changeset 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmtestenv/mmtesttools/Build/	Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use strict;
+use Env qw(EPOCROOT);
+# literals
+my $icl_param  =  "-i";
+my $misc_param =  "-c";
+my $mmf_param  =  "-m";
+my $all_param  =  "-f";
+my $test_param =  "-t";
+my $testBuild_param = "-b";
+my $extra_param = "-x";
+my $keep_param =  "-k";
+my $gccxml_param = "-g";
+my $skipMake_param = "-s";
+my $setup_comm = "setup";
+my $clean_comm = "clean";
+my $build_comm = "build";
+my @known_targets = ("wins", "winscw", "arm4", "armi","armv5", "gccxml", "thumb", "mcot", "misa", "mint");
+my @Cedar_targets = ("winscw", "armv5");    # gccxml must be added explicitly with -g and even then only build gccxml on main code
+my @Beech_targets = ("wins", "winscw", "thumb", "mcot");
+my @default_targets = @Cedar_targets;
+my @physical_targets = ("mcot", "misa", "mint"); # those we just re-build sound drivers for
+my $gccxml_target = "gccxml";
+my $x86gcc_target = "x86gcc";
+my @stages = ("export", "makefile", "library", "resource", "target", "final");
+my @tbstages = ("test export", "test makefile", "test library", "test resource", "test target", "test final");
+my @stagesTakingTarget = ("makefile", "library", "resource", "target", "final",
+                          "test makefile", "test library", "test resource", "test target", "test final");
+my $eka2IdentifyFile  = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\winsgui.dll"; # if file present, is EKA2 build
+my $x86gccIdentifyFile  = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\x86gcc\\udeb\\euser.dll"; # if dir present, x86 environment present
+my @targets;
+my $component = ""; # default added later
+my $extras = "";
+my $test = "";
+my $testBuild = "";
+my $command = "";
+my $keep = "";
+my $use_gccxml = "";
+my $skipMake = "";
+my $main_mbc = "__main.mbc";
+my $test_mbc = "__test.mbc";
+my $testBuild_mbc = "__testBuild.mbc";
+my $phys_mbc = "__phys.mbc";
+my $metabld = "metabld";
+my $targetToolsDir = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\TargetTools\\Build";
+my $TargetToolsExists = 0;
+if (-d $targetToolsDir)
+	{
+	$TargetToolsExists = 1;
+	print "TargetTools directory exists: $targetToolsDir\n"
+	}
+# main:
+	{
+	# Process command-line
+	unless (@ARGV)
+		{
+		&Usage();
+		}
+	&ReadArgs();
+	die "EPOCROOT is not set" unless ($EPOCROOT ne "");
+	$| = 1; # autoflush stdout.
+	if ($command eq $setup_comm)
+		{
+		&Setup();
+		}
+	elsif ($command eq $clean_comm)
+		{
+		&Clean();
+		}
+	elsif ($command eq $build_comm)
+		{
+		&Build();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		die "Unknown command";
+		}
+	exit 0;
+	}
+# Subroutines
+sub ReadArgs()
+	{
+	while (@ARGV)
+		{
+		my $param = @ARGV[0]; shift @ARGV; # grab first param and shift along
+		if ($param eq "") # ignore blank parameters
+			{
+			next;
+			}
+		if ($param eq $icl_param || $param eq $misc_param ||
+		    $param eq $mmf_param || $param eq $all_param)
+			{
+			$component = $param;
+			}
+		elsif ($param eq $test_param)
+			{
+			$test = $param;
+			}
+		elsif ($param eq $testBuild_param)
+			{
+			$testBuild = $param;
+			}
+		elsif ($param eq $extra_param)
+			{
+			$extras = $param;
+			}
+		elsif ($param eq $keep_param)
+			{
+			$keep = $param;
+			}
+		elsif ($param eq $gccxml_param)
+			{
+			$use_gccxml = $param;
+			}
+		elsif ($param eq $skipMake_param)
+			{
+			$skipMake = $param;
+			}
+		elsif ($param eq $setup_comm || $param eq $clean_comm ||
+		       $param eq $build_comm)
+			{
+			if ($command ne "")
+				{
+				&Usage; # scream if we try to state more than one command
