changeset 23 545d349d14da
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmapitest/devvideohaitest/src/h264dectestengine.cpp	Wed Jun 09 11:20:54 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,6881 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "H264DecTestEngine.h"
+#include "T_DevVideoConstants.h"
+#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__
+#include <buffermanagementci.h>  // Custom interface buffre management
+#include <secureoutputci.h>
+#include <Devvideoplay.h>
+#include <Devvideobase.h>
+#include <Devvideoconstants.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <hal_data.h>
+//#define __MEM_CHECK_
+// Ecom
+#include <ecom.h>
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::~CVDecTestEngine()
+* Purpose:    Deconstructor
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+CVDecTestEngine::~CVDecTestEngine ()
+	delete iDecTestAO;
+	delete iClock;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine:NewL()
+* Purpose:    Create instance of test engine
+* Parameters: MVDecEngineObserver& aTestClass
+* Return:     CVDecTestEngine*
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+CVDecTestEngine* CVDecTestEngine::NewL(MVDecEngineObserver& aTestClass)
+	CVDecTestEngine* self = new(ELeave) CVDecTestEngine;
+	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+	self->ConstructL(aTestClass);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ConstructL()
+* Purpose:    Symbian second phase constructor, which may leave
+* Parameters: MVDecEngineObserver& aTestClass
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::ConstructL(MVDecEngineObserver& aTestClass)
+	iState = EStateNone;
+	iTestClass = &aTestClass;
+	iScreenDevice = NULL;
+	//Create Active object
+	iDecTestAO = new(ELeave) CVDecTestAO(this);
+	//clock source from system clock
+	iClock = CSystemClockSource::NewL();
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::AssertTIntEqualL()
+* Purpose:
+* Parameters: TInt aExpected, TInt aActual
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::AssertTIntEqualL(TInt aExpected, TInt aActual)
+	if ( aExpected != aActual )
+	{
+		User::Leave(aActual);
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetUp()
+* Purpose:    Create DevVideoPlay, Initilize Engine paramters
+* Parameters: TSize aSize, TBool aScreenAccess, TBool aSynchronized, TBool aCIBuffMgmt
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL(TSize aSize, TBool aScreenAccess, TBool aCIBuffMgmt)
+	iMemAlloc = 0;
+	iMemDelete = 0;
+	//Create DevVideoPlay
+	iDevvp = CMMFDevVideoPlay::NewL(*this);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL, DevVideo Created")))
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL, mem alloc, iDevvp") ))
+	#endif
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	iState = ECreated;
+	// Initilize Engine parameters
+	iError = KErrNone;
+	iDecHWDevId = 0;
+	iPostProcId = 0;
+	iInBuffSize = 0;
+	iRawDataArea = NULL;
+	iCodecType = ENoCodec;
+	iInputEnd = EFalse;
+	iFrameMatch = EFalse;
+	iFrameJump = 0;
+	iFrameJumpCounter = 0;
+	iCorruptMarker = EFalse;
+	iOutCorruptedFileOpen = EFalse;
+	iFrameCounter = 0;
+	iCorruptCounter = 0;
+	iFlvCounter = 0;
+	iFrameDropCounter = 0;
+	iFrameDropInterval = 0;
+	iFrameDropNum = 0;
+	iFrameDropMarker = EFalse;
+	iCurrentFilePos = 0;
+	iFrameDropNumCounter = 0;
+	iSetPassword = EFalse;
+	iUseSecondScreen = EFalse;
+	#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__
+	iCIBuffMgmtOn = aCIBuffMgmt;
+	#endif
+	iDirectScreenAccess = aScreenAccess;
+	iSynchronized = EFalse;
+	iLandscapeMode =EFalse;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL, reserving data chunk")));
+	if (aSize.iWidth > 720 && aSize.iWidth > 576 )
+	{
+		iDataChunkSize = KMP4MaxCodedSize720P*4;
+		iDataThreshold = KMP4MaxCodedSize720P;
+	}
+	else if (aSize.iWidth > 640 && aSize.iWidth > 480 )
+	{
+		iDataChunkSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizePAL*4;
+		iDataThreshold = KMP4MaxCodedSizePAL;
+	}
+	else if (aSize.iWidth > 352 && aSize.iWidth > 288 )
+	{
+		iDataChunkSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeVGA*4;
+		iDataThreshold = KMP4MaxCodedSizeVGA;
+	}
+	else if (aSize.iWidth <= 352 && aSize.iWidth > 176)
+	{
+		iDataChunkSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeCIF*4;
+		iDataThreshold = KMP4MaxCodedSizeCIF;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDataChunkSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeQCIF*4;
+		iDataThreshold = KMP4MaxCodedSizeQCIF;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL, Data chunk size is [%d]"), iDataChunkSize));
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL, Data threshold [%d]"), iDataThreshold));
+	iDataChunk = new (ELeave) TUint8[iDataChunkSize];
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL, mem alloc, iDataChunk") ));
+	#endif
+	iReadDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+	iWriteDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+	iPictureSize.SetSize(aSize.iWidth,aSize.iHeight);
+	TRect rect(iPictureSize);
+	iDispRect = rect;
+	iFrameMeasurement = EFalse;
+	iDsaStarted = EFalse;
+	if ( aScreenAccess )
+	{
+		User::LeaveIfError( FbsStartup() );
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL, Fbs server started:")))
+	}
+	//Open File session
+	TInt err;
+	if ( (err = iFs.Connect()) != KErrNone )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetUpL, Open File server session fail ")))
+		User::Leave(err);
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::EnableFrameMeasurementTest
+* Purpose:    Enable Perforamce test flag
+* Note
+* Parameters: TBool a Enable
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::EnableFrameMeasurementTest(TBool aEnable)
+	iFrameMeasurement = aEnable;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize
+* Purpose:
+* Note
+* Parameters: TBool a Enable
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize(TInt aSize)
+	iInBuffSize = aSize;
+	if ( iCIBuffMgmtOn )  //Custom interfarce Buffer management is used
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize, CI Buffer management")))
+		#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__
+		iCIBuffMgmt = (MMmfVideoBufferManagement*)iDevvp->CustomInterface(iPostProcId, KMmfVideoBuffermanagementUid);
+		iCIBuffMgmt->MmvbmSetObserver(this);
+		iCIBuffMgmt->MmvbmEnable(ETrue);
+		MMmfVideoBufferManagement::TBufferOptions options;
+		options.iNumInputBuffers = KNumOfInputBuffers;
+		options.iBufferSize = iPictureSize;
+		iCIBuffMgmt->MmvbmSetBufferOptionsL(options);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize, CI Buffer management Set, Buff size:[%d],[%d]"),iPictureSize.iWidth,iPictureSize.iHeight))
+		#endif
+	}
+	else  //Use default Devvideo API for buffer management
+	{
+		iRawInBuffer = new(ELeave) TVideoPicture;
+		iMemAlloc++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize, mem alloc, iRawInBuffer") ));
+		#endif
+		TUint8* ptr = new (ELeave) TUint8[iInBuffSize];
+		iMemAlloc++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize, mem alloc, ptr") ));
+		#endif
+		TPtr8*  temp = new (ELeave) TPtr8(ptr, 0, iInBuffSize);
+		iMemAlloc++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize, mem alloc, temp") ));
+		#endif
+		iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData = temp;
+		iRawInBuffer->iData.iDataSize.SetSize(iPictureSize.iWidth,iPictureSize.iHeight); //set picture size
+		iRawInBuffer->iOptions = 0;
+		iRawInBuffer->iTimestamp = 0;
+		delete ptr;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		delete temp;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize, mem del, ptr & temp") ));
+		#endif
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputBufferSize, Buffer created: Size[%d]"),iInBuffSize))
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL()
+* Purpose:    Ritrieve header  Information
+* Parameters: TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aDataUnitEncapsulation
+* Return:     None
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL(TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aDataUnitEncapsulation)
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	TVideoPictureHeader* headerInfo = NULL;
+	HBufC8* tempBuff = NULL;
+	//Read Picture header : Size is not known
+	TVideoInputBuffer* codedBuffer = new(ELeave) TVideoInputBuffer;
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	CleanupStack::PushL( codedBuffer );
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem alloc, codedBuffer") ))
+	#endif
+	iInBuffSize = KMaxCodedSize;
+	err = KErrOverflow;
+	while ( (err == KErrOverflow) && (iInBuffSize <= KMaxCodedSize) )
+	{
+		tempBuff = HBufC8::NewL(iInBuffSize);
+		iMemAlloc++;
+		CleanupStack::PushL( tempBuff );
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem alloc, codedBuffer") ))
+		#endif
+		codedBuffer->iData.Set(tempBuff->Des());
+		if ( iFrameSizeList.Count() > 0 )
+		{
+			err = ReadOneCodedPicture(codedBuffer, iFrameSizeList[0] );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			err = ReadOneCodedPicture(codedBuffer);
+		}
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, return err [%d]"),err))
+		TInt pos =0;
+		if ( iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos) )
+		{
+			err = KErrGeneral;
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, err = KErrGeneral")))
+		}
+		if ( iInputEnd )
+		{
+			err = KErrNotFound;
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, err = KErrNotFound")))
+		}
+		if ( err < 0 )
+		{
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuff);
+			iMemDelete++;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem del, tempBuff") ))
+			#endif
+			iInBuffSize = 4*iInBuffSize;
+		}
+	}
+	// Reitrieve header information from bitstream
+	if ( err < 0 )
+	{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(codedBuffer);
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem del, codedBuffer") ))
+		#endif
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Reading input data fail")))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		err = KErrNone;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, call adaptation layer")))
+		headerInfo = iDevvp->GetHeaderInformationL(aDataUnitType,aDataUnitEncapsulation,codedBuffer);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuff);
+		iMemDelete++;
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(codedBuffer);
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem del, tempBuff & codedBuffer") ))
+		#endif
+		//Check Header info
+		if ( !err && headerInfo )
+		{
+			//Size in Memory
+			iPictureSize = headerInfo->iDisplayedRect.Size();
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Picture Size :width[%d], height[%d]"),iPictureSize.iWidth,iPictureSize.iHeight))
+			// Display rect
+			iDispRect = headerInfo->iDisplayedRect;
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Displayed image portion: Width[%d] to Height[%d]"),headerInfo->iDisplayedRect.Width(),headerInfo->iDisplayedRect.Height()))
+			//return headerInfo
+			iDevvp->ReturnHeader(headerInfo);
+		}
+		else  //temp modify because MP4HwDevice of Emuzed returns null information in 1st release
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Get header info fail")))
+			err = KErrGeneral;
+		}
+	}
+	AssertTIntEqualL(KErrNone, err);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieve header Information
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, In")))
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	TVideoPictureHeader* headerInfo = NULL;
+	HBufC8* tempBuff = NULL;
+	//Read Picture header : Size is not known
+	TVideoInputBuffer* codedBuffer = new(ELeave) TVideoInputBuffer;
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	CleanupStack::PushL( codedBuffer );
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem alloc, codedBuffer") ))
+	#endif
+	iInBuffSize = KMaxCodedSize;
+	err = KErrOverflow;
+	while ( (err == KErrOverflow) && (iInBuffSize <= KMaxCodedSize) )
+	{
+		tempBuff = HBufC8::NewL(iInBuffSize);
+		iMemAlloc++;
+		CleanupStack::PushL( tempBuff );
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem alloc, tempBuff") ))
+		#endif
+		codedBuffer->iData.Set(tempBuff->Des());
+		if ( iFrameSizeList.Count() > 0 )
+		{
+			err = ReadOneCodedPicture(codedBuffer, iFrameSizeList[0] );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			err = ReadOneCodedPicture(codedBuffer);
+		}
+		TInt pos =0;
+		if ( iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos) )
+		{
+			err = KErrGeneral;
+		}
+		if ( iInputEnd )
+		{
+			err = KErrNotFound;
+		}
+		if ( err < 0 )
+		{
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuff);
+			iMemDelete++;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem del, tempBuff") ))
+			#endif
+			iInBuffSize = 4*iInBuffSize;
+		}
+	}
+	// Reitrieve header information from bitstream
+	if ( err  < 0 )
+	{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(codedBuffer);
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem del, codedBuffer") ))
+		#endif
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Reading input data fail")))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		err = KErrNone;
+		headerInfo = iDevvp->GetHeaderInformationL(EDuCodedPicture,EDuElementaryStream,codedBuffer);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuff);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(codedBuffer);
+		iMemDelete++;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, mem del, tempBuff & codedBuffer") ))
+		#endif
+		//Check Header info
+		if ( headerInfo )
+		{
+			//Size in Memory
+			iPictureSize = headerInfo->iDisplayedRect.Size();
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Picture Size :width[%d], height[%d]"),iPictureSize.iWidth,iPictureSize.iHeight))
+			// Display rect
+			iDispRect = headerInfo->iDisplayedRect;
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Displayed image portion: Width[%d] to Height[%d]"),headerInfo->iDisplayedRect.Width(),headerInfo->iDisplayedRect.Height()))
+			iDevvp->ReturnHeader(headerInfo);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Get header info fail")))
+			err = KErrGeneral;
+		}
+	}
+	// Set size of decoder input buffer
+	if ( iCodecType == EH263 )
+	{
+		if ( (iPictureSize.iWidth <= 176 ) && (iPictureSize.iHeight <= 144) )
+		{
+			iInBuffSize = KH263MaxCodedSizeQCIF;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			iInBuffSize = KH263MaxCodedSizeCIF;
+		}
+	}
+	else //Mpeg4
+	{
+		if ( (iPictureSize.iWidth <= 176 ) && (iPictureSize.iHeight <= 144) )
+		{
+			iInBuffSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeQCIF;
+		}
+		else if ( (iPictureSize.iWidth <= 352 ) && (iPictureSize.iHeight <= 288) )
+		{
+			iInBuffSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeCIF;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			iInBuffSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeVGA;
+		}
+	}
+	AssertTIntEqualL(KErrNone, err);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetHeaderInformationL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetCodecType
+* Purpose:    Set Cotec type
+* Parameters: TVideoCodec aCodec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetCodecType(TVideoCodec aCodec)
+	iCodecType = aCodec;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetBitstreamCountersL()
+* Purpose:
+* Parameters:
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetBitstreamCountersL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBitstreamCountersL In")))
+	CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBitstreamCounters lCounters;
+	iDevvp->GetBitstreamCounters(lCounters);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBitstreamCountersL, Lost Packets = %d"),lCounters.iLostPackets))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBitstreamCountersL, Total Packets = %d"), lCounters.iTotalPackets))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBitstreamCountersL Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::PreDecoderBufferBytes()
+* Purpose:
+* Parameters:
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::PreDecoderBufferBytes()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PreDecoderBufferBytes, In")))
+	TUint lBufferBytes = iDevvp->PreDecoderBufferBytes();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PreDecoderBufferBytes, Number of bytes of data in the pre-decoder buffer = %d"), lBufferBytes))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PreDecoderBufferBytes, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::PictureBufferBytes()
+* Purpose:
+* Parameters:
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::PictureBufferBytes()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PictureBufferBytes, In")))
+	TUint buffbyte =  iDevvp->PictureBufferBytes();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PictureBufferBytes: total amount of memory allocated [%d]"),buffbyte))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PictureBufferBytes, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetPostProcessTypesL()
+* Purpose:    Set combination of postprocessor
+* Parameters: TUint32 aCombination
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetPostProcessTypesL(TInt aHWDevice, TUint32 aCombination)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetPostProcessTypesL, In")))
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetPostProcessTypesL(iPostProcId,aCombination);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetPostProcessTypesL(iDecHWDevId,aCombination);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetPostProcessTypesL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetInputCropOptionsL()
+* Purpose:    Set input crop
+* Parameters: TRect aCrop
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetInputCropOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TRect aCrop)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputCropOptionsL, In")))
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetInputCropOptionsL(iPostProcId,aCrop);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetInputCropOptionsL(iDecHWDevId,aCrop);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputCropOptionsL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL()
+* Purpose:    Set Yuv to Rgb options
+* Parameters: TYuvToRgbOptions aOptions
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TYuvToRgbOptions aOptions)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL, In")))
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(iPostProcId, aOptions);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(iDecHWDevId, aOptions);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetRotateOptionsL()
+* Purpose:    Set Rotation
+* Parameters: TRotationType aRotation
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetRotateOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TRotationType aRotation)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetRotateOptionsL, In")))
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetRotateOptionsL(iPostProcId, aRotation);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetRotateOptionsL(iDecHWDevId, aRotation);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetRotateOptionsL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL()
+* Purpose:    Set Scale with multiply factor
+* Parameters: TSize aSize, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TSize aSize, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL, In")));
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetScaleOptionsL(iPostProcId, aSize, aAntiAliasFiltering);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetScaleOptionsL(iDecHWDevId, aSize, aAntiAliasFiltering);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL, Scale option is set:width[%d],height[%d]"), aSize.iWidth,aSize.iHeight))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL, Out")));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL()
+* Purpose:    Set Scale with multiply factor
+* Parameters: TInt aNumFactor,TInt aDenoFactor, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL(TInt aNumFactor,TInt aDenoFactor, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL, Out")));
+	TInt width =  static_cast<TInt>(iPictureSize.iWidth*aNumFactor/aDenoFactor);
+	TInt height = static_cast<TInt>(iPictureSize.iHeight*aNumFactor/aDenoFactor);
+	TSize target(width, height);
+	iDevvp->SetScaleOptionsL(iPostProcId, target, aAntiAliasFiltering);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL, Scale option is set:width[%d],height[%d]"),target.iWidth,target.iHeight))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetScaleOptionsL, Out")));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetOutputCropOptionsL()
+* Purpose:    Set output crop
+* Parameters: TRect aCrop
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetOutputCropOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, TRect aCrop)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetOutputCropOptionsL, In")));
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetOutputCropOptionsL(iPostProcId, aCrop);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetOutputCropOptionsL(iDecHWDevId, aCrop);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetOutputCropOptionsL, Out")));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CommitL()
+* Purpose:    commit change of postprocessors after intialization or revert
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::CommitL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CommitL, In")));
+	iDevvp->CommitL();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CommitL, Out")));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::Revert()
+* Purpose:    Revert any configuration changes that have not yet been committed
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::Revert()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Revert, In")));
+	iDevvp->Revert();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Revert, Out")));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetClockSource()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetClockSource()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetClockSource, In")))
+	iDevvp->SetClockSource(iClock);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetClockSource, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetHrdVbvSpec()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetHrdVbvSpec(THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec, const TDesC8& aHrdVbvParams)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetHrdVbvSpec, In")))
+	iDevvp->SetHrdVbvSpec(aHrdVbvSpec, aHrdVbvParams);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetHrdVbvSpec, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, const TDesC8& aOptions)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL, In")))
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL(iPostProcId, aOptions);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL(iDecHWDevId, aOptions);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetPostProcSpecificOptionsL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetScreenClipRegion()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetScreenClipRegion(TRegion& aRegion)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetScreenClipRegion, In")))
+	iDevvp->SetScreenClipRegion(aRegion);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetScreenClipRegion, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetPauseOnClipFail()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetPauseOnClipFail(TBool aPause)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetPauseOnClipFail, In")))
+	iDevvp->SetPauseOnClipFail(aPause);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetPauseOnClipFail, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::IsPlaying()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::IsPlaying()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::IsPlaying, In")))
+	TUint playing = iDevvp->IsPlaying();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::IsPlaying, [%d]"), playing))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::IsPlaying, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetPictureCounters()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetPictureCounters()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPictureCounters, In")))
+	CMMFDevVideoPlay::TPictureCounters counters;
+	iDevvp->GetPictureCounters(counters);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPictureCounters, iPicturesSkipped, [%d]"), counters.iPicturesSkipped))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPictureCounters, iPicturesDecoded, [%d]"), counters.iPicturesDecoded))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPictureCounters, iPicturesDisplayed, [%d]"), counters.iPicturesDisplayed))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPictureCounters, iTotalPictures, [%d]"), counters.iTotalPictures))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPictureCounters, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::NumFreeBuffers()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::NumFreeBuffers()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::NumFreeBuffers, In")))
+	TUint playing = iDevvp->NumFreeBuffers();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::NumFreeBuffers, [%d]"), playing))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::NumFreeBuffers, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::NumComplexityLevels()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::NumComplexityLevels(TInt aHWDevice)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::NumComplexityLevels, In")))
+	TUint number = 0;
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		number = iDevvp->NumComplexityLevels(iPostProcId);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		number = iDevvp->NumComplexityLevels(iDecHWDevId);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::NumComplexityLevels, [%d]"), number))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::NumComplexityLevels, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::InputEnd()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::InputEnd()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::InputEnd, In")))
