--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmtestenv/mmtesttools/Build/buildutils/testMbcUtils.py Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Test code for MbcUtils
+from MbcUtils import *
+import testDataMbcUtils as testdata
+import unittest
+import tempfile
+import StringIO
+class TestParent(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Potential parent test"""
+ def TempFile(self, str):
+ """Create a temp file. Write given string and return filename.
+ Note caller is responsible for deleting the file"""
+ tfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ file = os.fdopen(tfile[0],"w")
+ print >> file, str
+ file.close() # close the file - we just want the filename then
+ return tfile[1] # return filename. Note client expected to delete
+ def fixupDirsInExpectedList(self, expectedToFixUp):
+ """Convert relative filenames to absolute.
+ The returned list returns absolute filenames. Need to convert relelative
+ names to absolute so can easily compare."""
+ for tupEle in expectedToFixUp:
+ mbcFile = tupEle[0]
+ baseDir = os.path.dirname(mbcFile)
+ for i in range(1,3):
+ # tupEle[1] is list of required folders
+ # tupEle[2] is list of optional folders
+ for j in range(0, len(tupEle[i])):
+ absDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(baseDir, tupEle[i][j]))
+ tupEle[i][j] = absDir
+ # tupEle[3] is list of tuples of dir and command
+ for j in range(0, len(tupEle[3])):
+ # note need to tuple to list and back to do this
+ lst = list(tupEle[3][j])
+ absDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(baseDir, lst[0]))
+ lst[0] = absDir
+ tupEle[3][j] = tuple(lst)
+ return expectedToFixUp
+class SimpleTest(TestParent):
+ """Open and return basic case"""
+ def __init__(self, sample, expected):
+ super(SimpleTest,self).__init__()
+ self.sample = sample
+ self.expected = expected
+ self.tfileName = None
+ def fixExpected(self, fname):
+ """change the filename slot in self.expected"""
+ # expected is a tuple. Need to convert to list and back.
+ # then turn into a single element list so can run through
+ # fixupDirsInExpectedList()
+ tempList = list(self.expected)
+ tempList[0] = fname
+ newTuple = tuple(tempList)
+ fixedList = self.fixupDirsInExpectedList([newTuple])
+ self.expected = fixedList[0]
+ def runTest(self):
+ """SimpleTest.runTest
+ Create temp file with known content. Run parser and compare result
+ """
+ self.tfileName = self.TempFile(self.sample)
+ parser = MbcParser(self.tfileName)
+ parser.execute()
+ self.fixExpected(self.tfileName)
+ result = parser()
+ self.assertEquals(result, self.expected,
+ "Result(%s) not same as Expected(%s)"%(result,self.expected))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if self.tfileName:
+ os.unlink(self.tfileName)
+class BadDataTest(SimpleTest):
+ """Bad data so should get an exception"""
+ def __init__(self, sample, testName):
+ super(BadDataTest,self).__init__(sample, [])
+ self.__testName = testName
+ def runTest(self):
+ """BadDataTest.runTest
+ Use SimpleTest.runTest. Should throw an exception"""
+ self.assertRaises(InvalidInput, SimpleTest.runTest, self)
+ def shortDescription(self):
+ "One line description - additionally giving test name"
+ parentStr = super(BadDataTest, self).shortDescription()
+ return "%s-%s" % (parentStr, self.__testName)
+class ListTest(TestParent):
+ """Open and return basic case, but with list input"""
+ def __init__(self, samples, expected, secondStageExpected=None, filenameToLookFor=None):
+ super(ListTest,self).__init__()
+ self.samples = samples
+ self.expected = expected
+ self.secondStageExpected = secondStageExpected
+ self.filenameToLookFor = filenameToLookFor
+ self.tfileNames = []
+ def fixExpected(self, indx, fname):
+ """change the filename slot in self.expected"""
+ # expected is a tuple. Need to convert to list and back
+ tempList = list(self.expected[indx])
+ tempList[0] = fname
+ self.expected[indx] = tuple(tempList)
+ def runTest(self):
+ """ListTest.runTest
+ Create temp files with known content, one per list element. Run parser and compare result
+ """
+ for indx in range(0, len(self.samples)):
+ tfileName = self.TempFile(self.samples[indx])
+ self.tfileNames.append(tfileName)
+ self.fixExpected(indx, tfileName)
+ self.expected = self.fixupDirsInExpectedList(self.expected)
+ parser = MbcParser(self.tfileNames)
+ parser.execute()
+ result = parser()
+ self.assertEquals(result, self.expected,
+ "Result(%s) not same as Expected(%s)"%(result,self.expected))
+ if self.secondStageExpected:
+ getFolderList = GetFolderList(result)
+ getFolderList.execute()
+ folderList = getFolderList()
+ self.assertEquals(folderList, self.secondStageExpected,
+ "Result2(%s) not same as Expected2(%s)"%(folderList,self.secondStageExpected))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if self.tfileNames:
+ for fname in self.tfileNames:
+ os.unlink(fname)
+class FolderListUnitTest(TestParent):
+ """Test GetFolderList with on-the-fly generated data.
