// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef PANORAMA_H
#define PANORAMA_H
#include <icl/imagecodecdata.h>
const TInt KPanoramaDefaultOverlap = 63; //Default overlap value in percent.
const TInt KPanoramaDefaultDirectionTrigger = 10; //Default direction value in percent.
const TInt KPanLensIndex = 2; //Focal length and principal point index value
const TInt KPanLensDist = 5; //Distortion index value
//fwd ref
class CImagePanoramaImpl;
class CVFTrackerImpl;
class CPanoramaTransformImpl;
class CImageFrame;
Defines the direction
enum TDirection
EPanoramaDirectionUnknown = 0,
This class provides the lens parameters that describe the internal camera characteristics.
class TPanoramaLens
IMPORT_C TPanoramaLens();
IMPORT_C TPanoramaLens(TReal32* aFocalLength, TReal32* aPrincipalPoint, TReal32 aSkew, TReal32* aDist, TUint32 aWidth, TUint32 aHeight);
TReal32 iFocalLength[KPanLensIndex]; //Focal length coordinates
TReal32 iPrincipalPoint[KPanLensIndex]; //Principal point coordinates
TReal32 iSkew; //Skew coefficient. @remark 0.0f means no skew
TReal32 iDist[KPanLensDist];// Distortion coefficients. If there are fewer parameter values available, fill the last values with zeros
TUint32 iWidth; // Image width when the camera was calibrated
TUint32 iHeight; // Image height when the camera was calibrated
// Future proof
TAny* iPad1;
TAny* iPad2;
TAny* iPad3;
TAny* iPad4;
This class provides help functions for handling the result of the viewfinder tracking.
It contains getters and setters.
class CPanoramaTransform : public CBase
IMPORT_C static CPanoramaTransform* NewL();
IMPORT_C void GetTranslation(TPoint& aDxDy, TSize& aDims) const;
IMPORT_C void SetTranslationL(const TPoint& aDxDy, const TSize& aDims);
IMPORT_C void GetDirection(TDirection& aDirection);
IMPORT_C void GetDirection(TDirection& aDirection, TInt& aMinimumDelta);
IMPORT_C void SetDirection(TDirection& aDirection);
IMPORT_C void SetDirection(TDirection& aDirection, TInt aMinDelta);
IMPORT_C ~CPanoramaTransform();
void ConstructL();
CPanoramaTransformImpl* iPanTransImpl;
This class provides functions to register the image that has got from viewfinder
and checks the appropriate time to capture that image.
class CVFTracker : public CBase
IMPORT_C static CVFTracker* NewL();
IMPORT_C void RegisterImageL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, CPanoramaTransform& aPanTrans);
IMPORT_C void RegisterImageL(const CImageFrame& aImageFrame, CPanoramaTransform& aPanTrans);
IMPORT_C TBool IsTimeToCapture(TDirection& aDirection) const;
IMPORT_C TBool IsTimeToCapture(TDirection& aDirection, TInt aOverlap) const;
IMPORT_C void Reset();
IMPORT_C void InitializeL(const TSize& aSize);
IMPORT_C TAny* Extension(TUid aExtension);
IMPORT_C ~CVFTracker();
void ConstructL();
CVFTrackerImpl* iVFTrackImpl;
This class provides functions to get basic stitching. Input can be a file,
descriptor, bitmap, imageframe.
class CImagePanorama : public CBase
IMPORT_C static CImagePanorama* NewL();
IMPORT_C void AddFileL(const TDesC& aFilename, CPanoramaTransform& aPanTrans);
IMPORT_C void AddBufferL(const TDesC8& aData, CPanoramaTransform& aPanTrans);
IMPORT_C void AddImageL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, CPanoramaTransform& aPanTrans);
IMPORT_C void AddImageL(const CImageFrame& aImageFrame, CPanoramaTransform& aPanTrans);
IMPORT_C void CurrentImageSizeL(TSize& aSize);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(const TDesC& aFilename);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(const TDesC& aFilename, const TSize& aSize, const TBool aMaintainAspectRatio, const TUid& aImageTypeUid);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(RFile& aFile);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(RFile& aFile, const TSize& aSize, const TBool aMaintainAspectRatio, const TUid& aImageTypeUid);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(HBufC8*& aDestData);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(HBufC8*& aDestData, TUint32 aMaxBufferSize, const TSize& aSize, const TBool aMaintainAspectRatio, const TUid& aImageTypeUid);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TBool aMaintainAspectRatio);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(const CImageFrame& aImageFrame);
IMPORT_C void RenderL(const CImageFrame& aImageFrame, const TBool aMaintainAspectRatio);
IMPORT_C void InitializeL(const TSize & aSize, const TPanoramaLens& aPanoramaLens, const TDirection& aDirection);
IMPORT_C TAny* Extension(TUid aExtension);
IMPORT_C ~CImagePanorama();
void ConstructL();
CImagePanoramaImpl* iImgPanImpl;
#endif //PANORAMA_H