+	iDevvp->InputEnd();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::InputEnd, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetNewPictureInfo()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetNewPictureInfo(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aEarliestTimestamp,
+TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aLatestTimestamp)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetNewPictureInfo, In")))
+	TUint numbers = 0;
+	iDevvp->GetNewPictureInfo(numbers, aEarliestTimestamp, aLatestTimestamp);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetNewPictureInfo, [%d]"), numbers))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetNewPictureInfo, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetTimedSnapshotL()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetTimedSnapshotL(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat,
+const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetTimedSnapshotL, In")))
+	iPictureDataSnapshot.iDataFormat = aFormat.iDataFormat;
+	iPictureDataSnapshot.iDataSize = iPictureSize;
+	PrintUncompressedFormat(aFormat);
+	iDevvp->GetTimedSnapshotL(&iPictureDataSnapshot, aFormat, aPresentationTimestamp);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetTimedSnapshotL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetTimedSnapshotL()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetTimedSnapshotL(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat,
+const TPictureId& aPictureId)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetTimedSnapshotL, In")))
+	iPictureDataSnapshot.iDataFormat = aFormat.iDataFormat;
+	iPictureDataSnapshot.iDataSize = iPictureSize;
+	PrintUncompressedFormat(aFormat);
+	iDevvp->GetTimedSnapshotL(&iPictureDataSnapshot, aFormat, aPictureId);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetTimedSnapshotL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CancelTimedSnapshot()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::CancelTimedSnapshot()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CancelTimedSnapshot, In")))
+	iDevvp->CancelTimedSnapshot();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CancelTimedSnapshot, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL()
+* Purpose:    Set SetHrdVbvSpec
+* Note:       This is called before initilaized
+* Parameters: THrdVbvSpecification aHrdVbvSpec
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL, In")))
+	RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> formats;
+	CleanupClosePushL(formats);
+	iDevvp->GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL(formats);
+	for (TUint i = 0; i < formats.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL, Format No.%d"), i))
+		PrintUncompressedFormat(formats[i]);
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&formats);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSupportedSnapshotFormatsL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetComplexityLevel()
+* Purpose:    Set Complexity Level of Decode and postprocessor
+* Note:       This is called after initilaized
+* Parameters: TInt aDecLevel, TInt aPostProcLevel
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetComplexityLevel(TInt aHWDevice, TInt aLevel)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetComplexityLevel, In")))
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetComplexityLevel(iPostProcId, aLevel);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetComplexityLevel(iDecHWDevId, aLevel);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetComplexityLevel, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo()
+* Purpose:    Get number and information of Complexity Level of Decode and postprocessor
+* Note:       This is called after initilaized
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo(TInt aHWDevice, TInt aLevel)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo, In")))
+	CMMFDevVideoPlay::TComplexityLevelInfo info;
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->GetComplexityLevelInfo(iPostProcId, aLevel, info);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->GetComplexityLevelInfo(iDecHWDevId, aLevel, info);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo, dec complexy level info[%x]"),info.iOptions))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo, iAvgPictureRate [%f]"),info.iAvgPictureRate))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo, iPictureSize width [%d] height[%d]"),info.iPictureSize.iWidth, info.iPictureSize.iHeight))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo, iRelativeImageQuality [%f]"),info.iRelativeImageQuality))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo, iRequiredMIPS [%d]"),info.iRequiredMIPS))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo, iRelativeProcessTime [%f]"),info.iRelativeProcessTime))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetComplexityLevelInfo, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::Redraw()
+* Purpose:    Redraw latest picture
+* Note:       only applicable when DSA is used and after initilaized
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::Redraw()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Redraw, In")))
+	iDevvp->Redraw();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Redraw, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL(TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, In")))
+	TInt result;
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	TPictureData picture;
+	picture.iDataFormat = aFormat.iDataFormat;
+	picture.iDataSize = iPictureSize;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, before new []")))
+	TUint8* data = new (ELeave)TUint8[iPictureSize.iWidth*iPictureSize.iHeight*2];
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, after new[]")))
+	TPtr8 dataPtr(data, iPictureSize.iWidth*iPictureSize.iHeight*2);
+	picture.iRawData = &dataPtr;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(data);
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, mem alloc, data") ))
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, before snapshot")))
+	result = iDevvp->GetSnapshotL(picture, aFormat);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, snapshot received")))
+	if ( !result )
+	{
+		RFile snapshot;
+		TFileName filename;
+		TBuf8<128> newFile;
+		newFile.Append(iInFileName);
+		TBuf16<128> temp2;
+		temp2.Copy(newFile);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, Opening the file [%S]"), &temp2))
+		newFile.Delete(newFile.Length()-4, 4);
+		newFile.Append(_L8("_snapshot"));
+		newFile.Append(_L8(".yuv"));
+		filename.Copy(newFile);
+		TBuf16<128> temp;
+		temp.Copy(newFile);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, Opening the file [%S]"), &temp))
+		err = snapshot.Replace(iFs, filename, EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, writing the file")))
+		if ( err!= KErrNone )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, snapshot file open failed")))
+			snapshot.Close();
+			User::Leave(err);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, Picture size %d"),picture.iRawData->Size()));
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, Picture length %d"),picture.iRawData->Length()));
+			err = snapshot.Write(*(picture.iRawData),picture.iRawData->Size());
+			if ( err!= KErrNone )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, snapshot file write failed [%d]"), picture.iRawData->Size()))
+				snapshot.Close();
+				User::Leave(err);
+			}
+		}
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, Picture size %d"),picture.iRawData->Size()));
+		snapshot.Close();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, Error getting snapshot [%d]"), result))
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
+	iMemDelete++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapShotL, mem del, ") ))
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileL()
+* Purpose:    Open input File
+* Note:       DSA is used, output is display
+* Parameters: TFileName& aInFileName
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileL(TFileName& aInFileName)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileL, In")))
+	TInt err;
+	iInFileName.Copy(aInFileName);
+	if ( (err = iInFile.Open(iFs, aInFileName, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly)) != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFiles, Input File open Failed")));
+		User::Leave(err);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileL()
+* Purpose:    Open input and output File
+* Note:       Memory buffer output is used
+* Parameters: TFileName& aOutFileName, TFileName& aInFileName
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileL(TFileName& aOutFileName, TFileName& aInFileName)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileL, In")))
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	iInFileName.Copy(aInFileName);
+	iOutFileName.Copy(aOutFileName);
+	err = iInFile.Open(iFs, aInFileName, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	if ( err != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFiles, Input File open Failed")));
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iOutFileOpen = ETrue;
+		err = iOutFile.Replace(iFs, aOutFileName, EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
+		if ( err!= KErrNone )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFiles, Output File Replace Failed")));
+			iInFile.Close();
+		}
+	}
+	AssertTIntEqualL(KErrNone,err);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CloseFile()
+* Purpose:    Close File
+* Note:
+* Parameters:
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::CloseFile()
+	iInFile.Close();
+	if ( iOutFileOpen )
+	{
+		iOutFile.Close();
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CloseFile, Output file closed")))
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CloseFile, File Closed")))
+	if( iCorruptMarker )
+	{
+		iFs.Delete( iOutFileName );
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::FrameJump()
+* Purpose:    Jump backward or forward a number of frames
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TInt aNumToJump
+* Return:     TInt
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::FrameJump(TInt aNumToJump )
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FrameJump, In")))
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if ( iState == ERunning )
+	{
+		if ( iSynchronized )
+		{
+			iClock->Suspend();  //Stop Clock source
+		}
+		iDevvp->Pause();
+		iState = EPaused;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Pause(), Paused")))
+		iFrameJump = aNumToJump;
+		if( iFrameJump < 0 )
+		{
+			TInt startFrame = iSentBuffCount + iFrameJump;
+			if( startFrame < 0 )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FrameJump, bad argument")))
+				return KErrArgument;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				iFrameJump = startFrame;
+			}
+		}
+		TInt beginningPos = 0;
+		iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart, beginningPos);
+		RArray<TInt> vFramesizes;
+		ListFrameSizeL( vFramesizes );
+		if( iFrameSizeList.Count() > iFrameJump )
+		{
+			TInt startPosition = 0;
+			for( TInt frameCounter = 0; frameCounter < iFrameSizeList.Count();
+			frameCounter++ )
+			{
+				startPosition += iFrameSizeList[ frameCounter ];
+			}
+			iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart,startPosition);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			err = KErrGeneral;
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FrameJump, iFrameSizeList.Count value:[%ld]"),iFrameSizeList.Count()))
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		err = KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FrameJump, iFrameJump value:[%ld]"),iFrameJump))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FrameJump, Out")))
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetFrameMatch()
+* Purpose:    The test case fails if input and output frame number doesn't
+*             match
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TBool aMatch
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetFrameMatch(TBool aMatch)
+	iFrameMatch = aMatch;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetFrameMatch, frame match is set")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::Initialize()
+* Purpose:    Initilize Decoder/Postprocessor
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TBool aSynchronized
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::Initialize()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Initialize, In")))
+	iError = KErrNone;
+	// Do Initialization
+	iDevvp->Initialize();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Initialize, Initialize() returned")))
+	if ( (iState != EInitialized) && (iError == KErrNone ) )
+	{
+		iScheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait;
+		iMemAlloc++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Initialize, mem alloc, iScheduler") ))
+		#endif
+		iRunning = ETrue;
+		iScheduler->Start();
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Initialize, out: error[%d]"),iError))
+	return iError;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::InitializeAndDelete()
+* Purpose:    Initilize Decoder/Postprocessor
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TBool aSynchronized
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::InitializeAndDelete()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::InitializeAndDelete, In")))
+	iDeleteDecoderFromInitComp = ETrue;
+	TInt err = Initialize();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::InitializeAndDelete, Out")))
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::Start()
+* Purpose:    Start Decoding/Postprocessing
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::Start(TBool aInputEnd)
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	iDisableInputEnd = aInputEnd;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Start, Devvideo play started")))
+	// Start DSA
+	if ( iDirectScreenAccess && !iDsaStarted )
+	{
+		TRAPD(err, StartDirectScreenAccessL());
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+			return err;
+		}
+	}
+    // Start DevVideoPlay
+    iDevvp->Start();
+    iState = ERunning;
+	//Reset Clock at Stream Start
+	if ( iSynchronized )
+	{
+		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds offset(KStartOffset);
+		Int64 time = offset.Int64();
+		iClock->Reset(offset);
+	}
+	// Start Data transfer
+	iDecTestAO->RequestData();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Start, Start data transfer - start () out")))
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::Stop()
+* Purpose:    Stop Decoding/Postprocessing
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::Stop()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Stop, In ")))
+	if ( (iState == ERunning ) || (iState == EPaused) )
+	{
+		//Stop Devvideoplay
+        iDevvp->Stop();
+		iState = EStopped;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Stop, Stopped ")))
+	}
+	//Stop DSA
+	if ( iDirectScreenAccess && iDsaStarted )
+	{
+		iDevvp->AbortDirectScreenAccess();
+		iDsaStarted = EFalse;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Stop, DSA is aborted ")))
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VDecTestStartL, the number of Pictures sent: [%d]"),iSentBuffCount))
+	}
+	else if ( iInputEnd )
+	{
+		if ( iSentBuffCount != (iReturnedBuffCount + iPictureLoss) )
+		{
+			if( iFrameMatch )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VDecTestStopL, the number of Pictures sent and returned does not match: ")))
+				return KErrGeneral;
+			}
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VDecTestStopL, the number of Pictures sent and returned does not match: ")))
+			PRINT((_L("The number of pictures, sent : [%d], returned:[%d] "),iSentBuffCount, iReturnedBuffCount ))
+		}
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Stop, Out")))
+	return iError;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::TearDown()
+* Purpose:    Cleanup resources
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::TearDown()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown(),In")))
+	if( iInstantFpsEnabled )
+	{
+		iFpsFile.Close();
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CloseFile, FPS Output file closed")))
+	}
+	if ( iDsaStarted )
+	{
+		iDevvp->AbortDirectScreenAccess();
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown(), Dsa aborted")))
+	}
+	// Delete Devvideo play
+	if ( iDevvp )
+	{
+		delete iDevvp;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown, mem del, iDevvp") ))
+		#endif
+		iDevvp = NULL;
+		iState = EStateNone;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown(),DevVideo deleted")))
+	}
+	//Postproc input buffer
+	if ( !iCIBuffMgmtOn && iRawInBuffer)
+	{
+		delete (TUint8*)iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData->Ptr();
+		delete iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData;
+		delete iRawInBuffer;
+		iMemDelete += 3;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown, mem del, iRawInBuffer & its 2 pointers") ))
+		#endif
+		iRawInBuffer = NULL;
+	}
+	if ( iScreenDevice )
+	{
+		delete iScreenDevice;
+		iScreenDevice = NULL;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown, mem del, iScreenDevice") ))
+		#endif
+		RFbsSession::Disconnect();
+	}
+	delete iDataChunk;
+	iMemDelete++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown, mem del, iDataChunk") ))
+	#endif
+	iDataChunk = NULL;
+	iFrameSizeList.Close();
+	iInstantFpsList.Close();
+	iFs.Close();
+	REComSession::FinalClose();
+	PRINT( (_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown(), mem allocated: %d "), iMemAlloc))
+	PRINT( (_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown(), mem deleted: %d "), iMemDelete))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::TearDown(),Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL()
+* Purpose:    Fill data into input buffer and send to devvideoplay
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL(), In")))
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if ( iInputEnd)
+	{
+		iLastFrame = EFalse;
+		//iCodedInBuffer->iOptions =  TVideoInputBuffer::EDecodingTimestamp;
+		//iCodedInBuffer->iDecodingTimestamp = iSentBuffCount+2;
+		//ReadOneCodedPicture(iCodedInBuffer, 0); // Read compressed data of one picture from file
+		//iDevvp->WriteCodedDataL(iCodedInBuffer);  // Input Data Sent to Decoder
+		if (!iDisableInputEnd)
+		{
+			iDevvp->InputEnd();
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Input End")))
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			MdvpoStreamEnd();
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Stream end")))
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( iDecHWDevId )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL(), iDecHWDevID found")))
+		if (  iFrameSizeList.Count() > 0 )
+		{
+			if (iFrameSizeList.Count() <= iSentBuffCount+1)
+			{
+				iInputEnd = ETrue;
+			}
+			TInt size = iFrameSizeList[iSentBuffCount];
+			err = ReadOneCodedPicture(iCodedInBuffer, size); // Read compressed data of one picture from file
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL(), 1 picture read")))
+			if( iFrameDropMarker )
+			{
+				if( iFrameDropCounter >= iFrameDropInterval )
+				{
+					TInt dropNum = 0;
+					for( ; ;)
+					{
+						TInt size = iFrameSizeList[iSentBuffCount++];
+						err = ReadOneCodedPicture(iCodedInBuffer, size); // Read compressed data of one picture from file
+						dropNum++;
+						iFrameDropNumCounter++;
+						if( iFrameDropNumCounter >= iFrameDropNum )
+						{
+							iFrameDropCounter = 0;
+							iFrameDropNumCounter = 0;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL(), [%d] frame(s) dropped"), dropNum))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			err = ReadOneCodedPicture(iCodedInBuffer); // Read compressed data of one picture from file
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL(), one picture read, err: [%d]"), err))
+			if( iFrameDropMarker )
+			{
+				if( iFrameDropCounter >= iFrameDropInterval )
+				{
+					TInt dropNum  = 0;
+					for( ; ;)
+					{
+						err = ReadOneCodedPicture(iCodedInBuffer);
+						dropNum++;
+						iFrameDropNumCounter++;
+						if( iFrameDropNumCounter >= iFrameDropNum )
+						{
+							iFrameDropCounter = 0;
+							iFrameDropNumCounter = 0;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL(), [%d] frame(s) dropped"), dropNum))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else  // Postproc input case
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL(), iDecHWDevID not found")))
+		err = ReadRawPicture();	// Read raw data for one picture
+		if( iFrameDropMarker )
+		{
+			if( iFrameDropCounter >= iFrameDropInterval )
+			{
+				TInt dropNum = 0;
+				for( ; ;)
+				{
+					err = ReadRawPicture();	// Read raw data for one picture
+					dropNum++;
+					iFrameDropNumCounter++;
+					if( iFrameDropNumCounter >= iFrameDropNum )
+					{
+						iFrameDropCounter = 0;
+						iFrameDropNumCounter = 0;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL(), [%d] raw picture(s) dropped"), dropNum))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(err == 0){
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Empty buffer read skipping")))
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Out")))
+	}
+	else if ( err > 0 )
+	{
+		// Corrupt the input if user requires
+		/*
+		if( iCorruptMarker )
+		{
+		CorruptEngineL();
+		}
+		*/
+		// End of the corrupting operation
+		if ( iDecHWDevId )
+		{
+			iCodedInBuffer->iOptions =  TVideoInputBuffer::EDecodingTimestamp;
+			if ( iPostProcId )
+			{
+				iCodedInBuffer->iOptions |= TVideoInputBuffer::EPresentationTimestamp;
+			}
+			if ( iSynchronized ) // Clock source is set >> real-time synchronization
+			{
+				iCodedInBuffer->iDecodingTimestamp = iTimeStamp;
+				if ( iPostProcId )
+				{
+					iCodedInBuffer->iPresentationTimestamp = iTimeStamp;
+				}
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, iTimestamp added:[%ld]"),iTimeStamp))
+				iTimeStamp += iFrameTimeInterval;
+			}
+			else // Clock source is not set
+			{
+				iCodedInBuffer->iDecodingTimestamp = iSentBuffCount;
+				if ( iPostProcId )
+				{
+					iCodedInBuffer->iPresentationTimestamp = iSentBuffCount;
+				}
+			}
+			TInt substreamID = 0;
+			//      	    iCodedInBuffer->iUser = (TAny*)(&substreamID);
+			if(iCodedInBuffer->iUser != NULL ){
+				*((TInt*)iCodedInBuffer->iUser) = substreamID;
+			}
+			#if 0
+			TUint32 msgSize = iCodedInBuffer->iData.Length();
+			TUint8* tmpPtr = const_cast<TUint8 *>(iCodedInBuffer->iData.Ptr());
+			while(msgSize > 0)
+			{
+				if(msgSize >= 16)
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("TX:%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x"),tmpPtr[0],tmpPtr[1],tmpPtr[2],tmpPtr[3],tmpPtr[4],tmpPtr[5],tmpPtr[6],tmpPtr[7],tmpPtr[8],tmpPtr[9],tmpPtr[10],tmpPtr[11],tmpPtr[12],tmpPtr[13],tmpPtr[14],tmpPtr[15]))
+					msgSize -= 16;
+					tmpPtr += 16;
+				}
+				else if(msgSize >= 4)
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("TX:%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x"),tmpPtr[0],tmpPtr[1],tmpPtr[2],tmpPtr[3]))
+					msgSize -= 4;
+					tmpPtr += 4;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					for(TUint i = 0; i < msgSize; i++)
+					{
+						PRINT((_L("TX: 0x%02x"),*tmpPtr++))
+					}
+					msgSize = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			#endif
+			iDevvp->WriteCodedDataL(iCodedInBuffer);  // Input Data Sent to Decoder
+		    iCodedInBuffer = NULL;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			iRawInBuffer->iData.iDataSize.SetSize(iPictureSize.iWidth,iPictureSize.iHeight);
+			iRawInBuffer->iOptions |= (TVideoPicture::ETimestamp);
+			if ( iSynchronized )
+			{
+				//TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds tsValue(iTimeStamp);
+				iRawInBuffer->iTimestamp = iTimeStamp;
+				iTimeStamp += iFrameTimeInterval;
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, iTimestamp added:[%ld]"),iTimeStamp))
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				iRawInBuffer->iTimestamp = iSentBuffCount;
+			}
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, data size: w[%d] ,h[%d]"),iRawInBuffer->iData.iDataSize.iWidth, iRawInBuffer->iData.iDataSize.iHeight))
+			iDevvp->WritePictureL(iRawInBuffer);  // Input Data Sent to PostProcessor
+			if (iCIBuffMgmtOn)
+			{
+				iRawInBuffer = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		iFrameDropCounter++;
+		iSentBuffCount++;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Sent Frame: [%d] "),iSentBuffCount))
+	}
+	else  //Error case
+	{
+		iError = err;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Error in reading data: [%d] "),iError))
+		iInputEnd = ETrue;
+		iDevvp->InputEnd();
+		return;
+	}
+	// if ( iFrameMeasurement )
+	//    return;
+	if (iInputEnd)
+	{
+		iLastFrame = ETrue;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Input end: sending last frame 0 ")))
+		iDecTestAO->RequestData(); // Next Input Data for Decoder / PostProc
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( iState == ERunning )
+	{
+		if ( iDecHWDevId )
+		{
+			if (iSetFastClient)
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Fast client request")))
+				iDecTestAO->RequestData(); // Next Input Data for Decoder / PostProc
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if ( iDevvp->NumFreeBuffers() )
+				{
+					iDecTestAO->RequestData(); // Next Input Data for Decoder / PostProc
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, No input buffer available now")))
+					iNoBuffAvailable++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FillAndSendBufferL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetInputBufferL()
+* Purpose:    Ritreave decoder input buffer
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetInputBufferL()
+	TBool buffer = EFalse;
+	if ( iState == ERunning )
+	{
+		if ( iDecHWDevId )
+		{
+			iCodedInBuffer = iDevvp->GetBufferL(iInBuffSize);
+			if ( iCodedInBuffer )
+			{
+				buffer = ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+		else if ( iCIBuffMgmtOn )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetInputBufferL(), Getting Input buffer(CI)...")))
