--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmplugins/cameraplugins/source/webcamera/ecamwebcameraplugin.cpp Thu Mar 25 11:21:36 2010 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1332 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 ISB.
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* ISB - Initial contribution
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
+#include <ecamuids.hrh>
+#include <ecam.h>
+#include "ecamwebcameraplugin.h"
+#include "ecamwebcamerapluginuids.hrh"
+#include "ecamwebcamerabuffer.h"
+#include "ecamwebcameraadvset.h"
+#include "ecamwebcameraactive.h"
+#include "ecamwebcameravfactive.h"
+_LIT(KCameraDriverPddName, "webcamera.pdd");
+_LIT(KCameraDriverLddName, "ewebcamera.ldd");
+const TInt KCaptureWidth = 160; // Capture image width
+const TInt KCaptureHeight = 120; // Capture image height
+const TInt KCaptureLineBytes = KCaptureWidth * 3; // bytes of one line
+// CWebCamera class
+ iCaptureBufPtr(NULL, 0)
+ {
+ iInfo.iHardwareVersion.iMajor = 0;
+ iInfo.iHardwareVersion.iMinor = 0;
+ iInfo.iHardwareVersion.iBuild = 0;
+ iInfo.iSoftwareVersion.iMajor = 0;
+ iInfo.iSoftwareVersion.iMinor = 0;
+ iInfo.iSoftwareVersion.iBuild = 0;
+ iInfo.iOrientation = TCameraInfo::EOrientationOutwards;
+ iInfo.iOptionsSupported = 0;
+ iInfo.iOptionsSupported |= TCameraInfo::EViewFinderDirectSupported;
+ iInfo.iOptionsSupported |= TCameraInfo::EViewFinderBitmapsSupported;
+ iInfo.iOptionsSupported |= TCameraInfo::EImageCaptureSupported;
+ iInfo.iOptionsSupported |= TCameraInfo::EVideoCaptureSupported;
+ iInfo.iOptionsSupported |= TCameraInfo::EContrastSupported;
+ iInfo.iOptionsSupported |= TCameraInfo::EBrightnessSupported;
+ iInfo.iOptionsSupported |= TCameraInfo::EViewFinderClippingSupported;
+ iInfo.iFlashModesSupported = 0; // Bitfield of TFlash values
+ iInfo.iExposureModesSupported = 0; // Bitfield of TExposure values
+ iInfo.iWhiteBalanceModesSupported = 0; // Bitfield of TWhiteBalance values
+ iInfo.iMinZoom = KMinTestCameraZoom;
+ // KMinTestCameraZoom is zero or negative
+ // note the algorithm for creating of zoom factor
+ iInfo.iMinZoomFactor = TReal32(1)/TReal32(1 << -KMinTestCameraZoom);
+ iInfo.iMaxZoom = KMaxTestCameraZoom;
+ iInfo.iMaxZoomFactor = 1 << KMaxTestCameraZoom;
+ iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoom = KMaxTestCameraDigitalZoom;
+ iInfo.iMaxDigitalZoomFactor = KMaxTestCameraDigitalZoomFactor;
+ iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported = 0;
+ iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported |= EFormatExif;
+ iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported |= EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
+ iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported |= EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K;
+ iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported |= EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
+ iInfo.iVideoFrameFormatsSupported = 0;
+ iInfo.iVideoFrameFormatsSupported |= EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K;
+ iInfo.iVideoFrameFormatsSupported |= EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K;
+ iInfo.iVideoFrameFormatsSupported |= EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M;
+ iInfo.iMaxFramesPerBufferSupported = 1;
+ iInfo.iMaxBuffersSupported = 2;
+ }
+ {
+ delete iCaptureBuf;
+ delete iAdvSettingsImpl;
+ delete iVfActive;
+ delete iActive;
+ iImageSizes.Close();
+ iDriver.Close();
+ }
+CWebCamera* CWebCamera::NewL()
+ {
+ CWebCamera* self = new(ELeave) CWebCamera;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+void CWebCamera::ConstructL()
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ConstructL_S"));
+ // Open drivers.
+ TInt err;
+ err = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KCameraDriverPddName);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ConstructL LoadPhysicalDevice[%d]"), err);
+ if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
+ {
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ err = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KCameraDriverLddName);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ConstructL LoadLogicalDevice[%d]"), err);
+ if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
+ {
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ConstructL iDriver.Open()"));
+ iDriver.Open();
+ iActive = CWebCameraActive::NewL(this, iDriver);
+ iVfActive = CWebCameraVfActive::NewL(this, iDriver);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iImageSizes.Append(TSize(640, 480))); // VGA
+ User::LeaveIfError(iImageSizes.Append(TSize(160, 120))); // QQVGA
+ iInfo.iNumImageSizesSupported = iImageSizes.Count();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ConstructL_E"));
+ }
+from CCameraPlugin
+A call to one of the factory functions firstly loads the plugin, followed by a
+call to this function to complete construction.
+Creates an object representing a camera.
+@param aObserver
+ Reference to class derived from MCameraObserver2 designed to receive
+ notification of asynchronous event completion.
+@param aCameraIndex
+ Index from 0 to CamerasAvailable()-1 inclusive specifying the
+ camera device to use.
+@return Pointer to a fully constructed CCamera object. Ownership is passed
+ to the caller.
+@leave May leave with KErrNoMemory or KErrNotSupported if aCameraIndex is
+ out of range.
+void CWebCamera::Construct2L(MCameraObserver& aObserver,TInt aCameraIndex)
+ {
+ iObserver = &aObserver;
+ iCameraIndex = aCameraIndex;
+ }
+from CCameraPlugin
+A call to one of the factory functions firstly loads the plugin, followed by a
+call to this function to complete construction.
+Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
+May leave with KErrNoMemory or KErrNotFound if aCameraHandle is not valid.
+@param aObserver
+ Reference to an observer.
+@param aCameraHandle Handle of an existing camera object.
+@return Duplicate of the original camera object.
+void CWebCamera::Construct2DupL(MCameraObserver& aObserver,TInt aCameraHandle)
+ {
+ iObserver = &aObserver;
+ iCameraHandle = aCameraHandle;
+ }
+ /**
+from CCameraPlugin
+ A call to one of the factory functions firstly loads the plugin, followed by a
+call to this function to complete construction.
+Creates an object representing a camera.
+@param aObserver
+ Reference to class derived from MCameraObserver2 designed to receive
+ notification of asynchronous event completion.
+@param aCameraIndex
+ Index from 0 to CamerasAvailable()-1 inclusive specifying the
+ camera device to use.
+@param aPriority
+ Value from -100 to 100 indicating relative priority of client to
+ use camera.
+@return Pointer to a fully constructed CCamera object. Ownership is passed
+ to the caller.
+@leave May leave with KErrNoMemory or KErrNotSupported if aCameraIndex is
+ out of range.
+void CWebCamera::Construct2L(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraIndex,TInt aPriority)
+ {
+ iObserver2 = &aObserver;
+ iCameraIndex = aCameraIndex;
+ iPriority = aPriority;
+ }
+from CCameraPlugin
+Duplicates the original camera object for use by, for example, multimedia systems.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if out of memory.
+@leave KErrNotFound if aCameraHandle is not valid.
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied if the application does not have
+ the UserEnvironment capability.
+@param aObserver
+ Reference to an observer.
+@param aCameraHandle Handle of an existing camera object.
+@return Duplicate of the original camera object.
+@capability UserEnvironment
+ An application that creates a CCamera object must have
+ the UserEnvironment capability.
+@note Applications using this method to create camera object may not receive enums/uids added in future(after being baselined).
+ To receive them, they should rather use New2L() or NewDuplicate2L(), in which case, they should prepare
+ themselves to receive unrecognised values.
+void CWebCamera::Construct2DupL(MCameraObserver2& aObserver,TInt aCameraHandle)
+ {
+ iObserver2 = &aObserver;
+ iCameraHandle = aCameraHandle;
+ }
+// virtual functions
+from CCamera
+Gets information about the camera device.
+@param aInfo
+ On return, information about the camera device. See TCameraInfo.
+void CWebCamera::CameraInfo(TCameraInfo& aInfo) const
+ {
+ aInfo = iInfo;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Asynchronous function that performs any required initialisation and reserves
+the camera for exclusive use.
+Calls MCameraObserver:: ReserveComplete() when complete.
+void CWebCamera::Reserve()
+ {
+ iActive->Reserve();
+ }
+from CCamera
+De-initialises the camera, allowing it to be used by other clients.
+void CWebCamera::Release()
+ {
+ StopViewFinder();
+ iReserved = EFalse;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Asynchronous method to switch on camera power.
+User must have successfully called Reserve() prior to calling this function.
+Calls MCameraObserver::PowerOnComplete() when power on is complete.
+void CWebCamera::PowerOn()
+ {
+ iActive->PowerOn();
+ }
+from CCamera
+Synchronous function for switching off camera power.
+void CWebCamera::PowerOff()
+ {
+ StopViewFinder();
+ iPowerOn = EFalse;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the device-unique handle of this camera object.
+@return The device-unique handle of this camera object.
+TInt CWebCamera::Handle()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets the zoom factor.
+This must be in the range of TCameraInfo::iMinZoom to TCameraInfo::iMaxZoom
+inclusive. May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified zoom factor is
+out of range.
+@param aZoomFactor
+ Required zoom factor.
+void CWebCamera::SetZoomFactorL(TInt /*aZoomFactor = 0*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the currently set zoom factor.
+@return The currently set zoom factor.
+TInt CWebCamera::ZoomFactor() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets the digital zoom factor.
+This must be in the range of 0 to TCameraInfo::iMaxDigitalZoom inclusive.
+May leave with KErrNotSupported if the zoom factor is out of range.
+@param aDigitalZoomFactor
+ The required digital zoom factor.
+void CWebCamera::SetDigitalZoomFactorL(TInt /*aDigitalZoomFactor = 0*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the currently set digital zoom factor.
+@return The currently set digital zoom factor.
+TInt CWebCamera::DigitalZoomFactor() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets the contrast adjustment of the device.
+This must be in the range of -100 to +100 or EContrastAuto. May leave with
+KErrNotSupported if the specified contrast value is out of range.
+@param aContrast
+ Required contrast value. See TCameraInfo::iContrastSupported
+void CWebCamera::SetContrastL(TInt /*aContrast*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the currently set contrast value.
+@return The currently set contrast value.
+TInt CWebCamera::Contrast() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets the brightness adjustment of the device.
+No effect if this is not supported, see TCameraInfo::iBrightnessSupported.
+This must be in the range of -100 to +100 or EBrightnessAuto. May leave
+with KErrNotSupported if the brightness adjustment is out of range.
+@param aBrightness
+ The required brightness adjustment.
+void CWebCamera::SetBrightnessL(TInt /*aBrightness*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the currently set brightness adjustment value.
+@return The currently set brightness adjustment value.
+TInt CWebCamera::Brightness() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets the flash mode.
+No effect if this is not supported, see TCameraInfo::iFlashModesSupported.
+May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified flash mode is invalid.
+@param aFlash
+ The required flash mode.
+void CWebCamera::SetFlashL(TFlash /*aFlash = EFlashNone*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the currently set flash mode.
+@return The currently set flash mode.
+@note if CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() is not used to create CCamera object, it is assumed that
+application is not prepared to receive extra added enum values (unrecognised). So, any extra enum value(unrecognised)
+(set in the ECAM implementation because of sharing clients) should not be returned from the ECAM implementation.
+To receive extra added enum values, application should rather use CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()
+to create camera object. ECAM implementation, after verifying this,(by checking version no.) may send new values, if set.
+In this case, application is assumed to be prepared to receive unrecognised enum values.
+@see CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::FlashMode()
+CCamera::TFlash CWebCamera::Flash() const
+ {
+ return EFlashNone;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets the exposure adjustment of the device.
+No effect if this is not supported, see CameraInfo::iExposureModesSupported.
+May leave with KErrNotSupported if the specified exposure adjustment is invalid.
+@param aExposure
+ The required exposure adjustment.
+void CWebCamera::SetExposureL(TExposure /*aExposure = EExposureAuto*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the currently set exposure setting value.
+@return The currently set exposure setting value.
+CCamera::TExposure CWebCamera::Exposure() const
+ {
+ return EExposureAuto;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets the white balance adjustment of the device.
+No effect if this is not supported, see TCameraInfo::iWhiteBalanceModesSupported.
+@param aWhiteBalance
+ The required white balance adjustment.
+@leave KErrNotSupported if the specified white balance adjustment
+ is invalid.
+void CWebCamera::SetWhiteBalanceL(TWhiteBalance /*aWhiteBalance = EWBAuto*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the currently set white balance adjustment value.
+@return The currently set white balance adjustment value.
+@note if CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L() is not used to create CCamera object, it is assumed that
+application is not prepared to receive extra added enum values (unrecognised). So, any extra enum value(unrecognised)
+(set in the ECAM implementation because of sharing clients) should not be returned from the ECAM implementation.
+To receive extra added enum values, application should rather use CCamera::New2L() or CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()
+to create camera object. ECAM implementation, after verifying this,(by checking version no.) may send new values, if set.
+In this case, application is assumed to be prepared to receive unrecognised enum values.
+Refer CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::WhiteBalanceMode() implementation
+@see CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::WhiteBalanceMode()
+CCamera::TWhiteBalance CWebCamera::WhiteBalance() const
+ {
+ return EWBAuto;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using
+direct screen access.
+The aScreenRect parameter is in screen co-ordinates and may be modified if,
+eg, the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment, etc.
+@param aWs
+ Window server session.
+@param aScreenDevice
+ Screen device.
+@param aWindow
+ Displayable window.
+@param aScreenRect
+ Portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be
+ transferred. This is in screen co-ordinates and may be modified if, for example,
+ the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment.
+@leave KErrNotReady if PowerOn() has either not
+ been called, or has not yet completed.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to
+ refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+@see CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+void CWebCamera::StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs, CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice, RWindowBase& aWindow, TRect& aScreenRect)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::StartViewFinderDirectL"));
+ TRect emptyRect;
+ StartViewFinderDirectL(aWs, aScreenDevice, aWindow, aScreenRect, emptyRect);
+ }
+from CCamera
+Starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using
+direct screen access and also clips to the specified portion of the screen.
+The view finder has the same size and position as aScreenRect but is only
+visible in the intersection of aScreenRect and aClipRect. May leave with KErrNotSupported
+or KErrNotReady if Reserve() has not been called, or has not yet completed.
+@param aWs
+ Window server session.
+@param aScreenDevice
+ Screen device.
+@param aWindow
+ Displayable window.
+@param aScreenRect
+ Portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be
+ transferred. This is in screen co-ordinates and may be modified if, for example,
+ the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment.
+@param aClipRect
+ The rectangle to which the screen will be clipped.
+@leave KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to
+ refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+void CWebCamera::StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs, CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice, RWindowBase& aWindow, TRect& aScreenRect, TRect& aClipRect)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::StartViewFinderDirectL'"));
+ iVfActive->StartViewFinderDirectL(aWs, aScreenDevice, aWindow, aScreenRect, aClipRect);
+ }
+from CCamera
+Starts transfer of view finder data.
+Bitmaps are returned by MCameraObserver::ViewFinderFrameReady().
+@param aSize
+ On return, the size used.
+@leave KErrNotReady if PowerOn() has not been called, or has not yet completed.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only.
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+void CWebCamera::StartViewFinderBitmapsL(TSize& /*aSize*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Starts transfer of view finder data and clips the bitmap to the specified clip
+The bitmap is the size of the intersection of aSize and aClipRect, not simply
+aSize padded with white space.
+@param aSize
+ On return, the size used.
+@param aClipRect
+ Required clip rectangle. May be modified if, for example,
+ the camera only supports certain byte alignments.
+@leave KErrInUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully.
+@leave KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only.
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+void CWebCamera::StartViewFinderBitmapsL(TSize& /*aSize*/,TRect& /*aClipRect*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Starts transfer of view finder data.
+Picture data is returned by MCameraObserver2::ViewFinderReady().
+@param aImageFormat
+ The image format requested by the client.
+@param aSize
+ On return, the size used.
+@leave KErrNotSupported
+@leave KErrNotReady if Reserve() has not been
+ called, or has not yet completed.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to
+ refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+void CWebCamera::StartViewFinderL(TFormat /*aImageFormat*/,TSize& /*aSize*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Starts transfer of view finder data and clips the picture to the specified clip
+rectangle. Picture data is returned by MCameraObserver2::ViewFinderReady().
+The picture is the size of the intersection of aSize and aClipRect, not simply
+aSize padded with white space.
+@param aImageFormat
+ The image format.
+@param aSize
+ On return, the size used.
+@param aClipRect
+ Required clip rectangle. May be modified if, for example,
+ the camera only supports certain byte alignments.
+@leave KErrInUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully,
+@leave KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to
+ refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+void CWebCamera::StartViewFinderL(TFormat /*aImageFormat*/,TSize& /*aSize*/,TRect& /*aClipRect*/)
+ {
+ }
+Stops transfer of view finder data to the screen.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to
+ refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+@see CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+void CWebCamera::StopViewFinder()
+ {
+ iVfActive->StopViewFinder();
+ }
+from CCamera
+Queries whether the view finder is active.
+@return ETrue if the view finder is active. EFalse if the view finder is not
+ active.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to
+ refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+@see CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+TBool CWebCamera::ViewFinderActive() const
+ {
+ return iVfActive->ViewFinderActive();
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets whether view finder mirroring is on.
+Used to switch between what the camera sees and what you would see if the
+device were a mirror.
+@param aMirror
+ ETrue to set mirroring on, EFalse to set mirroring off.
+@leave KErrNotSupported.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to
+ refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+@see CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+void CWebCamera::SetViewFinderMirrorL(TBool /*aMirror*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets whether view finder mirroring is active.
+@return ETrue if mirroring is set, EFalse if mirroring is not set.
+@note This method is assumed to be meant for default display only. KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle should be used to
+ refer viewfinders started using CCamera methods.
+@see CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
+@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
+TBool CWebCamera::ViewFinderMirror() const
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Performs setup and allocation of memory.
+Called prior to calling CaptureImage() to keep the latency of that function
+to a minimum.
+Needs to be called only once for multiple CaptureImage() calls. May leave
+with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory or KErrInUse or KErrNotReady.
+The specified image format must be one of the formats supported
+(see TCameraInfo::iImageFormatsSupported).
+The specified size index must be in the range of 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumImageSizesSupported-1
+@param aImageFormat
+ The image format.
+@param aSizeIndex
+ Size index.
+@leave KErrNotSupported
+@leave KErrNoMemory
+@leave KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+@see CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::PrepareImageCapture(TPrepareImageParameters aPrepareImageParameters)
+void CWebCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL(TFormat /*aImageFormat*/,TInt /*aSizeIndex*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Performs setup and allocation of memory and clips the image to the specified
+No effect unless TCameraInfo::iImageClippingSupported is set to ETrue. The
+image captured is the intersection of aClipRect and the rectangle from (0,0)
+to aSize. Needs to be called only once for multiple CaptureImage() calls.
+May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
+The specified image format must be one of the formats supported (see TCameraInfo::iImageFormatsSupported).
+The specified size index must be in the range of 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumImageSizesSupported-1
+@param aImageFormat
+ The image format.
+@param aSizeIndex
+ Size index.
+@param aClipRect
+ The rectangle to which the image is to be clipped.
+@leave KErrNotSupported
+@leave KErrNoMemory
+@leave KErrInUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully
+@leave KErrNotReady if PowerOn()
+ hasn't been called successfully.
+@see CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::PrepareImageCapture(TPrepareImageParameters aPrepareImageParameters)
+void CWebCamera::PrepareImageCaptureL(TFormat /*aImageFormat*/,TInt /*aSizeIndex*/,const TRect& /*aClipRect*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Asynchronously performs still image capture.
+Calls MCameraObserver::ImageReady() when complete.
+@see CCamera::CCameraImageCapture
+@see CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl
+void CWebCamera::CaptureImage()
+ {
+ delete iCaptureBuf;
+ iCaptureBuf = NULL;
+ iCaptureBuf = HBufC8::NewL(KMaxBufSize);
+ iCaptureBufPtr.Set(iCaptureBuf->Des());
+ iCaptureBufPtr.SetLength(0);
+ iActive->ImageCapture(iCaptureBufPtr);
+ iImageCaptureActive = ETrue;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Cancels the asynchronous still image capture.
+@see CCamera::CCameraImageCapture
+void CWebCamera::CancelCaptureImage()
+ {
+ iImageCaptureActive = EFalse;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Enumerates through the available image capture sizes, based on the specified
+size index and format
+The size index must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumImageSizesSupported-1
+@param aSize
+ Image size.
+@param aSizeIndex
+ Size index.
+@param aFormat
+ The image format.
+void CWebCamera::EnumerateCaptureSizes(TSize& aSize, TInt aSizeIndex, TFormat aFormat) const
+ {
+ if (aSizeIndex < 0 || aSizeIndex >= iInfo.iNumImageSizesSupported ||
+ !(aFormat & iInfo.iImageFormatsSupported) )
+ {
+ aSize = TSize(0,0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSize = iImageSizes[aSizeIndex];
+ }
+ }
+from CCamera
+Prepares for video capture.
+Performs setup and allocation of memory prior to calling StartVideoCapture()
+to keep the latency of that function to a minimum.
+May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
+@param aFormat
+ Format must be one of the video frame formats supported (see
+ TCameraInfo::iVideoFrameFormatsSupported).
+@param aSizeIndex
+ Size index must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported-1
+ inclusive.
+@param aRateIndex
+ The rate must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported-1
+ inclusive.
+@param aBuffersToUse
+ The number of discrete buffers to use.
+@param aFramesPerBuffer
+ How large the buffers are to be. Must be less than
+ or equal to TCameraInfo::iMaxFramesPerBufferSupported. One buffer is returned
+ to MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady() at a time.
+@leave May leave with KErrNotSupported, KErrNoMemory, or KErrNotReady if PowerOn()
+ hasn't been called successfully.
+@see CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::PrepareVideoCapture(const TPrepareVideoParameters& aPrepareVideoParameters)
+void CWebCamera::PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat /*aFormat*/,TInt /*aSizeIndex*/,TInt /*aRateIndex*/,TInt /*aBuffersToUse*/,TInt /*aFramesPerBuffer*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Prepares for video capture and clips the frames to the given rectangle.
+Performs setup and allocation of memory prior to calling StartVideoCapture()
+to keep the latency of that function to a minimum.
+May leave with KErrNotSupported or KErrNoMemory.
+@param aFormat
+ Format must be one of the video frame formats supported (see
+ TCameraInfo::iVideoFrameFormatsSupported).
+@param aSizeIndex
+ Size index must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported-1
+ inclusive.
+@param aRateIndex
+ The rate must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported-1
+ inclusive.
+@param aBuffersToUse
+ The number of discrete buffers to use.
+@param aFramesPerBuffer
+ How large the buffers are to be. Must be less than
+ or equal to TCameraInfo::iMaxFramesPerBufferSupported. One buffer is returned
+ to MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady() at a time.
+@param aClipRect
+ The rectangle to which the image is to be clipped.
+@leave KErrNotSupported
+@leave KErrNoMemory,
+@leave KErrInUse if Reserve() hasn't been called successfully
+@leave KErrNotReady if PowerOn() hasn't been called successfully.
+@see CCamera::CCameraVideoCaptureControl::PrepareVideoCapture(const TPrepareVideoParameters& aPrepareVideoParameters)
+void CWebCamera::PrepareVideoCaptureL(TFormat /*aFormat*/,TInt /*aSizeIndex*/,TInt /*aRateIndex*/,TInt /*aBuffersToUse*/,TInt /*aFramesPerBuffer*/,const TRect& /*aClipRect*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Starts capturing video.
+Calls MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady() when each buffer has been filled
+with the required number of frames, as set by PrepareVideoCaptureL().
+void CWebCamera::StartVideoCapture()
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Stops video capture.
+void CWebCamera::StopVideoCapture()
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Tests whether video capture is active.
+@return ETrue if video capture is active. EFalse if video capture is not active
+TBool CWebCamera::VideoCaptureActive() const
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Enumerates through the available video frame sizes, based on the specified
+size index and format.
+@param aSize
+ On return the available video frame sizes. Sizes should be returned
+ in order, largest first, so clients do not have to iterate through every one.
+@param aSizeIndex
+ Size index. Must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameSizesSupported-1
+ inclusive
+@param aFormat
+ Image format.
+void CWebCamera::EnumerateVideoFrameSizes(TSize& /*aSize*/,TInt /*aSizeIndex*/,TFormat /*aFormat*/) const
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Enumerates through the available video frame rates, based on the specified
+rate index, video frame format, size index and exposure mode.
+@param aRate
+ On return, the available video frame rates. Some rates may not
+ be available due to, for example, current flash mode setting. In those cases
+ a rate of 0 will be returned. Rates should be returned in order, highest first,
+ so clients do not have to iterate through every one.
+@param aRateIndex
+ The rate index. Must be in the range 0 to TCameraInfo::iNumVideoFrameRatesSupported-1
+ inclusive.
+@param aFormat
+ The format.
+@param aSizeIndex
+ The size index.
+@param aExposure
+ The exposure mode.
+void CWebCamera::EnumerateVideoFrameRates(TReal32& /*aRate*/,TInt /*aRateIndex*/,TFormat /*aFormat*/,TInt /*aSizeIndex*/,TExposure /*aExposure = EExposureAuto*/) const
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the frame size currently in use.
+@param aSize
+ The frame size currently in use.
+void CWebCamera::GetFrameSize(TSize& /*aSize*/) const
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the frame rate currently in use.
+@return The frame rate currently in use.
+TReal32 CWebCamera::FrameRate() const
+ {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the number of buffers currently in use.
+@return The number of buffers currently in use.
+TInt CWebCamera::BuffersInUse() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the number of frames per buffer currently in use.
+@return The number of frames per buffer currently in use.
+TInt CWebCamera::FramesPerBuffer() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Sets the quality value to use if jpeg is a supported image for video format.
+Ignored if jpeg is not a supported image for video format.
+@param aQuality
+ The quality value to use, clamped to the range 1 to 100.
+@see CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::TPrepareImageParameters::iImageMaxMemorySize
+void CWebCamera::SetJpegQuality(TInt /*aQuality*/)
+ {
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets the currently set jpeg quality value.
+Returns 0 if not supported.
+@return The currently set jpeg quality value.
+@see CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::GetImageMaxMemorySizeL(TUint& aMemorySize)
+TInt CWebCamera::JpegQuality() const
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+from CCamera
+Gets a custom interface. The client has to cast the returned pointer
+to the appropriate type.
+@param aInterface
+ The Uid of the particular interface function required.
+@return Custom interface pointer. NULL if the requested interface is not supported.
+TAny* CWebCamera::CustomInterface(TUid aInterface)
+ {
+ switch(aInterface.iUid)
+ {
+ // advanced settings interface pointers
+ case KECamMCameraAdvancedSettingsUidValue:
+ iAdvSettingsImpl = CWebCameraAdvSet::NewL(*this);
+ return static_cast<MCameraAdvancedSettings*>(iAdvSettingsImpl);
+ case KECamMCameraAdvancedSettings2UidValue:
+ iAdvSettingsImpl = CWebCameraAdvSet::NewL(*this);
+ return static_cast<MCameraAdvancedSettings2*>(iAdvSettingsImpl);
+ case KECamMCameraAdvancedSettings3UidValue:
+ iAdvSettingsImpl = CWebCameraAdvSet::NewL(*this);
+ return static_cast<MCameraAdvancedSettings3*>(iAdvSettingsImpl);
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+from MWebCameraActiveCallBack
+CallBack function of the Reserve
+void CWebCamera::ReserveCallBack(TInt aError)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ReserveCallBack"));
+ if (iObserver)
+ {
+ iObserver->ReserveComplete(aError);
+ }
+ else if (iObserver2)
+ {
+ const TECAMEvent wEvent(KUidECamEventReserveComplete, aError);
+ iObserver2->HandleEvent(wEvent);
+ }
+ }
+from MWebCameraActiveCallBack
+CallBack function of the PowerOn
+void CWebCamera::PowerOnCallBack(TInt aError)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::PowerOnCallBack"));
+ if (iObserver)
+ {
+ iObserver->PowerOnComplete(aError);
+ }
+ else if (iObserver2)
+ {
+ const TECAMEvent wEvent(KUidECamEventPowerOnComplete, aError);
+ iObserver2->HandleEvent(wEvent);
+ }
+ }
+from MWebCameraActiveCallBack
+CallBack function of the ImageCapture
+void CWebCamera::ImageCaptureCallBackL(TInt aError)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ImageCaptureCallBack_S"));
+ iImageCaptureActive = EFalse;
+ iCaptureBitmap = NULL;
+ CFbsBitmap* image = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(image);
+ User::LeaveIfError(image->Create(TSize(KCaptureWidth, KCaptureHeight), EColor16M));
+ CleanupStack::Pop(image);
+ iCaptureBitmap = image;
+// output receive data log
+// RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCameraVfActive::ImageCaptureCallBack iCaptureBufPtr[%d]"), iCaptureBufPtr.Length());
+// TBuf<256> hexBuf;
+// for (TInt i = 0; i < iCaptureBufPtr.Length(); i++)
+// {
+// hexBuf.AppendFormat(_L("%02X "), iCaptureBufPtr[i]);
+// if ((i % 16) == 15)
+// {
+// RDebug::Print(hexBuf);
+// hexBuf = KNullDesC;
+// }
+// }
+// RDebug::Print(hexBuf);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ImageCaptureCallBack start setscanline_S"));
+ for (TInt height=0; height<KCaptureHeight; height++)
+ {
+ TInt pos = height * KCaptureLineBytes;
+ TPtrC8 posptr = iCaptureBuf->Mid(pos, KCaptureLineBytes);
+ TBuf8<KCaptureLineBytes> buf;
+ buf.Copy(posptr);
+ iCaptureBitmap->SetScanLine(buf, ((KCaptureHeight-1)-height));
+ }
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ImageCaptureCallBack start setscanline_E"));
+ if (iObserver)
+ {
+ iObserver->ImageReady(iCaptureBitmap, iCaptureBuf, aError);
+ }
+ else if (iObserver2)
+ {
+ iObserver2->ImageBufferReady(*iCaptureCameraBuf, aError);
+ }
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ImageCaptureCallBack_E"));
+ }
+//from MWebCameraVfActiveCallBack
+void CWebCamera::ViewFinderCallBack(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CWebCamera::ViewFinderCallBack"));
+ }
+// CWebCameraInfo class
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+CWebCameraInfo* CWebCameraInfo::NewL()
+ {
+ return new (ELeave) CWebCameraInfo;
+ }
+from CCameraInfoPlugin
+Determines the number of cameras on the device.
+@return Count of cameras present on the device.
+TInt CWebCameraInfo::CamerasAvailable()
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+// __________________________________________________________________________
+// Exported proxy for instantiation method resolution
+// Define the interface UIDs
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
+ {
+ IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KUidOnboardWebCameraPlugin, CWebCamera::NewL),
+ IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KUidOnboardWebCameraInfo, CWebCameraInfo::NewL)
+ };
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
+ {
+ aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
+ return ImplementationTable;
+ }