changeset 50 948c7f65f6d4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omxil/omxilcomponentcommon/src/common/omxilcallbackmanager.h	Wed Sep 01 12:38:50 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "omxilcallbackmanagerif.h"
+#include "omxilcallbackmanagerifimpl.h"
+#include "primsgqueue.h"
+   Call Back Manager Panic category
+_LIT(KOmxILCallbackManagerPanicCategory, "OmxILCallbackManager");
+   OpenMAX IL call backs and buffer marks manager. This is an asynchronous
+   implementation of MOmxILCallbackManagerIf.  It keeps and manages the IL
+   Client callback information as well as the buffer mark propagation info.
+ */
+	public CActive,
+	public MOmxILCallbackManagerIf,
+	private XOmxILCallbackManagerIfImpl
+	{
+	// Declaration of nested private command classes
+	class CCallbackCommand;
+	class CCompHandleRegistrationCommand;
+	class CClientCallbacksRegistrationCommand;
+	class CTunnelCallbackRegistrationCommand;
+	class CBufferMarkPropagationRegistrationCommand;
+	class CBufferRemovalCommand;
+	class CEventCallbackCommand;
+	class CBufferDoneCallbackCommand;
+	class CPortSettingsChangeCommand;
+	// Note that the following friends don't break COmxILCallbackManager's
+	// interface as all friends below are COmxILCallbackManager's private
+	// nested classes and therefore they are logically part of
+	// COmxILCallbackManager implementation
+	friend class CCompHandleRegistrationCommand;
+	friend class CClientCallbacksRegistrationCommand;
+	friend class CTunnelCallbackRegistrationCommand;
+	friend class CBufferMarkPropagationRegistrationCommand;
+	friend class CBufferRemovalCommand;
+	friend class CEventCallbackCommand;
+	friend class CBufferDoneCallbackCommand;
+	friend class CPortSettingsChangeCommand;
+	IMPORT_C static COmxILCallbackManager* NewL(
+		OMX_HANDLETYPE apComponentHandle,
+		OMX_PTR apAppData,
+		OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* apCallbacks);
+	IMPORT_C ~COmxILCallbackManager();
+	IMPORT_C void SetPortManager(COmxILPortManager& apPortManager);
+	IMPORT_C void SetFsm(COmxILFsm& apFsm);
+	//
+	// Methods for Callback Registration (from MOmxILCallbackManagerIf)
+	//
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE RegisterComponentHandle(
+		OMX_HANDLETYPE aComponentHandle);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE RegisterILClientCallbacks(
+		const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* apCallbacks,
+		const OMX_PTR apAppData);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE RegisterTunnelCallback(
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex,
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aLocalPortDirection,
+		OMX_HANDLETYPE aTunnelledComponentHandle,
+		OMX_U32 aTunnelledPortIndex
+		);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE DeregisterTunnelCallback(
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE RegisterBufferMarkPropagationPort(
+		OMX_U32 aPortIndex,
+		OMX_U32 aPropagationPortIndex);
+	IMPORT_C TBool BufferRemovalIndication(
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aDirection);
+	//
+	// Methods for Callback Notification (from MOmxILCallbackManagerIf)
+	//
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE TransitionCompleteNotification(
+		OMX_STATETYPE aOmxState);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE CommandCompleteNotification(
+		OMX_U32 aOmxPortIndex);
+	//
+	// Methods for Callback Notification (from MOmxILCallbackManagerIf)
+	//
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE ErrorEventNotification(
+		OMX_ERRORTYPE aOmxError);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE EventNotification(
+		TUint32 aData1,
+		TUint32 aData2,
+		OMX_STRING aExtraInfo);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE BufferDoneNotification(
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex,
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aLocalPortDirection);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE ClockBufferDoneNotification(
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex,
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aLocalPortDirection);
+	IMPORT_C OMX_ERRORTYPE PortSettingsChangeNotification(
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex,
+		TUint aPortSettingsIndex,
+		const TDesC8& aPortSettings);
+	//
+	// From CActive
+	//
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	// Convenience typedef
+	typedef RPriMsgQueue<CCallbackCommand*> RCbCmdPriQue;
+	/**
+	   COmxILCallbackManager's priority-based command queue.
+	   This queue is based on RPriMsgQueue but it is specialized to support the
+	   search and deletion of Buffer Done Callback Commands using some specific
+	   search criteria like buffer headers or port indexes.
+	 */
+	class RCallbackManagerQueue : public RCbCmdPriQue
+		{
+	public:
+		TBool RemoveBufferDoneCbCommandsByBufferHeader(
+			COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+			const OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* apBufferHeader,
+			OMX_DIRTYPE aDirection);
+		TBool RemoveBufferDoneCbCommandsByPortIndex(
+			COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+			OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex);
+		TBool ExecuteBufferDoneCbCommandsByPortIndex(
+			COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+			OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex);
+    };
+	static const TInt KMaxMsgQueueEntries = 30;
+	COmxILCallbackManager(OMX_HANDLETYPE apComponentHandle,
+						  OMX_PTR apAppData,
+						  OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* apCallbacks);
+	void ConstructL();
+	OMX_ERRORTYPE SendBufferDoneNotification(
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex,
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aLocalPortDirection,
+		TInt aPriority);
+	void ProcessQueue(RCallbackManagerQueue& aQueue);
+	void CleanUpQueue(RCallbackManagerQueue& aQueue);
+	OMX_ERRORTYPE EventNotificationImpl(
+		TUint32 aData1,
+		TUint32 aData2,
+		OMX_STRING aExtraInfo);
+	// COmxILCallbackManager priority queue.