+				}
+			$command = $param;
+			}
+		elsif ($command eq $build_comm)
+			{
+			# see if the parameter is one of the list of arguments
+			my $match = 0;
+			foreach my $target (@known_targets)
+				{
+				if ($target eq $param)
+					{
+					$match = 1;
+					last; # exit loop
+					}
+				}
+			if ($match != 0)
+				{
+				$targets[++$#targets] = $param; # append
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				# was not a valid target
+				Usage();
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			# unknown setting
+			&Usage();
+			}
+		}
+	&CheckArgs();
+	}
+sub CheckArgs()
+	{
+	# check that the arguments make sense
+	if ($command eq $clean_comm || $command eq $build_comm)
+		{
+		# for build and cleanup, can't set the required module
+		if ($component ne "" || $extras ne "")
+			{
+			&Usage;
+			}
+		}
+	# for setup, check -t has not been given
+	if ($command eq $setup_comm)
+		{
+		if ($test ne "")
+			{
+			&Usage;
+			}
+		}
+	if ($command eq "")
+		{
+		# need to state some command
+		&Usage;
+		}
+	}
+sub Setup
+	{
+	# default settings
+	if ($component eq "")
+		{
+		$component = $all_param;
+		}
+	# some boolean values
+	my $want_mmf = $component eq $mmf_param | $component eq $all_param;
+	my $want_icl = $component eq $icl_param | $component eq $all_param;
+	my $want_misc = $component eq $misc_param | $component eq $all_param;
+	my $want_extra = $extras ne "";
+	# generate .mbc files and then do bldmake
+	open(OUTFILE, ">".$main_mbc) or die "Can't create file: $!";
+	print OUTFILE "//\n//Auto-generated - do not edit!!\n//\n\n";
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"mmf.mbc\"\n" if ($want_mmf);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"icl.mbc\"\n" if ($want_icl);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"Misc.mbc\"\n" if ($want_misc);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"mmfOpt.mbc\"\n" if ($want_mmf && $want_extra);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"iclOpt.mbc\"\n" if ($want_icl && $want_extra);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"MiscOpt.mbc\"\n" if ($want_misc && $want_extra);
+	close OUTFILE;
+	if ($want_mmf)
+		{
+		open(OUTFILE, ">".$phys_mbc) or die "Can't create file: $!";
+		print OUTFILE "//\n//Auto-generated - do not edit!!\n//\n\n";
+		print OUTFILE "#include \"mmfPhys.mbc\"\n";
+		print OUTFILE "#include \"mmfOptPhys.mbc\"\n" if ($want_extra);
+		close OUTFILE;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		# only applicable for mmf - otherwise just delete the file
+		if (-f $phys_mbc)
+			{
+			unlink $phys_mbc or die "Couldn't delete $phys_mbc";
+			}
+		}
+	open(OUTFILE, ">".$test_mbc) or die "Can't create file: $!";
+	print OUTFILE "//\n//Auto-generated - do not edit!!\n//\n\n";
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"AllTests.mbc\"\n";
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"TestFrameworkTest.mbc\"\n";
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"mmfTest.mbc\"\n" if ($want_mmf);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"mmfNotOptTest.mbc\"\n" if ($want_mmf && !$want_extra);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"iclTest.mbc\"\n" if ($want_icl);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"MiscTest.mbc\"\n" if ($want_misc);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"mmfOptTest.mbc\"\n" if ($want_mmf && $want_extra);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"iclOptTest.mbc\"\n" if ($want_icl && $want_extra);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"MiscOptTest.mbc\"\n" if ($want_misc && $want_extra);
+	if ($TargetToolsExists)
+		{
