--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imagingandcamerafws/imagingfws/src/ImagePlugin.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:38:50 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1387 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <bitdev.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <barsc.h>
+#include "ImageConversion.h"
+#include "ImageClientMain.h"
+#include "ImageConversionPriv.h"
+#include "icl/ImagePlugin.h"
+#include "icl/ImageConstruct.h"
+#include "EnDecoderUtils.h"
+Constructor for this class.
+EXPORT_C CImageDecoderPlugin::CImageDecoderPlugin()
+ {
+ }
+Destructor for this class.
+EXPORT_C CImageDecoderPlugin::~CImageDecoderPlugin()
+ {
+ }
+Called when the plugin is destroyed or a decode is cancelled. This may be
+overriden in derived classes.
+Derived classes must call this version after performing any plugin
+specific cleanup.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::Cleanup()
+ {
+ if(ValidProperties())
+ iProperties->Cleanup();
+ }
+Initialises data structures prior to decoding a frame.
+This function may be overriden in derived classes. Any override should also
+call this version after performing any plugin initialistion.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::InitConvertL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->InitConvertL();
+ }
+Forces initialization of data structures prior to decoding a frame.
+@param aFrameNumber
+ The frame in a multi-frame image to decode.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::RequestInitL(TInt aFrameNumber)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->RequestInitL(aFrameNumber);
+ }
+Performs a decode step. This effectively forms the RunL() call of the decoder.
+This call may be overriden in derived classes. However, if this
+the case, then if the custom decode is not performed and the derived class should
+either ensure that this base class's version is called or should completely replace
+the base class's version calling PrepareForProcessFrameL(), ProcessFrameL() and
+HandleProcessFrameResult() as appropriate. Unlike the standard version, an override
+instance may choose to spread these calls over several RunL() instances.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::DoConvert()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->DoConvert();
+ }
+Initialises system for ProcessFrameL(). This reads in a new buffer for ProcessFrameL().
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::PrepareForProcessFrameL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->PrepareForProcessFrameL();
+ }
+Deals with result from ProcessFrameL(). This function processes the results of the standard
+ProcessFrameL() call, feeding in the resultant error code from its TRAP and the status result.
+It will call RequestComplete() or SelfComplete() as appropriate.
+Note that if no data was consumed by ProcessFrameL(), HandleProcessFrameResult() assumes that
+it requires more data and calls RequestComplete(KErrUnderflow). If this is not appropriate, an
+overloaded DoConvert() should be made to handle it.
+@param aErrCode
+ The error result of TRAP arround ProcessFrameL().
+@param aCodecState
+ The result of ProcessFrameL() itself.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::HandleProcessFrameResult(TInt aErrCode, TFrameState aCodecState)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->HandleProcessFrameResult(aErrCode, aCodecState);
+ }
+Value to be fed to CImageReadCodec::ProcessFrameL().
+This value is setup by PrepareForProcessFrameL() - it returns the value that will be
+fed to CImageReadCodec::ProcessFrameL(), and will be used by codecs that fully override
+EXPORT_C TBufPtr8& CImageDecoderPlugin::SourceData()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->SourceData();
+ }
+Returns the plugin's read codec.
+@return Pointer to the plugin's read codec.
+EXPORT_C CImageReadCodec* CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageReadCodec() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->ImageReadCodec();
+ }
+Sets the plugin's read codec. Ownership of the codec is transferred to the plugin.
+@param aImageReadCodec
+ Pointer to the codec.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SetImageReadCodec(CImageReadCodec* aImageReadCodec)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetImageReadCodec(aImageReadCodec);
+ }
+Returns the maximum number of bytes of data that can be decoded.
+@return The maximum number of bytes of data.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::DataLength() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->DataLength();
+ }
+Sets the maximum number of bytes of data that can be decoded.