+			#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__
+			TVideoPicture* inputBuff = iCIBuffMgmt->MmvbmGetBufferL(iPictureSize);
+			if ( inputBuff )
+			{
+				buffer = ETrue;
+				iRawInBuffer = inputBuff;
+			}
+			#endif
+		}
+	}
+	if ( buffer )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetInputBufferL(), Got Input buffer")))
+		FillAndSendBufferL();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetInputBufferL(), Couldn't get input buffer ")))
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture()
+* Purpose:    Read one coded picture into decoder input buffer
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer
+* Return:     TInt
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, In")))
+	TInt buffLength = iInBuffSize;
+	TBool found = EFalse;
+	TInt pos =0;
+	TUint8* testData =NULL;
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	//Reads VC1 frame
+	if ( iCodecType == EVC1 )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, VC1")))
+		return LoadNextFrameL(aCodedInBuffer);
+	}
+	if ( aCodedInBuffer->iData.MaxLength() < buffLength )
+	{
+		err = KErrOverflow;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Buffer is small, [%d]Byte"),aCodedInBuffer->iData.MaxLength()))
+		return err;
+	}
+	aCodedInBuffer->iData.SetLength(0);
+	//Buffer is not full,  reset size of buffer
+	if ( aCodedInBuffer->iData.Length() < buffLength)
+	{
+		buffLength = aCodedInBuffer->iData.Length();
+	}
+	testData = const_cast<TUint8*>(aCodedInBuffer->iData.Ptr());
+	TUint8* iReadDataChunkTemp = iReadDataChunk;
+	TUint8 byte = 0;
+	//Check the length of one coded picture
+	if (iCodecType == EH263)
+	{
+		TBool firstStartCode = EFalse;
+		while (!iInputEnd && !found)
+		{
+			TInt zeroCounter = 0;
+			while ((byte = ReadByteFromFile()) == 0x00 && !iInputEnd)
+			{
+				zeroCounter++;
+				pos++;
+			}
+			pos++;
+			if ((zeroCounter >= 2) && ((byte & 0xFC) == 0x80))
+			{
+				if (!firstStartCode)
+				{
+					firstStartCode = ETrue;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, end of h263 picture found")))
+					found = ETrue;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (iInputEnd)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, inputEndFound, %d"), pos))
+			pos--;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			pos -= KScLength;
+		}
+		iReadDataChunk = iReadDataChunkTemp;
+		ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, pos);
+	}
+	else if ( iCodecType == EMPEG4 )
+	{
+		TBool firstStartCode = EFalse;
+		while (!iInputEnd && !found)
+		{
+			TInt zeroCounter = 0;
+			while ((byte = ReadByteFromFile()) == 0x00 && !iInputEnd)
+			{
+				zeroCounter++;
+				pos++;
+			}
+			pos++;
+			if ((zeroCounter >= 2) && (byte == 0x01))
+			{
+				byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+				pos++;
+				if (byte == 0xB6 && !firstStartCode)
+				{
+					firstStartCode = ETrue;
+				}
+				else if (byte != 0xB1 && firstStartCode)
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, end of mpeg-4 picture found [%d]"), pos-4))
+					found = ETrue;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (iInputEnd)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, inputEndFound, %d"), pos))
+			pos--;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			pos -= 4;
+		}
+		iReadDataChunk = iReadDataChunkTemp;
+		ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, pos);
+	}
+	else if ( iCodecType == EVP6 )
+	{
+		TUint dataCount = 0;
+		if (iSentBuffCount == 0)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, First VP6 frame")))
+			//Read signature and version
+			for (TUint i=0; i<5; i++)
+			{
+				byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+			}
+			TUint32 offset = (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile())<< 24 | (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile())<< 16 |
+			(TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile())<< 8 | (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile());
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, offset %d"), offset))
+			//Jump data after offset
+			for (TUint i=0; i< offset-9; i++ )
+			{
+				byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+			}
+			dataCount += 9+offset-9;
+			//Read previous tag size
+			for (TUint i=0; i< 4; i++ )
+			{
+				byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+			}
+		}
+		if (!iInputEnd)
+		{
+			TUint8 tagType = ReadByteFromFile();
+			if (!iInputEnd)
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, tagType %d"), tagType))
+				dataCount += 5;
+				while (tagType != 9 && !iInputEnd)
+				{
+					TUint32 a = (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile());
+					TUint32 b = (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile());
+					TUint32 c = (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile());
+					TUint32 dataSize =  (a << 16) | (b << 8) | (c);
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, dataSize %d"), dataSize))
+					ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, dataSize+7, ETrue);
+					//Previous offset
+					for (TUint i=0; i< 4; i++ )
+					{
+						byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+					}
+					tagType = ReadByteFromFile();
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, tagType %d"), tagType))
+					dataCount += dataSize+15;
+				}
+				if(!iInputEnd){
+				TUint32 a = (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile());
+				TUint32 b = (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile());
+				TUint32 c = (TUint32)(ReadByteFromFile());
+				TUint32 dataSize =  (a << 16) | (b << 8) | (c);
+				//Discard timestamp and streamID
+				for (TUint i=0; i< 7; i++ )
+				{
+					byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+				}
+				//Frametype and codec ID
+				byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+				//Read VP6 frame to buffer
+				ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, dataSize-1);
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, VP6 frame size %d"), dataSize))
+				dataCount += dataSize+10;
+				//Read previous tag size
+				for (TUint i=0; i< 4; i++ )
+				{
+					byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+				}
+				}
+				else{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, unknown tags at the end of vp6 stream, discard")))
+				dataCount = 0;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (iInputEnd)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, inputEndFound")))
+			//aCodedInBuffer.iData->Zero();
+		}
+		return dataCount;
+	}
+	else if ( iCodecType == EFLV )
+	{
+		// FLV fileformat has 3 first bytes 'FLV'. Detect if file has container.
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, find out bitstream type %d == %d."),iFLVFileType,EFLVNotSet));
+		if(iFLVFileType == EFLVNotSet)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, find out bitstream type.")));
+			byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, %02x"),byte));
+			TUint8 byte2 = ReadByteFromFile();
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, %02x"),byte2));
+			TUint8 byte3 = ReadByteFromFile();
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, %02x"),byte3));
+			if ( (byte == 0x46) && (byte2 == 0x4C) && (byte3 == 0x56) )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, file with container detected.")));
+				iFLVFileType = EFLVContainer;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, file raw bitstream detected.")));
+				iFLVFileType = EFLVRaw;
+			}
+			iReadDataChunk = iReadDataChunkTemp;
+		}
+		if (iFLVFileType == EFLVContainer)
+		{
+			// FLV frames have 00 00 x2 00 00 8x startcode, parse it.
+			TBool firstStartCode = EFalse;
+			TBool frameHeaderEnd = EFalse;
+			TBool frameHeader = EFalse;
+			while (!iInputEnd && !found)
+			{
+				TInt zeroCounter = 0;
+				while ((byte = ReadByteFromFile()) == 0x00 && !iInputEnd)
+				{
+					zeroCounter++;
+					pos++;
+				}
+				pos++;
+				if ((zeroCounter >= 2) && ((byte & 0xF8) == 0x80) && frameHeaderEnd)
+				{
+					// FLV frames have some bytes in the beginning which needs to be removed
+					if (!frameHeader)
+					{
+						iReadDataChunk = iReadDataChunkTemp;
+						ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, pos-3);
+						PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, [%d] bytes of flash video frame header removed."), (iReadDataChunk - iReadDataChunkTemp)));
+						iReadDataChunkTemp = iReadDataChunk;
+						zeroCounter = 0;
+						pos = 0;
+						frameHeader = ETrue;
+					}
+					else if (!firstStartCode)
+					{
+						firstStartCode = ETrue;
+						PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, start of flash video picture found [%d]."), pos-3))
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, end of flash video picture found [%d]"), pos-3))
+						found = ETrue;
+					}
+				}
+				else if ((zeroCounter >= 2) && ((byte & 0x03) == 0x02))
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, found frame end code at [%d]"), pos-3))
+					frameHeaderEnd = ETrue;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					frameHeaderEnd = EFalse;
+				}
+			}
+			if (iInputEnd)
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, inputEndFound, %d"), pos))
+				pos--;
+				// FLV file has four bytes which needs to be removed in the end
+				pos -= 4;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Go back to beginning of start code (3 bytes)
+				pos -= 3;
+				// Go back to beginning of FLV file frame header(16 bytes)
+				pos -= 16;
+			}
+			iReadDataChunk = iReadDataChunkTemp;
+			ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, pos);
+		}
+		// Raw flash bitstream file
+		else
+		{
+			TBool firstStartCode = EFalse;
+			while (!iInputEnd && !found)
+			{
+				TInt zeroCounter = 0;
+				while ((byte = ReadByteFromFile()) == 0x00 && !iInputEnd)
+				{
+					zeroCounter++;
+					pos++;
+				}
+				pos++;
+				if ((zeroCounter >= 2) && ((byte & 0xF8) == 0x80))
+				{
+					if (!firstStartCode)
+					{
+						firstStartCode = ETrue;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, end of flash video picture found [%d]"), pos-3))
+						found = ETrue;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (iInputEnd)
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, inputEndFound, %d"), pos))
+				pos--;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				pos -= 3;
+			}
+			iReadDataChunk = iReadDataChunkTemp;
+			ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, pos);
+		}
+	}
+	else if ( iCodecType == EAVC )
+	{
+		if (iSetAUFormat)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, AU format case")))
+			TBool auFound = EFalse;
+			TBool firstMB = EFalse;
+			TUint32 nalUnits = 0;
+			TUint32 totalData = 0;
+			iNalOffsetArray = new TUint32[KMaxNumberOfNals];
+			iNalLengthArray = new TUint32[KMaxNumberOfNals];
+			iMemAlloc += 2;
+			TInt previousNal = 0;
+			while (!auFound)
+			{
+				TBool firstStartCode = EFalse;
+				// Check if start code of Visual Object Sequence
+				pos = 0;
+				TInt nalStart = 0;
+				while (!iInputEnd && !found && !auFound)
+				{
+					TInt zeroCounter = 0;
+					while ((byte = ReadByteFromFile()) == 0x00 && !iInputEnd)
+					{
+						zeroCounter++;
+						pos++;
+					}
+					pos++;
+					if ((zeroCounter >= 2) && (byte  == 0x01))
+					{
+						if (!firstStartCode)
+						{
+							firstStartCode = ETrue;
+							nalStart = pos - KScLength;
+							iNalOffsetArray[nalUnits] = pos+totalData;
+							byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+							pos++;
+							if (((byte & 0x1F) == 7) && ( previousNal == 5 || previousNal == 1 ) )
+							{
+								auFound = ETrue;
+								pos -= 4;
+								GoBackInFile(4);
+							}
+							else if (((byte & 0x1F) == 5) || ((byte & 0x1F) == 1))
+							{
+								byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+								pos++;
+								if (byte >= 128)
+								{
+									if (firstMB)
+									{
+										//NAL that belongs to the next AU
+										PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Next AU Nal Found")))
+										auFound = ETrue;
+										pos -= 5;
+										GoBackInFile(5);
+									}
+									else
+									{
+										PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, First MB")))
+										firstMB = ETrue;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							previousNal = byte & 0x1F;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, NAL start: [%d]"), nalStart ))
+							PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, end of h264 NAL found at [%d]"), pos ))
+							found = ETrue;
+							pos -= KScLength;
+							GoBackInFile(KScLength); //go back before next start code
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (!found && iInputEnd)
+				{
+					auFound = ETrue;
+					if ( nalUnits == 0 )
+					{
+						totalData = pos;
+						PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture: pos: %d"),pos))
+						iNalLengthArray[nalUnits] = pos;
+						nalUnits++;
+					}
+				}
+				found = EFalse;
+				if (!auFound)
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Searching next NAL")))
+					totalData += pos;
+					iNalLengthArray[nalUnits] = pos - 3 - nalStart;
+					nalUnits++;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, AU Found")))
+					iReadDataChunk = iReadDataChunkTemp;
+					ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, totalData);
+					pos = totalData; //Set amount of data read from a file
+					//Optional filler data to align the header at a 32-bit boundary
+					while ((totalData % 4) != 0)
+					{
+						testData[totalData] = 0;
+						totalData++;
+					}
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Casting headerpointer")))
+					TUint8* headerData = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(const_cast<TUint8*>(aCodedInBuffer->iData.Ptr()));
+					TUint headerStart = totalData; //changing 8bit index to 32bit
+					for (TUint i = 0; i < nalUnits; i++)
+					{
+						*((TUint32*)&headerData[headerStart]) = static_cast<TUint32>(iNalOffsetArray[i]);
+						PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture: offset [%d] | [%d] "), iNalOffsetArray[i], headerData[headerStart]))
+						*((TUint32*)&headerData[headerStart+4]) = static_cast<TUint32>(iNalLengthArray[i]);
+						PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture: size [%d] | [%d][%d][%d][%d] "), iNalLengthArray[i], headerData[headerStart+4],headerData[headerStart+5],headerData[headerStart+6],headerData[headerStart+7]))
+						headerStart += 8;
+					}
+					*((TUint32*)&headerData[headerStart]) = static_cast<TUint32>(nalUnits);
+					headerStart += 4;
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, deleting arrays")))
+					delete iNalLengthArray;
+					iNalLengthArray = NULL;
+					iMemDelete++;
+					delete iNalOffsetArray;
+					iNalOffsetArray = NULL;
+					iMemDelete++;
+					#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, mem del, iNalLengthArray") ))
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, mem del, iNalOffsetArray") ))
+					#endif
+					/*for (TUint i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+					{
+					PRINT((_L("test data End [%d]"), testData[pos-100+i]))
+					} */
+					//Set Size to length of the header + one picure, and reset position to be read next time
+					aCodedInBuffer->iData.SetLength(headerStart);
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture,length of frame: [%d] "),pos))
+					//TInt tempLength = pos - buffLength;
+					//err = iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent,tempLength);
+					return pos;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Bytestream case")))
+			TBool auFound = EFalse;
+			TBool firstMB = EFalse;
+			TUint32 totalData = 0;
+			TInt previousNal = 0;
+			while (!auFound)
+			{
+				// Check if start code of Visual Object Sequence
+				TBool firstStartCode = EFalse;
+				pos = 0;
+				TInt nalStart = 0;
+				while (!iInputEnd && !found)
+				{
+					TInt zeroCounter = 0;
+					while ((byte = ReadByteFromFile()) == 0x00 && !iInputEnd)
+					{
+						zeroCounter++;
+						pos++;
+					}
+					pos++;
+					if ((zeroCounter >= 2) && (byte  == 0x01))
+					{
+						if (!firstStartCode)
+						{
+							firstStartCode = ETrue;
+							nalStart = pos-KScLength;
+							byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+							pos++;
+							if (((byte & 0x1F) == 7) && ( previousNal == 5 || previousNal == 1 ) )
+							{
+								auFound = ETrue;
+								pos -= 4;
+								GoBackInFile(4);
+							}
+							else if (((byte & 0x1F) == 5) || ((byte & 0x1F) == 1))
+							{
+								byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+								pos++;
+								if (byte >= 128)
+								{
+									if (firstMB)
+									{
+										//NAL that belongs to the next AU
+										PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Next AU Nal Found")))
+										auFound = ETrue;
+										pos -= 5;
+										GoBackInFile(5);
+									}
+									else
+									{
+										PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, First MB")))
+										firstMB = ETrue;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							previousNal = byte & 0x1F;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, NAL start: [%d]"), nalStart ))
+							PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, end of h264 NAL found at [%d]"), pos ))
+							found = ETrue;
+							pos -= KScLength;
+							GoBackInFile(KScLength); //go back before next start code
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (!found && iInputEnd)
+				{
+					totalData += pos;
+					auFound = ETrue;
+				}
+				found = EFalse;
+				if (!auFound)
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Searching next NAL")))
+					totalData += pos;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, AU Found")))
+					iReadDataChunk = iReadDataChunkTemp;
+					ReadDataToBuffer(aCodedInBuffer, totalData);
+					pos = totalData; //Set amount of data read from a file
+					PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture,length of frame: [%d] "),pos));
+					return pos;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		err = KErrNotSupported;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, codec type unknown")))
+	}
+	if (err == KErrNone)  // wk45 for listing frame size
+	err = pos;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Out")))
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture()
+* Purpose:    Read one coded picture into decoder input buffer, frame size is known
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer TInt Size
+* Return:     TInt
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer, TInt aSize)
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, aSize);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadOneCodedPicture, Frame Size"),aSize ))
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+	{
+		err = aSize;
+	}
+	if (aSize == 0)
+	{
+		iInputEnd = ETrue;
+	}
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReadRawPicture()
+* Purpose:    Read one raw picture into postprocessor input buffer
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::ReadRawPicture()
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadRawPicture, Maximum data length in video picture: [%d]"),iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData->MaxLength()))
+	iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData->Set((TUint8*)iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData->Ptr(), 0, iInBuffSize);
+	err = iInFile.Read(*(iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData),iInBuffSize);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadRawPicture, data length:[%d]"),iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData->Length()))
+	if ( !err )
+	{
+		if ( (iRawInBuffer->iData.iRawData->Length()) == 0)
+		{
+			iInputEnd = ETrue;
+		}
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadRawPicture, Out error:[%d]"),err))
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetReturnedPictureL
+* Purpose:    Retrieve output picuture
+* Note:       Memory buffer output is used
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetReturnedPictureL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetReturnedPictureL, In")))
+	iOutBuffer = iDevvp->NextPictureL();
+	if ( iOutBuffer )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetReturnedPictureL, data Size in Byte:[%d]"),iOutBuffer->iData.iRawData->Size() ))
+		iReturnedBuffCount++;
+		SaveAndReturnPicture();
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetReturnedPictureL, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture()
+* Purpose:    Store output data into a file
+* Note:       Memory buffer output is used
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture, In")))
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if (iFrameMeasurement && iReturnedBuffCount == 1)
+	{
+		iClock->Reset(); // Reset Timer