+	RCallbackManagerQueue iCommandQueue;
+	// Queue of buffer done notifications that need to be queued during
+	// OMX_StatePaused state
+	RCallbackManagerQueue iPendingQueue;
+	// Flag to enable unconditional flushing of buffer done notifications
+	TBool iFlushPendingQueue;
+	OMX_STATETYPE iCurrentState;
+	OMX_STATETYPE iPreviousState;
+	};
+// COmxILCallbackManager nested classes
+  Abstract Callback Manager's command class.
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand : public CBase
+	{
+	enum TCommandPriority
+		{
+		EPriorityLow,
+		EPriorityNormal,
+		EPriorityHigh,
+		EPriorityVeryHigh
+		};
+	inline CCallbackCommand(TInt aPriority);
+	/**
+	   Operator() method that must be implemented to perform the specific
+	   command logic.
+	   @param [in] aCbMgr The Callback Manager object used as context to the
+	   command operation
+	*/
+	virtual void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred) = 0;
+	virtual TBool DoRemoveBufferDoneCbCommandByBufferHeader(
+		COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+		const OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* apBufferHeader,
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aDirection);
+	virtual TBool DoRemoveBufferDoneCbCommandByPortIndex(
+		COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex);
+	virtual TBool DoExecuteBufferDoneCbCommandByPortIndex(
+		COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex);
+	inline TInt Priority();
+	TInt iPriority;
+	};
+  Callback Manager's command class for registering component handles.
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CCompHandleRegistrationCommand :
+	public COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand
+	{
+	inline CCompHandleRegistrationCommand(OMX_HANDLETYPE aComponentHandle);
+	void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred);
+	OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* ipHandle; // Not owned
+	};
+  Callback Manager's command class for registering IL Client callbacks .
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CClientCallbacksRegistrationCommand :
+	public COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand
+	{
+	inline CClientCallbacksRegistrationCommand(
+		const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE*& apCallbacks,
+		const OMX_PTR& apAppData);
+	void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred);
+	const OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* ipCallbacks; // not owned
+	const OMX_PTR ipAppData; // not owned
+	};
+  Callback Manager's command class for registering tunnel callbacks.
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CTunnelCallbackRegistrationCommand :
+	public COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand
+	{
+	inline CTunnelCallbackRegistrationCommand(
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex,
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aLocalPortDirection,
+		OMX_HANDLETYPE aTunnelledComponentHandle,
+		OMX_U32 aTunnelledPortIndex);
+	void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred);
+	TTunnelRegistrationInfo iTunnelInfo;
+	};
+  Callback Manager's command class for registering buffer marks info .
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CBufferMarkPropagationRegistrationCommand :
+	public COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand
+	{
+	inline CBufferMarkPropagationRegistrationCommand(
+		OMX_U32 aPortIndex,
+		OMX_U32 aPropagationPortIndex);
+	void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred);
+	TBufferMarkPropagationInfo iMarkPropagationInfo;
+	};
+  Callback Manager's command class for buffer header removal.
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CBufferRemovalCommand :
+	public COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand
+	{
+	inline CBufferRemovalCommand(
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aDirection);
+	void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred);
+	OMX_DIRTYPE iDirection;
+	};
+  Callback Manager's command class for notification of OpenMAX IL events .
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CEventCallbackCommand :
+	public COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand
+	{
+	inline CEventCallbackCommand(OMX_EVENTTYPE aEvent,
+								 TUint32 aData1,
+								 TUint32 aData2,
+								 OMX_STRING aExtraInfo);
+	void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred);
+	TUint32 iData1;
+	TUint32 iData2;
+	OMX_STRING iExtraInfo;
+	};
+  Callback Manager's command class for notification of buffer done events .
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CBufferDoneCallbackCommand :
+	public COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand
+	{
+	inline CBufferDoneCallbackCommand(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* apBufferHeader,
+									  OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex,
+									  OMX_DIRTYPE aLocalPortDirection,
+									  TInt aPriority = CCallbackCommand::EPriorityNormal);
+	void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred);
+	TBool DoRemoveBufferDoneCbCommandByBufferHeader(
+		COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+		const OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* apBufferHeader,
+		OMX_DIRTYPE aDirection);
+	TBool DoRemoveBufferDoneCbCommandByPortIndex(
+		COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex);
+	TBool DoExecuteBufferDoneCbCommandByPortIndex(
+		COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr,
+		OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex);
+	OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* ipBufferHeader; // not owned
+	OMX_U32 iLocalPortIndex;
+	OMX_DIRTYPE iLocalPortDirection;
+	};
+  Callback Manager's command class for notification of port settings change
+  events .
+ */
+class COmxILCallbackManager::CPortSettingsChangeCommand :
+	public COmxILCallbackManager::CCallbackCommand
+	{
+	inline CPortSettingsChangeCommand(OMX_U32 aLocalPortIndex,
+									  TUint aPortSettingsIndex,
+									  HBufC8*& apPortSettings);
+	~CPortSettingsChangeCommand();
+	void operator()(COmxILCallbackManager& aCbMgr, TBool& aHasBeenDeferred);
+	OMX_U32 iLocalPortIndex;
+	TUint iPortSettingsIndex;
+	HBufC8* ipPortSettings; // This is owned by this class
+	};
+#include "omxilcallbackmanager.inl"