+@param aDataLength
+ The maximum number of bytes of data.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SetDataLength(TInt aDataLength)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetDataLength(aDataLength);
+ }
+Returns the starting position of the frame to be decoded.
+@return The starting position.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::StartPosition() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->StartPosition();
+ }
+Sets the starting position of the frame to be decoded.
+@param aStartPosition
+ The starting position in the data.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SetStartPosition(TInt aStartPosition)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetStartPosition(aStartPosition);
+ }
+Returns the image data block for the specified index.
+@param aIndex
+ The index of the image data block to return.
+@return The image data block.
+EXPORT_C const TImageDataBlock* CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageData(TInt aIndex) const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->ImageData(aIndex);
+ }
+Inserts an image data block into the internally held array at the specified position.
+@param aEntry
+ Pointer to the image data block to be inserted.
+@param aPos
+ The position within the arrary to insert the data block.
+@return KErrNone if the insertion was successful, otherwise a system
+ wide error code.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::InsertImageData(const TImageDataBlock* aEntry, TInt aPos)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->InsertImageData(aEntry, aPos);
+ }
+Removes a specified image data block from the internally held array.
+@param aPos
+ The index of the image data block to be removed.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::RemoveImageData(TInt aPos)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->RemoveImageData(aPos);
+ }
+Appends a new image data data block to the end of the internally held array.
+@param aEntry
+ The image data block to be appended.
+@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
+ another of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::AppendImageData(const TImageDataBlock* aEntry)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->AppendImageData(aEntry);
+ }
+Returns the number of image data blocks present in the image data.
+@return The number of blocks.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageDataCount() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->ImageDataCount();
+ }
+Appends a new image data buffer to the end of the internally held array
+@param aImageBuffer
+ The data buffer to append.
+@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
+ another of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::AppendImageDataBuffer(const HBufC8* aImageBuffer)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->AppendImageDataBuffer(aImageBuffer);
+ }
+Returns the number of frames to be decoded.
+@return The number of frames.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::NumberOfFrames() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->NumberOfFrames();
+ }
+Returns the current position within the data.
+@return The current position.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::Position() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->Position();
+ }
+Sets the current position in the data.
+@param aPosition
+ The current position in the data.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SetPosition(const TInt aPosition)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetPosition(aPosition);
+ }
+Must be called on completion of decoding the image data.
+@param aReason
+ KErrNone should be returned if the decoding completes successfully. If the
+ request fails an appropriate error code should be returned.
+@see CImageDecoderPlugin::SelfComplete(TInt aReason)
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::RequestComplete(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->RequestComplete(aReason);
+ }
+Must be called at the end of a slice of decoding.
+If successful specify KErrNone that results in a repeat call to DoConvert().
+@param aReason
+ The error code giving the reason for completion, or KErrNone
+ if no error occurred.
+@see CImageDecoderPlugin::RequestComplete(TInt aReason)
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SelfComplete(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SelfComplete(aReason);
+ }
+May be called at the start of a slice of decoding if the decoding
+is expected to complete asynchronously. This sets the AO in CImageDecoderPriv
+to active, but does not complete the request.
+When decoding of the slice is complete, there must be a call to SelfComplete().
+@see CImageDecoderPlugin::SelfComplete(TInt aReason)
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SetSelfPending(void)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetSelfPending();
+ }
+Locates the extra resource file for the decoder aUid_extra.rsc, opens
+the resource file and pushes it on the cleanup stack.
+If the resource file is not found the method leaves with KErrNotFound.
+If more than one resource file is found, only the first one is opened.
+@param aFs
+ A reference to the file server.
+@param aUid
+ The decoder's UID.
