--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omxil/xmltestharness/xmlclient/src/omxscripttest.h Fri May 07 16:25:23 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "omxscriptparser.h"
+#include "asbreakeventhandler.h"
+#include "videotesttimer.h"
+#include <e32msgqueue.h>
+#include "omxthreadrequest.h"
+#include "omx_xml_script.h"
+//#include <multimedia/mmfbuffershared.h>
+#include <openmax/il/khronos/v1_x/OMX_IVCommon.h>
+#include <openmax/il/khronos/v1_x/OMX_Types.h>
+#include "portbufferhandler.h"
+class CNonTunneledHandler;
+class CVideoBufferHandler;
+class CVideoBufferSinkHandler;
+class CBaseProfileHandler;
+class CWindowManager;
+ * Class to parse and execute an OMX test case specified in
+ * an XML file.
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(ROmxScriptTest) : public MOmxScriptIf, public MASBreakCallback, public MTimerObserver
+ {
+ NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CComponentInfo) : public CBase
+ {
+ public:
+ static CComponentInfo* NewL(ROmxScriptTest& aTestController);
+ ~CComponentInfo();
+ private:
+ CComponentInfo(ROmxScriptTest& aTestController);
+ void ConstructL();
+ public:
+ HBufC8* iShortName;
+ HBufC8* iComponentName;
+ CBaseProfileHandler* iBaseHandler; //NULL if not being used via OMX IL Base Profile
+ COmxThreadRequest* iThreadRequest;
+ private:
+ ROmxScriptTest& iTestController;
+ };
+ class TExpectedEvent
+ {
+ public:
+ TUint32 iData1;
+ TUint32 iData2;
+ TAny* iEventData;
+ };
+ typedef void (*THashFilter)(RBuf8&);
+ THashFilter GetHashFilterByName(const TDesC8& aName);
+ ROmxScriptTest(MOmxScriptTestLogger& aLogger);
+ void Close();
+ void RunTestL(const TDesC& aScriptFilename, const TDesC& aScriptSection);
+ // MOmxScriptIf
+ TBool MosLoadComponentL(const TDesC8& aComp, const TDesC8& aName, TBool aBaseProfile, const TDesC8* aBaseImpl, TBool aLoadInCoreServerThread);
+ TBool MosSetupTunnel(const TDesC8& aSourceComp, TInt aSourcePort,
+ const TDesC8& aSinkComp, TInt aSinkPort, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosSetupNonTunnel(const TDesC8& aSourceComp, TInt aSourcePort,
+ const TDesC8& aSinkComp, TInt aSinkPort,
+ TBool MosAllTransitionL(OMX_STATETYPE aState,OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError, TTransitionOrder aOrder);
+ TBool MosWaitEOS();
+ TBool MosWaitEOS(const TDesC8& aComp);
+ TBool MosSetFilename(const TDesC8& aComp, const TDesC& aFilename);
+ TBool MosSetBadFilename(const TDesC8& aComp);
+ TBool MosGetFilename(const TDesC8& aComp, TDesC& aFilename);
+ TBool MosSetBufferCount(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aCount, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosBufferSupplierOverrideL(const TDesC8& aSourceComp, TInt aSourcePort,
+ const TDesC8& aSinkComp, TInt aSinkPort,
+ OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedSourceError, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedSinkError);
+ TBool MosSetVideoPortDefL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE* aColorFormat, OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE* aCodingType, TInt aStride, TReal aFps, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ void MosParseError(const TDesC& aError);
+ TBool MosWaitL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDelay);
+ TBool MosExpectEventL(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_EVENTTYPE aEvent, TUint32 nData1, TUint32 nData2);
+ TBool MosWaitForAllEventsL();
+ TBool MosTransition(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_STATETYPE aState, TBool aAsync);
+ TBool MosFailingTransition(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_STATETYPE aState,OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosCheckStateL(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_STATETYPE aState);
+ TBool MosCheckVideoPortDefL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE aCoding, OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE aColorFormat);
+ TBool MosCheckMetaDataL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, OMX_METADATASCOPETYPE aScope, const TDesC8& aAtomType, TUint32 aAtomIndex, const TDesC8& aData);
+ TBool MosGetParameterUnknownIndexTypeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, OMX_METADATASCOPETYPE aScope, const TDesC8& aAtomType, TUint32 aAtomIndex, const TDesC8& aData);
+ TBool MosSetParameterUnknownIndexTypeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, OMX_METADATASCOPETYPE aScope, const TDesC8& aAtomType, TUint32 aAtomIndex, const TDesC8& aData);
+ TBool MosDisablePort(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex);
+ TBool MosEnablePort(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex);
+ TBool MosIgnoreEventL(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_EVENTTYPE aEvent, TUint32 nData1, TUint32 nData2);
+ TBool MosSetPcmAudioPortDefL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aNumChannels, TInt aSamplingRate, TInt aBitsperSample, OMX_NUMERICALDATATYPE aNumData, OMX_ENDIANTYPE aEndian, OMX_BOOL* aInterleaved, const TDesC8* aEncoding);
+ TBool MosSetConfigAudioVolumeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TBool aLinear, TInt aMinVolume, TInt aMaxVolume, TInt aVolume, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosCheckConfigAudioVolumeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TBool aLinear, TInt aMinVolume, TInt aMaxVolume, TInt aVolume);
+ TBool MosCheckConfigAudioMuteL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TBool aMute);
+ TBool MosSetConfigAudioMuteL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TBool aMute);
+ TBool MosSetAacAudioPortDefL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aNumChannels, TInt aSamplingRate, TInt aBitRate, TInt aAudioBandwidth, TInt aFrameLength, TInt aAacTools, TInt aAacErTools, TInt aProfile, TInt aStreamFormat, TInt aChannelMode);
+ TBool MosSetAudioPortDefL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, OMX_AUDIO_CODINGTYPE* aCodingType);
+ TBool MosSetRefClockTypeL(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_TIME_REFCLOCKTYPE aRefClockType);
+ TBool MosSetClockTimeScale(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_S32 aScale);
+ TBool MosSetClockStateL(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_TIME_CLOCKSTATE aClockState, TInt aStartTime, TInt aOffset, TUint32 aWaitMask);
+ TBool MosCheckClockStateL(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_TIME_CLOCKSTATE aClockState);
+ TBool MosCheckTimePositionL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aTimestamp);
+ TBool MosSetTimePositionL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aTimestamp);
+ TBool MosSetClientStartTimeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aTimestamp);
+ TBool MosSetCurrentAudioReferenceTimeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aTimestamp);
+ TBool MosSetVideoFitModeL(TVideoFitMode aVideoFitMode);
+ TBool MosForceFlushBuffer(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosSetActiveStream(const TDesC8& aComp, TUint32 aPortIndex);
+ TBool MosGetActiveStream(const TDesC8& aComp, TUint32 aPortIndex);
+ TBool MosGetExtensionIndex(const TDesC8& aComp, const TDesC8& aParameterName, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosCheckTimeClockState(const TDesC8& aComp, OMX_TIME_CLOCKSTATE aExpectedState);
+ TBool MosCheckMediaTime(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, OMX_TICKS aMediaTime, TBool aMoreThan);
+ TBool MosBaseSupportPortL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex);
+ TBool MosBaseSetAutonomous(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TBool aEnabled);
+ TBool MosBaseAllocateBuffersL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aNumberBuffers);
+ TBool MosBaseFreeAllocatedBuffersL(const TDesC8& aComp);
+ TBool MosBaseSetBufSupplier(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TBool aComponentSupplier);
+ TBool MosBaseFillThisBuffer(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aPortRelBufIndex);
+ TBool MosBaseEmptyThisBuffer(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aPortRelBufIndex);
+ TBool MosBaseWaitForBuffer(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aPortRelBufIndex);
+ TBool MosBaseTimestampPassClock(const TDesC8& aCompReceiving, const TDesC8& aClockCompToPass);
+ TBool MosBaseTimestampCheckTimestampL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TUint aExpectedTime, TUint aTolerance);
+ TBool MosBaseTimestampCompareWithRefClockL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TUint aTolerance);
+ TBool MosMarkBuffer(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, const TDesC8& aTargetComp, TInt markData);
+ // mpeg4 encoder component
+ TBool MosSetVideoEncQuantL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aQpb);
+ TBool MosSetVideoEncMotionVectL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aAccuracy, TInt aSxSearchrange, TInt aSySearchrange, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosSetVideoEncMpeg4TypeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4PROFILETYPE aMpeg4Profile, OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4LEVELTYPE aMpeg4Level, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosSetVideoEncBitRateL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, OMX_VIDEO_CONTROLRATETYPE aControlRate, TInt aTargetBitrate, OMX_ERRORTYPE aExpectedError);
+ TBool MosSetAACProfileL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex, TInt aChannels, TInt aSamplingRate, TInt aBitRate, TInt aAudioBandwidth, TInt aFrameLength, TInt aAACTools, TInt aAACERTools, OMX_AUDIO_AACPROFILETYPE aProfile, OMX_AUDIO_AACSTREAMFORMATTYPE aStreamFormat, OMX_AUDIO_CHANNELMODETYPE aChannelMode);
+ // Camera
+ TBool MosSetSensorModeTypeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPort, TInt aFrameRate, TBool aOneShot, TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight);
+ TBool MosSetCaptureModeTypeL(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPort, TBool aContinuous, TBool aFrameLimited, TInt aFrameLimit);
+ // Debugging/Utility functions.
+ TBool MosDeleteFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, TBool aFileMustExist);
+ TBool MosLogAllEventsL();
+ // MASBreakCallback
+ void AllComponentsEOS();
+ void AllComponentsTransitioned(OMX_STATETYPE aNewState,
+ void EventReceived(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* aComponent, OMX_EVENTTYPE aEvent, TUint32 aData1, TUint32 aData2, TAny* aEventData);
+ void ComponentTransitioned(OMX_STATETYPE aNewState,
+ void BufferDone(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* aComponent, OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* aBufHdr, TBool aSource);
+ // MTimerObserver
+ void TimerExpired();
+ TBool MosSetupBufferForPortL(const TDesC8& comp,TInt aPortIndex, const TDesC& aFileName,TInt aHeaderLength,OMX_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE aSupplier);
+ TBool MosStartBuffersforPort(const TDesC8& aComp, TInt aPortIndex);
+ enum TOmxScriptTestVerdict
+ {
+ EPass, EFail, EPending
+ };
+ TInt Reason() const;
+ TOmxScriptTestVerdict Verdict() const;
+ void FailWithOmxError(const TDesC& aOperation, OMX_ERRORTYPE aError);
+ void StopTest(TOmxScriptTestVerdict aVerdict);
+ void StopTest(TInt aError, TOmxScriptTestVerdict aVerdict);
+ void FailTest(const TDesC& aErrorMsg);
+ static TBool ShortNameMatchComparison(const TDesC8* aShortName, const ROmxScriptTest::CComponentInfo& aComponentInfo);
+ void BeginWait();
+ void EndWait();
+ TBool ComponentLogicalIL(const TDesC8& aName);
+ TBool ComponentPhysicalIL(const TDesC8& aName);
+ OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* ComponentByName(const TDesC8& aName);
+ void GetComponentName(const OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* aHandle, TDes& aName);
+ void FailWithOmxError(const TDesC8& aComponent, const TDesC& aOperation, OMX_ERRORTYPE aError);
+ // static void CleanupOmxComponent(TAny*);
+ static void FormatHex(const TDesC8& bin, TDes& hex);
+ void WriteInt32(TUint8* aPtr, TInt32 aData);
+ TBool HandleNonTunneledBuffers(OMX_STATETYPE aNewState, OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* aComp);
+ TBool HandlePortBufferHandler(OMX_STATETYPE aNewState, OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* aComp);
+ void LogExtra(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TOmxScriptSeverity aSeverity,
+ TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt,...);
+ void RegisterTunnel(OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* aSourceComp, TInt aSourcePort, OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* aSinkComp, TInt aSinkPort);
+ class TComponentInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ HBufC8* iShortName;
+ HBufC8* iComponentName;
+ };
+class TFilledBufferHeaderV2_xml
+ {
+ /** Amount of buffer filled with actual data */
+ TUint iFilledLength;
+ /** Any timestamp associated with the buffer */
+ TInt64 iTimeStamp;
+ /** Combination of OMX_BUFFERFLAG_*, specified at page 68 in the OpenMAX spec. */
+ TUint iFlags;
+ /** offset **/
+ TUint32 iOffset;
+ };
+ class TTunnelInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* iSourceComponent;
+ TInt iSourcePort;
+ OMX_COMPONENTTYPE* iSinkComponent;
+ TInt iSinkPort;
+ };
+ RArray<TTunnelInfo> iTunnels;
+ typedef RArray<TTunnelInfo> RTunnelRelations;
+ void FindTransitionOrderL(const RPointerArray<CComponentInfo>& aComponents,
+ const RTunnelRelations& aTunnelRelations,
+ RArray<TInt>& aOrder);
+ TBool iCoreLoaded;
+ RPointerArray<CComponentInfo> iComponents;
+ RASBreakEventHandler iEventHandler;
+ // Symbian graphic sink specialisation
+ CWindowManager* iWindowManager;
+ TVideoFitMode iVideoFitMode;
+ OMX_INDEXTYPE iExtSurfaceConfigIndex;
+ CVideoTestTimer *iTimer;
+ RArray<TExpectedEvent> iExpectedEvents;
+ TBool iWaitingForEvents;
+ CNonTunneledHandler* iNonTunneledHandler;
+ RArray<TExpectedEvent> iIgnoredEvents;
+ // Buffer component handler
+ CVideoBufferHandler* iBufferHandler;
+ CVideoBufferSinkHandler* iBufferSinkHandler;
+ TInt iReason;
+ TOmxScriptTestVerdict iVerdict;
+ MOmxScriptTestLogger& iLogger;
+ CAsyncCallBack* iStopSchedulerCallback;
+ RMsgQueue<TFilledBufferHeaderV2_xml> iMsgQueue;
+ CPortBufferHandler* iPortBufferHandler;
+ };
+#endif /*OMXSCRIPTTEST_H_*/