* Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "MMFPcm16ToImaAdPcmStereoCodec.h"
// __________________________________________________________________________
// Implementation
CMMFCodec* CMMFPcm16ImaAdPcmStereoCodec::NewL(TAny* aInitParams)
CMMFPcm16ImaAdPcmStereoCodec* self=new(ELeave) CMMFPcm16ImaAdPcmStereoCodec();
return STATIC_CAST( CMMFCodec*, self );
CMMFPcm16ImaAdPcmStereoCodec::CMMFPcm16ImaAdPcmStereoCodec() : i16PcmToImaAdpcm(2)
void CMMFPcm16ImaAdPcmStereoCodec::ConstructL(TAny* /*aInitParams*/)
iTempSrcBufferPtr = iTempSrcBuffer;
iTempSrcBufferCount = 0;
This function converts stereo PCM samples to IMA ADPCM samples
in blocks of KImaAdpcmBlockAlign (256) bytes. Any left
over bytes that do not fill a block are currently discarded.
996 source bytes are required to fill a 256 byte block.
TCodecProcessResult CMMFPcm16ImaAdPcmStereoCodec::ProcessL(const CMMFBuffer& aSrc, CMMFBuffer& aDst)
TCodecProcessResult result;
result.iStatus = TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete;
//convert from generic CMMFBuffer to CMMFDataBuffer
iSrc = STATIC_CAST(const CMMFDataBuffer*, &aSrc);
iDst = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, &aDst);
const TUint srcLen = iSrc->Data().Length();
const TUint dstMaxLen = iDst->Data().MaxLength();
const TUint sourceRemain = srcLen - iSrc->Position();
if (dstMaxLen < KImaAdpcmBlockAlign)
//reset data if not a consecutive frame number
if ((iSrc->FrameNumber() != iLastFrameNumber) && (iSrc->FrameNumber() != (iLastFrameNumber+1)))
iTempSrcBufferPtr = iTempSrcBuffer;
iTempSrcBufferCount = 0;
iLastFrameNumber = iSrc->FrameNumber();
TUint dstRemain = (dstMaxLen - iDst->Position());
TUint srcToFillTempBuffer = 0;
//take account of src to be added to temporary buffer
if (iTempSrcBufferCount > 0)
srcToFillTempBuffer = KImaAdpcmStereoTempBufferSize - iTempSrcBufferCount;
if (srcToFillTempBuffer<sourceRemain) //enough source to fill temporary buffer
dstRemain -= KImaAdpcmBlockAlign;
else //not enough source to fill the temporary buffer
srcToFillTempBuffer = sourceRemain;
//calculate how much source is required to fill the destination buffer
TUint blocksRemaining = dstRemain/KImaAdpcmBlockAlign;
TUint maxUsableDst = blocksRemaining * KImaAdpcmBlockAlign;
TUint srcToUse = blocksRemaining * KImaAdpcmStereoSamplesPerBlock * 4;
srcToUse += srcToFillTempBuffer;
srcToUse = (srcToUse<sourceRemain ? srcToUse : sourceRemain);
//we need to cast away CONST even on the source, as the TClass needs a TUint8*
TUint8* pSrc = CONST_CAST(TUint8*,iSrc->Data().Ptr());
pSrc += iSrc->Position();
TUint8* pDst = CONST_CAST(TUint8*,iDst->Data().Ptr());
pDst += iDst->Position();
TUint dstBytesAdded = 0;
TUint srcLeft = srcToUse;
//convert remaining source from previous call to ProcessL
if (iTempSrcBufferCount > 0)
//Fill temp buffer from source buffer
while((iTempSrcBufferCount < KImaAdpcmStereoTempBufferSize) && (srcLeft))
*iTempSrcBufferPtr++ = *pSrc++;
if (iTempSrcBufferCount == KImaAdpcmStereoTempBufferSize)
iTempSrcBufferCount = 0;
iTempSrcBufferPtr = iTempSrcBuffer;
i16PcmToImaAdpcm.Convert(iTempSrcBufferPtr, pDst, KImaAdpcmStereoSamplesPerBlock);
pDst += KImaAdpcmBlockAlign;
dstBytesAdded += KImaAdpcmBlockAlign;
//convert full blocks
while (srcLeft >= (KImaAdpcmStereoSamplesPerBlock*4))
i16PcmToImaAdpcm.Convert(pSrc, pDst, KImaAdpcmStereoSamplesPerBlock);
pSrc += KImaAdpcmStereoSamplesPerBlock*4;
pDst += KImaAdpcmBlockAlign;
dstBytesAdded += KImaAdpcmBlockAlign;
srcLeft -= KImaAdpcmStereoSamplesPerBlock*4;
//save remaining source in iTempSrcBuffer
while (srcLeft)
*iTempSrcBufferPtr++ = *pSrc++;
//if the source buffer is consumed
if ((srcLen == srcToUse + iSrc->Position()))
if (dstBytesAdded < maxUsableDst)
result.iStatus = TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled;
result.iStatus = TCodecProcessResult::EProcessComplete;
result.iSrcBytesProcessed = srcToUse;
result.iDstBytesAdded = dstBytesAdded;
iDst->Data().SetLength(iDst->Position() + result.iDstBytesAdded);
return result;