+@param aResourceFile
+ A reference to the opened resource file.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::OpenExtraResourceFileLC(RFs& aFs, const TUid aUid, RResourceFile& aResourceFile) const
+ {
+ // Build the extra resource file name from the uid
+ TFileName fileName;
+ TUid implementationUid = iProperties->ImplementationUid();
+ CImplementationInformationType* implementationInformation = CImplementationInformationType::NewLC();
+ ImageEnDecoderUtils::DoGetImplementationInformationL(KImageDecoderInterfaceUid, *implementationInformation, implementationUid);
+ fileName.Copy(implementationInformation->Drive().Name());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(implementationInformation);
+ fileName.Append(KResourcePath);
+ fileName.AppendNum(aUid.iUid,EHex);
+ fileName.Append(KExtraResourceExtension);
+ // Get the locale specific file
+ BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(aFs,fileName);
+ aResourceFile.OpenL(aFs,fileName);
+ CleanupClosePushL(aResourceFile);
+ }
+Reads a block of data into an internal buffer.
+A block of data of size aLength is read from the position specified by aPosition
+to an internal data buffer. After a successful read, aReadBuffer is set to point to
+the internal buffer.
+If an attempt is made to read past the end of data, all available data is read and the
+descriptors length will indicate the actual number of bytes read.
+@param aPosition
+ The start position from where data will be read.
+@param aReadBuffer
+ Upon completion of a successful call, points to the internal buffer containing
+ the data read from the source.
+@param aLength
+ The size in bytes of the block of data to be read.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::ReadDataL(TInt aPosition, TPtrC8& aReadBuffer, TInt aLength)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->ReadDataL(aPosition, aReadBuffer, aLength);
+ }
+Returns image information such as colour depth, scaling support etc.
+@return Image information.
+EXPORT_C const TFrameInfo& CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageInfo() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->ImageInfo();
+ }
+Sets the image information.
+@param aImageInfo
+ The image information.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SetImageInfo(const TFrameInfo& aImageInfo)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetImageInfo(aImageInfo);
+ }
+Returns the number of comments attatched to the image.
+Some image formats allow comments to be attached to the entire image, others allow
+comments to be attached to individual frames within the image. Use this function to
+retrieve the number of comments in the image. Use NumberOfFrameComments() for the
+frame equivalent.
+@return The number of comments attatched to the image.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::NumberOfImageComments() const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete(), Panic(EHeaderProcessingNotComplete));
+ return 0;
+ }
+Returns a particular comment attatched to the image.
+Ownership of the returned buffer is transferred to the caller.
+@param aCommentNumber
+ The comment number.
+@return A buffer containing the specified comment.
+EXPORT_C HBufC* CImageDecoderPlugin::ImageCommentL(TInt /* aCommentNumber */) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete(), Panic(EHeaderProcessingNotComplete));
+ Panic(ECommentsNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+Returns the number of comments attatched to a given frame of the image.
+Use NumberOfImageComments() for the image equivalent.
+@param aFrameNumber
+ The frame number.
+@return The number of comments attatched to a given frame of the image.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::NumberOfFrameComments(TInt aFrameNumber) const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete(), Panic(EHeaderProcessingNotComplete));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS((aFrameNumber >= 0) && (aFrameNumber < iProperties->FrameCount()), Panic(EFrameNumberOutOfRange));
+ return 0;
+ }
+Returns a particular comment attatched to a given frame of the image.
+Ownership of the returned buffer is transferred to the caller.
+@param aFrameNumber
+ The index of the frame containing the comments.
+@param aCommentNumber
+ The index of the comment to retrieve from the specified frame.
+@return A buffer containing the specified comment.
+EXPORT_C HBufC* CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameCommentL(TInt aFrameNumber, TInt /*aCommentNumber*/) const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete(), Panic(EHeaderProcessingNotComplete));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS((aFrameNumber >= 0) && (aFrameNumber < iProperties->FrameCount()), Panic(EFrameNumberOutOfRange));
+ Panic(ECommentsNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+Invokes the ReadFrameHeadersL method of the supplied plugin which
+should process the frame headers contained within the image.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::ReadFrameHeadersL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->ReadFrameHeadersL();
+ }
+Returns the block size used in the specified frame's header.