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture, clock reset")))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if ( iFrameMeasurement )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture, Frame measurement is on, %d. frame"), iReturnedBuffCount))
+			TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds time;
+			time = iClock->Time();
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture, time measured: [%d%d]"), I64HIGH(time.Int64()), I64LOW(time.Int64())))
+			iFrameTime = (TReal)time.Int64()/1000000.0;
+			if(iInstantFpsEnabled)
+			{
+				iInstantFpsList.Append(time);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			err = iOutFile.Write(*(iOutBuffer->iData.iRawData),iOutBuffer->iData.iRawData->Size() );
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture,  Output data stored: count[%d]"),iReturnedBuffCount))
+		}
+	}
+	if (iSetSlowClient)
+	{
+		if (iOutBufferTemp)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture, returning previous buffer (slow client)")))
+			iDevvp->ReturnPicture(iOutBufferTemp);
+		}
+		iOutBufferTemp = iOutBuffer;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture, returning buffer")))
+		iDevvp->ReturnPicture(iOutBuffer);
+	}
+	iOutBuffer = NULL;
+	if ( err != KErrNone )
+	{
+		//iInputEnd = ETrue; Fix for MRII-7HW9R3
+		iError = err;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture, Error in store data: [%d]"),iError))
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SaveAndReturnPicture, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::Pause()
+* Purpose:    Pause decoding/postprocessing
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::Pause()
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if ( iState == ERunning )
+	{
+		if ( iSynchronized )
+		{
+			iClock->Suspend();  //Stop Clock source
+		}
+		iDevvp->Pause();
+		iState = EPaused;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Pause(), Paused")))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		err = KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::Resume()
+* Purpose:    Resume decoding/postprocessing
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::Resume()
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if ( iState == EPaused )
+	{
+		if ( iSynchronized )
+		{
+			iClock->Resume();  //Restart Clock source
+		}
+		iDevvp->Resume();
+		iState = ERunning;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Resume(), Resumed")))
+		/*if ( iDecHWDevId )
+		{
+		if ( iDevvp->NumFreeBuffers() )
+		{
+		iDecTestAO->RequestData();   //Restart data transfer
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Resume, No input buffer available now")));
+		}
+		}*/
+		iDecTestAO->RequestData();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		err = KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::FreezePicture()
+* Purpose:    Freeze decoding/postprocessing
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeStamp
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::FreezePicture(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeStamp)
+	iDevvp->FreezePicture(aTimeStamp);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Freeze(), Freezed: timestamp[%ld]"), aTimeStamp.Int64()))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReleaseFreeze()
+* Purpose:    Release Freeze
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeStamp
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::ReleaseFreeze(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeStamp)
+	iDevvp->ReleaseFreeze(aTimeStamp);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReleaseFreeze(), Freeze released")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL
+* Purpose:    Start DirectScreenAccess
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL(TRect aVideoRect, TRect aClipRegion)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL(), In")))
+	if (!iScreenDevice)
+	{
+		User::LeaveIfError (RFbsSession::Connect());
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL, connected to Fbs server :")))
+		TInt err = KErrNone;
+		if( iUseSecondScreen )
+		{
+			TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(1, EColor16MU));
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(0, EColor16MU));
+		}
+		if( err == KErrNotSupported )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL, EColor16MU is not supported, ")))
+			if( iUseSecondScreen )
+			{
+				TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(1, EColor16MA));
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(0, EColor16MA));
+			}
+		}
+		if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL, couldn't initialize screen device, err[%d]"),err))
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			iMemAlloc++;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL, mem alloc, iScreenDevice") ))
+			#endif
+		}
+	}
+	TRegionFix<1> region(aClipRegion);
+	//Start DSA
+	iDevvp->StartDirectScreenAccessL(aVideoRect, *iScreenDevice, region);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Start, DSA started")))
+	iDsaStarted = ETrue;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL(), Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL
+* Purpose:    Start DirectScreenAccess
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL(), In")))
+	if (iDsaStarted)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL(), DSA already started- abort first")))
+		AbortDirectScreenAccess();
+	}
+	if (!iScreenDevice)
+	{
+		User::LeaveIfError (RFbsSession::Connect());
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Start, connected to Fbs server :")))
+		TInt err = KErrNone;
+		if( iUseSecondScreen )
+		{
+			TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(1, EColor16MU));
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(0, EColor16MU));
+		}
+		//TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(0, EColor16MU));
+		if( err == KErrNotSupported )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL, EColor16MU is not supported, ")))
+			if( iUseSecondScreen )
+			{
+				TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(1, EColor16MA));
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(0, EColor16MA));
+			}
+			//TRAP(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(0, EColor16MA));
+		}
+		if ( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Start, couldn't initialize screen device, err[%d]"),err))
+		}
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Start, disprect x[%d],y[%d] "),iDispRect.iTl.iX, iDispRect.iTl.iY))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Start, disprect width[%d],height[%d] "),iDispRect.Width(),iDispRect.Height()))
+	TRegionFix<1> region(iDispRect);
+	//Start DSA
+	iDevvp->StartDirectScreenAccessL(iDispRect, *iScreenDevice, region);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Start, DSA started")))
+	iDsaStarted = ETrue;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::StartDirectScreenAccessL(), Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::AbortDirectScreenAccess
+* Purpose:    AbortDirectScreenAccess
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::AbortDirectScreenAccess()
+	if ( iDirectScreenAccess && iDsaStarted )
+	{
+	iDevvp->AbortDirectScreenAccess();
+	iDsaStarted = EFalse;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::AbortDirectScreenAccess, aborted ")))
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetSecureOutputL
+* Purpose:    Set sucure output enable
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TBool aSecure
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetSecureOutputL(TBool aSecure)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetSecureOutputL, In")))
+	MMmfVideoSecureOutput* secureOutput = NULL;     // Custom interface Secure output
+	secureOutput = (MMmfVideoSecureOutput*)iDevvp->CustomInterface(iPostProcId, KMmfVideoSecureOutputUid);
+	if (!secureOutput)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetSecureOutput, Failed to retrieve Secure CI")))
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+	}
+	secureOutput->MmvsoSetSecureOutputL(aSecure);
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetSecureOutputL, Out [%d]"), aSecure))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetPosition
+* Purpose:    Set postion
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeStamp
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetPosition(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPlaybackPosition)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetPosition, In")))
+	iDevvp->SetPosition(aPlaybackPosition);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetPosition, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ResetPosition
+* Purpose:    Reset postion to start
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTimeStamp
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::ResetPosition()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ResetPosition, In")))
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds starttime(0);
+	iDevvp->SetPosition(starttime);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ResetPosition, Reset Position to start of bitstream")))
+	if ( iSynchronized )
+	{
+		iClock->Reset(starttime);
+		iTimeStamp = 0;
+		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds currenttime = iClock->Time();
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ResetPosition, current time[%ld]"),currenttime.Int64() ))
+	}
+	TInt pos = 0;
+	iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos);
+	iSentBuffCount = 0;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ResetPosition, In")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::PlaybackPosition
+* Purpose:    Ritrieve Playback Position
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CVDecTestEngine::PlaybackPosition()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PlaybackPosition, In")))
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds position = iDevvp->PlaybackPosition();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PlaybackPosition, Playback Position[%ld]"),position.Int64()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PlaybackPosition, Out")))
+	return position;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::DecodingPosition
+* Purpose:    Ritrieve Decoding Position
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::DecodingPosition()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::DecodingPosition, In")))
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds position = iDevvp->DecodingPosition();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::DecodingPosition, Decoding Position[%ld]"),position.Int64()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::DecodingPosition, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetFrameSizeCount
+* Purpose:    Get frame size count after frame sizes are listed
+* Note:       Called after initialization
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     TInt
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::GetFrameSizeCount()
+    {
+    return iFrameSizeList.Count();
+    }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::EnableSynchronization
+* Purpose:    Set Clock and enable synchronization
+* Note:       Called before initialization and after Decoder/post-processor selected
+* Parameters: TInt aFrameRate
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::EnableSynchronization(TInt aFrameRate)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::EnableSynchronization, In")))
+	iDevvp->SetClockSource(iClock);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Synchronization, Clock source set")))
+	iSynchronized = ETrue;
+	iFrameTimeInterval = (TInt64)(1000000/aFrameRate);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::Synchronization, Frame rate:[%d]"),aFrameRate ))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::EnableSynchronization, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetWindowRect
+* Purpose:    Set sucure output enable
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TInt aX, TInt aY, TSize aSize
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetWindowRect(TInt aX, TInt aY, TSize aSize )
+	iDispRect.SetRect(TPoint(aX,aY),aSize);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetWindowRect, [%d], [%d]"),aX ,aY ))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetWindowRect, width[%d], height[%d]"),aSize.iWidth, aSize.iHeight))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSizeL
+* Purpose:    List size of each frmae of coded bitstream for synchrinized
+*             playback
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSizeL(RArray<TInt> aFramesizes)
+	if ( iCodecType == EVC1 ){
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSizeL, not supported for VC1") ))
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+	}
+	TInt framesize = 0;
+	TVideoInputBuffer* videoBuffer = new(ELeave) TVideoInputBuffer;
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	HBufC8* tempBuff = HBufC8::NewL(iInBuffSize);
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSizeL, mem alloc, videoBuffer & iInBuffSize") ))
+	#endif
+	videoBuffer->iData.Set(tempBuff->Des());
+	//iListFrameSize = ETrue;
+	if(aFramesizes.Count() > 0)
+	{
+		for (TUint i = 0; i < aFramesizes.Count(); i++)
+		{
+			iFrameSizeList.AppendL(aFramesizes[i]);
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSize, user input [%d]"),aFramesizes[i]))
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		while (!iInputEnd)
+		{
+			videoBuffer->iData.SetLength(0);
+			framesize = ReadOneCodedPicture(videoBuffer);
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSize, frame size[%d]"),framesize))
+			// here append frame size in list
+			if (framesize >= 0 )
+			{
+				iFrameSizeList.AppendL(framesize);
+				iSentBuffCount++;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSize, frame count[%d]"),iFrameSizeList.Count()))
+	// cleanup
+	//Reset file postion to start
+	TInt pos =0;
+	iSentBuffCount = 0;
+	iReadDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+	iWriteDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+	iDataReadFromFile = 0;
+	iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos);
+	iInputEnd = EFalse;
+	delete tempBuff;
+	delete videoBuffer;
+	iMemDelete += 2;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSize, mem del, tempBuff & videoBuffer") ))
+	#endif
+	if ( framesize < 0)
+	{
+        PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ListFrameSize, error[%d]"),framesize ))
+		User::Leave(framesize);
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetLandscapeMode()
+* Purpose:    Set landscape mode flag
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetLandscapeMode()
+iLandscapeMode = ETrue;
+PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetLandscapeMode, Landscape mode is set") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SelectDecoderL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SelectDecoderL(const TUid& aUid)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SelectDecoderL, In") ))
+	iDecoderUid = aUid;
+	iDecHWDevId = iDevvp->SelectDecoderL(aUid);
+	MMmfVideoResourceHandler* handler = (MMmfVideoResourceHandler*)iDevvp->CustomInterface(iDecHWDevId, KUidMmfVideoResourceManagement );
+	handler->MmvrhSetObserver(((MMmfVideoResourceObserver*)(this)));
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SelectDecoderL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SelectPostProcessorL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SelectPostProcessorL(const TUid& aUid)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SelectPostProcessorL, In") ))
+	iPostProcessorUid = aUid;
+	iPostProcId = iDevvp->SelectPostProcessorL(aUid);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SelectPostProcessorL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetBufferOptionsL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetBufferOptionsL(const CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBufferOptions& aOptions)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetBufferOptionsL, In") ))
+	iInBuffSize = aOptions.iMaxInputBufferSize;
+	iDevvp->SetBufferOptionsL(aOptions);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetBufferOptionsL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetVideoDestScreenL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetVideoDestScreenL(TBool aDest)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetVideoDestScreenL, In") ))
+	iDevvp->SetVideoDestScreenL(aDest);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetVideoDestScreenL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SynchronizeDecoding()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SynchronizeDecoding(TBool aSynch)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SynchronizeDecoding, In") ))
+	iDevvp->SynchronizeDecoding(aSynch);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SynchronizeDecoding, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetBufferOptions()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetBufferOptions()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBufferOptions, In") ))
+	CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBufferOptions options;
+	iDevvp->GetBufferOptions(options);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBufferOptions: iPreDecodeBufferSize: [%d]\n iMaxPostDecodeBufferSize: [%d]\n"),
+	options.iPreDecodeBufferSize, options.iMaxPostDecodeBufferSize))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBufferOptions: iMaxInputBufferSize [%d]\n iMinNumInputBuffers [%d]\n "),
+	options.iMaxInputBufferSize, options.iMinNumInputBuffers))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBufferOptions: iPreDecoderBufferPeriod [%d] [%d]"), I64LOW(options.iPreDecoderBufferPeriod.Int64()), I64HIGH(options.iPreDecoderBufferPeriod.Int64())))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBufferOptions: iPostDecoderBufferPeriod [%d] [%d]"), I64LOW(options.iPostDecoderBufferPeriod.Int64()), I64HIGH(options.iPostDecoderBufferPeriod.Int64())))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetBufferOptions, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetInputFormatL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetInputFormatL(TInt aHwDev, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputFormatL, In") ))
+	if (aHwDev == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetInputFormatL(iPostProcId, aFormat);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetInputFormatL(iDecHWDevId, aFormat);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputFormatL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetOutputFormatL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetOutputFormatL(TInt aHwDev, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetOutputFormatL, In") ))
+	if (aHwDev == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetOutputFormatL(iPostProcId, aFormat);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetOutputFormatL(iDecHWDevId, aFormat);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetOutputFormatL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetInputFormatL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetInputFormatL(TInt aHwDev, const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat,
+TVideoDataUnitType aDataUnitType, TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation aEncapsulation,
+TBool aDataInOrder)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputFormatL, In") ))
+	if (aHwDev == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetInputFormatL(iPostProcId, aFormat, aDataUnitType, aEncapsulation, aDataInOrder);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetInputFormatL(iDecHWDevId, aFormat, aDataUnitType, aEncapsulation, aDataInOrder);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetInputFormatL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::FindCommonFormats()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::FindCommonFormatsL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindCommonFormatsL, In") ))
+	// Set Output Format for Decoder/Input Format for Postprocessor
+	RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> decformats;
+	TUncompressedVideoFormat commonFormat;
+	iDevvp->GetOutputFormatListL(iDecHWDevId, decformats);
+	CPostProcessorInfo* info;
+	info = iDevvp->PostProcessorInfoLC(iPostProcessorUid);
+	RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> ppformats;
+	ppformats = info->SupportedFormats();
+	//Find common format for dec output and postproc input
+	TBool found = iDevvp->FindCommonFormat(decformats.Array(), ppformats.Array(), commonFormat);
+	if (found)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetOutputFormatL(iDecHWDevId, commonFormat);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindCommonFormatsL, Decoder output Format set")))
+		iDevvp->SetInputFormatL(iPostProcId, commonFormat);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindCommonFormatsL, Postprocessor input format set.")))
