iTestCodeList += ["miscTest.mbc"]
+            self.iTestBuildCodeList += ["miscTestBuild.mbc"]
+            if want_extra:
+                self.iProdCodeList += ["miscOpt.mbc"]
+                self.iTestCodeList += ["miscOptTest.mbc"]
+                self.iTestBuildCodeList += ["miscOptTestBuild.mbc"]
+    def doClean(self, remainingArgs):
+        "clean is called. Note -t clean means clean test code too, not instead"
+        # for normal clean need to run "sbs -s .config.xml clean"
+        # for test clean need to run "sbs -s .testconfig.xml clean"
+        # use --logfile=- to send output to stdout instead of log file
+        whatToClean = [_KMainTempConfig]
+        if self.iOptions.buildTest:
+            whatToClean += [_KTestTempConfig]
+        for configFile in whatToClean:
+            sbs_command = self.sbsCommand()
+            commands = [sbs_command, "-s", configFile]
+            commands += ["--logfile=-"] # send output to stdout
+            commands += ["reallyclean"]
+            self.DebugPrint ("""command="%s" """ % str(commands))
+            subprocess.check_call(commands) # raises exception on error
+        return 0
+    def DebugPrint(self, str):
+        "print a string if self.iDebug is set - would be turned on manually"
+        if self.iDebug:
+            print(str)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    script = Script()
+    sys.exit(script.main())