+Always returns 4096 regardless of the frame number specified.
+Should be overriden by codecs that use larger blocks.
+@param aFrameNumber
+ The frame to which the header block size information applies.
+@return The returned frame header block size (always 4096).
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameHeaderBlockSize(TInt /*aFrameNumber*/) const
+ {
+ return 4096;
+ }
+Returns the block size used in the specified frame.
+Always returns 4096 regardless of the frame number specified.
+Should be overriden by codecs that use larger blocks.
+@param aFrameNumber
+ The frame to which the block size information applies.
+@return The returned frame block size (always 4096).
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameBlockSize(TInt /*aFrameNumber*/) const
+ {
+ return 4096;
+ }
+Returns the destination bitmap.
+@return A reference to the destination bitmap.
+EXPORT_C const CFbsBitmap& CImageDecoderPlugin::Destination() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ ASSERT(ValidDestination());
+ return iProperties->Destination();
+ }
+Returns the validity of the destination bitmap.
+@return A boolean indicating if the destination bitmap is valid. ETrue if the destination bitmap
+ is valid, EFalse otherwise.
+EXPORT_C TBool CImageDecoderPlugin::ValidDestination() const
+ {
+ return iProperties->ValidDestination();
+ }
+Returns the destination bitmap mask.
+@return A reference to the destination bitmap mask.
+EXPORT_C const CFbsBitmap& CImageDecoderPlugin::DestinationMask() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ ASSERT(ValidDestinationMask());
+ return iProperties->DestinationMask();
+ }
+Indicates if the destination bitmap mask is valid.
+@return A boolean indicating if the destination bitmap is valid. ETrue if the destination bitmap
+ mask is valid, otherwise EFalse.
+EXPORT_C TBool CImageDecoderPlugin::ValidDestinationMask() const
+ {
+ return iProperties->ValidDestinationMask();
+ }
+Paints the entire bitmap aBitmap with the color supplied as aColor.
+@param aBitmap
+ A reference to a fully constructed bitmap.
+@param aColor
+ The color to use for painting.
+EXPORT_C void CImageReadCodec::ClearBitmapL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, TRgb aColor)
+ {
+ if (aBitmap.Handle())
+ {
+ if(aBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType()!=KNullUid)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ CFbsBitmapDevice* device = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(&aBitmap);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(device);
+ CFbsBitGc* gc = NULL;
+ User::LeaveIfError(device->CreateContext(gc));
+ // with alpha channel addition, the best way to paint an entire
+ // bitmap is to set the draw mode to WriteAlpha
+ TDisplayMode mode = aBitmap.DisplayMode();
+ if( mode == EColor16MA || mode == EColor16MAP )
+ {
+ gc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeWriteAlpha);
+ }
+ gc->SetBrushColor(aColor);
+ gc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ gc->Clear();
+ delete gc;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // device
+ }
+ }
+Checks that the constructed decoder is valid.
+This function is internal and not intended for use.
+@return A boolean indicating if the decoders construction is valid. ETrue if valid, EFalse otherwise.
+TBool CImageDecoderPlugin::ValidProperties() const
+ {
+ return iProperties != NULL;
+ }
+Returns the status of header processing. If the processing is incomplete or not
+terminated correctly EFalse will be returned
+@return The header processing status.
+EXPORT_C TBool CImageDecoderPlugin::IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete() const
+ {
+ return iProperties->IsImageHeaderProcessingComplete();
+ }
+Returns the frame info for a specified frame of the image.
+This function can be called immediately after the call to create the decoder,
+thus enabling the caller to know about each frame in advance of decoding it.
+@param aFrameNumber
+ The frame number for which information is requested (Optional, defaults to 0).
+@return The information for the specified frame.
+EXPORT_C const TFrameInfo& CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameInfo(TInt aFrameNumber) const
+ {
+ // Return the frame info for a particular frame
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->FrameInfo(aFrameNumber);
+ }
+Returns the frame data for a specified frame of the image.