+		print OUTFILE "#include \"TargetTools.mbc\"\n";
+		}
+	close OUTFILE;
+	open(OUTFILE, ">".$testBuild_mbc) or die "Can't create file: $!";
+	print OUTFILE "//\n//Auto-generated - do not edit!!\n//\n\n";
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"mmfTestBuild.mbc\"\n" if ($want_mmf);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"iclTestBuild.mbc\"\n" if ($want_icl);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"MiscTestBuild.mbc\"\n" if ($want_misc);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"mmfOptTestBuild.mbc\"\n" if ($want_mmf && $want_extra);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"iclOptTestBuild.mbc\"\n" if ($want_icl && $want_extra);
+	print OUTFILE "#include \"MiscOptTestBuild.mbc\"\n" if ($want_misc && $want_extra);
+	close OUTFILE;
+	# first getmake does bldmake on the main entries
+	my $sysComm = $metabld . " " . $main_mbc . " bldmake " . $keep . " bldfiles";
+	my $result = system($sysComm);
+	if ($result != 0 && $keep eq "")
+		{
+		print "Error '$sysComm' failed: $result\n";
+		exit ($result);
+		}
+	my $error = $result;
+	# second metabld goes through physical
+	if (-f $phys_mbc)
+		{
+		$sysComm = $metabld . " " . $phys_mbc . " bldmake " . $keep . " bldfiles";
+		$result = system($sysComm);
+		if ($result != 0 && $keep eq "")
+			{
+			print "Error '$sysComm' failed: $result\n";
+			exit ($result);
+			}
+		$error |= $result;
+		}
+	# third metabld goes through tests
+	$sysComm = $metabld . " " . $test_mbc . " bldmake " . $keep . " bldfiles";
+	$result = system($sysComm);
+	if ($result != 0 && $keep eq "")
+		{
+		print "Error '$sysComm' failed: $result\n";
+		exit ($result);
+		}
+	$error |= $result;
+	# fourth metabld goes through test build tests - ignore any dups with the above. Does not make any difference
+	$sysComm = $metabld . " " . $testBuild_mbc . " bldmake " . $keep . " bldfiles";
+	$result = system($sysComm);
+	if ($result != 0 && $keep eq "")
+		{
+		print "Error '$sysComm' failed: $result\n";
+		exit ($result);
+		}
+	$error |= $result;
+	if ($error)
+		{
+  		print "Errors found during run\n";
+		exit ($error)
+		}
+	}
+sub Clean
+	{
+	# first getmake does makefiles on the main entries
+	# note we generally ignore any errors on this
+	my $sysComm = $metabld . " " . $main_mbc . " abld " . $keep . " makefile";
+	system($sysComm);
+	if (-f $phys_mbc)
+		{
+		my $sysComm = $metabld . " " . $phys_mbc . " abld " . $keep . " makefile";
+		system($sysComm);
+		}
+	if ($test eq $test_param)
+		{
+		# also do for test files
+		$sysComm = $metabld . " " . $test_mbc . " abld " . $keep . " makefile";
+		system($sysComm);
+		$sysComm = $metabld . " " . $testBuild_mbc . " abld " . $keep . " test makefile";
+		system($sysComm);
+		}
+	my $sysComm = $metabld . " " . $main_mbc . " abld " . $keep . " reallyclean";
+	system($sysComm);
+	if (-f $phys_mbc)
+		{
+		my $sysComm = $metabld . " " . $phys_mbc . " abld " . $keep . " reallyclean";
+		system($sysComm);
+		}
+	if ($test eq $test_param)
+		{
+		# also do for test file
+		$sysComm = $metabld . " " . $test_mbc . " abld " . $keep . " reallyclean";
+		system($sysComm);
+		$sysComm = $metabld . " " . $testBuild_mbc . " abld " . $keep . " test reallyclean";
+		system($sysComm);
+		}
+	}
+sub Build
+	{
+	# defaults
+	if (!(-f $eka2IdentifyFile)) 
+	    {
+		@default_targets = @Beech_targets;
+	    }
+	if (@targets == 0)
+		{
+		@targets = @default_targets;
+		}
+	if ($use_gccxml ne "")
+		{
+		$targets[++$#targets] = $gccxml_target; # append		
+		}
+	if ((-f $x86gccIdentifyFile)) 
+	        {
+		$targets[++$#targets] = $x86gcc_target; # append x86gcc target since Build env present.
