changeset 16 eedf2dcd43c6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omxil/video/omxilgraphicsink/src/omxilgraphicsinkvpb0port.cpp	Fri May 07 16:25:23 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "omxilgraphicsinkvpb0port.h"
+#include "omxilcallbackmanager.h"
+#include <openmax/il/khronos/v1_x/OMX_Component.h>
+#include <platform/openmax/il/shai/OMX_Symbian_ExtensionNames.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include "log.h"
+#include "omxilgraphicsinkextensionsindexes.h"
+// Port definition mime type. Mime type is not relevant for uncompressed video frames
+_LIT8(KMimeType, "");
+// Constant numbers
+static const TUint32 KRefGfxFramerate = 0;   // mandatory
+static const TUint32 KRefGfxMinBufferSize = 1024;
+Create a new VPB0 port.
+@param 	aCommonPortData The common information of the new VPB0 port.
+		aSupportedVideoFormats The list of the supported video formats.
+		aSupportedColorFormats The list of the supported color formats.
+		aGraphicSinkPF The processing function for the VPB0 port.
+@return A pointer of the VPB0Port to be created.
+COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port* COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::NewL(
+		const TOmxILCommonPortData& aCommonPortData,
+		const RArray<OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE>& aSupportedVideoFormats,
+		const RArray<OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE>& aSupportedColorFormats,
+		COmxILGraphicSinkProcessingFunction& aGraphicSinkPF)
+	{	
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::NewL +"));
+	COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port* self = new (ELeave)COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port(
+										aCommonPortData,
+										aSupportedVideoFormats,
+										aSupportedColorFormats,
+										aGraphicSinkPF);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+Second phase construction for the class COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port. Initializes the param structures and config structures for GraphicSink port. 
+Also appends the supported color and video formats to the respective arrays.
+void COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::ConstructL()
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::ConstructL +"));
+ 	iParamPortDefinition.eDomain = OMX_PortDomainVideo;
+ 	iMimeTypeBuf.CreateL(KMimeType(), KMimeType().Length() + 1);
+ 	TUint8* pTUint = const_cast<TUint8*>(iMimeTypeBuf.PtrZ());
+ = reinterpret_cast<OMX_STRING>(pTUint);
+ = NULL;
+ = NULL;
+	iParamPortDefinition.nBufferSize = KRefGfxMinBufferSize;
+ 	iSupportedVideoFormats.AppendL(OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused);
+	iSupportedColorFormats.AppendL(OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY);
+ 	iSupportedColorFormats.AppendL(OMX_COLOR_FormatYCrYCb); 	
+ 	iSupportedColorFormats.AppendL(OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565);
+	iSupportedColorFormats.AppendL(OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888);
+ 	InitParamsAndConfigs();
+ 	iSharedChunkMetadataExtensionIndex = OMX_IndexComponentStartUnused;
+	}
+Constructor of the class.
+@param 	aCommonPortData The common information of the new VPB0 port.
+		aSupportedVideoFormats The list of the supported video formats.
+		aSupportedColorFormats The list of the supported color formats.
+		aGraphicSinkPF The processing function for the VPB0 port.	
+		const TOmxILCommonPortData& aCommonPortData,
+		const RArray<OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE>& aSupportedVideoFormats,
+		const RArray<OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE>& aSupportedColorFormats,
+		COmxILGraphicSinkProcessingFunction& aGraphicSinkPF)
+	:COmxILVideoPort(aCommonPortData, aSupportedVideoFormats,aSupportedColorFormats),
+	iGraphicSinkPF(aGraphicSinkPF)
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port +"));
+	}
+Destructor of the class.
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::~COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port +"));
+    CleanUpPort();
+	iMimeTypeBuf.Close();
+	}
+Sets the format field available as part of OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE.
+@param 	aPortDefinition structure containing the format field to be updated.
+		aUpdateProcessingFunction indicates whether or not processing function needs to be updated.
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorBadParameter if both compression format and color format are unused at the same time, or nStride is invalid;
+		OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting if unsupported compression format and color format, or bitrate is non-zero;
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::SetFormatInPortDefinition(const OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE& aPortDefinition,TBool& aUpdateProcessingFunction)
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::SetFormatInPortDefinition +"));
+    // Check settings in input OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE.