+@param aFrameNumber
+ The frame number from which to retreive the frame data (Optional, defaults to 0).
+@return The data for the specified frame.
+ */
+EXPORT_C const CFrameImageData& CImageDecoderPlugin::FrameData(TInt aFrameNumber) const
+ {
+ // Return the frame image data for a particular frame.
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->FrameData(aFrameNumber);
+ }
+Returns the length of the source data in bytes.
+@return The length of the source data.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::SourceLength() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->SourceLength();
+ }
+This function must be called on completion of encoding the image data.
+@param aReason
+ The error code giving the reason for completion, or KErrNone
+ if no error occurred.
+@see CImageEncoderPlugin::SelfComplete(TInt aReason)
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::RequestComplete(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->RequestComplete(aReason);
+ }
+Must be called at the end of a slice of encoding. If called with
+KErrNone will cause a repeat call to DoConvert().
+@param aReason
+ The error code giving the reason for completion, or KErrNone
+ if no error occurred.
+@see CImageEncoderPlugin::RequestComplete(TInt aReason)
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::SelfComplete(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SelfComplete(aReason);
+ }
+May be called at the start of a slice of encoding if the encoding
+is expected to complete asynchronously. This sets the AO in CImageEncoderPriv
+to active, but does not complete the request.
+When the encoding of the slice is complete, there must be a call to SelfComplete()
+@see CImageEncoderPlugin::SelfComplete(TInt aReason)
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::SetSelfPending(void)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetSelfPending();
+ }
+Called as a result of an associated CImageDecoder::CustomSyncL() function being called.
+Plugins may override this to provide extended commands in CImageDecoder. Default version
+leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+@param aParam
+ Interpretation dependent on plugin.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::HandleCustomSyncL(TInt aParam)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->BodyHandleCustomSyncL(aParam);
+ }
+Called as a result of the associated CImageDecoder::CustomAsync() function being called.
+If this function finishes normally, then a convert cycle is started - so that DoConvert()
+will be subsequently started in the background - otherwise, if this function leaves then
+the error result is immediately signalled back to the caller of CustomAsync().
+Plugins may override this to provide extended commands in CImageDecoder.Users of
+CImageEncoder can then use the extended encoder functions by calling CustomAsync, rather
+than CImageEncoder::Convert().
+By default this function leaves with KErrNotSupported unless overriden.
+@param aParam
+ Interpretation dependent on plugin.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::InitCustomAsyncL(TInt aParam)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->BodyInitCustomAsyncL(aParam);
+ }
+Plugin defined actions resulting from a call by RequestComplete().
+This function is called when a RequestComplete() is issued indicating that an
+asynchronous command has finished. Plugins can extend this function to,
+clear any custom command flags.
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::NotifyComplete()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->BodyNotifyComplete();
+ }
+Indicates if this decoder is running in a separate thread.
+@return ETrue if running in separate thread, otherwise EFalse
+EXPORT_C TBool CImageDecoderPlugin::AmInThread() const
+ {
+ return iProperties->AmInThread();
+ }
+Passes a pointer to a descriptor containing the thumbnail from the
+plugin to the framework. The framework then owns this descriptor.
+@param aThumbnailData
+ A pointer to a HBufC8 containing the thumbnail data
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SetThumbnailData(HBufC8* aThumbnailData)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetThumbnailData(aThumbnailData);
+ }
+Indicates if the decoder should abort early ie. following a call to
+Note: This function always returns false unless the decoder is running
+in its own thread.
+@return ETrue if it should abort early, otherwise EFalse
+EXPORT_C TBool CImageDecoderPlugin::ShouldAbort() const
+ {
+ return iProperties->ShouldAbort();
+ }
+Enables generation of an image mask (to be implemented by the plugin
+if this feature is supported).
