changeset 45 5accba95f577
parent 0 40261b775718
child 50 948c7f65f6d4
--- a/mmtestenv/mmtesttools/Scripts/RunTests.bat	Mon Aug 23 19:57:49 2010 +0100
+++ b/mmtestenv/mmtesttools/Scripts/RunTests.bat	Mon Aug 23 20:19:06 2010 +0100
@@ -367,88 +367,58 @@
     my $regex = quotemeta $EpocCDrive;
     $ScriptFile =~ s/$regex//gi;
-    # We must decide if the test needs to be run using epoc or the test framework. This is
-    # done by looking for _WM (Window Manager) appended to the script name. 
-    # NB. This only applies to Typhoon, Jetstream is unaffected.
-    if (!(-f $eka2IdentifyFile) && ($ScriptFile =~ /_wm.script/i)) # This script must be run using epoc and the recogniser
-      {
-      # First create the recogniser config file
-      my $line1 = "// This file is generated by runtests.bat\n";
-      my $line2 = "RUN_SCRIPT\n";
-      my $line3 = "";
-      #alloc tests must be run under debug
-      if($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc_wm.script/i)
-        {
-        $Cmd = "$UdebEpocEmulator";
-        $line3 = "C:$ScriptFile -t 15000000\n";
+    #alloc tests must be run under debug
+    if($ScriptFile =~ /_recog_alloc.script/i)
+	    {
+	    $Cmd = "$RecogUdebTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-      else
-        {
-        $Cmd = "$UrelEpocEmulator";
-        $line3 = "C:$ScriptFile 15000000\n";
-        }
-      open(RECOGNISER_CFG_FILE,">$RecogniserCfgFile") or die "Could not open $RecogniserCfgFile for writing\n";
-      print RECOGNISER_CFG_FILE $line1, $line2, $line3; 
-      close(RECOGNISER_CFG_FILE);
-      }
-    else                              # This script can be run from the test framework
-      {
-      #alloc tests must be run under debug
-      if($ScriptFile =~ /_recog_alloc.script/i)
-	{
-	$Cmd = "$RecogUdebTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-        }
-      elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_nocap_alloc.script/i)
+    elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_nocap_alloc.script/i)
       	$Cmd = "$NoneUdebTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-      elsif(($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc.script/i) || ($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc_wm.script/i) || ($ScriptFile =~ /_debug.script/i) || ($optctl{"d"}) )
+    elsif(($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc.script/i) || ($ScriptFile =~ /_alloc_wm.script/i) || ($ScriptFile =~ /_debug.script/i) || ($optctl{"d"}) )
       	$Cmd = "$UdebTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-     elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_recog.script/i)
+    elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_recog.script/i)
       	$Cmd = "$RecogUrelTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-     elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_nocap.script/i)
+    elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_nocap.script/i)
       	$Cmd = "$NoneUrelTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-     elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_mmddcap.script/i)
+    elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_mmddcap.script/i)
       	$Cmd = "$MMDDCapUrelTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-     elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_uecap.script/i)
+    elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_uecap.script/i)
       	$Cmd = "$UECapUrelTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-     elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_secdisp.script/i)
+    elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_secdisp.script/i)
      	#Take a backup of the existing ini files to .OLD and copy our ini files from the current dir to \epoc folders
-	if(!(system($copy_ini_secdisp)==0))
+	    if(!(system($copy_ini_secdisp)==0))
       	    print "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!";
       	    print TESTRUNLOG "Failure to execute - $Cmd: $!\n";
-	$Cmd = "$UrelTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-	}
-     elsif($ScriptFile =~ /\\te_/i)
- 	{
- 	$Cmd = "$UdebTestExecute $ScriptFile";
- 	}
-     elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_te.script/i)
- 	{
- 	$Cmd = "$UdebTestExecute $ScriptFile";
- 	}
-     else
+	    $Cmd = "$UrelTestFramework $ScriptFile";
+	    }
+    elsif($ScriptFile =~ /\\te_/i)
+ 	    {
+ 	    $Cmd = "$UdebTestExecute $ScriptFile";
+ 	    }
+    elsif($ScriptFile =~ /_te.script/i)
+ 	    {
+ 	    $Cmd = "$UdebTestExecute $ScriptFile";
+ 	    }
+    else
        	$Cmd = "$UrelTestFramework $ScriptFile";
-      }
     ($sec,my $min,my $hour,my $mday,my $mon,my $year,my $wday,my $yday,my $isdst) = localtime(time);  
     print "Starting script at $hour:$min:$sec\n";