+		}	
+	# for each target we need to go through each stage
+	# if -k was given, we make all calls and give error at the end
+	my $error = 0;
+	foreach my $target (@targets)
+		{
+		# work out which .mbc files to use. Key is as follows
+		#    in physical targets and not test, __test.mbc
+		#    in physical targets and test, skip - not currently supported
+		#    not in physical targets and not test, __main.mbc
+		#    not in physical targets and test, __test.mbc
+		my $build_test = $test ne ""; # -t has been given
+		my $build_testBuild = $test ne "" && $testBuild ne ""; # -t and -b has been given
+		my $physical_target = 0;
+		foreach my $phys (@physical_targets)
+			{
+			if ($phys eq $target)
+				{
+				$physical_target = 1;
+				last; # exit loop
+				}
+			}
+		my $mbc;
+		if ($physical_target && !$test)
+			{
+			if (-f $phys_mbc)
+				{
+				$mbc = $phys_mbc;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				# we don't want to do anything - skip to next target
+				next; 
+				}
+			}
+		elsif ($physical_target && $test)
+			{
+			next; # skip to next target
+			}
+		elsif (($target eq "gccxml") && $test) # Build GCCXML on the production code only
+			{
+			next; # skip to next target
+			}
+		elsif (!$physical_target && !$test)
+			{
+			$mbc = $main_mbc;
+			}		
+		elsif ($test ne "")
+			{
+			if (!$testBuild)
+				{
+				$mbc = $test_mbc;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				$mbc = $testBuild_mbc;
+				}
+			}
+		# if the target is "wins", then check to see if wins is installed and otherwise just do export
+		# this is intended to get around Cedar builds not having wins. Really out to check for VC++ too,
+		# but not clear how
+		my @reqStages = @stages;
+		@reqStages = @tbstages if $build_testBuild;
+		if ($target eq "wins")
+			{
+			my $euser_lib = $EPOCROOT . "epoc32\\release\\wins\\udeb\\euser.lib";
+			if (! -f $euser_lib)
+				{
+				print "no WINS installation found - just export\n";
+				@reqStages = ( "export" );
+				}
+			}
+		# now the main loop
+		foreach my $stage (@reqStages)
+			{
+			# export does not take target as parameter, others do
+			my $takesTarget = 0;
+			foreach my $stage2 (@stagesTakingTarget)
+				{
+				if ($stage eq $stage2)
+					{
+					$takesTarget = 1;
+					last; # exit loop
+					}
+				}
+			if (($stage eq "makefile" || $stage eq "test makefile") && $skipMake ne "")
+				{
+				print "Skip makefile\n"; 
+				next; # skip the makefile stage
+				}
+			# the command - metabld xxx.mbc command
+			my $sysComm = $metabld . " " . $mbc .
+			    " abld " . $keep . " " . $stage;
+			if ($takesTarget)
+				{
+				$sysComm .= " " . $target;
+				}
+			my $result = system($sysComm);
+			if ($result != 0)
+				{
+				if ($keep ne "")
+					{
+					# remember error and keep going
+					$error |= $result;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					print "Error '$sysComm' failed: $result\n";
+					exit ($result);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if ($error)
+		{
+  		print "Errors found during run\n";
+		exit ($error)
+		}
+	}
+sub Usage
+	{
+	# print usage statement and exit
+	mmbuild {-i|-e|-m|-f} [-x] [-k] setup
+	mmbuild [-t] [-k] clean
+	mmbuild [-t [-b]] [-k] [-g] [-s] build [targets]
+mmbuild is intended to do a full build of the Multimedia source area, both for
+use in test builds and by team engineers. The effect will be similar to that
+achieved for overnight builds, although the mechanism is slight different.
+In typical usage, the various forms of the command - as given above - are used
+in turn. "setup" equates roughly to "bldmake bldfiles". It is called to setup
+the various files prior to the build proper. The parameters are as follows:
+-i) Build ICL only
+-m) Build MMF only
+-c) Build Misc only (other than ICL or MMF)
+-f) Build all Multimedia components (default)
+-x) Additionally build any optional components - default is non-optional only
+"clean" effectively does a reallyclean operation.
+-t) Clean test code, *as well as* main code - default is to clean main code only
+"build" does a build operation. Optional parameters give the target list - the
+default is "wins", "winscw", "arm4" and "mcot". For physical targets, like mcot,
+only the SoundDev mmf folder is built.
+-t) Build test code (including testframework), *instead of* main code - default
+is to build main code only
+-t) Build test code (including testframework), *instead of* main code 
+    Note: without -b this is test code built via "abld build"
+-b) When given with -t, build test code that is built via "abld test build"
+-g) Build code additionally for gccxml. Null operation when used with -t. 
+-s) Skip the make stage. Use with care - should not be used if any include, 
+source list or library list have been changed, and never on the first time 
+called. However, it can save time on a subsequent call.
+A typical usage sequence would be:
+	mmbuild setup
+	mmbuild -t clean
+	mmbuild build
+	mmbuild -t build
+	mmbuild -t -b build
+which would do a reallyclean and rebuild of the whole Multimedia sub-system,
+except the mcot sound drivers on EKA1.
+For each command, the -k flag will try and keep going as much as possible -
+setup and build, by default, will stop with the first error.
+	exit 1;
+	}