// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// mmfswaudioinputpriv.h
#include <e32def.h>
#include "mmfswaudioinput.h"
#include <d32soundsc.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#define KNumRecorders (2) // 2 for double buffering, 4 quadruple etc
enum TPanicCodes
KPanicBadTotalQueueLength=1, // once constructed, total queue length should be KNumRecorders
KPanicBadTotalQueueLength2, // during construction or delation, total queue length should be <= KNumRecorders
KPanicBadBusyQueueLength, // Busy queue should never exceed length of 1
EPanicBusyRecorderNotActive, // If in the busy queue, should be active
EPanicNonBusyRecorderActive, // opposite
//Total Number of sample rates
class CChannelAndSampleRateConverter; // forward dec
class TRecordSharedChunkBufConfig : public TSharedChunkBufConfigBase
TInt iBufferOffsetList[3];
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAudioInput) : public CBase,
public MAudioInput,
public MAIParamInterface
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CRecorder ) : public CActive
CRecorder(CAudioInput& aParent, TInt aIndex);
void Cancel();
void RecordData();
TInt Index() const;
void ReleaseBuffer(TBool aDoAnyway=EFalse);
TBool IsBusy() const;
TBool BufferHeld() const;
TInt Length() const;
TInt Offset() const;
TInt StatusOrOffset() const;
TSglQueLink iLink; // used to form queues. Treat as private.
// from CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
CAudioInput& iParent;
const TInt iIndex;
TInt iLength;
TBool iBufferHeld;
class TFormatData
inline TFormatData():
iSampleRate(8000), iRequestedChannels(1) // default
TInt iSampleRate;
TInt iActualRate;
TInt iRequestedChannels;
TInt iActualChannels;
static CAudioInput* NewL(MAudioInputObserver& aObserver);
// from MAudioInput
void Release();
TInt Initialize(const TAudioInputParams& aParams);
void Close();
TInt Start();
void BufferAck();
TInt Pause();
TInt Resume();
TInt Flush();
void Stop();
TAny* Interface(TUid aInterfaceUid);
// from MAIParamInterface
TInt SetGain(TInt aGain);
TInt GetBufferSizes(TInt& aMinSize, TInt& aMaxSize);
TInt GetSupportedSampleRates(RArray<TInt>& aSupportedSampleRates);
RSoundSc& RecordSoundDevice();
void BufferArrives(CRecorder* aRecorder);
void BufferError(CRecorder* aRecorder, TInt aError);
TInt SetFormat(const TAudioInputParams& aFormat);
TInt NegotiateFormat(const TAudioInputParams& aFormat, TFormatData &aFormatData);
TInt GetSupportedSampleRates(RArray<TInt>& aSupportedSampleRates, RSoundSc& aSoundDevice);
CAudioInput(MAudioInputObserver& aObserver);
void ConstructL();
void Cancel();
static TInt Callback(TAny* aPtr);
void AsyncCallbackL();
void RequestCallback();
void CancelRecorders();
void CancelPendingRecorders();
void CancelBusyRecorder();
void InternalStop();
void InternalFlush();
void RecordAllIdle();
void UseBuffer(CRecorder* aRecorder);
void HandleBufferAck();
void CheckFullInvariant();
void CheckInvariant(TBool aKnownConstructed=ETrue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CheckActiveRecorders();
void CheckActiveRecorders(TSglQue<CRecorder>& aQueue, TBool aExpected, TInt aPanicCode);
static TInt QLength(TSglQue<CRecorder>& aQueue);
CRecorder* QPop(TSglQue<CRecorder>& aQueue);
TBool QPop(CRecorder*& aRecorder, TSglQue<CRecorder>& aQueue);
inline TInt BufferLength() const { return iBufferLength; } // TODO required?
MAudioInputObserver& iObserver;
enum TState
enum TRunningState // when in RecordWait2 or RecordWaitAck2
ERStateRunning, // recording
ERStatePaused, // paused state
ERStateFinishing, // look to do InputFinished() on next tick
ERStateFinished, // InputFinished() sent
ERStateFailed, // InputError() sent
TState iState;
TRunningState iRState;
TRecordSharedChunkBufConfig iRecordBufferConfig;
RSoundSc iRecordSoundDevice;
RChunk iChunk;
CRecorder* iRecorders[KNumRecorders];
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallBack;
TInt iBufferLength; // this is the length of buffers we request
CChannelAndSampleRateConverter* iConverter;
TPtrC8 iBufPtr; // this is usually the descriptor sent to the observer
RBuf8 iConvBuff; // extra buffer from when we use a converter
TSglQue<CRecorder> iIdleQueue; // just sitting there
TSglQue<CRecorder> iRecordingQueue; // record operation outstanding
TSglQue<CRecorder> iPendingQueue; // buffer has been recorded, waiting to be processed
TSglQue<CRecorder> iBusyQueue; // mid InputAvailable()/BufferAck() cycle. Length <= 1
inline TBool CAudioInput::QPop(CRecorder*& aRecorder, TSglQue<CRecorder>& aQueue)
// overload of QPop(), since "while (recorder = QPop(...))" etc gives warnings
// This allows "while (QPop(recorder, ...))" instead
CRecorder* recorder = QPop(aQueue);
if (recorder)
aRecorder = recorder;
return ETrue;
return EFalse;