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::EnableMaskGeneration()
+ {
+ }
+Notify the plugin that the client has changed the requested source
+image type (e.g. Main to Thumb or vice-versa)
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::NotifyImageTypeChangeL(TInt)
+ {
+ }
+Returns the decoding options specified by the client when it created the CImageDecoder object.
+@return The decoding options.
+EXPORT_C CImageDecoder::TOptions CImageDecoderPlugin::DecoderOptions() const
+ {
+ return iProperties->DecoderOptions();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::GetExtensionL(TUid /*aExtUid*/, MImageConvExtension*& /*aExtPtr*/)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+Gets the size of the destination CFbsBitmap needed prior to a call to Convert().
+Essential when using the ICL Framework Extensions such as SetClippingRectL() or
+codec extensions obtained through the OperationL(), ScalerL() and BlockStreamerL()
+@param aSize A reference to a TSize that specifies the size
+ of the region that is to be decoded by a call to
+ Convert().
+@param aFrameNumber The number of the frame that is to be decoded.
+@see CImageDecoder::OperationL()
+@see CImageDecoder::ScalerL()
+@see CImageDecoder::BlockStreamerL()
+@see CImageDecoder::SetClippingRectL()
+@see CImageDecoder::Convert()
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageDecoderPlugin::GetDestinationSize(TSize& /*aSize*/, TInt /*aFrameNumber*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+Sets the area of interest of the image to be decoded. This function can leave with
+any of the system-wide error codes.
+@param aClipRect A pointer to a TRect that specifies the
+ location and size of the region to be decoded. This
+ rectangle must have positive width and height values as
+ per TRect::IsNormalized() and TRect::Normalize().
+ Passing in a NULL value will clear the clipping rectangle.
+@leave KErrNotSupported This function is not supported.
+@leave KErrArgument Returned if the clipping rectangle:
+ a) is empty (i.e. IsEmpty() returns ETrue)
+ b) is not normalised (i.e. IsNormalized() returns EFalse)
+ c) has coordinates that are not located within, or on,
+ the coodinates of at least one frame of the original image.
+ d) has a width or a height of 0
+@see TRect::IsEmpty()
+@see TRect::IsNormalized()
+@see TRect::Normalize()
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::SetClippingRectL(const TRect* /*aClipRect*/)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
+@panic EReservedCall
+EXPORT_C void CImageDecoderPlugin::ReservedVirtual1()
+ {
+ Panic(EReservedCall);
+ }
+Constructor for this class.
+EXPORT_C CImageEncoderPlugin::CImageEncoderPlugin()
+ {
+ }
+Destructor for this class.
+EXPORT_C CImageEncoderPlugin::~CImageEncoderPlugin()
+ {
+ }
+Called when the plugin is destroyed or an encode is cancelled to perform
+cleanup functions.
+This function may be overriden in derived classes in which case the derived
+class should ensure it calls this version after performing any plugin
+specific cleanup.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::Cleanup()
+ {
+ if(ValidProperties())
+ iProperties->Cleanup();
+ }
+Initialises data structures prior to encoding a frame.
+This may be overriden in derived classes in which case the derived class
+should ensure it calls this version after performing any plugin
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::InitConvertL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->InitConvertL();
+ }
+Forces initialization of data structures prior to decoding a frame.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::RequestInitL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->RequestInitL();
+ }
+Performs the encoding process.
+This call may be overriden in derived classes. If this is not
+the case and a custom decode is not performed, the derived class should
+ensure that this base class's version is called.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::DoConvert()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->DoConvert();
+ }
+Tells the encoder to generate the thumbnail
+THis is used only for Exif format. If aDoGenerateThumbnail=EFalse, the
+thumbnail is not generated. The default value is ETrue
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::SetThumbnail(TBool /*aDoGenerateThumbnail*/)
+ {
+ }
+Deals with the result from ProcessFrameL().
