changeset 23 545d349d14da
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmapitest/devvideohaitest/inc/h264dectestengine.h	Wed Jun 09 11:20:54 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#ifndef __H264DecTestEngine_H
+#define __H264DecTestEngine_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "T_DevVideoConstants.h"
+#include <Videoplayhwdevice.h>
+#include <Devvideoplay.h>
+#include <Devvideobase.h> 
+//#define __CI_HEADERS__
+//#define __SECUREOUTPUTCI__
+#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__
+#include <buffermanagementci.h>  // Custom interface buffre management
+#include <secureoutputci.h>
+#include <Bitdev.h>   // for display device 
+#include <Fbs.h>      // for display device
+#include <math.h> //pow
+#include <devvideostandardcustominterfaces.h>
+// Utility function
+const TUint KMaxNumberOfNals = 100;
+//const TUint KDataChunkSize = 500000;
+//#ifdef _DEBUG
+// Debug print macro
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#define PRINT(x) RDebug::Print x;
+#define PRINT(x)
+// ENumerations
+enum TEngineState
+     {
+     EStateNone,
+     ECreated,
+     EInitialized,
+     ERunning,	
+     EPaused,	
+     EStopped,	
+     };
+enum TYuvDataOptions
+     {
+     EYuv420Planner,
+     EYuv422Interleaved
+     };
+enum THWDevice 
+	{
+	EPostProcessor,
+	EDecoder
+	};
+enum TFLVFileType
+	{
+	EFLVNotSet,
+	EFLVContainer,
+	};
+class CVDecTestAO;
+class CVDecTestEngine;
+class MVDecEngineObserver;
+*  Video Decoder Test Engine Observer
+*  @lib 
+*  @since 
+class MVDecEngineObserver
+	virtual void MvdeStreamEndReached() = 0;
+	virtual void MvdeSetError(TInt aError) = 0;
+*  Video Decoder Test Engine 
+*  implements common test execution block
+*  @lib 
+*  @since 
+class CVDecTestEngine : public CBase , public MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver 
+#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__
+,public MMmfVideoBufferManagementObserver
+,public MMmfVideoResourceObserver
+    {
+     TEngineState iState;
+    CVDecTestEngine () { }
+    ~CVDecTestEngine ();
+    static CVDecTestEngine* NewL(MVDecEngineObserver& aTestClass);
+    //info test method
+    void SetCodecType(TVideoCodec aCodec);
+    //void GetDecoderInfoL(const TDesC8& aMimeType, TBool aExactMatch);
+    //void GetPostProcessorInfoL(TInt aCombination);
+    void GetHeaderInformationL();
+	void GetHeaderInformationL(TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aDataUnitEncapsulation);
+    //void GetHeaderInfoL(const TUid& aDecUid, TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aDataUnitEncapsulation);
+	void GetBitstreamCountersL();
+	void PreDecoderBufferBytes();	
+    void PictureBufferBytes();
+    // Video test control methods
+    //void SetUpL(TBool aScreenAcces);
+    void SetUpL(TSize aSize, TBool aScreenAccess, TBool aCIBuffMgmt);
+    void CreateDecoderL(const TUid& aDecUid, TVideoCodec aCodec, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TYuvDataOptions aOutFormat);
+    void CreatePostProcessorL(const TUid& aPostprocUid, const TYuvFormat& aInputFormat, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aOutputFormat, TUint32 aCombination);
+    void CreateDecPostprocL(const TUid& aDecUid, TVideoCodec aCodec, const TUid& aPostprocUid, TUint32 aCombination);
+    TInt Initialize();
+    TInt InitializeAndDelete();
+    TInt Start(TBool aInputEnd);
+    TInt Stop();
+    TInt Resume();
+    TInt Pause();
+    void FreezePicture(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeStamp);
+    void ReleaseFreeze(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeStamp);
+    void TearDown();    
+    void SetFrameMatch(TBool aMatch);
+    TInt FrameJump(TInt aNumToJump );
+    void SetFrameDrop(TInt aFrameInterval, TInt aFrameNum, TBool aFrameDropMarker );
+    void SetFLVPassword(TDesC8& aPassword); 
+    void EnableInstantFpsL(TFileName& aOutFileName);
+    // Select and set Postprocessing  
+    void SetPostProcessTypesL(TInt aHWDevice, TUint32 aCombination);
+    void SetInputCropOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TRect aCrop);
+    void SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TYuvToRgbOptions aOptions);