+ Create a list on fly with folder of one temp file and a non-existant one. Treatement of second
+ is optional."""
+ def __init__(self, fussyOnNonExist):
+ super(FolderListUnitTest,self).__init__()
+ self.__fussyOnNonExist = fussyOnNonExist
+ self.__tempFile = None
+ def shortDescription(self):
+ """One line description - additionally giving option"""
+ parentStr = super(FolderListUnitTest, self).shortDescription()
+ return "%s-%s" % (parentStr, str(self.__fussyOnNonExist))
+ def __realTest(self):
+ "real test run - separate so can be trapped if required"
+ self.__tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # used to create list and check
+ (input,tempFileName,expected) = self.__createDataLists()
+ getFolderList = GetFolderList(input, nameToCheck=tempFileName)
+ getFolderList.execute()
+ result = getFolderList()
+ self.assertEquals(result, expected,
+ "Result2(%s) not same as Expected2(%s)(filename=%s)"%(result,expected,tempFileName))
+ def runTest(self):
+ "FolderListUnitTest.runTest"
+ if not self.__fussyOnNonExist:
+ self.__realTest()
+ else:
+ # should fail
+ self.assertRaises(MissingFile, self.__realTest)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ "Stop using temp file, so will be deleted"
+ self.__tempFile = None
+ def __createDataLists(self):
+ """Create input and output for test run as lists.
+ input will be one element with <tempdir> and second with "nonexistant",
+ but which element is used depends on fussyOnNonExist"""
+ input = []
+ tempFileName = None
+ expected = []
+ (tempDir,tempFileName) = os.path.split(self.__tempFile.name) # the dir and name of the temporary file we are using
+ input += [("f1", [tempDir], [], [])] # the existing file
+ expected += [(True, tempDir, 'From f1')]
+ if self.__fussyOnNonExist:
+ input += [("f2", ["nonexistant"], [], [])]
+ else:
+ input += [("f2", [], ["nonexistant"], [])]
+ expected += [(True, None, 'Skip "nonexistant" from f2')] # always return the non-fussy version, as with fussy we expect exception raised
+ return (input,tempFileName,expected)
+class FolderListIntTest(TestParent):
+ """Integration test combining MbcParser and FolderList
+ Create a temporary folder. Add the following contents:
+ x/bld.inf
+ y/bld.inf
+ z/bld.inf
+ mbc containing "./x, ./y, [optional] ./z"
+ z/bld.inf and y.bld are optional
+ option="x" no z or y. Should raise exception.
+ option="xy" no z but y. Should get list of ../x and ../y
+ option="xz" no y but z. Should raise exception.