+		PrintUncompressedFormat(commonFormat);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindCommonFormatsL, Common Format not found")))
+		User::Leave( KErrNotFound);
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(info);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindCommonFormatsL, closing array") ))
+	decformats.Close();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindCommonFormatsL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::FindDecodersL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::FindDecodersL(const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint32 aPostProcType, TBool aExactMatch, TUid& aUid )
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindDecodersL, In") ))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	//UID is not set
+	if (aUid.iUid == 0 && !aExactMatch)
+	{
+		supports = KErrNone;
+	}
+	RArray<TUid> decoders;
+	CleanupClosePushL(decoders);
+	iDevvp->FindDecodersL(aMimeType, aPostProcType, decoders, aExactMatch);
+	for (TUint i = 0; i < decoders.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		if (decoders[i].iUid == aUid.iUid)
+		{
+			supports = KErrNone;
+		}
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindDecodersL, Uid [%x]"), decoders[i].iUid ))
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&decoders);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindDecodersL, Out") ))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::FindPostProcessorsL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::FindPostProcessorsL(TUid& aUid, TUint32 aPostProcType)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindPostProcessorsL, In") ))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	//UID is not set
+	if (aUid.iUid == 0)
+	{
+		supports = KErrNone;
+	}
+	RArray<TUid> postProcessors;
+	CleanupClosePushL(postProcessors);
+	iDevvp->FindPostProcessorsL(aPostProcType, postProcessors);
+	for (TUint i = 0; i < postProcessors.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindPostProcessorsL, Uid [%x]"), postProcessors[i].iUid ))
+		if (postProcessors[i].iUid == aUid.iUid)
+		{
+			supports = KErrNone;
+		}
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&postProcessors);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::FindPostProcessorsL, Out") ))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetDecoderListL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetDecoderListL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetDecoderListL, In") ))
+	RArray<TUid> decoders;
+	CleanupClosePushL(decoders);
+	iDevvp->GetDecoderListL(decoders);
+	for (TUint i = 0; i < decoders.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetDecoderListL, Uid [%x]"), decoders[i].iUid ))
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&decoders);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetDecoderListL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL(TVideoPictureHeader& aVideoPictureHeader)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, In") ))
+	if( iSetPassword )
+	{
+		TBuf16<128> tempBuf;
+		tempBuf.Copy( iPasswordForFLV);
+		PRINT( ( _L( "CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL(): password tempBuf: %S." ), &tempBuf ) )
+		TPtrC8 metaData((TUint8*)iPasswordForFLV.Ptr(), iPasswordForFLV.Size());
+		aVideoPictureHeader.iOptional = &metaData;
+	}
+	iDevvp->ConfigureDecoderL(aVideoPictureHeader);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, In") ))
+	if (iCodecType == EVC1)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, iCodectype VC1") ))
+		TInt configPosition = 0;
+		TUint configDataSize = 36; // MetaData is 36 Bytes in SP-L0 VC1 .
+		TUint8* ptr = new (ELeave) TUint8[configDataSize+8];
+		iMemAlloc++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, mem alloc, ptr") ))
+		#endif
+		TUint32* ptr32 = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(ptr);
+		ptr32[0] = 1;
+		ptr32[1] = 44;
+		TPtr8 configData((ptr+8), configDataSize);
+		for (TUint i=0; i < 8; i++)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, beginning [%d]"), ptr[i] ))
+		}
+		User::LeaveIfError(iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart, configPosition));
+		User::LeaveIfError(iInFile.Read(configData, configDataSize));
+		TVideoPictureHeader* configHeader = new TVideoPictureHeader;
+		iMemAlloc++;
+		CleanupStack::PushL(configHeader);
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, mem alloc, configHeader") ))
+		#endif
+		TPtrC8 metaData(ptr,configDataSize+8);
+		configHeader->iOptional = &metaData;
+		configHeader->iLevel = -1;
+		configHeader->iProfile = -1;
+		iDevvp->ConfigureDecoderL(*configHeader);
+		CleanupStack::Pop();
+		delete ptr;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		delete configHeader;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, mem del, ptr & configHeader") ))
+		#endif
+		return;
+	}
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	TVideoPictureHeader* headerInfo = NULL;
+	HBufC8* tempBuff = NULL;
+	//Read Picture header : Size is not known
+	TVideoInputBuffer* codedBuffer = new(ELeave) TVideoInputBuffer;
+	CleanupStack::PushL( codedBuffer );
+	iInBuffSize = KMaxCodedSize;
+	err = KErrOverflow;
+	while ( (err == KErrOverflow) && (iInBuffSize <= KMaxCodedSize) )
+	{
+		tempBuff = HBufC8::NewL(iInBuffSize);
+		CleanupStack::PushL( tempBuff );
+		codedBuffer->iData.Set(tempBuff->Des());
+		if ( iFrameSizeList.Count() > 0 )
+		{
+			err = ReadOneCodedPicture(codedBuffer, iFrameSizeList[0] );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			err = ReadOneCodedPicture(codedBuffer);
+		}
+		//err = ReadOneCodedPicture(codedBuffer);
+		TInt pos =0;
+		if ( iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos) )
+		{
+			err = KErrGeneral;
+		}
+		if ( iInputEnd )
+		{
+			err = KErrNotFound;
+		}
+		if ( err < 0 )
+		{
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuff);
+			iInBuffSize = 4*iInBuffSize;
+		}
+	}
+	// Reitrieve header information from bitstream
+	if ( err  < 0 )
+	{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(codedBuffer);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, Reading input data fail")))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		err = KErrNone;
+		headerInfo = iDevvp->GetHeaderInformationL(EDuCodedPicture,EDuElementaryStream,codedBuffer);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBuff);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(codedBuffer);
+		//Check Header info
+		if ( headerInfo )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, Configuring the decoder")))
+			if( iSetPassword )
+			{
+				TBuf16<128> tempBuf;
+				tempBuf.Copy( iPasswordForFLV);
+				PRINT( ( _L( "CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL(): password tempBuf: %S." ), &tempBuf ) )
+				TPtrC8 metaData((TUint8*)iPasswordForFLV.Ptr(), iPasswordForFLV.Size());
+				headerInfo->iOptional = &metaData;
+			}
+			iDevvp->ConfigureDecoderL(*headerInfo);
+			//return headerInfo
+			iDevvp->ReturnHeader(headerInfo);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, Get header info fail")))
+			err = KErrGeneral;
+		}
+	}
+	// Set size of decoder input buffer
+	if ( iCodecType == EH263 )
+	{
+		if ( (iPictureSize.iWidth <= 176 ) && (iPictureSize.iHeight <= 144) )
+		iInBuffSize = KH263MaxCodedSizeQCIF;
+		else
+		iInBuffSize = KH263MaxCodedSizeCIF;
+	}
+	else //Mpeg4 and AVC and FLV
+	{
+		if ( (iPictureSize.iWidth <= 176 ) && (iPictureSize.iHeight <= 144) )
+		iInBuffSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeQCIF;
+		else if ( (iPictureSize.iWidth <= 352 ) && (iPictureSize.iHeight <= 288) )
+		iInBuffSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeCIF;
+		else if ( (iPictureSize.iWidth <= 640 ) && (iPictureSize.iHeight <= 480) )
+		iInBuffSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizeVGA;
+		else if  ( (iPictureSize.iWidth <= 720 ) && (iPictureSize.iHeight <= 576) )
+		iInBuffSize = KMP4MaxCodedSizePAL;
+		else
+		iInBuffSize = KMaxCodedSize;
+	}
+	AssertTIntEqualL(KErrNone, err);
+	TInt pos =0;
+	iSentBuffCount = 0;
+	iReadDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+	iWriteDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+	iDataReadFromFile = 0;
+	iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConfigureDecoderL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetOutputFormatListL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetOutputFormatListL(TInt aHWDevice)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetOutputFormatListL, In") ))
+	RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> formats;
+	CleanupClosePushL(formats);
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->GetOutputFormatListL(iPostProcId, formats);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->GetOutputFormatListL(iDecHWDevId, formats);
+	}
+	for (TUint i = 0; i < formats.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetOutputFormatListL, Format No.%d"), i))
+		PrintUncompressedFormat(formats[i]);
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&formats);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetOutputFormatListL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsOutputFormatL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsOutputFormatL(TInt aHwdev, const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsOutputFormatL, In") ))
+	TInt result = KErrNotSupported;
+	RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> formats;
+	CleanupClosePushL(formats);
+	if (aHwdev == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->GetOutputFormatListL(iPostProcId, formats);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->GetOutputFormatListL(iDecHWDevId, formats);
+	}
+	for (TUint i = 0; i < formats.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsOutputFormatL, Format No.%d"), i))
+		if (formats[i] == aFormat)
+		{
+			result = KErrNone;
+		}
+		PrintUncompressedFormat(formats[i]);
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&formats);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsOutputFormatL, Out") ))
+	return result;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GetPostProcessorListL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GetPostProcessorListL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPostProcessorListL, Out") ))
+	RArray<TUid> postProcessors;
+	CleanupClosePushL(postProcessors);
+	iDevvp->GetPostProcessorListL(postProcessors);
+	for (TUint i = 0; i < postProcessors.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPostProcessorListL, Uid [%x]"), postProcessors[i].iUid ))
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&postProcessors);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetPostProcessorListL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL(TUid aVideoDecoder)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, In") ))
+	CVideoDecoderInfo* info;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, 2test") ))
+	info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aVideoDecoder);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, test") ))
+	TVersion version = info->Version();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, Manufacturer: %S"), &info->Manufacturer()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, Identifier: %S"), &info->Identifier()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, Version information:")))
+	PRINT((_L("Major Version:[%d], Minor Version:[%d], Build number:[%d] "), version.iMajor,version.iMinor,version.iBuild))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, HW Accelerated:[%d]"),info->Accelerated()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, Support Direct Screen:[%d]"),info->SupportsDirectDisplay()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, MaxPictureSize, %dx%d"),info->MaxPictureSize().iWidth, info->MaxPictureSize().iHeight))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, MaxBitrate: [%d]"),info->MaxBitrate()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, SupportsPictureLoss: [%d]"),info->SupportsPictureLoss()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, SupportsSliceLoss: [%d]"),info->SupportsSliceLoss()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, CodingStandardSpecificInfo: %S"), &info->CodingStandardSpecificInfo()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, ImplementationSpecificInfo: %S"), &info->ImplementationSpecificInfo()))
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(info);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::VideoDecoderInfoL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL(TUid aPostProcessor)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, In") ))
+	CPostProcessorInfo* info;
+	info = iDevvp->PostProcessorInfoLC(aPostProcessor);
+	TVersion version = info->Version();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Manufacturer: %S"), &info->Manufacturer()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Identifier: %S"), &info->Identifier()))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Version information:")))
+	PRINT((_L("Major Version:[%d], Minor Version:[%d], Build number:[%d] "), version.iMajor,version.iMinor,version.iBuild))
+	// combination
+	RArray<TUint32> combination = info->SupportedCombinations();
+	for (TInt i=0; i < combination.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, combiantion:[%x]"), combination.operator[](i)))
+	}
+	//Color Conversion YUV to RGV
+	TYuvToRgbCapabilities colorconv;
+	colorconv = info->YuvToRgbCapabilities();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, YUV Sampling Pattern bit:[0x%x]"),colorconv.iSamplingPatterns))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, YUV Coefficient bit:[0x%x]"),colorconv.iCoefficients))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, RGB Formats bit:[0x%x]"),colorconv.iRgbFormats))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Lightness Control:[%d]"),colorconv.iLightnessControl))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Saturation Control:[%d]"),colorconv.iSaturationControl))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Contrast Control:[%d]"),colorconv.iContrastControl))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Gamma Correction:[%d]"),colorconv.iGammaCorrection))
+	if(colorconv.iDitherTypes  & EDitherNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, No dither support")))
+	}
+	if(colorconv.iDitherTypes  & EDitherOrdered)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Ordered Dither")))
+	}
+	if(colorconv.iDitherTypes  & EDitherErrorDiffusion)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Error diffusion dither")))
+	}
+	if(colorconv.iDitherTypes  & EDitherOther)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Other hardware device specific dithering type")))
+	}
+	//HW Accelated
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, HW Accelerated:[%d]"),info->Accelerated()))
+	//Support Direct Screen
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Direct Screen:[%d]"),info->SupportsDirectDisplay()))
+	//Rotation
+	TUint rotation;
+	rotation =  info->SupportedRotations();
+	if(rotation & 0x00000001)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Rotation: 90Clockwise ")))
+	if(rotation & 0x00000002)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Rotation: 90Anticlockwise ")))
+	if(rotation & 0x00000004)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Rotation: 180 ")))
+	if(!(rotation & 0x00000007))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, No Rotation supported ")))
+	//Arbitrary Scaling
+	TInt support = info->SupportsArbitraryScaling();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Arbitrary Scaling:[%d]"),support))
+	//Scalling Factor
+	if ( support )
+	{
+		RArray<TScaleFactor> scale = info->SupportedScaleFactors();
+		for (TInt i=0; i<scale.Count(); i++)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Scalling Factor:[%d]/[%d]"),scale.operator[](i).iScaleNum, scale.operator[](i).iScaleDenom))
+		}
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Support Anti Aliased filter:[%d]"),info->AntiAliasedScaling()))
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(info);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PostProcessorInfoL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video decoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatL(const TUid& aUid, const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+	if(!info)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatL(),Error")))
+		return KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	if (info->SupportsFormat(aFormat))
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatL, Supported format found")))
+		supports=KErrNone;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video decoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL(const TUid& aUid, const CCompressedVideoFormat& aFormat)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	RPointerArray<CCompressedVideoFormat> formats;
+	CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+	if(!info)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL(),Error")))
+		formats.Close();
+		return KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	formats = info->SupportedFormats();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL(), supported formats")))
+	for (TUint i = 0; i < formats.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		TBuf16<128> format;
+		format.Copy(formats[i]->MimeType());
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL, Format [%S]"), &format))
+		//PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL, %d. Format [%S]"), &(formats[i]))
+		if (*(formats[i]) == aFormat)
+		{
+			supports = KErrNone;
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL, Supported format found")))
+		}
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsFormatInfoL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsAccelerationL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video decoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsAccelerationL(TInt aHwDev, const TUid& aUid)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsAccelerationL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	TBool supported = EFalse;
+	if (aHwDev == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		CPostProcessorInfo* info = iDevvp->PostProcessorInfoLC(aUid);
+		if(!info)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsAccelerationL(),Error")))
+			return KErrGeneral;
+		}
+		supported = info->Accelerated();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+		if(!info)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsAccelerationL(),Error")))
+			return KErrGeneral;
+		}
+		supported = info->Accelerated();
+	}
+	if (supported)
+	{
+		supports = KErrNone;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsAccelerationL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsDirectDisplayL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video decoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsDirectDisplayL(TInt aHwDev, const TUid& aUid)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsDirectDisplayL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	TBool supported = EFalse;
+	if (aHwDev == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		CPostProcessorInfo* info = iDevvp->PostProcessorInfoLC(aUid);
+		if(!info)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsDirectDisplayL(),Error")))
+			return KErrGeneral;
+		}
+		supported = info->SupportsDirectDisplay();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+		if(!info)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsDirectDisplayL(),Error")))
+			return KErrGeneral;
+		}
+		supported = info->SupportsDirectDisplay();
+	}
+	if (supported)
+	{
+		supports = KErrNone;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsDirectDisplayL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureSizeL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video decoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureSizeL(const TUid& aUid, TSize aSize)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureSizeL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+	if(!info)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureSizeL(),Error")))
+		return KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	TSize size = info->MaxPictureSize();
+	if (size.iWidth >= aSize.iWidth && size.iHeight >= aSize.iHeight)
+	{
+		supports = KErrNone;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureSizeL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureRateL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video decoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureRateL(const TUid& aUid, TPictureRateAndSize& aRateAndSize)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureRateL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	TPictureRateAndSize picRateAndSize;
+	CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+	if(!info)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVEncTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureRateL(),Error")))
+		return KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	RArray<TPictureRateAndSize> picRateAndSizeArray = info->MaxPictureRates();
+	for (TUint i=0; i < picRateAndSizeArray.Count(); i++)
+	{
+		picRateAndSize = picRateAndSizeArray[i];
+		if (aRateAndSize.iPictureRate <= picRateAndSize.iPictureRate && aRateAndSize.iPictureSize.iWidth <= picRateAndSize.iPictureSize.iWidth &&
+		aRateAndSize.iPictureSize.iHeight <= picRateAndSize.iPictureSize.iHeight)
+		{
+			supports = KErrNone;
+		}
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxPictureRateL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsSliceLossL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video decoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsSliceLossL(const TUid& aUid)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsSliceLossL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	TBool supported = EFalse;
