changeset 50 948c7f65f6d4
parent 0 40261b775718
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/imagingfws/src/BufferedImageConversion.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:38:50 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "ImageConversion.h"
+#include "ImageClientMain.h"
+Creates a buffered decoder.
+The function leaves if the decoder object cannot be created or initialised.
+@param  aFs
+        A reference to a file server session for the decoder to use.
+@return A pointer to the newly created decoder.
+EXPORT_C CBufferedImageDecoder* CBufferedImageDecoder::NewL(RFs& aFs)
+	{
+	CBufferedImageDecoder* self = new (ELeave) CBufferedImageDecoder(aFs);
+	return self;
+	}
+Creates a decoder for the image in the source buffer. The client supplies
+a MIME type which will be used to try and select an appropriate plugin
+decoder. If it finds a decoder it creates it and then goes on to use that
+decoder to scan the beginning of the image file.
+@param  aSourceData
+        The buffer containing the image to be decoded.
+@param  aMIMEType
+        The MIME type of the image in the buffer.
+@param  aOptions
+        The options to use.
+@leave  KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified
+        No plugin decoder could be found for the specified image.
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::OpenL(const TDesC8& aSourceData, const TDesC8& aMIMEType, const CImageDecoder::TOptions aOptions)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iState == EStateCreated, Panic(EInvalidState));
+	ASSERT(iMimeType.Ptr() == NULL);
+	const TInt mimeLength = aMIMEType.Length();
+	TUint8* ptr = STATIC_CAST(TUint8*, User::AllocL(mimeLength));
+	iMimeType.Set(ptr, mimeLength, mimeLength);
+	iMimeType.Copy(aMIMEType);
+	iOptions = aOptions;
+	iImageTypeOpen = EFalse;
+	AppendDataL(aSourceData);
+	iState = EStateOpening;
+	ContinueOpenL();
+	}
+Creates a decoder for the image in the source buffer. 
+If the client supplies an image type (and sub-type, if applicable) or decoder uid, these will be
+used to try and select an appropriate plugin decoder. If not, then the selection
+will be done by matching the image header from the buffer. If it finds a decoder
+it creates it and then goes on to use that decoder to scan the beginning of
+the image buffer. If a decoder could not be created append data using AppendDataL()
+and call ContinueOpenL().
+@param  aSourceData
+        The buffer containing the image to be decoded.
+@param  aOptions
+        The decoder options to use.
+@param  aImageType
+        The image type of the image in the file (optional).
+@param  aImageSubType
+        The image sub-type of the image in the file (optional).
+@param  aDecoderUid
+		The implementation UID for a specific codec or a decoder/encoder class UID (optional, defaults to KNullUid).
+		If this option is selected for a specific codec the image type and image sub type for the displayer must be supplied.
+		When loading plugins by class UID the image type and image subtype are not mandatory and the first valid plugin from 
+		the list of available plugins with the specified class UID will be loaded.
+@see	KUidICLJpegEXIFInterface
+@see	KUidICLJpegImageFrameInterface
+@leave  KErrUnderflow
+        Not enough data in descriptor to identify which plugin decoder to use.
+@leave  KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified
+        No plugin decoder could be found for the specified image.
+@leave  KErrNotFound
+        The specified codec could not be found.
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::OpenL(const TDesC8& aSourceData, const CImageDecoder::TOptions aOptions, const TUid aImageType, const TUid aImageSubType, const TUid aDecoderUid)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iState == EStateCreated,Panic(EInvalidState));
+	iOptions = aOptions;
+	iImageType = aImageType;
+	iImageSubType = aImageSubType;
+	iDecoderUid = aDecoderUid;
+	iImageTypeOpen = ETrue;
+	AppendDataL(aSourceData);
+	iState = EStateOpening;
+	ContinueOpenL();
+	}
+Call this function to retry to create a decoder after OpenL() returned with
+KErrUnderFlow and extra data was added to the descriptor using AppendDataL().
+This function can be recalled until ValidDecoder() return ETrue.
+@leave  KErrUnderflow
+        Not enough data in descriptor to identify which plugin decoder to use.
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::ContinueOpenL()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iState == EStateOpening, Panic(EInvalidState));
+	TInt error = KErrNone;
+	if(!ValidDecoder())
+		{
+		if(iImageTypeOpen)
+			{
+			TRAP(error, iDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFileSession, iBuffer, iOptions, iImageType, iImageSubType, iDecoderUid));
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TRAP(error, iDecoder = CImageDecoder::DataNewL(iFileSession, iBuffer, iMimeType, iOptions));
+			}
+		}
+	if(error != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(error != KErrUnderflow)
+			User::Leave(error);
+		}
+	else
+		iState = EStateOpen;
+	}
+Destructor for this class.
+Stops decoding if it is in progress and frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction.
+EXPORT_C CBufferedImageDecoder::~CBufferedImageDecoder()
+	{
+	Cancel();
+	Reset();
+	ASSERT(iDecoder == NULL); // make sure decoder is deleted
+	}
+Starts decoding an image frame asynchronously.