+This processes the results of the standard ProcessFrameL() call, feeding in the resultant
+error code from its TRAP and the status result. It will call RequestComplete() or
+SelfComplete() as appropriate. Note that if no data was created by ProcessFrameL(),
+HandleProcessFrameResult() assumes that the encoding process is complete.
+If this is not appropriate, an overloaded DoConvert() should be used to handle it.
+@param aErrCode
+ The error result of TRAP around ProcessFrameL().
+@param aCodecState
+ The result of ProcessFrameL() itself.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::HandleProcessFrameResult(TInt aErrCode, TFrameState aCodecState)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->HandleProcessFrameResult(aErrCode, aCodecState);
+ }
+Returns the value to be fed to CImageWriteCodec::ProcessFrameL(),
+and will be used by codecs that fully override DoConvert().
+EXPORT_C TBufPtr8& CImageEncoderPlugin::DestinationData()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->DestinationData();
+ }
+Writes a descriptor to the internal data buffer of the encoded image without
+incrementing the position in the buffer, and therefore a call to Position()
+will return the same value before or after a call to this function.
+@param aPosition
+ The start position in the internal data buffer of the encoded image from
+ which point the data in aDes is written.
+@param aDes
+ The descriptor containing the data to be written to the internal data buffer
+ of the encoded image.
+@see Position()
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::WriteDataL(TInt aPosition,const TDesC8& aDes)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->WriteDataL(aPosition, aDes);
+ }
+Writes a descriptor to the internal data buffer of the encoded image. In addition,
+the position in the buffer that is written to (obtained with Position()) will be
+incremented returning aPosition + aDes.Length().
+@param aPosition
+ The start position in the internal data buffer of the encoded image from
+ which point the data in aDes is written.
+@param aDes
+ The descriptor containing the data to be written to the internal data buffer
+ of the encoded image.
+@see Position()
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::WriteDataPositionIncL(TInt aPosition,const TDesC8& aDes)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->WriteDataPositionIncL(aPosition, aDes);
+ }
+Returns the plugin's write codec.
+@return A pointer to the plugin's write codec.
+EXPORT_C CImageWriteCodec* CImageEncoderPlugin::ImageWriteCodec() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->ImageWriteCodec();
+ }
+Sets the plugin's write codec.
+Ownership of the codec is transferred to the plugin.
+@param aImageWriteCodec
+ A pointer to the codec.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::SetImageWriteCodec(CImageWriteCodec* aImageWriteCodec) const
+ {
+ ASSERT(aImageWriteCodec != NULL);
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->SetImageWriteCodec(aImageWriteCodec);
+ }
+Returns the bitmap which is being encoded.
+@return A reference to the source bitmap.
+EXPORT_C const CFbsBitmap& CImageEncoderPlugin::Source() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->Source();
+ }
+Checks the validity of the bitmap which is being encoded. Returns ETrue if the
+bitmap is valid, otherwise EFalse.
+@return A boolean describing the validity of the bitamp.
+EXPORT_C TBool CImageEncoderPlugin::ValidSource() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->ValidSource();
+ }
+Returns the starting position of the internal data buffer of the encoded image
+that is being written to.
+@return The starting position.
+EXPORT_C TInt& CImageEncoderPlugin::StartPosition() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->StartPosition();
+ }
+Returns the current position within the internal data buffer that is being written to.
+@return The current position.
+@see WriteDataPositionIncL(TInt aPosition,const TDesC8& aDes)
+@see WriteDataL(TInt aPosition,const TDesC8& aDes)
+EXPORT_C TInt& CImageEncoderPlugin::Position() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->Position();
+ }
+Returns the overall size of the image frame in pixels.
+@return The size of the image frame.
+EXPORT_C const TSize& CImageEncoderPlugin::FrameInfoOverallSizeInPixels() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->FrameInfoOverallSizeInPixels();
+ }
+Checks that the constructed encoder is valid.