+	if (!UpdateColorFormat(,, aUpdateProcessingFunction))
+		{
+		return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+		}
+	if (!UpdateCodingType(,, aUpdateProcessingFunction))
+		{
+		return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+		}
+	if( !=
+    	{
+ 		// nStride shall not be 0x0
+ 		if(0x0 ==
+	 		{
+	 		return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+	 		}
+ =;
+		aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+    	}
+	if ( != ||
+ != ||
+ !=
+	    {
+ =;
+ =;
+        // nSliceHeight is a RO attribute. Policy is to set it to the frame height
+ =;
+ =;    
+        aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+	    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+Insert new indices belonging to the static parameter category.
+@param 	aIndexArray The array of indices for insert.
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources if fail to insert indexes;
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetLocalOmxParamIndexes(RArray<TUint>& aIndexArray) const
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetLocalOmxParamIndexes +"));
+	// Always collect param indexes from parents
+	OMX_ERRORTYPE omxRetValue = COmxILVideoPort::GetLocalOmxParamIndexes(aIndexArray);
+	if(OMX_ErrorNone != omxRetValue)
+		{
+		return omxRetValue; 
+		}
+	TInt err = aIndexArray.InsertInOrder(OMX_NokiaIndexParamGraphicSurfaceConfig);
+	// Note that index duplication is OK.
+	if (KErrNone != err && KErrAlreadyExists != err)
+		{
+		return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+		}
+	return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+Insert new indices belonging to the dynamic configuration category.
+@param 	aIndexArray The array of indices for insert.
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources if fail to insert indexes;
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetLocalOmxConfigIndexes(RArray<TUint>& aIndexArray) const
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetLocalOmxConfigIndexes +"));
+	// Always collect local indexes from parent
+	OMX_ERRORTYPE omxRetValue = COmxILVideoPort::GetLocalOmxConfigIndexes(aIndexArray);
+	if (omxRetValue != OMX_ErrorNone)
+		{
+		return omxRetValue;
+		}
+	TInt err = aIndexArray.InsertInOrder(OMX_IndexConfigCommonScale);
+	// Note that index duplication is OK.
+	if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		err = aIndexArray.InsertInOrder(OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputSize);
+		}
+	if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		err = aIndexArray.InsertInOrder(OMX_IndexConfigCommonInputCrop);
+		}
+	if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		err = aIndexArray.InsertInOrder(OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop);
+		}
+	if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		err = aIndexArray.InsertInOrder(OMX_IndexConfigCommonExclusionRect);
+		}
+    if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+        {
+        err = aIndexArray.InsertInOrder(iSharedChunkMetadataExtensionIndex);
+        }
+	if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+		}
+	return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+This method provides the current values for the parameters present in the structure represented by the given index.
+@param 	aParamIndex The specific param index for which the current parameter values are required.
+		apComponentParameterStructure The pointer to the structure which will be updated to provide the current parameter values.
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorNoMore if no more formats;
+		OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting if unsupported setting is passed;
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetParameter(OMX_INDEXTYPE aParamIndex,TAny* apComponentParameterStructure) const
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetParameter +"));
+	switch(aParamIndex)
+		{
+		case OMX_NokiaIndexParamGraphicSurfaceConfig:
+			{
+			*videoSurface = iParamVideoSurfaceConfiguration;
+			break;
+			}
+		case OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:
+			{
+			OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE* compvideoPortFormat = static_cast<OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+			// framerate should be always zero for GFX otherwise unsupported value
+			if(KRefGfxFramerate != compvideoPortFormat->xFramerate)
+				{
+				return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+				}
+			return COmxILVideoPort::GetParameter(aParamIndex,apComponentParameterStructure);
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+			// Try the parent's indexes
+			return COmxILVideoPort::GetParameter(aParamIndex,apComponentParameterStructure);
+			}
+		};
+	return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+This method sets the values of the parameters present in the structure represented by the given index.
+@param 	aParamIndex The specific param index for which the parameter values have to be set.
+		apComponentParameterStructure The pointer to the structure which will provide the desired parameter values to be set.
+		aUpdateProcessingFunction informs whether the processing fucntion needs to be updated.
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting if non-zero framerate value;
+		OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex if request OMX_NokiaIndexParamGraphicSurfaceConfig index;
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::SetParameter(OMX_INDEXTYPE aParamIndex,const TAny* apComponentParameterStructure, TBool& aUpdateProcessingFunction)
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::SetParameter +"));
+	OMX_ERRORTYPE error = OMX_ErrorNone; 
+	switch(aParamIndex)
+		{
+		case OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:
+			{
+			const OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *componentParameterStructure = static_cast<const OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+			if ( != componentParameterStructure->xFramerate)
+				{
+				if (0 != componentParameterStructure->xFramerate)
+					{
+					// Known Frame rate is not supported. framerate should be always zero
+					return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+					}
+				}
+			error = COmxILVideoPort::SetParameter(aParamIndex, apComponentParameterStructure, aUpdateProcessingFunction);
+			if(error != OMX_ErrorNone)
+				{
+				return error;
+				}
+			if(aUpdateProcessingFunction)
+				{
+				// eColorFormat and/or eCompressionFormat and/or xFramerate is/are changed by OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat
+				// Hence change same varibles associated to index OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition.
+				// Update their value in OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE.
+				UpdateParamInPortDefinitionStruct();
+				return OMX_ErrorNone;
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case OMX_NokiaIndexParamGraphicSurfaceConfig:
+			{
+			// IL Client can only query OMX_GetParameter with this index but can not set any value on TSurfaceConfiguration
+			// GFX simply returns OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex for the attempt on OMX_GetParameter with this index.
+			return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex;
+			}
+	    default:
+			{
+			// Try the parent's indexes
+			return COmxILVideoPort::SetParameter(aParamIndex, apComponentParameterStructure, aUpdateProcessingFunction);			
+			}
+		};	
+	return error;
+	}
+This method provides the current values for the configurations present in the structure represented by the given index.
+@param 	aConfigIndex The specific configuration index for which the current configuration values are required.
+		apComponentConfigStructure The pointer to the structure which will be updated to provide the current configuration values.
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex if request non-inserted config index;
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetConfig(OMX_INDEXTYPE aConfigIndex,TAny* apComponentParameterStructure) const
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetConfig +"));
+	switch(aConfigIndex)
+		{
+        case OMX_SymbianIndexConfigSharedChunkMetadata:
+            {
+                pSharedChunkMetadata
+                = static_cast<
+                        OMX_SYMBIAN_CONFIG_SHAREDCHUNKMETADATATYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+            iGraphicSinkPF.GetSharedChunkMetadata(
+                    pSharedChunkMetadata->nHandleId, 
+                    pSharedChunkMetadata->nOwnerThreadId);
+            }
+            break;
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonScale:
+			{
+			OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE* scaleFactor = static_cast<OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+			*scaleFactor = iConfigScaleFactor;
+			break;
+			}
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputSize:
+			{
+			OMX_FRAMESIZETYPE* frameSize = static_cast<OMX_FRAMESIZETYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+			*frameSize = iConfigFrameSize;
+			break;
+			}
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonInputCrop:
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop:
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonExclusionRect:
+			{
+			OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE* rec = static_cast<OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+			*rec = iConfigRec;
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+			// Try the parent's indexes
+			return COmxILVideoPort::GetConfig(aConfigIndex,apComponentParameterStructure);
+			}
+		};
+	return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+This method sets the values of the configurations present in the structure represented by the given index.
+@param 	aConfigIndex The specific configuration index for which the configuration values have to be set.
+		apComponentConfigStructure The pointer to the structure which will be provide the desired configuration values to be set.
+		aUpdateProcessingFunction informs whether the processing fucntion needs to be updated.
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex if request OMX_NokiaIndexParamGraphicSurfaceConfig index;
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::SetConfig(OMX_INDEXTYPE aConfigIndex,const TAny* apComponentParameterStructure, TBool& aUpdateProcessingFunction)
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::SetConfig +"));
+	switch(aConfigIndex)
+		{
+	    case OMX_SymbianIndexConfigSharedChunkMetadata:
+	        {
+	        aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+	        break;
+	        }
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonScale:
+			{
+			const OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE* scaleFactor = static_cast<const OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+			if(iConfigScaleFactor.xWidth != scaleFactor->xWidth)
+				{
+				iConfigScaleFactor.xWidth = scaleFactor->xWidth;
+				aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+				}
+			if(iConfigScaleFactor.xHeight != scaleFactor->xHeight)
+				{	
+				iConfigScaleFactor.xHeight = scaleFactor->xHeight;
+				aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputSize:
+			{
+			const OMX_FRAMESIZETYPE* frameSize = static_cast<const OMX_FRAMESIZETYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+			if(iConfigFrameSize.nWidth != frameSize->nWidth)
+				{
+				iConfigFrameSize.nWidth = frameSize->nWidth;
+				aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+				}
+			if(iConfigFrameSize.nHeight != frameSize->nHeight)
+				{
+				iConfigFrameSize.nHeight = frameSize->nHeight;
+				aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonInputCrop:
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop:
+		case OMX_IndexConfigCommonExclusionRect:
+			{
+			const OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE* rec = static_cast<const OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE*>(apComponentParameterStructure);
+			if(iConfigRec.nTop != rec->nTop)
+				{
+				iConfigRec.nTop = rec->nTop;
+				aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+				}
+			if(iConfigRec.nLeft != rec->nLeft)
+				{
+				iConfigRec.nLeft = rec->nLeft;
+				aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+				}
+			if(iConfigRec.nWidth != rec->nWidth)
+				{
+				iConfigRec.nWidth = rec->nWidth;
+				aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+				}
+			if(iConfigRec.nHeight != rec->nHeight)
+				{
+				iConfigRec.nHeight = rec->nHeight;
+				aUpdateProcessingFunction = ETrue;
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+	    default:
+			{
+			// Try the parent's indexes
+			return COmxILVideoPort::SetConfig(aConfigIndex, apComponentParameterStructure, aUpdateProcessingFunction);
+			}
+		};
+	return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+This method provides the index type represented by the given parameter name.
+@param 	aParameterName The name of extention parameter to be retrieved.
+		apIndexType The pointer which will retrieve the required index.
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex if unsupported parameter name is passed;
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetExtensionIndex(OMX_STRING aParameterName,	OMX_INDEXTYPE* apIndexType) const
+	{
+    DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::GetExtensionIndex"));
+	TPtrC8 requestedParameterNamePtr(const_cast<const TUint8*>(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(aParameterName)));
+	// OMX_NokiaIndexParamGraphicSurfaceConfig
+	TPtrC8 parameterNamePtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(sOmxSymbianGfxSurfaceConfig));
+	if (requestedParameterNamePtr == parameterNamePtr)
+		{
+		*apIndexType = static_cast<OMX_INDEXTYPE>(OMX_NokiaIndexParamGraphicSurfaceConfig);
+		return OMX_ErrorNone;   
+		}
+    // OMX_SymbianIndexConfigSharedChunkMetadata
+	TPtrC8 parameterNamePtr2(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(OMX_SYMBIAN_INDEX_CONFIG_SHAREDCHUNKMETADATA_NAME));
+	if(requestedParameterNamePtr == parameterNamePtr2)
+        {
+        *apIndexType = static_cast<OMX_INDEXTYPE>(iSharedChunkMetadataExtensionIndex);
+        return OMX_ErrorNone;
+        }
+    *apIndexType = OMX_IndexMax;
+	return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex;
+	}
+Check whether or not the tunnelled ports are compatible.
+@param 	aPortDefinition The port definition parameters to be checked for compatibility.
+@return EFalse if tunnelled ports' parameters are incompatible;
+		ETrue otherwise;
+TBool COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::IsTunnelledPortCompatible(const OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE& aPortDefinition) const
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::IsTunnelledPortCompatible +"));
+	if(aPortDefinition.eDomain != iParamPortDefinition.eDomain)
+		{
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	if(OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused !=
+		{
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	if ( !=
+		{
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	if ( !=
+        {
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    if ( !=
+        {
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    if ( !=
+        {
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+Allocates buffer, creates surface and updates the surface configuration.
+@param 	aSizeBytes The size of buffer.
+		apPortSpecificBuffer The address of buffer.
+		apPortPrivate The pointer of COmxILMMBuffer.
+		apAppPrivate Not used (default = 0).
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources if failed to allocate buffer or update the surface configuration;
+		OMX_ErrorBadParameter if illegal parameters are passed;
+@see COmxILGraphicSinkProcessingFunction.
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoBufferAllocation(OMX_U32 /*aSizeBytes*/, OMX_U8*& apPortSpecificBuffer, OMX_PTR& apPortPrivate, OMX_PTR& /*apPlatformPrivate*/, OMX_PTR /* apAppPrivate */)
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoBufferAllocation +"));
+	// Create buffers allocated to be used for other components. 
+	TRAPD(error, iGraphicSinkPF.CreateBufferL(apPortSpecificBuffer, apPortPrivate, iParamPortDefinition.nBufferCountActual));
+	switch(error)
+		{
+		case KErrNone:
+			break;
+		case KErrNoMemory:
+			return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+		default:
+			return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+		};
+	return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+Utilizes buffer given from allocator component to create surface, and updates the surface configuration.
+@param 	aSizeBytes The size of buffer.
+		apPortSpecificBuffer The address of buffer.
+		apPortPrivate The pointer of COmxILMMBuffer.
+		apAppPrivate Not used (default = 0).
+@return OMX_ErrorNone if successful;
+		OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources if failed to utilize buffer or update the surface configuration;
+		OMX_ErrorBadParameter if illegal parameters are passed;
+@see COmxILGraphicSinkProcessingFunction.
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoBufferWrapping(OMX_U32 /*aSizeBytes*/, OMX_U8* apBuffer, OMX_PTR& /*apPortPrivate*/, OMX_PTR& /*apPlatformPrivate*/, OMX_PTR /*apAppPrivate*/)
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoBufferWrapping +"));
+	// Init buffers given from allocator component.
+	TRAPD(error, iGraphicSinkPF.InitBufferL(apBuffer, iParamPortDefinition.nBufferCountActual));
+	switch(error)
+		{
+		case KErrNone:
+			break;
+		case KErrNoMemory:
+			return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+		default:
+			return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+		};
+	return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+Deallocate buffer and deallocates local resources in the processing function.
+@param 	apPortSpecificBuffer Not used.
+		apPortPrivate Not used.
+		apAppPrivate Not used (default = 0).
+void COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoBufferDeallocation(OMX_PTR /*apPortSpecificBuffer*/, OMX_PTR apPortPrivate, OMX_PTR /*apPlatformPrivate*/, OMX_PTR /* apAppPrivate */)
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoBufferDeallocation"));
+	iGraphicSinkPF.DestroyBuffer(apPortPrivate);
+	}
+Deinitialise buffer and deallocates local resources in the processing function.
+@param 	apPortSpecificBuffer Not used.
+		apPortPrivate Not used.
+		apAppPrivate Not used (default = 0).
+void COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoBufferUnwrapping(OMX_PTR /* apPortSpecificBuffer */, OMX_PTR /* apPortPrivate */, OMX_PTR /*apPlatformPrivate*/, OMX_PTR /* apAppPrivate */)
+	{
+	DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoBufferUnwrapping"));
+	iGraphicSinkPF.DeInitBuffer();
+	}
+Update ParamInPortDefinition struct.
+void COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::UpdateParamInPortDefinitionStruct()
+	{
+	// OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITION structure needs to be updated with respect to the changes from other OMX_PARAM structures.
+ = iParamVideoPortFormat.eColorFormat;
+ = iParamVideoPortFormat.xFramerate;
+ = iParamVideoPortFormat.eCompressionFormat;
+	}
+Initialise all param and config structures for GraphicSink port.	
+void COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::InitParamsAndConfigs()
+	{
+ 	iParamVideoSurfaceConfiguration.nSize = sizeof(OMX_SYMBIAN_VIDEO_PARAM_SURFACECONFIGURATION);
+ 	iParamVideoSurfaceConfiguration.nVersion = TOmxILSpecVersion();
+ 	iParamVideoSurfaceConfiguration.nPortIndex = iParamPortDefinition.nPortIndex;
+ 	iParamVideoSurfaceConfiguration.pSurfaceConfig = &iGraphicSinkPF.GetSurfaceConfiguration(); 
+ 	iConfigScaleFactor.nSize = sizeof(OMX_CONFIG_SCALEFACTORTYPE);
+ 	iConfigScaleFactor.nVersion = TOmxILSpecVersion();
+ 	iConfigScaleFactor.nPortIndex = iParamPortDefinition.nPortIndex;
+ 	iConfigFrameSize.nSize = sizeof(OMX_FRAMESIZETYPE);
+ 	iConfigFrameSize.nVersion = TOmxILSpecVersion();
+ 	iConfigFrameSize.nPortIndex = iParamPortDefinition.nPortIndex;
+ 	iConfigRec.nSize = sizeof(OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE);
+ 	iConfigRec.nVersion = TOmxILSpecVersion();
+ 	iConfigRec.nPortIndex = iParamPortDefinition.nPortIndex;
+ 	iConfigRec.nTop = 0;
+ 	iConfigRec.nLeft = 0;
+    iSharedChunkBufConfig.iNumBuffers = iParamPortDefinition.nBufferCountActual;
+    iSharedChunkBufConfig.iBufferSizeInBytes = iParamPortDefinition.nBufferSize; 
+    iGraphicSinkPF.SetSharedChunkBufConfig(iSharedChunkBufConfig);
+	}
+TInt BytesPerPixel(OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE aPixelFormat)
+    {
+    switch (aPixelFormat)
+        {
+        //fall through
+        //case EUidPixelFormatRGB_565:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGR_565:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitBGR565:       
+        //case EUidPixelFormatARGB_1555:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB1555:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatXRGB_1555:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatARGB_4444:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format16bitARGB4444:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatARGB_8332:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format8bitRGB332:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGRX_5551:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGRA_5551:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGRA_4444:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGRX_4444:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatAP_88:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatXRGB_4444:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatXBGR_4444:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatYUV_422Interleaved:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatYUV_422Planar:
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422Planar:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatYUV_422Reversed:
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYCrYCb:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatYUV_422SemiPlanar:
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV422SemiPlanar:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatYUV_422InterleavedReversed:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatYYUV_422Interleaved:
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY:
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatYCbYCr:
+        case OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer10bit:
+            {
+            return 2;
+            }
+        //fall through
+        //case EUidPixelFormatXRGB_8888:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGRX_8888:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatXBGR_8888:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGRA_8888:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format32bitBGRA8888:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatABGR_8888:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatABGR_8888_PRE:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGRA_8888_PRE:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatARGB_2101010:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatABGR_2101010:
+            {
+            return 4;
+            }
+        //fall through  
+        //case EUidPixelFormatBGR_888:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format24bitBGR888:
+        //case EUidPixelFormatRGB_888:
+        case OMX_COLOR_Format24bitRGB888:
+            {
+            return 3;   
+            }
+        default:
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+Check the nStride value is valid.	
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::ValidateStride()
+	{
+	if ( < * BytesPerPixel(
+	    {
+		return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+		}
+	return OMX_ErrorNone;
+	}
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoOmxUseBuffer(
+    OMX_HANDLETYPE aTunnelledComponent,
+    OMX_U32 aTunnelledPortIndex,
+    OMX_PTR apPortPrivate,
+    OMX_PTR /* apPlatformPrivate */,
+    OMX_U32 aSizeBytes,
+    OMX_U8* apBuffer)
+    {
+    DEBUG_PRINTF2(_L8("COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::DoOmxUseBuffer eBufferSupplier %d"),
+                 iParamCompBufferSupplier.eBufferSupplier);
+    // Find out if the tunnelled port has support for the
+    if (OMX_IndexComponentStartUnused == iSharedChunkMetadataExtensionIndex)
+        {
+        if (OMX_ErrorNone == OMX_GetExtensionIndex(
+                aTunnelledComponent,
+                &iSharedChunkMetadataExtensionIndex))
+            {
+            // Communicate the shared chunk metadata to the tunnelled
+            // component
+            configSharedChunkMetadata.nSize = sizeof(OMX_SYMBIAN_CONFIG_SHAREDCHUNKMETADATATYPE);
+            configSharedChunkMetadata.nVersion = TOmxILSpecVersion();
+            configSharedChunkMetadata.nPortIndex = iParamPortDefinition.nPortIndex;
+            iGraphicSinkPF.GetSharedChunkMetadata(
+                    configSharedChunkMetadata.nHandleId,
+                    configSharedChunkMetadata.nOwnerThreadId);
+            // Ignore any error returned by the tunnelled component
+            (void) OMX_SetConfig(aTunnelledComponent,
+                                 iSharedChunkMetadataExtensionIndex,
+                                 &configSharedChunkMetadata);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // No support in the tunnelled component.
+            iSharedChunkMetadataExtensionIndex = OMX_IndexMax;
+            }
+        }
+    return OMX_UseBuffer(
+        aTunnelledComponent,
+        appBufferHdr,
+        aTunnelledPortIndex,
+        apPortPrivate,
+        aSizeBytes,
+        apBuffer);
+    }