+When converting the operation can complete with KErrUnderflow, if there is insufficient
+information in the descriptor. In this situation, ContinueConvert() should be called repeatedly
+until the descriptor has accumulated enough information for ContinueConvert() to complete with KErrNone.
+@param  aRequestStatus
+        The request status. On completion contains an error code.
+        KErrNone if frame was decoded successfully,
+        KErrUnderflow if the frame was partially decoded
+        otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@param  aDestination
+        A bitmap that will contain the decoded frame. The bitmap
+        must be created before the call and must be large enough
+        for the frame and set to the required display mode.
+        FrameInfo() can be used to obtain the size and display mode
+        of the frame.
+@param  aFrameNumber
+        The frame in multi-frame image to decode (optional).
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::Convert(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus, CFbsBitmap& aDestination, TInt aFrameNumber)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iState == EStateOpen || iState == EStateConverting, Panic(EInvalidState));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	iDecoder->Convert(aRequestStatus, aDestination, aFrameNumber);
+	iState = EStateConverting;
+	}
+Starts decoding an image frame and mask asynchronously.
+When converting the operation can complete with KErrUnderflow, if there is insufficient
+information in the descriptor. In this situation, ContinueConvert() should be called repeatedly
+until the descriptor has accumulated enough information for ContinueConvert() to complete with KErrNone.
+@param  aRequestStatus
+        The request status. On completion contains an error code.
+        KErrNone if frame was decoded successfully,
+        KErrUnderflow if the frame was partially decoded
+        otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@param  aDestination
+        A bitmap that will contain the decoded frame. The bitmap
+        must be created before the call and must be large enough
+        for the frame and set to the required display mode.
+        FrameInfo() can be used to obtain the size and display mode
+        of the frame.
+@param  aDestinationMask
+        A bitmap that will contain the decoded frame mask. The bitmap
+        must be created before the call and must be large enough
+        for the mask. The display mode must be EGray2 or EGray256 and
+        must be EGray256 if the image contains alpha-blending information.
+        This information can be obtained from the iFlags property and
+        TFrameInfoFlags of TFrameInfo
+        obtained from a FrameInfo() call.
+@param  aFrameNumber
+        The frame in multi-frame image to decode (optional).
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::Convert(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus, CFbsBitmap& aDestination, CFbsBitmap& aDestinationMask, TInt aFrameNumber)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iState == EStateOpen || iState == EStateConverting, Panic(EInvalidState));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	iDecoder->Convert(aRequestStatus, aDestination, aDestinationMask, aFrameNumber);
+	iState = EStateConverting;
+	}
+Continues decoding a frame and/or mask after new image data was added to
+the source file or descriptor and a previous call to Convert() or
+ContinueConvert() returned KErrUnderflow.
+@param  aRequestStatus
+        The request status. On completion contains an error code.
+        KErrNone if frame was decoded successfully,
+        KErrUnderflow if the frame was partially decoded
+        otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::ContinueConvert(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iState == EStateConverting, Panic(EInvalidState));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	iDecoder->ContinueConvert(aRequestStatus);
+	}
+Reset the decoder for reuse. 
+Follow this call with OpenL() and new source data.
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::Reset()
+	{
+	delete iDecoder; iDecoder = NULL;
+	User::Free(STATIC_CAST(TAny*,CONST_CAST(TUint8*,iBuffer.Ptr())));
+	iBuffer.Set(NULL, 0 ,0);
+	User::Free(STATIC_CAST(TAny*,CONST_CAST(TUint8*,iMimeType.Ptr())));
+	iMimeType.Set(NULL, 0 ,0);
+	iImageType = KNullUid;
+	iImageSubType = KNullUid;
+	iDecoderUid = KNullUid;
+	iOptions = CImageDecoder::EOptionNone;
+	iState = EStateCreated;
+	}
+Requests an asynchronous decode to terminate. 
+Cancels any conversions currently in progress.
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::Cancel()
+	{
+	if(iDecoder)
+		iDecoder->Cancel();
+	}
+Adds new image data. 
+A copy of the data is held internally, and the caller does not need to retain the data.
+@param  aData
+        The new image data to append.
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::AppendDataL(const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	// Resize the buffer
+	TInt oldLength = iBuffer.Length();
+	TInt newLength = oldLength + aData.Length();
+	if(iBuffer.Ptr() == NULL)
+		{
+		TUint8* ptr = STATIC_CAST(TUint8*,User::AllocL(newLength));
+		iBuffer.Set(ptr, newLength, newLength);
+		iBuffer.Copy(aData);
+		}
+	if(iBuffer.MaxLength() < newLength)
+		{
+		TAny* oldBuffer  = STATIC_CAST(TAny*, CONST_CAST(TUint8*, iBuffer.Ptr()));
+		TUint8* newBuffer = STATIC_CAST(TUint8*, User::ReAllocL(oldBuffer,newLength));
+		iBuffer.Set(newBuffer,oldLength, newLength);
+		iBuffer.Append(aData);
+		}
+	}
+Returns the number of frames in the image being decoded. This function can
+be called immediately after the call to create the decoder, thus enabling
+the caller to know how many frames need to be converted.