+@return ETrue if valid, EFalse otherwise.
+TBool CImageEncoderPlugin::ValidProperties() const
+ {
+ return iProperties != NULL;
+ }
+Returns the current size of the encoded image in bytes.
+@return The current size of the encoded image in bytes.
+EXPORT_C TInt CImageEncoderPlugin::CurrentImageSizeL() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->CurrentImageSizeL();
+ }
+Called as a result of the associated CImageEncoder::CustomSyncL() function being called.
+Plugins may override this to provide extended commands in CImageEncoder. Default version
+leaves with KErrNotSupported.
+@param aParam
+ Interpretation dependent on plugin.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::HandleCustomSyncL(TInt aParam)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->BodyHandleCustomSyncL(aParam);
+ }
+Called as a result of the associated CImageEncoder::CustomAsync() function being called.
+If this function finishes normally, then a convert cycle is started - so that DoConvert()
+will be subsequently started in the background - otherwise, if this function leaves then
+the error result is immediately signalled back to the caller of CustomAsync().
+The default version leaves with KErrNotSupported unless overridden to change this behaviour. Plugins may
+override this to provide extended commands in CImageEncoder.
+@param aParam
+ Interpretation dependent on plugin.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::InitCustomAsyncL(TInt aParam)
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->BodyInitCustomAsyncL(aParam);
+ }
+Plugin defined actions resulting from a call by RequestComplete().
+This function is called when a RequestComplete() is issued indicating that
+an asynchronous command has finished. Plugins can extend this function to
+clear any custom command flags.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::NotifyComplete()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->BodyNotifyComplete();
+ }
+Indicates if this encoder is running in a separate thread.
+@return A boolean indicating if the encoder is running in a seperate thread. ETrue if running in
+ separate thread, otherwise EFalse.
+EXPORT_C TBool CImageEncoderPlugin::AmInThread() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->AmInThread();
+ }
+Indicates if an encode should abort early (ie. following a Cancel).
+This function always returns EFalse unless the encoder is running in its own thread.
+@return A boolean indicating if the encode should abort early. ETrue if should abort early,
+ otherwise EFalse.
+EXPORT_C TBool CImageEncoderPlugin::ShouldAbort() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ return iProperties->ShouldAbort();
+ }
+Notifies the framework that the main frame encoding is complete, so it can tidy up. This
+results in a call to UpdateHeaderL() and then either the descriptor is copied across
+or the file is closed.
+This function is only used if a decoder replaces the DoConvert() call - the default
+version does this as part of its processing.
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::FinishConvertL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ValidProperties());
+ iProperties->FinishConvertL();
+ }
+Sets the thumbnail in the encoded file
+@panic EReservedCall
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::WriteThumbnailL()
+ {
+ }
+Intended for future proofing - will panic if called
+@param the status which will be notified once the scale operation on the thumbnail will be performed
+@panic EReservedCall
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::WriteExifDataL(TRequestStatus*& /*aScaleCompletionStatus*/)
+ {
+ SelfComplete(KErrNone);
+ }
+Enables getting set of options which has been passed by client during encoder object creation.
+Plugins should ignore unknown options.
+@return Set of options which has been passed by client during encoder
+ object creation
+EXPORT_C CImageEncoder::TOptions CImageEncoderPlugin::EncoderOptions() const
+ {
+ return iProperties->EncoderOptions();
+ }
+Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
+@panic EReservedCall
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::ReservedVirtual1()
+ {
+ Panic(EReservedCall);
+ }
+Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
+@panic EReservedCall
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::ReservedVirtual2()
+ {
+ Panic(EReservedCall);
+ }
+Intended for future proofing - will panic if called.
+@panic EReservedCall
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::ReservedVirtual3()
+ {
+ Panic(EReservedCall);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CImageEncoderPlugin::GetExtensionL(TUid /*aExtUid*/, MImageConvExtension*& /*aExtPtr*/)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }