--- a/mmdevicefw/mdf/src/audio/mdasoundadapter/mdasoundadapterbody.h Tue Aug 31 16:43:06 2010 +0300
+++ b/mmdevicefw/mdf/src/audio/mdasoundadapter/mdasoundadapterbody.h Wed Sep 01 12:38:50 2010 +0100
@@ -29,10 +29,6 @@
- EBadState,
- ENoClientPlayRequest,
- EFifoEmpty,
- EFifoFull
//Structure used to map samples per second to the corresponding enums in RSoundSc
@@ -325,28 +321,23 @@
-// Total Number of sample rates
-const TUint KNumSampleRates = 9;
-// Number of shared chunk buffers used for playing
-// Each buffer is permanently mapped, via an index number, to a particular buffer in the chunk
-// The esoundsc.ldd can only handle a max of 8 pending play requests, therefore no point in having
-// more than 8 play buffers...
-const TUint KPlaySharedChunkBuffers = 8;
-// Size of RSoundSc play buffers
-const TUint KPlaySharedChunkBufferSize = 4096;
+//Total Number of sample rates
+const TInt KNumSampleRates = 9;
+//Number of shared chunk buffers used for playing
+const TInt KPlayMaxSharedChunkBuffers = 2;
+const TInt KPlayMaxSharedChunkBuffersMask = KPlayMaxSharedChunkBuffers-1; // use for % KPlayMaxSharedChunkBuffers
//Number of shared chunk buffers used for recording
-const TUint KRecordMaxSharedChunkBuffers = 8;
-// Size of RSoundSc record buffers
-const TUint KRecordSharedChunkBufferSize = 4096;
+const TInt KRecordMaxSharedChunkBuffers = 3;
+//we need to two players for playing and one is sufficient for recording
+const TInt KNumPlayers = 2;
+const TInt KNumPlayersMask = KNumPlayers-1; // & KNumPlayersMask is equiv to % KNumPlayers
//Shared chunk driver does not support max. buffer size. 16K is given in order to simulate the old driver behavior.
-const TUint KMaxBufferSize = 0x4000;
+const TInt KMaxBufferSize = 0x4000;
class TPlaySharedChunkBufConfig : public TSharedChunkBufConfigBase
- TInt iBufferOffsetList[KPlaySharedChunkBuffers];
+ TInt iBufferOffsetList[KPlayMaxSharedChunkBuffers];
class TRecordSharedChunkBufConfig : public TSharedChunkBufConfigBase
@@ -357,83 +348,6 @@
class CChannelAndSampleRateConverter; // forward dec
-GLDEF_C void Panic(TSoundAdapterPanicCodes aPanicCode);//forward declaration
-// RFifo class which manages a fifo of up to COUNT items of type T
-template<typename T, TUint32 COUNT> class RFifo
- {
- RFifo()
- : iWriteIndex(0), iReadIndex(0)
- {}
- TBool IsEmpty() const
- {
- return iWriteIndex == iReadIndex;
- }
- TBool IsFull() const
- {
- // Full if writing one more item would make iWriteIndex equal to iReadIndex
- TUint32 next = NextIndex(iWriteIndex);
- return next == iReadIndex;
- }
- /// Push item into FIFO. Does not take ownership. Will PANIC with EFifoFull if full.
- void Push(const T &aItem)
- {
- if(IsFull())
- {
- Panic(EFifoFull);
- }
- iFifo[iWriteIndex] = aItem;
- iWriteIndex = NextIndex(iWriteIndex);
- }
- /// Pop item from FIFO. Will PANIC with EFifoEmpty if empty
- T Pop()
- {
- if(IsEmpty())
- {
- Panic(EFifoEmpty);
- }
- TUint32 tmp = iReadIndex;
- iReadIndex = NextIndex(iReadIndex);
- return iFifo[tmp];
- }
- /// Peek first item from FIFO. Will PANIC with EFifoEmpty if empty
- T Peek()
- {
- if(IsEmpty())
- {
- Panic(EFifoEmpty);
- }
- return iFifo[iReadIndex];
- }
- TUint Length() const
- {
- TUint len;
- if(iWriteIndex >= iReadIndex)
- {
- len = iWriteIndex - iReadIndex;
- }
- else
- {
- len = COUNT+1 - (iReadIndex - iWriteIndex);
- }
- return len;
- }
- TUint32 NextIndex(TUint32 aIndex) const
- {
- ++aIndex;
- aIndex %= (COUNT+1);
- return aIndex;
- }
- T iFifo[COUNT+1];
- TUint32 iWriteIndex;
- TUint32 iReadIndex;
- };
//Body class for the adapter
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( RMdaDevSound::CBody ): public CBase
@@ -447,58 +361,27 @@
void RunL();
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
void DoCancel();
- void PlayData(TUint aChunkOffset, TInt aLength);
- TUint GetPlayerIndex() const;
- private:
+ void RecordData(TInt& aLength);
+ void PlayData(TInt aBufferOffset, TInt aBufferLength);
+ void Stop();
+ void ResetPlayer();
+ void PlaySoundDevice();
+ private:
RMdaDevSound::CBody& iParent;
- const TUint iIndex; // index of this object in parent
- TInt iBufferOffset;
- TInt iBufferLength;
- };
- NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CRecorder ) : public CActive
- {
- public:
- explicit CRecorder(TInt aPriority, RMdaDevSound::CBody& aParent);
- ~CRecorder();
- void RunL();
- TInt RunError(TInt aError);
- void DoCancel();
- void RecordData(TInt& aLength);
- private:
- RMdaDevSound::CBody& iParent;
+ const TInt iIndex; // index of this object in parent
+ TBool iRequestPending;
TInt iBufferOffset;
TInt iBufferLength;
- enum TStateEnum
+ enum TState
- EStopped,
- ERecording,
- ERecordingPausedInHw,
- ERecordingPausedInSw,
+ EOpened,
- EPlayingPausedInHw, // ie. Play request pending on h/w and paused
- EPlayingPausedInSw, // ie. Driver not playing or paused
- EPlayingUnderrun
- };
- {
- public:
- TState(TStateEnum aState) : iState(aState) {}
- const TText8 *Name() const;
- TState &operator=(TStateEnum aNewState);
- operator TStateEnum() const { return iState; }
- private:
- TStateEnum iState;
+ ERecording,
+ EPlayBuffersFlushed,
+ EPaused
class TFormatData
@@ -559,55 +442,40 @@
//for players
void SoundDeviceError(TInt aError);
+ void SoundDeviceError(TInt aError, TInt aPlayerIndex);
RSoundSc& PlaySoundDevice();
RSoundSc& RecordSoundDevice();
- const TState &State() const;
+ TState State();
void BufferFilled(TInt aError);
- // Called whenever a player becomes inactive.
- // This includes driver request ok, driver request failed, CPlayer:::RunError invoked.
- void PlayRequestHasCompleted(CPlayer *aPlayer, TInt aStatus, TBool aDueToCancelCommand);
+ void BufferEmptied();
+ void PlayCancelled();
+ void UpdateTimeAndBytesPlayed();
+ TBool TimerActive();
+ TBool FlushCalledDuringPause();
void ConstructL();
TInt NegotiateFormat(const TCurrentSoundFormatBuf& aFormat, RSoundSc& aDevice, TFormatData &aFormatData);
- void StartPlayersAndUpdateState();
- void StartRecordRequest();
- const char *StateName() const;
- TBool InRecordMode() const;
- TBool InPlayMode() const;
- TUint32 CurrentTimeInMsec() const;
- TUint64 BytesPlayed64();
RSoundSc iPlaySoundDevice;
- RChunk iPlayChunk;//handle to the shared chunk
RSoundSc iRecordSoundDevice;
- RChunk iRecordChunk;//handle to the shared chunk
+ RChunk iChunk;//handle to the shared chunk
TState iState;
+ CPlayer* iPlayers[KNumPlayers];//we need atleast two players for playing and one for recording
//Playing Properties
- TPlaySharedChunkBufConfig iPlayBufferConfig;
+ TPlaySharedChunkBufConfig iBufferConfig;
+ TInt iBufferIndex;
+ TInt iCurrentPlayer;
TInt iDeviceBufferLength;
//Stores the status of CDataPathPlayer
- TRequestStatus* iClientPlayStatus;
- TPtrC8 iClientPlayData;
+ TRequestStatus* iPlayerStatus;
//Stores the status of CSoundDevPlayErrorReceiver
- TRequestStatus* iClientPlayErrorStatus;
- RBuf8 iConvertedPlayData;
- RBuf8 iSavedTrailingData;
- CPlayer* iPlayers[KPlaySharedChunkBuffers];
- RFifo<CPlayer *, KPlaySharedChunkBuffers> iFreePlayers;
- RFifo<TUint32, KPlaySharedChunkBuffers> iActivePlayRequestSizes;
+ TRequestStatus* iPlayErrorStatus;
+ RBuf8 iBufferRemaining;
+ TBool iHaveSecondPhaseData;
TInt iRequestMinSize;
TUint iRequestMinMask;
@@ -615,25 +483,23 @@
TRecordSharedChunkBufConfig iRecordBufferConfig;
TInt iBufferOffset;
TInt iBufferLength;
+ TPtrC8 iSecondPhaseData;
//Stores the status of CDataPathRecorder
- TRequestStatus* iClientRecordStatus;
+ TRequestStatus* iRecorderStatus;
//Stores the status of CSoundDevRecordErrorReceiver
- TRequestStatus* iClientRecordErrorStatus;
- TDes8* iClientRecordData;//stores the data pointer from datapath recorder
- RBuf8 iBufferedRecordData; // Used if RSoundSc returns more data than current client request requires.
- CRecorder* iRecorder; // We only need one recorder. The driver will buffer data for us.
+ TRequestStatus* iRecordErrorStatus;
+ TDes8* iData;//stores the data pointer from datapath recorder
+ TInt iBytesPlayed;
+ TInt iFCFrequency;
+ TUint32 iStartTime;
+ TBool iTimerActive;
+ TBool iFlushCalledDuringPause;
+ TBool iPauseDeviceDriverOnNewData;
- TBool iUnderFlowReportedSinceLastPlayOrRecordRequest;
- TUint64 iBytesPlayed;
- TUint32 iNTickPeriodInUsec;
- TUint32 iStartTime; // Time when previous driver PlayData completed (or first was issued) in msec
- TUint32 iPauseTime; // Time when pause started in msec
- TUint64 iPausedBytesPlayed;
- TFormatData iPlayFormatData;
- TFormatData iRecordFormatData;
+ TFormatData iPlayData;
+ TFormatData iRecordData;
+GLDEF_C void Panic(TSoundAdapterPanicCodes aPanicCode);//forward declaration