+@return The number of frames.
+EXPORT_C TInt CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameCount() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->FrameCount();
+	}
+Returns the status of the image.
+If the image is incomplete or not terminated correctly EFalse will be returned
+@return A boolean indicating the image status. Returns ETrue if image header processing is complete,
+        otherwise EFalse.
+EXPORT_C TBool CBufferedImageDecoder::IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete();
+	}
+Continues processing image headers after new image data was appended.
+This function can be called until IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete()
+return ETrue.
+EXPORT_C void CBufferedImageDecoder::ContinueProcessingHeaderL()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	iDecoder->ContinueProcessingHeaderL();
+	}
+Returns the frame info for a specified frame of the image.
+This function can be called immediately after the call to create the decoder, thus enabling
+the caller to know about each frame in advance of converting it.
+@param  aFrameNumber
+        The frame number.
+@return The information for the specified frame.
+EXPORT_C const TFrameInfo& CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameInfo(TInt aFrameNumber) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->FrameInfo(aFrameNumber);
+	}
+Returns the image data for a specific frame.
+Use FrameCount() to determine how many frames are contained in the image before using this function.
+@param  aFrameNumber
+        The frame number for which to return frame data.
+@return The data for the specified frame.
+EXPORT_C const CFrameImageData& CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameData(TInt aFrameNumber) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->FrameData(aFrameNumber);
+	}
+Returns the number of comments attached to the image (as opposed to
+a particular frame).
+@return The number of comments attached to the image.
+EXPORT_C TInt CBufferedImageDecoder::NumberOfImageComments() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->NumberOfImageComments();
+	}
+Returns a particular comment attached to the image.
+Ownership of the returned buffer is transferred to the caller.
+Use NumberOfImageComments() to determine how many (if any) comments are contained within the image.
+@param  aCommentNumber
+        The comment number.
+@return A buffer containing the comment.
+EXPORT_C HBufC* CBufferedImageDecoder::ImageCommentL(TInt aCommentNumber) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->ImageCommentL(aCommentNumber);
+	}
+Returns the number of comments attached to a given frame of the image
+as opposed to the whole image.
+Use FrameCount() to retrieve the number of frames in the image to ensure that the value you use for
+aFrameNumber is valid.
+@param  aFrameNumber
+        The frame number.
+@return The number of comments attached to a given frame of the image.
+EXPORT_C TInt CBufferedImageDecoder::NumberOfFrameComments(TInt aFrameNumber) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->NumberOfFrameComments(aFrameNumber);
+	}
+Returns a particular comment attached to a given frame of the image.
+Ownership of the returned buffer is transferred to the caller.
+@param  aFrameNumber
+        The frame number.
+@param  aCommentNumber
+        The comment number.
+@return A buffer containing the comment.
+EXPORT_C HBufC* CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameCommentL(TInt aFrameNumber, TInt aCommentNumber) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->FrameCommentL(aFrameNumber, aCommentNumber);
+	}
+Returns the formatted frame information strings for a specific frame
+and leave it on the cleanup stack.
+Ownership is transferred to the caller.
+@param  aFrameNumber
+        The frame number.
+@return The formatted frame information strings.
+EXPORT_C CFrameInfoStrings* CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameInfoStringsLC(TInt aFrameNumber)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->FrameInfoStringsLC(aFrameNumber);
+	}
+Returns the formatted frame information strings for a specific frame.
+Ownership is transferred to the caller.
+@param  aFrameNumber
+        The frame number.
+@return The formatted frame information strings.
+EXPORT_C CFrameInfoStrings* CBufferedImageDecoder::FrameInfoStringsL(TInt aFrameNumber)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->FrameInfoStringsL(aFrameNumber);
+	}
+Returns the implementation UID of the decoder being used to decode the image.
+@return The implementation UID of the decoder.
+EXPORT_C TUid CBufferedImageDecoder::ImplementationUid() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ValidDecoder(),Panic(EDecoderNotCreated));
+	return iDecoder->ImplementationUid();
+	}
+Determine if enough data was available to determine which plugin decoder
+to use. If this return EFalse append extra data using AppendDataL() and
+and call ContinueOpenL()
+@return A boolean indicating if the decoder plugin was successful. ETrue if a decoder plugin was 
+        created, otherwise EFalse.
+EXPORT_C TBool CBufferedImageDecoder::ValidDecoder () const
+	{
+	return iDecoder != NULL;
+	}
+Constructor for this class.
+CBufferedImageDecoder::CBufferedImageDecoder(RFs& aFs):
+	iFileSession(aFs),
+	iBuffer(NULL,0,0),
+	iMimeType(NULL,0,0),
+	iState(EStateCreated)
+	{
+	}