--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omxil/omxilcomponentcommon/src/common/omxilport.h Tue Feb 02 01:56:55 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef OMXILPORT_H
+#define OMXILPORT_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <openmax/il/khronos/v1_x/OMX_Component.h>
+#include "omxilspecversion.h"
+ Base Port Panic category
+_LIT(KOmxILPortPanicCategory, "OmxILPort");
+// Forward declarations
+class TOmxILCommonPortData;
+ OpenMAX IL component port base class.
+class COmxILPort : public CBase
+ {
+ static const TInt KMaxBufferMarksQueueSize = 10;
+ static const TInt KBufferMarkPropagationPortNotNeeded = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ IMPORT_C ~COmxILPort();
+ /**
+ This method is used to retrieve the local OpenMAX IL parameter indexes
+ managed by the specific port. The implementation should collect indexes
+ from the parent class. Local indexes should be appended in order to the
+ list received as parameter. The implementation should handle index
+ duplication as a non-error situation (i.e., the resulting list will
+ contain unique indexes).
+ @param aIndexArray An array of parameter indexes where the local
+ indexes are to be appended.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE GetLocalOmxParamIndexes(
+ RArray<TUint>& aIndexArray) const = 0;
+ /**
+ This method is used to retrieve the local OpenMAX IL config indexes
+ managed by the specific port. The implementation should collect indexes
+ from the parent class. Local indexes should be appended in order to the
+ list received as parameter. The implementation should handle index
+ duplication as a non-error situation (i.e., the resulting list will
+ contain unique indexes).
+ @param aIndexArray An array of config indexes where the local indexes
+ are to be appended.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE GetLocalOmxConfigIndexes(
+ RArray<TUint>& aIndexArray) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Port-specific version of the OpenMAX IL GetParameter API.
+ @param aParamIndex The index of the structure that is to be filled.
+ @param apComponentParameterStructure A pointer to the IL structure.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE GetParameter(
+ OMX_INDEXTYPE aParamIndex,
+ TAny* apComponentParameterStructure) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Port-specific version of the OpenMAX IL SetParameter API.
+ @param aParamIndex The index of the structure that is to be set.
+ @param apComponentParameterStructure A pointer to the IL structure.
+ @param aUpdateProcessingFunction A flag to signal that the component's
+ processing function needs to be updated with this structure.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE SetParameter(
+ OMX_INDEXTYPE aParamIndex,
+ const TAny* apComponentParameterStructure,
+ TBool& aUpdateProcessingFunction) = 0;
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE GetConfig(
+ OMX_INDEXTYPE aConfigIndex,
+ TAny* apComponentConfigStructure) const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE SetConfig(
+ OMX_INDEXTYPE aConfigIndex,
+ const TAny* apComponentConfigStructure,
+ TBool& aUpdateProcessingFunction);
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE GetExtensionIndex(
+ OMX_STRING aParameterName,
+ OMX_INDEXTYPE* apIndexType) const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE PopulateBuffer(
+ const OMX_PTR apAppPrivate,
+ OMX_U32 aSizeBytes,
+ OMX_U8* apBuffer,
+ TBool& portPopulationCompleted);
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE FreeBuffer(
+ TBool& portDepopulationCompleted);
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE TunnelRequest(
+ OMX_HANDLETYPE aTunneledComp,
+ OMX_U32 aTunneledPort,
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE PopulateTunnel(
+ TBool& portPopulationCompleted);
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE FreeTunnel(
+ TBool& portDepopulationCompleted);
+ IMPORT_C virtual TBool SetBufferSent(
+ TBool& aBufferMarkedWithOwnMark);
+ IMPORT_C virtual TBool SetBufferReturned(
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetTransitionToDisabled();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetTransitionToEnabled();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetTransitionToDisabledCompleted();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void SetTransitionToEnabledCompleted();
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE StoreBufferMark(
+ const OMX_MARKTYPE* pMark);
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE SetComponentRoleDefaults(
+ TUint aComponentRoleIndex);
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE DoPortReconfiguration(
+ TUint aPortSettingsIndex,
+ const TDesC8& aPortSettings,
+ OMX_EVENTTYPE& aEventForILClient);
+ inline OMX_DIRTYPE Direction() const;
+ inline TBool IsEnabled() const;
+ inline TBool IsPopulated() const;
+ inline TBool IsDePopulated() const;
+ inline TBool IsTunnelled() const;
+ inline TBool IsTunnelledAndBufferSupplier() const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual TBool HasAllBuffersAtHome() const;
+ inline TBool IsTransitioningToEnabled() const;
+ inline TBool IsTransitioningToDisabled() const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsBufferAtHome(
+ OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* apHeaderHeader) const;
+ inline OMX_U32 Index() const;
+ inline OMX_PORTDOMAINTYPE Domain() const;
+ inline OMX_U32 Count() const;
+ inline OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* const& operator[](TInt anIndex) const;
+ inline OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*& operator[](TInt anIndex);
+ inline OMX_U32 BufferMarkPropagationPort() const;
+ class TBufferMarkInfo;
+ /**
+ Buffer mark info list
+ */
+ class TBufferMarkInfoQue :
+ public TSglQue<TBufferMarkInfo>
+ {
+ public:
+ // Convenience typedef....
+ typedef TSglQue<TBufferMarkInfo> Tq;
+ public:
+ inline explicit TBufferMarkInfoQue(TInt aOffset);
+ inline TBufferMarkInfo* First() const;
+ inline void AddLast(TBufferMarkInfo& aRef);
+ inline void Remove(TBufferMarkInfo& aRef);
+ inline TInt Elements() const;
+ inline void ResetAndDestroy();
+ private:
+ TBufferMarkInfoQue();
+ void AddFirst(TBufferMarkInfo& aRef);
+ TBool IsFirst(const TBufferMarkInfo* aPtr) const;
+ TBool IsLast(const TBufferMarkInfo* aPtr) const;
+ TBufferMarkInfo* Last() const;
+ private:
+ TInt iNumElements;
+ };
+ class TBufferInfo;
+ enum TPortIntermediateState
+ {
+ EPortNotTransitioning,
+ EPortTransitioningToDisabled,
+ EPortTransitioningToEnabled
+ };
+ IMPORT_C explicit COmxILPort(const TOmxILCommonPortData& aCommonPortData);
+ /**
+ When the IL Client calls SetParameter with index
+ OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, this method is called to set the fields in
+ the OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE (@see iParamPortDefinition) structure
+ that are specific to this port's domain.
+ @param aPortDefinition The OpenMAX IL structure received from the IL Client.
+ @param aUpdateProcessingFunction A flag to signal that the component's
+ processing function needs to be updated with the this structure.
+ */
+ virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE SetFormatInPortDefinition(
+ TBool& aUpdateProcessingFunction) = 0;
+ /**
+ On a tunnel request, this method is called to check the compatibility of
+ the fields in the OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE structure of the
+ tunnelled component that are specific to this port's domain.
+ @param aPortDefinition The OpenMAX IL structure received from a
+ tunnelled component.
+ @return ETrue if compatible, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsTunnelledPortCompatible(
+ const OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE& aPortDefinition) const = 0;
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE DoBufferAllocation(
+ OMX_U32 aSizeBytes,
+ OMX_U8*& apPortSpecificBuffer,
+ OMX_PTR& apPortPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR& apPlatformPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR apAppPrivate = 0);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoBufferDeallocation(
+ OMX_PTR apPortSpecificBuffer,
+ OMX_PTR apPortPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR apPlatformPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR apAppPrivate = 0);
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE DoBufferWrapping(
+ OMX_U32 aSizeBytes,
+ OMX_U8* apBuffer,
+ OMX_PTR& apPortPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR& apPlatformPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR apAppPrivate = 0);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoBufferUnwrapping(
+ OMX_PTR apPortSpecificBuffer,
+ OMX_PTR apPortPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR apPlatformPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR apAppPrivate = 0);
+ IMPORT_C virtual OMX_ERRORTYPE DoOmxUseBuffer(
+ OMX_HANDLETYPE aTunnelledComponent,
+ OMX_U32 aTunnelledPortIndex,
+ OMX_PTR apPortPrivate,
+ OMX_PTR apPlatformPrivate,
+ OMX_U32 aSizeBytes,
+ OMX_U8* apBuffer);
+ template<typename T>
+ inline OMX_ERRORTYPE GetParamStructureFromTunnel(
+ T& aComponentConfigStructure, OMX_INDEXTYPE aParamIndex) const;
+ OMX_HANDLETYPE& ipMarkTargetComponent,
+ OMX_PTR& ipMarkData);
+ IMPORT_C void CleanUpPort();
+ // Tunnelled component
+ OMX_HANDLETYPE iTunnelledComponent;
+ // Tunnelled component's port
+ OMX_U32 iTunnelledPort;
+ // Buffer headers store
+ RArray<TBufferInfo> iBufferHeaders;
+ // Buffer marks store
+ TBufferMarkInfoQue iBufferMarks;
+ // Port's intermediate state to enabled or disabled
+ TPortIntermediateState iTransitionState;
+ // Associated port that will be used to propagate buffer marks
+ OMX_U32 iBufferMarkPropagationPortIndex;
+ // OpenMAX IL port definition structure
+ // OpenMAX IL buffer supplier structure
+ };
+ Structure used to pass the common information that an OpenMAX IL port needs
+ at instantiation time.
+class TOmxILCommonPortData
+ {
+ // OMX specification version information
+ // Port number the structure applies to
+ OMX_U32 iPortIndex;
+ // Direction (input or output) of this port
+ OMX_DIRTYPE iDirection;
+ // The minimum number of buffers this port requires
+ OMX_U32 iBufferCountMin;
+ // Minimum size, in bytes, for buffers to be used for this port
+ OMX_U32 iBufferSizeMin;
+ // Domain of the port
+ // Buffers contiguous requirement (true or false)
+ OMX_BOOL iBuffersContiguous;
+ // Buffer aligment requirements
+ OMX_U32 iBufferAlignment;
+ // Port supplier preference when tunneling between two ports
+ // \brief This is the associated port that will be used to propagate buffer marks
+ // found in incoming buffer headers.
+ //
+ // In general, for any output port, this parameter should be configured
+ // with constant COmxILPort::KBufferMarkPropagationPortNotNeeded except
+ // for an output port of a source component, in which case it must be used
+ // the same index of the port that this structure applies to. For an input
+ // port of a sink component,
+ // COmxILPort::KBufferMarkPropagationPortNotNeeded must also be used.
+ OMX_U32 iBufferMarkPropagationPortIndex;
+ // Constructor
+ IMPORT_C TOmxILCommonPortData(
+ OMX_U32 aPortIndex,
+ OMX_DIRTYPE aDirection,
+ OMX_U32 aBufferCountMin,
+ OMX_U32 aBufferSizeMin,
+ OMX_BOOL aBuffersContiguous,
+ OMX_U32 aBufferAlignment,
+ OMX_U32 aBufferMarkPropagationPortIndex);
+ };
+ Buffer mark info structure
+class COmxILPort::TBufferMarkInfo
+ {
+ inline explicit TBufferMarkInfo(
+ const OMX_MARKTYPE*& apMark,
+ TBool aOwnMark = ETrue);
+ inline TBufferMarkInfo(
+ OMX_HANDLETYPE& apMarkTargetComponent,
+ OMX_PTR& apMarkData,
+ TBool aOwnMark = ETrue);
+ OMX_HANDLETYPE ipMarkTargetComponent;
+ OMX_PTR ipMarkData;
+ TBool iOwnMark;
+ TSglQueLink iLink;
+ };
+ Buffer info structure
+class COmxILPort::TBufferInfo
+ {
+ enum THeaderLocationProperty
+ {
+ EBufferAtHome = 0x01,
+ EBufferAway = 0x00
+ };
+ enum THeaderOwnershipProperty
+ {
+ EBufferOwned = 0x02,
+ EBufferNotOwned = 0x00
+ };
+ inline TBufferInfo(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* apHeader,
+ THeaderLocationProperty aLocation,
+ THeaderOwnershipProperty aOwnership,
+ OMX_U8* apBuffer,
+ OMX_PTR apApp,
+ OMX_PTR apPlatform,
+ OMX_PTR apPort);
+ inline explicit TBufferInfo(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* apHeader);
+ IMPORT_C static TBool Compare(const TBufferInfo& aBi1,
+ const TBufferInfo& aBi2);
+ inline const OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* GetHeader() const;
+ inline OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* GetHeader();
+ inline operator OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*&();
+ inline operator OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* const&() const;
+ inline OMX_U8* GetBufferPointer() const;
+ inline OMX_U8* GetBufferPointer();
+ inline OMX_PTR GetPortPointer() const;
+ inline OMX_PTR GetPortPointer();
+ inline OMX_PTR GetPlatformPointer() const;
+ inline OMX_PTR GetPlatformPointer();
+ inline OMX_PTR GetAppPointer() const;
+ inline OMX_PTR GetAppPointer();
+ inline void SetBufferAtHome();
+ inline void SetBufferAway();
+ inline void SetBufferOwned();
+ inline void SetBufferNotOwned();
+ inline TBool IsBufferAtHome() const;
+ inline TBool IsBufferOwned() const;
+ enum THeaderPropertyMask
+ {
+ EBufferAwayMask = 0xFE,
+ EBufferNotOwnedMask = 0xFD
+ };
+ TUint8 iBufferProperties;
+ OMX_U8* ipBuffer;
+ OMX_PTR ipApp;
+ OMX_PTR ipPlatform;
+ OMX_PTR ipPort;
+ };
+#include "omxilport.inl"
+#endif // OMXILPORT_H