+    void SetRotateOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TRotationType aRotation);
+    void SetScaleOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TSize aSize, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering);
+    void SetScaleOptionsL(TInt aNumFactor,TInt aDenoFactor, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering);
+    void SetOutputCropOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TRect aCrop);
+    void CommitL();
+    void Revert();    
+    void SetClockSource();
+    void SetInputBufferSize(TInt aSize);
+    void SetHrdVbvSpec(THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec, const TDesC8& aHrdVbvParams);
+    void SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, const TDesC8& aOptions);
+    void SetScreenClipRegion(TRegion& aRegion);
+    void SetPauseOnClipFail(TBool aPause);    
+    void IsPlaying();
+    void GetPictureCounters();
+    void NumFreeBuffers();
+    void NumComplexityLevels(TInt aHWDevice);
+    void InputEnd();
+    void GetNewPictureInfo(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aEarliestTimestamp, 
+						   TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aLatestTimestamp);
+    void GetTimedSnapshotL(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+							const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp); 
+	void GetTimedSnapshotL(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, const TPictureId& aPictureId);						
+    void CancelTimedSnapshot();
+    void GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL();
+    // Complexity level
+    void SetComplexityLevel(TInt aHWDevice, TInt aLevel);
+    void GetComplexityLevelInfo(TInt aHWDevice, TInt aLevel);
+    //DSA
+    void StartDirectScreenAccessL();
+    void StartDirectScreenAccessL(TRect aVideoRect, TRect aClipRegion);
+    void AbortDirectScreenAccess();    
+    void Redraw();
+    void SetWindowRect(TInt aX, TInt aY, TSize aSize);
+    void SetSecondScreenAccess(TBool aStatus);
+    // snap shot methods
+    void GetSnapshotL(TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
+    void EnableSynchronization(TInt aFrameRate);
+    void EnableFrameMeasurementTest(TBool aEnable);
+    void SetSecureOutputL(TBool aSecure);
+    void SetPosition(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPlaybackPosition);
+    void ResetPosition();
+    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PlaybackPosition();
+    void DecodingPosition();
+    void ListFrameSizeL(RArray<TInt> aFramesizes);
+    TInt GetFrameSizeCount();
+    //void GetPictureCounter();
+    void SetLandscapeMode();
+    void SelectDecoderL(const TUid& aUid);
+    void SelectPostProcessorL(const TUid& aUid);
+    void SetInputFormatL(TInt aHwDev, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
+    void SetInputFormatL(TInt aHwDev, const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat, 
+						 TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aEncapsulation,
+						 TBool aDataInOrder);
+	void SetOutputFormatL(TInt aHwDev, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);						 
+    void SetBufferOptionsL(const CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBufferOptions& aOptions);
+    void GetBufferOptions();
+    void SynchronizeDecoding(TBool aSynch);
+    void SetVideoDestScreenL(TBool aDest);
+    void SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, const TYuvToRgbOptions& aOptions, const TYuvFormat& aYuvFormat, TRgbFormat aRgbFormat);
+    void FindCommonFormatsL();
+    TInt FindDecodersL(const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint32 aPostProcType, TBool aExactMatch, TUid& aUid);
+    TInt FindPostProcessorsL(TUid& aUid, TUint32 aPostProcType);
+    void GetDecoderListL();
+    void ConfigureDecoderL(TVideoPictureHeader& aVideoPictureHeader);
+    void ConfigureDecoderL();
+    void GetOutputFormatListL(TInt aHWDevice);
+    void GetPostProcessorListL();
+    void VideoDecoderInfoL(TUid aVideoDecoder);
+    void PostProcessorInfoL(TUid aPostProcessor);
+    TReal ConvertToRealL(const TDesC& aPtr);
+    //File operations
+    void OpenFileL(TFileName& aInFileName);
+    void OpenFileL(TFileName& aOutFileName, TFileName& aInFileName);
+    void CloseFile();
+    void CorruptInput(TInt aFilter, TInt aInterval, TInt aFrameNum, TInt aPct);
+    void CorruptEngineL();
+    void CorruptEngineL( TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer ); 
+    TInt CreateCorruptedFileL(); 
+    void OpenFileToWriteL(TFileName& aInFileName);
+    TInt ReadVC1FrameL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer);
+    TInt ReadMPEG4FrameL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer); 
+    TInt SupportsFormatL(const TUid& aUid, const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
+	TInt SupportsFormatInfoL(const TUid& aUid, const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);		
+	TInt SupportsAccelerationL(TInt aHwDev, const TUid& aUid);		
+	TInt SupportsDirectDisplayL(TInt aHwDev, const TUid& aUid);		
+	TInt SupportsMaxBitrateL(const TUid& aUid, TInt aBitrate);		
+	TInt SupportsMaxPictureSizeL(const TUid& aUid, TSize aSize);		
+	TInt SupportsMaxPictureRateL(const TUid& aUid, TPictureRateAndSize& aRateAndSize);			
+	TInt SupportsPictureLossL(const TUid& aUid);		
+	TInt SupportsSliceLossL(const TUid& aUid);
+ 	TInt SupportsOutputFormatL(TInt aHwdev, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
+ 	void SetSlowClient(TBool aOption);
+ 	void SetFastClient(TBool aOption);
+ 	TInt SetAUFormat();
+ 	TInt MoveFileL(const TDesC &anOld, const TDesC &aNew);
+ 	TInt CopyFileL(const TDesC &anOld, const TDesC &aNew); 	
+    // For Active objects
+    void HandleNewBufferL();
+    // From DevVideo Play observer 
+    void MdvpoNewBuffers();
+    void MdvpoReturnPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture);
+    void MdvpoSupplementalInformation(const TDesC8& aData, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTimestamp, const TPictureId& aPictureId);
+    void MdvpoPictureLoss();
+    void MdvpoPictureLoss(const TArray<TPictureId>& aPictures);
+    void MdvpoSliceLoss(TUint aFirstMacroblock, TUint aNumMacroblocks, const TPictureId& aPicture);
+    void MdvpoReferencePictureSelection(const TDesC8& aSelectionData);
+    void MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete(TInt aError, TPictureData* aPictureData, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp, const TPictureId& aPictureId);
+    void MdvpoNewPictures();
+    void MdvpoFatalError(TInt aError);
+    void MdvpoInitComplete(TInt aError);
+    void MdvpoStreamEnd();
+    // Buffer Management Custom Interface observer 
+#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__    
+    void MmvbmoNewBuffers();
+    void MmvbmoReleaseBuffers();
+	void MmvroResourcesLost(TUid aMediaDevice);
+    void MmvroResourcesRestored(TUid aMediaDevice);
+    // Own test functions
+    void GetInputBufferL();
+    void FillAndSendBufferL();
+    void GetReturnedPictureL();
+    void SaveAndReturnPicture();
+    TInt ReadOneCodedPicture(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer);
+    TInt ReadOneCodedPicture(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer, TInt aSize);
+    TInt ReadRawPicture();
+	TUint8 ReadByteFromFile();
+	void GoBackInFile(TUint aBytes);
+	void ReadDataToBuffer(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer, TInt aSize, TBool aDiscard = EFalse);
+	TBool CheckAndFillDataChunk();
+	TBool ReadItemLE(unsigned char *readBuffer, int Size, unsigned char* pItem);
+	TInt LoadNextFrameL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer);
+    void ConstructL(MVDecEngineObserver& aTestClass);
+    void AssertTIntEqualL(TInt aExpected, TInt aActual);
+    void PrintUncompressedFormat(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
+    CMMFDevVideoPlay* iDevvp;			  //points to DevVideo Play
+    THwDeviceId iDecHWDevId;              //Hwdevise ID of selected Decoder
+    THwDeviceId iPostProcId;              //Hwdevise ID of selected postprocessor
+    TUid iPostProcessorUid;
+    TUid iDecoderUid;
+    CVDecTestAO* iDecTestAO;              
+    TBool iRunning;                       //State of scheduler
+    TYuvFormat iRawFormat;                //Used for Decoder output, postprocessor input 
+    TRgbFormat iDispFormat;               // Display Options
+    TRect iDispRect;                        
+    TInt iError;
+    TVideoInputBuffer* iCodedInBuffer;     // Pointer to Decoder input buffer
+    TVideoInputBuffer* iCorruptedInBuffer;   //Pointer to corrupted input for decoder
+    TInt iInBuffSize;                 // Size of decoder input buffer
+    TVideoPicture* iOutBuffer;             // Pointer to picuture class for output data in memory buffer output 
+    TVideoPicture* iOutBufferTemp;             // Pointer to picuture class for output data in memory buffer output 
+    TVideoPicture* iRawInBuffer;            // Used for postprocessor input
+    HBufC8* iRawDataArea;                  // Pointer to Heap buffer, filled with input data to postprocessor
+    TInt64 iTimeStamp; 
+    TInt64 iFrameTimeInterval;              
+    TInt iSentBuffCount;                    //Number of frames sent to target HwDevice    
+    TInt iReturnedBuffCount;                //Number of frames returned from target HwDevice
+    TInt iPictureLoss;                      // number of picture loss
+    TBool iInputEnd;
+    TBool iStreamEnd; 
+    TVideoCodec iCodecType;                
+    TSize iPictureSize; 
+    CSystemClockSource* iClock;            //Clock source, based on System clock
+    TBool iSynchronized;
+    TBool iDirectScreenAccess;
+    TBool iCIBuffMgmtOn;
+    TBool iDisableInputEnd;
+    TBool iFrameMatch;              // input frame number should match output frame number
+    TInt  iFrameJump;
+    TInt  iFrameJumpCounter;
+    TInt iFrameWriteLength;
+    TInt iCurrentFilePos;
+#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__     	   
+    MMmfVideoBufferManagement* iCIBuffMgmt;  
+    MVDecEngineObserver* iTestClass;
+    TBool iFrameMeasurement;
+    TBool iDsaStarted;
+    TBool iLandscapeMode;
+    TInt iNoBuffAvailable;
+    RArray<TInt> iFrameSizeList;
+    TPictureData iPictureDataSnapshot;
+    TBuf8<128> iInFileName;
+    TBool iSetSlowClient;
+    TBool iSetFastClient;
+    TBool iSetAUFormat;
+    TBool iOutFileOpen;
+    TUint8* iAUBuffer;
+    TUint32* iNalOffsetArray;
+    TUint32* iNalLengthArray;
+    TReal32 iFrameTime;
+    TUint8* iDataChunk;
+    TUint8* iReadDataChunk;
+    TUint8* iWriteDataChunk;
+    TUint iDataReadFromFile;
+    TUint iDataThreshold;
+    TBool iEndOfData;
+    TBool iLastFrame;
+    TBool iUseSecondScreen;
+    //File IO
+    RFs   iFs;
+    RFile iInFile;                         // Input data file
+    RFile iOutFile;                        // Output data file
+    RFile iOutCorruptedFile;
+    RFile iLogFile;
+	TBool iDeleteDecoderFromInitComp;
+	TInt iFlvCounter;
+	TBool iCorruptMarker;
+	TInt iFilter;
+	TInt iInterval;
+	TInt iFrameNum;
+	TInt iPercentage;
+	TInt iFrameCounter;
+	TInt iCorruptCounter;
+	TInt iFrameDropCounter;
+	TInt iFrameDropInterval;
+	TInt iFrameDropNum;
+	TInt iFrameDropNumCounter;
+	TBool iFrameDropMarker;
+	TFileName iOutFileName;
+	TFileName iOutCorruptedFileName;
+	TBool iOutCorruptedFileOpen;
+	TBuf8<128> iPasswordForFLV;
+	TBool iSetPassword;
+    TBool iInstantFpsEnabled;
+    RArray<TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds> iInstantFpsList;
+    RFile iFpsFile;
+	// Memory check
+	TInt iMemAlloc;
+	TInt iMemDelete;
+    TInt32 iDataChunkSize;
+    //Fbs
+    CFbsScreenDevice* iScreenDevice;
+    CActiveSchedulerWait* iScheduler;      //Nested scheduler
+    TTime							iTime;
+	TDateTime						iTimeBeforeDecoding;
+	TDateTime						iTimeAfterDecoding;	
+	//TInt							iNumFramesDecoded;
+	//TUint64							iTotalTime;
+	//TBool 							iIsBeforeTimeUsed;
+	TUint64							iBeforeDecodingTime;
+	RArray<TUint64>					iBeforeDecoingTimesQueue;
+    TUint							iFrame;
+    //	TInt							iLength;
+	//TBool							iFirstTime;
+	TBool                           iNumFreeBufsFirstTime;
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds		iTimeToPlay;
+    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds		iPresentationTimestamp;
+	TBool							iNoOfFreeBuffFlag;
+	TInt tempFrame;
+	TFLVFileType                    iFLVFileType;
+    };
+*  Video Decoder Test Engine AO
+*  Provides async services
+*  @lib 
+*  @since 
+class CVDecTestAO : public CActive
+	public:
+		CVDecTestAO(CVDecTestEngine* aTestEngine);
+  		~CVDecTestAO();
+  		void RequestData();
+	private:
+		void RunL();
+  		void DoCancel();
+	private:
+  		CVDecTestEngine* iTestEngine;