+	CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+	if(!info)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsSliceLossL(),Error")))
+		return KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	supported = info->SupportsSliceLoss();
+	if (supported)
+	{
+		supports = KErrNone;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsSliceLossL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsPictureLossL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video decoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsPictureLossL(const TUid& aUid)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsPictureLossL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	TBool supported = EFalse;
+	CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+	if(!info)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsPictureLossL(),Error")))
+		return KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	supported = info->SupportsPictureLoss();
+	if (supported)
+	{
+		supports = KErrNone;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsPictureLossL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxBitrateL()
+* Purpose:    Retrieves information about an installed video encoder
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxBitrateL(const TUid& aUid, TInt aBitrate)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxBitrateL(),In")))
+	TInt supports = KErrNotSupported;
+	TInt bitrate = 0;
+	CVideoDecoderInfo* info = iDevvp->VideoDecoderInfoLC(aUid);
+	if(!info)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxBitrateL(),Error")))
+		return KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	bitrate = info->MaxBitrate();
+	if (aBitrate <= bitrate)
+	{
+		supports = KErrNone;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SupportsMaxBitrateL(),Out")))
+	return supports;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(TInt aHWDevice, const TYuvToRgbOptions& aOptions, const TYuvFormat& aYuvFormat, TRgbFormat aRgbFormat)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL, In") ))
+	if (aHWDevice == EPostProcessor)
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(iPostProcId, aOptions, aYuvFormat, aRgbFormat);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iDevvp->SetYuvToRgbOptionsL(iDecHWDevId, aOptions, aYuvFormat, aRgbFormat);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetYuvToRgbOptionsL, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetSlowClient()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetSlowClient(TBool aOption)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetSlowClient, In") ))
+	iSetSlowClient = aOption;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetSlowClient, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetFastClient()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetFastClient(TBool aOption)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetFastClient, In") ))
+	iSetFastClient = aOption;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetFastClient, Out") ))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetAUFormat()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::SetAUFormat()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetAUFormat, In") ))
+	if (iCodecType== EAVC)
+	{
+		iSetAUFormat = ETrue;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetAUFormat, Out") ))
+	return KErrNone;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL(const TDesC &anOld, const TDesC &aNew)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL, In") ))
+	CFileMan* fileman = CFileMan::NewL(iFs);
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL, mem alloc, fileman") ))
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL, fileman [%x]"), fileman))
+	CloseFile();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL, File [%s] moving to [%s]"), &anOld, &aNew ))
+	fileman->Move(anOld, aNew);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL, File [%s] moved to [%s]"), &anOld, &aNew ))
+	delete fileman;
+	iMemDelete++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL, mem del, fileman") ))
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL, Out") ))
+	return KErrNone;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CopyFileL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::CopyFileL(const TDesC &anOld, const TDesC &aNew)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CopyFileL, In") ))
+	CFileMan* fileman = CFileMan::NewL(iFs);
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MoveFileL, mem alloc, fileman") ))
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CopyFileL, fileman [%x]"), fileman))
+	//CloseFile();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CopyFileL, File [%s] copying to [%s]"), &anOld, &aNew ))
+	fileman->Copy(anOld, aNew);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CopyFileL, File [%s] copied to [%s]"), &anOld, &aNew ))
+	delete fileman;
+	iMemDelete++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CopyFileL, mem del, fileman") ))
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CopyFileL, Out") ))
+	return KErrNone;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::HandleNewBufferL()
+* Purpose:    Get Next input data
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::HandleNewBufferL()
+	if ( iState == ERunning && !iInputEnd )
+	{
+		if ( iDecHWDevId || iCIBuffMgmtOn ) //Retrieve buffer from Hwdevice
+		{
+			GetInputBufferL();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			FillAndSendBufferL();   // Postproc input
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::HandleNewBufferL, inputEnd found") ))
+		if (iLastFrame)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::HandleNewBufferL, Getting last input buffer") ))
+			GetInputBufferL();
+		}
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer)
+	// Normal VC1 video reading
+	// Read file after the file header
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, In")));
+	unsigned int frameDataSize = 4;     //4 Bytes to obain the framesize
+	unsigned int frameSize=0;
+	unsigned int Timestamp;
+	TInt err = 0;
+	TUint8* ptr = new (ELeave) TUint8[frameDataSize]; // dynamic alloc 1
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem alloc, ptr") ))
+	#endif
+	TPtr8 frameData(ptr, frameDataSize);
+	if ( (err = iInFile.Read(frameData, frameDataSize)) != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, Error reading file") ))
+		delete ptr;
+		ptr = NULL;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem del, ptr") ))
+		#endif
+		return err;
+	}
+	if (frameData.Length() < 4)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, File end found") ))
+		aCodedInBuffer->iData.SetLength( 0 );
+		iInputEnd = ETrue;
+		delete ptr;
+		ptr = NULL;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem del, ptr") ))
+		#endif
+		return KErrNone;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, Reading Item") ))
+	ReadItemLE(ptr, 4, (TUint8 *)&frameSize);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, before AND frameSize: %x"), frameSize ))
+	if (frameData.Length() < 4)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, File end found") ))
+		iInputEnd = ETrue;
+		delete ptr;
+		ptr = NULL;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem del, ptr") ))
+		#endif
+		return KErrNone;
+	}
+	frameSize = frameSize & ~(0xff000000);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, frameSize: %d"), frameSize ))
+	//Now obtain the Timestamp of the frame
+	if ( (err = iInFile.Read(frameData, frameDataSize)) != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, Error reading file %d"), err ))
+		return err;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, Reading Item2") ))
+	ReadItemLE(ptr, 4, (TUint8 *)&Timestamp);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, Timestamp: %d"), Timestamp ))
+	delete ptr;
+	ptr = NULL;
+	iMemDelete++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem del, ptr") ))
+	#endif
+	if (frameSize != 0)
+	{
+		tempFrame += frameSize + 8;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, tota data %d"), tempFrame ))
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, frame"), iFrame))
+		TInt currentPos = 0;
+		iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, currentPos );
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, currentPos %d"), currentPos ))
+		currentPos = 0;
+		//Send metadata in the first frame
+		if (iFrame==0)
+		{
+			TInt pos = 0;
+			//err = iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent,pos);
+			err = iInFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos);
+			//        	pos -= 44; //header (36) and framesize+timestamp (8)
+			//        	err = iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent,pos);
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, first frame")))
+			if ( (err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, frameSize+44)) != KErrNone)
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, Error reading file %d"), err ))
+				return err;
+			}
+			TUint8* ptr2 = new(ELeave)TUint8[4];       // dynamic alloc 2
+			iMemAlloc++;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem alloc, ptr2") ))
+			#endif
+			Mem::FillZ(ptr2,4);
+			TPtr8 firstPtr(ptr2,4,4);
+			//			aCodedInBuffer->iData.Insert(35,firstPtr);
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, frame1"), iFrame))
+			TUint8* ptr = new ( ELeave ) TUint8[8];    // dynamic alloc 3
+			iMemAlloc++;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem alloc, ptr") ))
+			#endif
+			Mem::FillZ( ptr, 8 );
+			ptr[0] = 1;
+			ptr[4] = 44;
+			TPtr8 anotherPtr(ptr, 8, 8);
+			aCodedInBuffer->iData.Insert(0, anotherPtr );
+			delete ptr2;
+			ptr2 = NULL;
+			delete ptr;
+			ptr = NULL;
+			iMemDelete += 2;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem del, ptr2 & ptr") ))
+			#endif
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, iFrame num != 0: %d"), iFrame ))
+			TInt pos = -8;
+			err = iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, pos);
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, read file: %d"), err ))
+			if ( (err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, frameSize+8)) != KErrNone)
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, Error reading file %d"), err ))
+				return err;
+			}
+			TUint8* ptr2 = new(ELeave)TUint8[4];         // dynamic alloc 4
+			iMemAlloc++;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem alloc, ptr2") ))
+			#endif
+			Mem::FillZ(ptr2,4);
+			TPtr8 firstPtr(ptr2,4,4);
+			//			aCodedInBuffer->iData.Insert(0, firstPtr);
+			delete ptr2;
+			iMemDelete++;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, mem del, ptr2") ))
+			#endif
+		}
+		TInt substreamID = 0;
+		if(aCodedInBuffer->iUser != NULL){
+			*((TInt*)aCodedInBuffer->iUser) = substreamID;
+		}
+		iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, currentPos );
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, currentPos %d"), currentPos ))
+		currentPos = 0;
+		aCodedInBuffer->iSequenceNumber = iFrame;
+		aCodedInBuffer->iOptions = TVideoInputBuffer::EPresentationTimestamp;
+		aCodedInBuffer->iPresentationTimestamp = Timestamp;
+		iTimeToPlay = aCodedInBuffer->iPresentationTimestamp ;
+		aCodedInBuffer->iDecodingTimestamp = Timestamp;
+		iPresentationTimestamp = aCodedInBuffer->iPresentationTimestamp ;
+	}
+	iFrame++;
+	PRINT(_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL.. Out"));
+	return frameSize;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReadItemLE()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+//Currently Supporting only upto 4Bytes
+TBool CVDecTestEngine::ReadItemLE(unsigned char *readBuffer, int Size,
+unsigned char* pItem)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadItemLE, In")));
+	unsigned int High=0, Low=0;
+	unsigned char m_char;
+	int shift = 0;
+	int numbytes = Size;
+	int i=0;
+	/* Read a little-endian file value into a variable, regardless of host endianness */
+	while (numbytes-- >0)
+	{
+		m_char  = readBuffer[i++];
+		if (shift >= 32)
+		{
+			High |= m_char << (shift-32);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			Low  |= m_char << shift;
+		}
+		shift += 8;
+	}
+	switch (Size)
+	{
+		case 1:
+		*pItem = (unsigned char)Low;
+		break;
+		case 2:
+		*(unsigned short *)pItem = (unsigned short)Low;
+		break;
+		case 4:
+		*(unsigned int *)pItem = (unsigned int)Low;
+		break;
+		default:
+		//WARN("Unknown size (%d) item read requested",Size);
+		//return false;
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadItemLE, Out")));
+	return TRUE;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::GoBackInFile()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::GoBackInFile(TUint aBytes)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GoBackInFile, In")));
+	//If read pointer is in the end of the buffer change it in the beginning
+	if (iReadDataChunk - iDataChunk >= aBytes)
+	{
+		iReadDataChunk -= aBytes;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		TInt endBytes = aBytes - (iReadDataChunk - iDataChunk);
+		iReadDataChunk = iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize-endBytes;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GoBackInFile, Out, ")));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReadByteFromFile()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TUint8 CVDecTestEngine::ReadByteFromFile()
+	//PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadByteFromFile, In")));
+	if (iDataReadFromFile == 0)
+	{
+		TInt err = CheckAndFillDataChunk();
+		if (err )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadByteFromFile, ERROR [%d]"), err));
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	if (iReadDataChunk >= iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize)
+	{
+		iReadDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+	}
+	if (iEndOfData && iReadDataChunk == iWriteDataChunk && iDataReadFromFile != 0)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadByteFromFile, Input End found")));
+		iInputEnd = ETrue;
+		TUint8 value = 0;
+		return value;
+	}
+	TUint8 byte = iReadDataChunk[0];
+	iReadDataChunk++;
+	return byte;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer, TInt aSize, TBool aDiscard)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, In")));
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, iWriteDataChunk [%x]"), iWriteDataChunk));
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, iReadDataChunk [%x]"), iReadDataChunk));
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, iDataChunk [%x]"), iDataChunk));
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, size [%d]"), aSize));
+	TInt err = CheckAndFillDataChunk();
+	if (err )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, ERROR [%d]"), err));
+		return;
+	}
+	aCodedInBuffer->iData.Zero();
+	if (iEndOfData)
+	{
+		if (iReadDataChunk == iWriteDataChunk && iDataReadFromFile != 0)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadByteFromFile, Input End found")));
+			iInputEnd = ETrue;
+			return;
+		}
+		if (iReadDataChunk+aSize > iWriteDataChunk && iReadDataChunk < iWriteDataChunk)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadByteFromFile, Input End found")));
+			if (!aDiscard)
+			{
+				aCodedInBuffer->iData.Append(iReadDataChunk, (iWriteDataChunk-iReadDataChunk));
+			}
+			iReadDataChunk += aSize;
+			iInputEnd = ETrue;
+			return;
+		}
+		else if (iReadDataChunk+aSize > iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize && iReadDataChunk > iWriteDataChunk &&
+		iDataChunk+aSize-(iDataChunkSize+iDataChunk-iReadDataChunk) > iWriteDataChunk)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadByteFromFile, Input End found")));
+			if (!aDiscard)
+			{
+				aCodedInBuffer->iData.Append(iReadDataChunk, (iDataChunkSize+(iDataChunk-iReadDataChunk)));
+			}
+			iReadDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+			if (!aDiscard)
+			{
+				aCodedInBuffer->iData.Append(iReadDataChunk, (iWriteDataChunk-iReadDataChunk));
+			}
+			iReadDataChunk += iWriteDataChunk-iReadDataChunk;
+			iInputEnd = ETrue;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if (iReadDataChunk+aSize <= iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize)
+	{
+		if (!aDiscard)
+		{
+			aCodedInBuffer->iData.Append(iReadDataChunk, aSize);
+		}
+		iReadDataChunk +=aSize;
+	}
+	else if (iReadDataChunk+aSize > iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, iReadDataChunk+aSize > iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize")));
+		if (!aDiscard)
+		{
+			aCodedInBuffer->iData.Append(iReadDataChunk, (iDataChunkSize+iDataChunk-iReadDataChunk));
+		}
+		TInt end = aSize - ( iDataChunkSize+iDataChunk - iReadDataChunk );
+		iReadDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+		PRINT( ( _L( "CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, iReadDataChunk = iDataChunk") ) );
+		if (!aDiscard)
+		{
+			aCodedInBuffer->iData.Append(iReadDataChunk, end);
+		}
+		iReadDataChunk += end;
+	}
+	err = CheckAndFillDataChunk();
+	if (err )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, ERROR [%d]"), err));
+		return;
+	};
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadDataToBuffer, Out")));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, In")));
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	//If all the data is read return KerrNone
+	if (iEndOfData)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, End of data")));
+		return KErrNone;
+	}
+	TInt32 read = (TInt32)(iReadDataChunk);
+	TInt32 write = (TInt32)(iWriteDataChunk);
+	TInt32 chunk = (TInt32)(iDataChunkSize);
+	TInt32 thres = (TInt32)(iDataThreshold);
+	//First time fill the whole buffer
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, read %d, write %d, chunk %d, thres %d"), read, write, chunk, thres));
+	if (iDataReadFromFile == 0)
+	{
+		TPtr8 temp(iWriteDataChunk, iDataChunkSize, iDataChunkSize);
+		if ( (err = iInFile.Read(temp, iDataChunkSize)) != KErrNone)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, Infile read [%d]"), err));
+			return err;
+		}
+		if (temp.Length() < iDataChunkSize)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, end of file found [%d]"), temp.Length()));
+			if(temp.Length()== 0){
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, Error! Trying to read zero-sized input file")));
+				iInputEnd = ETrue;
+			}
+			iEndOfData = ETrue;
+			iWriteDataChunk += temp.Length();
+			iDataReadFromFile += temp.Length();
+			return KErrNone;
+		}
+		iDataReadFromFile += iDataChunkSize;
+		for (TUint i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, [%x]"), iReadDataChunk[i]));
+		}
+	}
+	else if (((read-write) > (chunk-thres)) && (iSentBuffCount != 0))
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk > iDataChunkSize-iDataThreshold")));
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, iWriteDataChunk [%x]"), iWriteDataChunk));
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, iReadDataChunk [%x]"), iReadDataChunk));
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, iDataChunk [%x]"), iDataChunk));
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk [%d]"), iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk));
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, iDataChunkSize-iDataThreshold [%d]"), iDataChunkSize-iDataThreshold));
+		TPtr8 temp(iWriteDataChunk, iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk, iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk);
+		if ( (err = iInFile.Read(temp, (iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk))) != KErrNone)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, Infile read [%d]"), err));
+			return err;
+		}
+		if (temp.Length() < iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, End of file found [%d]"), temp.Length()));
+			iEndOfData = ETrue;
+			iWriteDataChunk += temp.Length();
+			return KErrNone;
+		}
+		iWriteDataChunk += iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk;
+		iDataReadFromFile += iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk;
+	}
+	else if (((write-read) < thres) && (iSentBuffCount != 0) && ((write-read) > 0))
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, iReadDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk > -iDataThreshold")));
+		//fill end of the buffer
+		TPtr8 end(iWriteDataChunk, iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize-iWriteDataChunk, iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize-iWriteDataChunk);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, TPtr created")));
+		if ( (err = iInFile.Read(end, (iDataChunkSize+iDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk))) != KErrNone)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, Infile read [%d]"), err));
+			return err;
+		}
+		if (end.Length() < (iDataChunkSize+iDataChunk-iWriteDataChunk))
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, End of file found [%d]"), end.Length()));
+			iEndOfData = ETrue;
+			iWriteDataChunk += end.Length();
+			return KErrNone;
+		}
+		//fill beginning of the buffer
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, end of data chunk filled [%d]"), end.Length()));
+		TPtr8 begin(iDataChunk, iReadDataChunk-iDataChunk, iReadDataChunk-iDataChunk);
+		if ( (err = iInFile.Read(begin, iReadDataChunk-iDataChunk)) != KErrNone)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, Infile read [%d]"), err));
+			return err;
+		}
+		if (begin.Length() < (iReadDataChunk-iDataChunk))
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, End of file found [%d]"), begin.Length()));
+			iEndOfData = ETrue;
+			iWriteDataChunk = iDataChunk+begin.Length();
+			return KErrNone;
+		}
+		iWriteDataChunk = iDataChunk+begin.Length();
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, beginning of data chunk filled [%d]"), begin.Length()));
+		iDataReadFromFile += iDataChunkSize-(iWriteDataChunk-iReadDataChunk);
+	}
+	else if (iWriteDataChunk == iDataChunk+iDataChunkSize)
+	{
+		iWriteDataChunk = iDataChunk;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CheckAndFillDataChunk, Out")));
+	return err;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat()
+* Purpose:    Get Next input data
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, In")))
+	switch (aFormat.iDataFormat)
+	{
+		case ERgbRawData:
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iDataFormat = ERgbRawData")))
+		case ERgbFbsBitmap:
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iDataFormat = ERgbFbsBitmap")))
+		switch(aFormat.iRgbFormat)
+		{
+			case ERgb16bit444:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iRgbFormat = ERgb16bit444")))
+			break;
+			case ERgb16bit565:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iRgbFormat = ERgb16bit565")))
+			break;
+			case ERgb32bit888:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iRgbFormat = ERgb32bit888")))
+			break;
+			case EFbsBitmapColor4K:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iRgbFormat = EFbsBitmapColor4K")))
+			break;
+			case EFbsBitmapColor64K:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iRgbFormat = EFbsBitmapColor64K")))
+			break;
+			case EFbsBitmapColor16M:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iRgbFormat = EFbsBitmapColor16M")))
+			break;
+			case EFbsBitmapColor16MU:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iRgbFormat = EFbsBitmapColor16MU")))
+			break;
+			default:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, Error reading iRgbFormat [%x]"), aFormat.iRgbFormat))
+		}
+		break;
+		case EYuvRawData:
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iDataFormat = EYuvRawData")))
+		switch(aFormat.iYuvFormat.iCoefficients)
+		{
+			case EYuvRange0:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = EYuvRange0")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvRange1:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = EYuvRange1")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvBt709:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = EYuvBt709")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvBt709Range0:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = EYuvBt709Range0")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvBt709Range1:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = EYuvBt709Range1")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvBt601:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = EYuvBt601")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvBt601Range0:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = EYuvBt601Range0")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvBt601Range1:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = EYuvBt601Range1")))
+			break;
+			case ECustomYuvMatrix:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iCoefficients = ECustomYuvMatrix")))
+			break;
+			default:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, Error reading iCoefficients [%x]"), aFormat.iYuvFormat.iCoefficients))
+		}
+		switch(aFormat.iYuvFormat.iPattern)
+		{
+			case EYuv420Chroma1:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iPattern = EYuv420Chroma1")))
+			break;
+			case EYuv420Chroma2:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iPattern = EYuv420Chroma2")))
+			break;
+			case EYuv420Chroma3:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iPattern = EYuv420Chroma3")))
+			break;
+			case EYuv422Chroma1:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iPattern = EYuv422Chroma1")))
+			break;
+			case EYuv422Chroma2:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iPattern = EYuv422Chroma2")))
+			break;
+			default:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, Error reading iPattern [%x]"), aFormat.iYuvFormat.iPattern))
+		}
+		switch(aFormat.iYuvFormat.iDataLayout)
+		{
+			case EYuvDataPlanar:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iDataLayout = EYuvDataPlanar")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvDataInterleavedLE:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iDataLayout = EYuvDataInterleavedLE")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvDataInterleavedBE:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iDataLayout = EYuvDataInterleavedBE")))
+			break;
+			case EYuvDataSemiPlanar:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iDataLayout = EYuvDataSemiPlanar")))
+			break;
+			default:
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, Error reading iDataLayout [%x]"), aFormat.iYuvFormat.iDataLayout))
+		}
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iAspectRatioNum [%d]"), aFormat.iYuvFormat.iAspectRatioNum))
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, iAspectRatioDenom [%d]"), aFormat.iYuvFormat.iAspectRatioDenom))
+		break;
+		default :
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, Error reading iDataFormat [%x]"), aFormat.iDataFormat))
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::PrintUncompressedFormat, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToRealL()
+* Purpose:    Converts the given descriptor to TReal
+* Parameters: const TDesC& aPtr
+* Return:     TReal
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TReal CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToRealL(const TDesC& aPtr)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToReal(),In")))
+	TInt point = aPtr.Find(_L("."));
+	TBufC<7> integer;
+	TBufC<7> decimal;
+	if (point != KErrNotFound)
+	{
+		integer = aPtr.Mid(0, point);
+		decimal = aPtr.Mid(point+1);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+	}
+	TInt decimalInt = 0;
+	TInt integerInt = 0;
+	TLex lexInt(integer);
+	TLex lexDec(decimal);
+	if (lexInt.Val(integerInt) != KErrNone || lexDec.Val(decimalInt) != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToReal(), error in descriptor")))
+		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+	}
+	TReal real = 1.0;
+	TReal length = static_cast<TReal>(aPtr.Length()-point-1);
+	TReal denom = pow(10.0, length);
+	real = (static_cast<TReal>(integerInt)) + (static_cast<TReal>(decimalInt)/denom);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToReal(),integer [%d]"), integerInt))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToReal(),decimal [%d]"), decimalInt))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToReal(),denom [%f]"), denom))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToReal(),real [%f]"), real))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ConvertToReal(),Out")))
+	return real;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoNewBuffers()
+* Purpose:    Availability of Next buffer is notified
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoNewBuffers()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoNewBuffers(), Newbuffer is available")))
+	//if ( iFrameMeasurement )
+	//    return;
+	if ( iState == ERunning)
+	{
+		iDecTestAO->RequestData();
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoReturnPicture()
+* Purpose:    Postprocessor Input buffer is returned
+* Note:       Used when input to Postprocessing
+* Parameters: TVideoPicture* aPicture
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoReturnPicture(TVideoPicture* aPicture)
+	if ( iRawInBuffer == aPicture )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoReturnPicture, a Picture returned ")))
+		iDecTestAO->RequestData();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoReturnPicture, Returned picture unknown")))
+		iError = KErrGeneral;
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSupplementalInformation()
+* Purpose:    Supplementary information is notified
+* Note:
+* Parameters: const TDesC8& aData, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTimestamp, const TPictureId& aPictureId
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSupplementalInformation(const TDesC8& /*aData*/, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /*aTimestamp*/, const TPictureId& /*aPictureId*/)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSupplementalInformation  ")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss()
+* Purpose:    Loss of a picture is notified
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss()
+	iPictureLoss++;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss, A picture lost. ")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss()
+* Purpose:    Loss of pictures is notified
+* Note:
+* Parameters: const TArray<TPictureId>& aPictures
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss(const TArray<TPictureId>& aPictures)
+	TInt count = aPictures.Count();
+	iPictureLoss += count;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss, [%d] pictures lost. "),count))
+	for ( TInt i =0; i<count;i++ )
+	{
+		TPictureId id = aPictures[i];
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss, Picure:[%d]"),i))
+		/*       if(id.iIdType == TPictureId::EPictureNumber)
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss, Picture Type:Picture Number, ID:[%d]"),id.iId))
+		else if (id.iIdType == TPictureId::ETemporalReference)
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss, Picture Type:Temporal Reference, ID:[%d]"),id.iId))
+		else
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoPictureLoss, Picture Type:Unidentified piture")))
+		*/
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSliceLoss
+* Purpose:    Loss of slice is notified
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TUint aFirstMacroblock, TUint aNumMacroblocks, const TPictureId& aPicture
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSliceLoss(TUint /*aFirstMacroblock*/, TUint /*aNumMacroblocks*/, const TPictureId& /*aPicture*/)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSliceLoss, In")))
+	//    PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSliceLoss, [%d] consecutive Mactoblocks from [%d] in raster-scan order are lost"),aPicture.aNumMacroblocks ,aPicture.aFirstMacroblock))
+	/*    if( aPicture.iIdType == TPictureId::EPictureNumber)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSliceLoss, Picture Type:Picture Number, ID:[%d]"),aPicture.iId))
+	else if (aPicture.iIdType == TPictureId::ETemporalReference)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSliceLoss, Picture Type:Temporal Reference, ID:[%d]"),aPicture.iId))
+	else
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoSliceLoss, Picture Type:Unidentified piture")))
+	*/
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoReferencePictureSelection
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: const TDesC8& aSelectionData
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoReferencePictureSelection(const TDesC8& /*aSelectionData*/)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoReferencePictureSelection ")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TInt aError, TPictureData* aPictureData, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPresentationTimestamp, const TPictureId& aPictureId
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete(TInt aError, TPictureData* aPictureData, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /*aPresentationTimestamp*/, const TPictureId& aPictureId)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete(),In, error [%d]"), aError))
+	if ( aError == KErrNone )
+	{
+		RFile snapshot;
+		TFileName filename;
+		TBuf8<128> newFile;
+		newFile.Delete(newFile.Length()-5, 4);
+		newFile.Append(_L("_id_"));
+		newFile.AppendNum(aPictureId.iId);
+		newFile.Append(_L(".yuv"));
+		filename.Copy(newFile);
+		TInt err = snapshot.Replace(iFs, filename, EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
+		if ( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, snapshot file open failed")))
+			snapshot.Close();
+			User::Leave(err);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			err = snapshot.Write(*(aPictureData->iRawData),aPictureData->iRawData->Size());
+			if ( err!= KErrNone )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, snapshot file write failed")))
+				snapshot.Close();
+				User::Leave(err);
+			}
+		}
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::GetSnapshotL, Picture size"),aPictureData->iRawData->Size()));
+		snapshot.Close();
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete(),Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoNewPictures()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoNewPictures()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoNewPictures(),In, New output picture is available")))
+	GetReturnedPictureL();
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoFatalError()
+* Purpose:    Fatal error is notified
+* Note:       Decoder/Postprocessor to be deleted
+* Parameters: TInt aError
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoFatalError(TInt aError)
+	iError = aError;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoFatalError, FATAL ERROR [%d]"),aError))
+	iState = EStopped;
+	MdvpoStreamEnd();
+	iTestClass->MvdeSetError(aError);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete()
+* Purpose:    Completion of initialization is notified
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TInt aError
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete(TInt aError)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete, In")))
+	if ( iRunning )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete, Stopping SchedulerWait")))
+		iScheduler->AsyncStop();
+		delete iScheduler;
+		iScheduler = NULL;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete, mem del, iScheduler") ))
+		#endif
+	}
+	if ( aError != KErrNone )
+	{
+		iError = aError;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete, Error code [%d]"),aError))
+		return;
+	}
+	if (iDeleteDecoderFromInitComp)
+	{
+		//TearDown();
+		delete iDevvp;
+		iDevvp = NULL;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete, mem del, iDevvp") ))
+		#endif
+		iState = EStateNone;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete,DevVideo deleted")))
+	}
+	iState = EInitialized;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete, Initialized")))
+	//Initilize parameters for Decoding/Playback
+	iCodedInBuffer = NULL;
+	iOutBuffer =NULL;
+	iSentBuffCount = 0;
+	iReturnedBuffCount = 0;
+	iPictureLoss =0;
+	iInputEnd = EFalse;
+	iStreamEnd = EFalse;
+	iTimeStamp = 0;
+	iNoBuffAvailable = 0;
+	iTestClass->MvdeStreamEndReached();  // Notify observer data transfer is complete
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoInitComplete, Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoStreamEnd()
+* Purpose:    End of stream is notified
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoStreamEnd()
+	iStreamEnd = ETrue;
+	if (iOutBufferTemp)
+	{
+		iDevvp->ReturnPicture(iOutBufferTemp);
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoStreamEnd(), Stream end")))
+	if (iFrameMeasurement && iFrameTime != 0)
+	{
+		TReal framerate = (TReal)(iReturnedBuffCount-1) / iFrameTime;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoStreamEnd(), Frame rate: [%f] fps"), framerate))
+	}
+	if(iInstantFpsEnabled)
+	{
+		TInt err = KErrNone;
+		for(TUint i=0; i < iInstantFpsList.Count(); i++ )
+		{
+			_LIT(KEnd, "\n");
+			TBuf8 <0x100> tempBuff;
+			TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds time = iInstantFpsList[ i ];
+			tempBuff.AppendNum((TInt64)time.Int64());
+			tempBuff.Append(KEnd);
+			err = iFpsFile.Write(tempBuff,tempBuff.Size() );
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MdvpoStreamEnd(), iFpsFile write error: [%d]"), err))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	iTestClass->MvdeStreamEndReached();  // Notify observer data transfer is complete
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MmvbmoNewBuffers()
+* Purpose:    Observer callback in Custom interface Buffer management
+*             Client is notified a new buffer(s) is available
+* Note:       This is used when custom interface buffer management is used
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__
+void CVDecTestEngine::MmvbmoNewBuffers()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvbmoNewBuffers(), New input buffer is available")))
+	if ( (iState == ERunning) && iCIBuffMgmtOn )
+	{
+		iDecTestAO->RequestData();
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::MmvbmoReleaseBuffers()
+* Purpose:    Observer callback in Custom interface Buffer management
+*             Client is notified to release all buffers it has, using MmvbmReleaseBuffer
+* Note:       This is used when custom interface buffer management is used
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef __CI_HEADERS__
+void CVDecTestEngine::MmvbmoReleaseBuffers()
+	if (iRawInBuffer)
+	{
+		iCIBuffMgmt->MmvbmReleaseBuffer(iRawInBuffer);
+		iRawInBuffer = NULL;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvbmoReleaseBuffers(), buffer released")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::
+* Purpose:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesLost(TUid aMediaDevice)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesLost(), Uid [%x]"), aMediaDevice.iUid))
+	if (iDecoderUid.iUid != aMediaDevice.iUid)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesLost, UID is different")))
+		return;
+	}
+	Pause();
+	iDecTestAO->Cancel();
+	if ( iDirectScreenAccess && iDsaStarted )
+	{
+		iDevvp->AbortDirectScreenAccess();
+		iDsaStarted = EFalse;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesLost, DSA is aborted ")))
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesLost, Out ")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::
+* Purpose:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesRestored(TUid aMediaDevice)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesRestored(), Uid [%x]"), aMediaDevice.iUid))
+	if (iDecoderUid.iUid != aMediaDevice.iUid)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesRestored, UID is different")))
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( iDirectScreenAccess && !iDsaStarted )
+	{
+		TRAPD(err, StartDirectScreenAccessL());
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesRestored, couldn't start DSA, err[%d]"),err))
+			User::Leave(err);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesRestored, DSA started")))
+		}
+	}
+	// Start DevVideoPlay
+	Resume();
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::MmvroResourcesRestored(), Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestAO::CVDecTestAO()
+* Purpose:    Constructor
+* Parameters: CVDecTestEngine* aTestEngine
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+CVDecTestAO::CVDecTestAO(CVDecTestEngine* aTestEngine) :
+	iTestEngine = aTestEngine;
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestAO::~CVDecTestAO()
+* Purpose:    Deconstructor
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	Cancel();
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestAO::RequestData()
+* Purpose:    Asyncronous request of next input data
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestAO::RequestData()
+	if ( !IsActive() )
+	{
+		TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+		User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
+		SetActive();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestAO::RequestData(), Async request already active")))
+	}
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestAO::RunL()
+* Purpose:    Active object RunL
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestAO::RunL()
+	if (iTestEngine->iState == EPaused || iTestEngine->iState == EStopped)
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	iTestEngine->HandleNewBufferL();
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestAO::DoCancel()
+* Purpose:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestAO::DoCancel()
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CorruptInput()
+* Purpose:    Make the input file corrupted to test codec's robustness
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::CorruptInput(TInt aFilter, TInt aInterval,
+TInt aFrameNum, TInt aPct)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptInput(),In")))
+	iCorruptMarker = ETrue;
+	iCorruptCounter = 0;
+	iFilter = aFilter;
+	iInterval = aInterval;
+	iFrameNum = aFrameNum;
+	iPercentage = aPct;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptInput(),Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngine()
+* Purpose:    Make the content in the buffer corrupted
+* Note:
+* Parameters:
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngineL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(), In")))
+	if( iInputEnd )
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	if( iFrameCounter <= iInterval )
+	{
+		if( iFrameCounter < iInterval )
+		{
+			iFrameCounter++;
+			return;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			iCorruptCounter++;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		User::Leave( KErrGeneral);
+	}
+	TInt frameLength = iCodedInBuffer->iData.Size();
+	TInt maxLength = iCodedInBuffer->iData.MaxLength();
+	TUint8* memoryLocation = NULL;
+	TPtr8 tmpPointer(memoryLocation, frameLength, maxLength );
+	HBufC8* tempBuff = NULL;
+	tempBuff = HBufC8::NewL(iInBuffSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL( tempBuff );
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngineL, mem alloc, tempBuff") ))
+	#endif
+	tmpPointer.Set(tempBuff->Des());
+	if( iFilter == 0 )
+	{
+		//Filter 0
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(),Filter 0, In")))
+		TInt lengthCopy = (TInt)( frameLength * iPercentage / 100 );
+		tmpPointer.Set(iCodedInBuffer->iData);
+		TInt corruptLength = frameLength - lengthCopy;
+		TInt corruptLen = 0;
+		for( TInt i = 0; i < corruptLength; i++ )
+		{
+			tmpPointer.Append('F');
+			corruptLen++;
+		}
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(),[%d] bytes are corrupted"), corruptLen ) )
+		iCodedInBuffer->iData.Set(tmpPointer);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(),Filter 0, Out")))
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// Filter 1
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(),Filter 1, In")))
+		// To be added here
+		TInt headerLen = 0;
+		if( iFrame == 0 )
+		{
+			headerLen = 16;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			headerLen = 8;