+ option="xyz" both y and z. Should get list of ../x, ../y and ../z
+ """
+ def __init__(self, option):
+ super(FolderListIntTest,self).__init__()
+ self.__option = option
+ self.__testDir = None
+ self.__testDirs = [] # list of dirs we create, so we can delete them
+ self.__testFiles = [] # list of files we create, so we can delete them
+ self.__fullMbcFileName = None
+ self.__expectedResult = []
+ def shortDescription(self):
+ "One line description - additionally giving option"
+ parentStr = super(FolderListIntTest, self).shortDescription()
+ return "%s-%s" % (parentStr, str(self.__option))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ for fle in self.__testFiles:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(fle)
+ except:
+ pass # ignore any error. assume means we didn't create the file in the end
+ # delete folders in reverse, so child directories deleted after parent
+ for dir in self.__testDirs[len(self.__testDirs)-1::-1]:
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(dir)
+ except:
+ pass # ignore any error. assume means we didn't create the file in the end
+ def runTest(self):
+ "FolderListIntTest.runTest"
+ self.__setup()
+ if "y" in self.__option:
+ self.__realTest()
+ else:
+ # expected to raise exception as y/bld.inf does not exist
+ self.assertRaises(MissingFile, self.__realTest)
+ def __realTest(self):
+ parser = MbcParser(self.__fullMbcFileName)
+ parser.execute()
+ folderList = GetFolderList(parser())
+ folderList.execute()
+ result = folderList()
+ self.assertEquals(result, self.__expectedResult,
+ "Result (%s) not that expected (%s)" % (str(result), str(self.__expectedResult)))
+ def __setup(self):
+ self.__testDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # __testDir is name of temp folder
+ self.__testDirs.append(self.__testDir)
+ self.__fullMbcFileName = os.path.join(self.__testDir, "test.mbc")
+ for name in ["x","y","z"]:
+ fullpath = os.path.join(self.__testDir, name)
+ if name in self.__option:
+ os.mkdir(fullpath)
+ self.__testDirs.append(fullpath)
+ filepath = os.path.join(fullpath, "bld.inf")
+ fileToWrite = file(filepath, "w")
+ self.__testFiles.append(filepath)
+ print >>fileToWrite, "//generated" # 9.5 syntax
+ fileToWrite.close()
+ expected = (True, fullpath, "From %s" % self.__fullMbcFileName)
+ self.__expectedResult.append(expected)
+ else:
+ expected = (True, None, """Skip "%s" from %s""" % (fullpath, self.__fullMbcFileName))
+ self.__expectedResult.append(expected)
+ mbcFile = file(self.__fullMbcFileName, "w")
+ self.__testFiles.append(self.__fullMbcFileName)
+ print >>mbcFile, testdata.intTestMbcFile
+ mbcFile.close()
+class ConfigFileUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ConfigFile UnitTest"""
+ def __init__(self, inputData, expected):
+ super(ConfigFileUnitTest,self).__init__()
+ self.__inputData = inputData
+ self.__expected = expected
+ def runTest(self):
+ """ConfigFileUnitTest.runTest
+ Take dummy folder list and generate XML file. Output goes to string. Compare with expected
+ """
+ outputStream = StringIO.StringIO()
+ generator = ConfigFileGenerator(self.__inputData, outputStream)
+ generator.write()
+ outputString = outputStream.getvalue()
+## print ("output=%s" % str(outputString))
+## print ("expected=%s" % str(self.__expected))
+ self.assertEquals(outputString, self.__expected,
+ "Generated output (%s) not same as expected (%s)" % (outputString, self.__expected))
+def suite():
+ """TestSuite"""
+ tests = [
+ SimpleTest(testdata.import1, testdata.result1),
+ ListTest(testdata.import2, testdata.result2),
+ BadDataTest(testdata.badImport1, "bad1"),
+ BadDataTest(testdata.badImport2, "bad2"),
+ FolderListUnitTest(False),
+ FolderListUnitTest(True),
+ FolderListIntTest("x"),
+ FolderListIntTest("xy"),
+ FolderListIntTest("xz"),
+ FolderListIntTest("xyz"),
+ ConfigFileUnitTest(testdata.testFolderList1, testdata.testXmlFile1),
+ ]
+ return unittest.TestSuite(tests)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite())