// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// system includes
#include <testframework.h>
#include <mmf/server/sounddevice.h>
// user includes
#include "char_a3f_devsound_compliancesuiteconstants.h"
// forward declaration
class CA3FDevSoundToneClient;
class CA3FDevSoundPlayClient;
class CA3FDevSoundRecordClient;
class CAsyncWriteBufferToFile;
Base class for all DevSound test steps in this suite.
class RA3FDevSoundTestBase: public RAsyncTestStep, public MDevSoundObserver
// from RAsyncTestStep
void KickoffTestL();
void CloseTest();
void CallStopTest(TInt aError);
RA3FDevSoundTestBase(const TDesC& aTestName);
virtual void DoKickoffTestL() = 0;
virtual void DoTimerCallback();
static TInt TimerCallback(TAny*);
void StartTimer(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aWaitTime);
// from MDevSoundObserver
void InitializeComplete(TInt aError);
void ToneFinished(TInt aError);
void BufferToBeFilled(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer);
void PlayError(TInt aError);
void BufferToBeEmptied(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer);
void RecordError(TInt aError);
void ConvertError(TInt aError);
void DeviceMessage(TUid aMessageType, const TDesC8& aMsg);
void SendEventToClient(const TMMFEvent& aEvent);
// Executes events of DevSound using a Finite State Machine
virtual void Fsm(TMmfDevSoundEvent aDevSoundEvent, TInt aError) = 0;
void SampleRateFromTIntToTMMFSampleRate(TInt aSampleRate, TMMFSampleRate &aESampleRate);
void SampleRateFromTUintToString(TUint aSampleRate, TDes& aStringSampleRate);
void ChannelsFromTUintToString(TUint aChannels, TDes& aStringChannels);
void EncodingFromStringToTFourCC(const TDesC& aFourCCString);
void PrintSupportedCapabilities(TUint aSampleRate,TUint aChannel);
TBuf<KSizeBuf> iFourCCString;
TFourCC iFourCCCode;
TMmfDevSoundState iDevSoundState;
CA3FDevSoundToneClient* iDevsoundToneClient;
CA3FDevSoundPlayClient* iDevsoundPlayClient;
CA3FDevSoundRecordClient* iDevsoundRecordClient;
CMMFDevSound* iMMFDevSound;
CPeriodic* iTimer;
CMMFBuffer* iBuffer;
// Handle for the audio file for playing and recording
RFile iFile;
// Handle to a file server session
RFs iFs;
CAsyncWriteBufferToFile* iAsyncWriteBTFAO;
class TSampleRateToTMMFSampleRate
TInt iTIntSampleRate;
TMMFSampleRate iTMMFSampleRate;
class TSampleRateToString
TUint iTUIntSampleRate;
TPtrC iTPtrSampleRate;
class TChannelsToString
TUint iTUIntChannels;
TPtrC iTPtrChannels;
* CAsyncWriteBufferToFile
class CAsyncWriteBufferToFile : public CActive
static CAsyncWriteBufferToFile* NewL(RFile& aFile, CMMFDevSound* aDevSound, RA3FDevSoundTestBase& aTestStep);
void Start(CMMFDataBuffer* aBuffer);
CAsyncWriteBufferToFile(RFile& aFile, CMMFDevSound* aDevSound, RA3FDevSoundTestBase& aTestStep);
void ConstructL();
virtual void DoCancel();
virtual void RunL();
virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);
RFile& iFile;
CMMFDevSound* iDevSound;
RA3FDevSoundTestBase& iTestStep;