+		}
+		TInt increment = (TInt)( ( frameLength - headerLen )/ ( ( frameLength - headerLen) * iPercentage / 100) ) - 1;
+		for(TInt i = headerLen; i < frameLength;  )
+		{
+			TUint8* memorySeg = NULL;
+			TPtr8 segCopy(memorySeg,increment);
+			HBufC8* segBuff = NULL;
+			segBuff = HBufC8::NewL( increment );
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngine, mem alloc, segBuff") ))
+			#endif
+			iMemAlloc++;
+			CleanupStack::PushL( segBuff );
+			segCopy.Set(segBuff->Des());
+			if( i < frameLength - increment - 1 )
+			{
+				segCopy = iCodedInBuffer->iData.MidTPtr(i, increment );
+				segCopy.Append('F');
+				i++;
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(),[%d]th byte is corrupted"), i ) )
+				tmpPointer.Append( segCopy );
+				i += increment;
+			}
+			else // end of the frame
+			{
+				segCopy = iCodedInBuffer->iData.MidTPtr(i, (frameLength - i) );
+				tmpPointer.Append( segCopy );
+				i = frameLength;
+			}
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( segBuff );
+			iMemDelete++;
+			#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngine, mem del, segBuff") ))
+			#endif
+		}
+		iCodedInBuffer->iData.Set(tmpPointer);
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(),Filter 1, Out")))
+	}
+	if( iCorruptCounter == iFrameNum )
+	{
+		iFrameCounter = 0;
+		iCorruptCounter = 0;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempBuff );
+	iMemDelete++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngine, mem del, tempBuff") ))
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(), Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer*
+* Purpose:    Make the content in the buffer corrupted
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngineL( TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer )
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer), In")))
+	iFrameWriteLength = aCodedInBuffer->iData.Length();
+	if( iInputEnd )
+	{
+		return;
+	}
+	if( iFrameCounter <= iInterval )
+	{
+		if( iFrameCounter < iInterval )
+		{
+			iFrameCounter++;
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngin(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer), Out")))
+			return;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			iCorruptCounter++;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		User::Leave( KErrGeneral);
+	}
+	TInt frameLength = aCodedInBuffer->iData.Size();
+	TInt maxLength = aCodedInBuffer->iData.MaxLength();
+	TUint8* memoryLocation = NULL;
+	TPtr8 tmpPointer(memoryLocation, frameLength, maxLength );
+	HBufC8* tempBuff = NULL;
+	tempBuff = HBufC8::NewL(iInBuffSize);
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	CleanupStack::PushL( tempBuff );
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorruptEngine, mem alloc, tempBuff") ))
+	#endif
+	tmpPointer.Set(tempBuff->Des());
+	if( iFilter == 0 )
+	{
+		//Filter 0
+		PRINT((_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),Filter 0, In")))
+		tmpPointer.Set( aCodedInBuffer->iData );
+		PRINT((_L("Length of tmpPointer, %d"), tmpPointer.Length() ) )
+		TInt corruptLength = (TInt)( ( frameLength - 8 )* iPercentage / 100 );
+		TInt copyLength = frameLength - corruptLength;
+		TInt corruptLen = 0;
+		for( TInt i = copyLength; i < frameLength; i++ )
+		{
+			// Corrupt the byte by chaning its value instead of setting "zero"
+			if( tmpPointer[i] < 0x05 )
+			{
+				tmpPointer[i] += 0x05;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				tmpPointer[i] -= 0x05;
+			}
+			corruptLen++;
+		}
+		PRINT((_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),[%d] bytes are corrupted"), corruptLen ) )
+		PRINT((_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),Filter 0, Out")))
+	}
+	else if( iFilter == 1)
+	{
+		// Filter 1
+		PRINT((_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),Filter 1, In")))
+		tmpPointer.Set( aCodedInBuffer->iData );
+		PRINT((_L("Length of tmpPointer, %d"), tmpPointer.Length() ) )
+		// To be added here
+		// first 8 bytes of each frame should not be corrupted
+		TInt headerLen = 8;
+		TInt increment = (TInt)( ( frameLength - headerLen )/ ( ( frameLength - headerLen) * iPercentage / 100) ) - 1;
+		TInt corruptLen = 0;
+		for(TInt i = headerLen + 1; i < frameLength;  i += increment)
+		{
+			// Corrupt the byte by chaning its value instead of setting "zero"
+			if( tmpPointer[i] < 0x05 )
+			{
+				tmpPointer[i] += 0x05;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				tmpPointer[i] -= 0x05;
+			}
+			// tmpPointer[i] = 0x00;
+			corruptLen ++;
+		}
+		PRINT((_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),[%d] bytes are corrupted"), corruptLen ) )
+		PRINT(_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),Filter 1, Out"))
+	}
+	else if( iFilter == 2)
+	{
+		PRINT(_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),Filter 2, In"))
+		tmpPointer.Set( aCodedInBuffer->iData );
+		PRINT((_L("Length of tmpPointer, %d"), tmpPointer.Length() ) )
+		TInt corruptLength = (TInt)( ( frameLength - 8 )* iPercentage / 100 );
+		//TInt copyLength = frameLength - corruptLength;
+		iFrameWriteLength -= corruptLength;
+		PRINT((_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),[%d] bytes are removed"), corruptLength ) )
+		// Modify the framesize value in the frame header
+		TUint32 finalSize = (TUint32)( iFrameWriteLength - 8 );
+		for( TInt i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+		{
+			tmpPointer[i] = (TUint8) ( (  finalSize & ( (0x000000ff)<<(8*i) ) )>> (i*8) );
+		}
+		/* the above assignment equals followings
+		tmpPointer[0] = (TUint8)( finalSize & ~(0xffffff00) );
+		tmpPointer[1] = (TUint8)( ( finalSize & ~(0xffff00ff))>>8 );
+		tmpPointer[2] = (TUint8)( ( finalSize & ~(0xff00ffff))>>16 );
+		*/
+		PRINT(_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),Filter 2, Out"))
+	}
+	else      // iFilter == 3
+	{
+		PRINT(_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),Filter 3, In"))
+		tmpPointer.Set( aCodedInBuffer->iData );
+		TInt corruptLength = (TInt)( ( frameLength - 8 )* iPercentage / 100 );
+		//TInt copyLength = frameLength - corruptLength;
+		iFrameWriteLength -= corruptLength;
+		// Modify the framesize value in the frame header
+		TUint32 finalSize = (TUint32)( iFrameWriteLength - 8 );
+		for( TInt i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+		{
+			tmpPointer[i] = (TUint8) ( (  finalSize & ( (0x000000ff)<<(8*i) ) )>> (i*8) );
+		}
+		TInt headerLen = 8;
+		// Copy the other bytes for the header
+		for( TInt i = 3; i < headerLen; i++ )
+		{
+			tmpPointer[i] = aCodedInBuffer->iData[i];
+		}
+		TInt increment = (TInt)( ( frameLength - headerLen )/ ( ( frameLength - headerLen) * iPercentage / 100) ) - 1;
+		TInt incrementCounter = 0;
+		TInt byteCounter = 0;
+		TInt j = headerLen;
+		for( TInt i = headerLen; i < iFrameWriteLength; i++ )
+		{
+			// metadata assignment
+			tmpPointer[i] = aCodedInBuffer->iData[j];
+			if( byteCounter < corruptLength )
+			{
+				incrementCounter++;
+			}
+			j++;
+			if( incrementCounter == increment )
+			{
+				j++;
+				incrementCounter = 0;
+				byteCounter++;
+			}
+		}
+		PRINT(_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer),Filter 3, Out"))
+	}
+	aCodedInBuffer->iData.Set(tmpPointer);
+	if( iCorruptCounter == iFrameNum )
+	{
+		iFrameCounter = 0;
+		iCorruptCounter = 0;
+	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempBuff );
+	iMemDelete++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CorrupEngineL, mem del, tempBuff") ))
+	#endif
+	PRINT((_L("CorruptEngineL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer), Out")))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::CreateCorruptedFile()
+* Purpose:    Make the content in the buffer corrupted and output to a file
+* Note:
+* Parameters:
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::CreateCorruptedFileL()
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CreateCorruptedFileL, In")));
+	// Only support VC-1 decoder
+	// make new buffer for the data read from the file
+	HBufC8* tmpBuff = NULL;
+	TVideoInputBuffer* codedBuffer = new(ELeave) TVideoInputBuffer;
+	CleanupStack::PushL( codedBuffer );
+	tmpBuff = HBufC8::NewL(iInBuffSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL( tmpBuff );
+	codedBuffer->iData.Set(tmpBuff->Des());
+	// read content of the file in the buffer
+	TInt err = 0;
+	TInt frameDropNumCounter = 0;
+	while ( !iInputEnd )
+	{
+		// Read the VC1 input video from the very beginning
+		if( iCodecType == EVC1)
+		{
+			err = ReadVC1FrameL( codedBuffer );
+		}
+		else if( iCodecType == EMPEG4 )
+		{
+			err = ReadMPEG4FrameL( codedBuffer );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		}
+		if( err < 0)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CreateCorruptedFileL, Error reading file") ))
+			return KErrGeneral;
+		}
+		if( err == 0 )
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::LoadNextFrameL, End of file is found") ))
+			break;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// the frame is successfully read and ready to be corrupted
+			// make some bytes corrupted
+			if( !iFrameDropMarker )
+			{
+				CorruptEngineL( codedBuffer );
+				PRINT((_L("Corruption is done")));
+			}
+		}
+		// Prepare a buffer for copying the bytes from the frame buffer
+		/*
+		TInt copyLen = codedBuffer->iData.Size();
+		TUint8* memorySeg = NULL;
+		TPtr8 segCopy(memorySeg,copyLen);
+		HBufC8* segBuff = NULL;
+		segBuff = HBufC8::NewL( copyLen );
+		CleanupStack::PushL( segBuff );
+		segCopy.Set(segBuff->Des());
+		*/
+		if( iFrameDropMarker )
+		{
+			iFrameWriteLength = codedBuffer->iData.Length();
+			// drop the frame specified by the user
+			if( iFrameDropCounter < iFrameDropInterval )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CreateCorruptedFileL,iFrameWriteLength [%d]"), iFrameWriteLength ) )
+				err = iOutCorruptedFile.Write(codedBuffer->iData, iFrameWriteLength );
+				PRINT((_L("Output to the file for frame drop successful")));
+				if ( err!= KErrNone )
+				{
+					PRINT((_L("Output corrupted File write Failed")));
+					iOutCorruptedFile.Close();
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				frameDropNumCounter++;
+				PRINT((_L("Frame is dropped!")));
+			}
+			if( frameDropNumCounter == iFrameDropNum )
+			{
+				iFrameDropCounter = 0;
+				frameDropNumCounter = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		else //write corrupted frame to the file
+		{
+			// Prepare a buffer for copying the bytes from the frame buffer
+			/*         TInt copyLen = codedBuffer->iData.Size();
+			TUint8* memorySeg = NULL;
+			TPtr8 segCopy(memorySeg,copyLen);
+			HBufC8* segBuff = NULL;
+			segBuff = HBufC8::NewL( copyLen );
+			CleanupStack::PushL( segBuff );
+			segCopy.Set(segBuff->Des());
+			*/
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CreateCorruptedFileL,iFrameWriteLength [%d]"), iFrameWriteLength ) )
+			err = iOutCorruptedFile.Write(codedBuffer->iData, iFrameWriteLength );
+			if ( err!= KErrNone )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("Output corrupted File write Failed")));
+				iOutCorruptedFile.Close();
+			}
+			PRINT((_L("Output corrupted File is successful")));
+		}
+	}
+	iOutCorruptedFile.Close();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmpBuff );
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codedBuffer );
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::CreateCorruptedFileL, Out")));
+	return KErrNone;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileToWriteL()
+* Purpose:    Open output File To Write
+* Note:       Memory buffer output is used
+* Parameters: TFileName& aOutFileName
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileToWriteL(TFileName& aInFileName)
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileToWrite, In")));
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	iOutCorruptedFileName.Copy(aInFileName);
+	err = iOutCorruptedFile.Replace(iFs, iOutCorruptedFileName, EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
+	iOutCorruptedFileOpen = ETrue;
+	if ( err!= KErrNone )
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileToWrite, Output corrupted File Replace Failed")));
+		iOutCorruptedFile.Close();
+	}
+	AssertTIntEqualL(KErrNone,err);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::OpenFileToWrite, Out")));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer)
+	// Note: this function is used as part of corrupt engine to make input
+	// VC1 video corrupted for codec robustness test
+	// Reading VC1 input video from the very beginning of the file
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, In")));
+	unsigned int frameDataSize = 4;     //4 Bytes to obain the framesize
+	unsigned int frameSize=0;
+	unsigned int Timestamp;
+	TInt err = 0;
+	TUint8* ptr = new (ELeave) TUint8[frameDataSize];
+	iMemAlloc++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, mem alloc, ptr") ))
+	#endif
+	TPtr8 frameData(ptr, frameDataSize);
+	if ( (err = iInFile.Read(frameData, frameDataSize)) != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, Error reading file") ))
+		return err;
+	}
+	if (frameData.Length() < 4)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, File end found") ))
+		aCodedInBuffer->iData.SetLength( 0 );
+		delete ptr;
+		ptr = NULL;
+		iMemDelete++;
+		iInputEnd = ETrue;
+		return KErrNone;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, Reading Item") ))
+	ReadItemLE(ptr, 4, (TUint8 *)&frameSize);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, before AND frameSize: %x"), frameSize ))
+	frameSize = frameSize & ~(0xff000000);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, frameSize: %d"), frameSize ))
+	//Now obtain the Timestamp of the frame
+	if ( (err = iInFile.Read(frameData, frameDataSize)) != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, Error reading file %d"), err ))
+		return err;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, Reading Item2") ))
+	ReadItemLE(ptr, 4, (TUint8 *)&Timestamp);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, Timestamp: %d"), Timestamp ))
+	delete ptr;
+	iMemDelete++;
+	#ifdef __MEM_CHECK_
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, mem del, ptr") ))
+	#endif
+	if (frameSize != 0)
+	{
+		//Send metadata in the first frame
+		if (iFrame==0)
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, iFrame num == 0, %d"), iFrame ))
+			TInt pos = - ( KVc1HeaderLength + 8 );  // assume the codec is configured
+			err = iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent,pos);
+			// header length is 36, KVc1HeaderLength = 36
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, file header, 36 bytes")))
+			if ( (err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, KVc1HeaderLength)) != KErrNone)
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, Error reading file %d"), err ))
+				return err;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, iFrame num = %d"), iFrame ))
+			TInt pos = -8;
+			err = iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, pos);
+			PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, read file: %d"), err ))
+			if ( (err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, frameSize+8)) != KErrNone)
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, Error reading file %d"), err ))
+				return err;
+			}
+		}
+		TInt currentPos = 0;
+		iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, currentPos );
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL, currentPos %d"), currentPos ))
+		currentPos = 0;
+		/*	Not necessary
+		aCodedInBuffer->iSequenceNumber = iFrame;
+		aCodedInBuffer->iOptions = TVideoInputBuffer::EPresentationTimestamp;
+		aCodedInBuffer->iPresentationTimestamp = Timestamp;
+		iTimeToPlay = aCodedInBuffer->iPresentationTimestamp ;
+		aCodedInBuffer->iDecodingTimestamp = Timestamp;
+		iPresentationTimestamp = aCodedInBuffer->iPresentationTimestamp ;
+		*/
+	}
+	iFrame++;
+	iFrameDropCounter++;
+	PRINT(_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadVC1FrameL.. Out"));
+	return frameSize;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: None
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TInt CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL(TVideoInputBuffer* aCodedInBuffer)
+	// Note: this function is used as part of corrupt engine to make input
+	// MPEG4 video corrupted for codec robustness test
+	// Reading MPEG4 input video from the very beginning of the file
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, In")));
+	TInt buffLength = iInBuffSize;
+	//TUint8* testData =NULL;
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if ( aCodedInBuffer->iData.MaxLength() < buffLength )
+	{
+		err = KErrOverflow;
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, Buffer is small, [%d]Byte"),aCodedInBuffer->iData.MaxLength()))
+		return err;
+	}
+	aCodedInBuffer->iData.SetLength(0);
+	//Buffer is not full,  reset size of buffer
+	if ( aCodedInBuffer->iData.Length() < buffLength)
+	{
+		buffLength = aCodedInBuffer->iData.Length();
+	}
+	TInt pos = 0;
+	TBool found = EFalse;
+	TBool firstStartCode = EFalse;
+	//TUint8 byte = 0;
+	TInt currentPos = 0;
+	iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, currentPos );
+	if( currentPos != 0 && currentPos == iCurrentFilePos )
+	{
+		iInputEnd = ETrue;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		iCurrentFilePos = currentPos;
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, currentPos %d"), currentPos ))
+	while (!iInputEnd && !found)
+	{
+		TInt zeroCounter = 0;
+		err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, 1 ); // read one byte
+		if( aCodedInBuffer->iData.Length() == 0 )
+		{
+			pos++;
+			iInputEnd = ETrue;
+			break;
+		}
+		while( aCodedInBuffer->iData[0] == 0x00 && !iInputEnd )
+		{
+			zeroCounter++;
+			pos++;
+			err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, 1 ); // read one byte
+		}
+		pos++;
+		if ((zeroCounter >= 2) && (aCodedInBuffer->iData[0] == 0x01))
+		{
+			//byte = ReadByteFromFile();
+			err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, 1 ); // read one byte
+			//PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, iData %d, f2"), aCodedInBuffer->iData[0] ))
+			pos++;
+			//if (byte == 0xB6 && !firstStartCode)
+			if( aCodedInBuffer->iData[0] == 0xB6 && !firstStartCode )
+			{
+				firstStartCode = ETrue;
+			}
+			//else if (byte != 0xB1 && firstStartCode)
+			else if( aCodedInBuffer->iData[0]!= 0xB1 && firstStartCode )
+			{
+				PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, end of mpeg-4 picture found [%d]"), pos-4))
+				found = ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, pos (read length), %d"), pos))
+	TInt backward = 0 - pos;
+	err = iInFile.Seek(ESeekCurrent, backward );// go back
+	if( err != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, Error seeking file %d"), err ))
+		return err;
+	}
+	if (iInputEnd)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, inputEndFound, %d"), pos))
+		pos--;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		pos -= 4;
+	}
+	currentPos = 0;
+	err = iInFile.Seek( ESeekCurrent, currentPos);
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, position goes back to the beginning, %d"), currentPos))
+	if ( (err = iInFile.Read(aCodedInBuffer->iData, pos )) != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, Error reading file %d"), err ))
+		return err;
+	}
+	if( aCodedInBuffer->iData.Length() < 4 )
+	{
+		iInputEnd = ETrue;
+	}
+	iFrameDropCounter++;
+	iFrame++;
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, iFrameDropCounter, %d"), iFrameDropCounter))
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::ReadMPEG4FrameL, Out")));
+	return pos;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetFrameDrop()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TInt aFrameInterval, TInt aFrameNum, TBool aFrameDropMarker
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetFrameDrop(TInt aFrameInterval, TInt aFrameNum, TBool aFrameDropMarker )
+	PRINT(_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetFrameDrop, In"));
+	iFrameDropInterval = aFrameInterval;
+	iFrameDropNum = aFrameNum;
+	iFrameDropMarker = aFrameDropMarker;
+	PRINT(_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetFrameDrop, Out"));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetFLVPassword()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TDesC8& aPassword
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetFLVPassword(TDesC8& aPassword)
+	PRINT(_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetFLVPassword, In"));
+	_LIT8(KNullTerminate, "\0");
+	iSetPassword = ETrue;
+	iPasswordForFLV.Copy( aPassword);
+	iPasswordForFLV.Append( KNullTerminate );
+	TBuf16<128> passwordPrint;
+	passwordPrint.Copy( iPasswordForFLV );
+	PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetFLVPassword, iPasswordForFLV [%S]"), &passwordPrint))
+	PRINT(_L("CVDecTestEngine::SetFLVPassword, Out"));
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::EnablingInstantFpsL()
+* Purpose:
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TFileName& aOutFileName
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::EnableInstantFpsL(TFileName& aOutFileName)
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if (!iFrameMeasurement)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::EnableInstantFpsL(), Frame measurement is not enabled")))
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+	}
+	err = iFpsFile.Replace(iFs, aOutFileName, EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
+	if ( err  != KErrNone)
+	{
+		PRINT((_L("CVDecTestEngine::EnableInstantFpsL, Output File open Failed")));
+		User::Leave(err);
+	}
+	iInstantFpsEnabled = ETrue;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Name:       CVDecTestEngine::SetSecondScreenAccess
+* Purpose:    Set second screen
+* Note:
+* Parameters: TBool aStatus
+* Return:     None
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CVDecTestEngine::SetSecondScreenAccess(TBool aStatus)
+	iUseSecondScreen = aStatus;
+//  End	of File