changeset 16 eedf2dcd43c6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/omxil/xmltestharness/xmlclient/src/omxthreadrequest.cpp	Fri May 07 16:25:23 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "omxthreadrequest.h"
+COmxThreadRequest* COmxThreadRequest::NewL()
+    {
+    COmxThreadRequest* self = new (ELeave) COmxThreadRequest();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+    {
+    }
+void COmxThreadRequest::ConstructL()
+    {
+    //Parameters to send to the sub thread
+    TThreadParam param;
+    param.iThreadRequestObj = this;
+    //Get a reference to this thread's heap
+    RHeap& thisHeap = User::Heap();
+    //Get the id of this thread
+    RThread thisThread;
+    TThreadId thisThreadId = thisThread.Id();
+    param.iMainThreadId = thisThreadId;
+    //Get a request to signal for setup completion
+    TRequestStatus setupComplete = KRequestPending;
+    param.iSetupComplete = &setupComplete;
+    //current time and the "this" pointer for a unique key
+    _LIT(KFormatString,"%S.%020Lu.%08X");
+    TName threadName;
+    TTime now;
+    now.UniversalTime();
+    threadName.Format(KFormatString, &KXMLClientOMXThreadName, now.Int64(), reinterpret_cast<TUint>(this));
+    //Create a new thread using the same heap as this thread
+    TInt result = iRequestThread.Create(threadName,
+                                    ThreadCreateFunction,
+                                    KDefaultStackSize,
+                                    &thisHeap,
+                                    &param);
+    User::LeaveIfError(result);
+    //Run the thread under high priority
+    iRequestThread.SetPriority(EPriorityNormal); 
+    //Wait for thread startup to complete
+    TRequestStatus threadStatus = KRequestPending;
+    iRequestThread.Logon(threadStatus);
+    //Start the thread
+    iRequestThread.Resume();
+    User::WaitForRequest(threadStatus, setupComplete);
+    if(threadStatus != KRequestPending)
+        {
+        //Thread creation failed
+        TInt reason = iRequestThread.ExitReason();
+        User::Leave(reason);
+        }
+    // Thread creation was successfull
+    TInt error = iRequestThread.LogonCancel(threadStatus);
+    User::LeaveIfError(error); // There is no outstanding request
+    User::WaitForRequest(threadStatus); // Consume the signal
+    iThreadCreated = ETrue;
+    User::LeaveIfError(setupComplete.Int());
+    }
+Main thread entry point for the omx sub-thread.
+Create a cleanup stack for the thread and process the commands
+inside a trap for cleanup behaviour.
+@param aPtr Parameters to be used for creating the thread.
+@return The error code for thread termination.
+TInt COmxThreadRequest::ThreadCreateFunction(TAny* aPtr)
+    {
+    TInt error = KErrNone;
+    // Create a cleanup stack for the thread
+    CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
+    if (cleanupStack)
+        {
+        if(error == KErrNone)
+            {
+            TRAP(error, ThreadTrapFunctionL(aPtr));
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        error = KErrNoMemory;
+        }
+    delete cleanupStack;
+    return error;
+    }
+Function for thread execution. If the thread is successfully created signal
+the main thread that the thread creation was successfull. Then enter OMX
+request loop.
+@param aPtr A pointer to a TThreadParam object containing the startup parameters
+            for the thread.
+void COmxThreadRequest::ThreadTrapFunctionL(TAny* aPtr)
+    {
+    TThreadParam* param = static_cast<TThreadParam*>(aPtr);
+    COmxThreadRequest* iThreadRequestObj = param->iThreadRequestObj;
+    // tell main thread that setup is complete
+    RThread mainThread;
+    mainThread.Open(param->iMainThreadId);
+    mainThread.RequestComplete(param->iSetupComplete, KErrNone);
+    mainThread.Close();
+    // loop to execute OMX commands in own thread
+    while(iThreadRequestObj->iFunction != EOMXFunctionCodeTerminate)
+        {
+        iThreadRequestObj->iRequestThreadStatus = KRequestPending;
+        // block until client request is made
+        User::WaitForRequest(iThreadRequestObj->iRequestThreadStatus);
+        switch(iThreadRequestObj->iFunction)
+            {
+            case EOMXFunctionCodeGetHandle:
+                iThreadRequestObj->iErrorType = OMX_GetHandle(
+                        iThreadRequestObj->ipHandle,
+                        iThreadRequestObj->icComponentName,
+                        iThreadRequestObj->ipAppData,
+                        iThreadRequestObj->ipCallBacks);
+                break;
+            case EOMXFunctionCodeFreeHandle:
+                iThreadRequestObj->iErrorType = OMX_FreeHandle(
+                        iThreadRequestObj->ihComponent);
+                break;
+            case EOMXFunctionCodeTerminate:
+                break;
+            default:
+                // should never be reached
+                User::Panic(_L("COmxThreadRequest"), KErrNotSupported);
+            }
+        // complete client request
+        TRequestStatus *status = iThreadRequestObj->iCallingStatus;
+        RThread callingThread;
+        callingThread.Open(iThreadRequestObj->iCallingThreadId);
+        callingThread.RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
+        callingThread.Close();
+        }
+    }
+    {
+    if(iThreadCreated)
+        {
+        TRequestStatus status;
+        // Logon to ensure thread has completely terminated, not just broken out of message handling loop.
+        // In particular this ensures the cleanup stack is destroyed before the heap marks are inspected.
+        iRequestThread.Logon(status);
+        Terminate();
+        User::WaitForRequest(status);
+        iThreadCreated = EFalse;
+        iRequestThread.Close();
+        }
+    }
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxThreadRequest::GetHandle(
+        OMX_OUT OMX_HANDLETYPE* pHandle,
+        OMX_IN  OMX_STRING cComponentName,
+        OMX_IN  OMX_PTR pAppData,
+        OMX_IN  OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* pCallBacks)
+    {
+    ipHandle = pHandle;
+    icComponentName = cComponentName;
+    ipAppData = pAppData;
+    ipCallBacks = pCallBacks;
+    iFunction = EOMXFunctionCodeGetHandle; 
+    DoRequest();
+    return iErrorType;
+    }
+OMX_ERRORTYPE COmxThreadRequest::FreeHandle(
+    OMX_IN  OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent)
+    {
+    ihComponent = hComponent;
+    iFunction = EOMXFunctionCodeFreeHandle; 
+    DoRequest();
+    return iErrorType;
+    }
+void COmxThreadRequest::Terminate()
+    {
+    iFunction = EOMXFunctionCodeTerminate; 
+    DoRequest();
+    }
+void COmxThreadRequest::DoRequest()
+    {
+    RThread me;
+    iCallingThreadId = me.Id();
+    TRequestStatus callingRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+    iCallingStatus = &callingRequestStatus;
+    // send request to request thread
+    RThread requestThread;
+    requestThread.Open(iRequestThread.Id());
+    TRequestStatus* requestStatus = &iRequestThreadStatus;
+    requestThread.RequestComplete(requestStatus, KErrNone);
+    requestThread.Close();
+    // block calling request until OMX request completes
+    User::WaitForRequest(callingRequestStatus);
+    }