// ECamTest.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "ECamTest.h"
#include <ecam.h>
#include <ecam/ecamplugin.h>
#include <ecamuids.hrh>
#include <ecom/ecomresolverparams.h>
#include <mm/mmpluginutils.h>
// RECamTest
RECamTest* RECamTest::NewL(TBool aAllocTest)
RECamTest* self = new (ELeave) RECamTest(aAllocTest);
return self;
RECamTest::RECamTest(TBool /*aAllocTest*/)
iTestStepName = _L("MM-ECM-API-U-011");
TVerdict RECamTest::DoTestStepL()
TVerdict result = EPass;
CCamera* camera = NULL;
MCameraObserver* observer = NULL; // should not be used, so pass silly value. TODO make this an MCameraObserver, or arrange would not KernExec3 on real plugin
MCameraObserver2* observer2 = NULL; // TODO ditto
TInt error = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check Opening CCam gives KErrNotSupported"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking basic CCamera::NewL()"));
TRAP(error, camera = CCamera::NewL(*observer, 0));
if (error==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unexpected KErrNone return from CCamera::NewL()"));
delete camera;
result = EFail;
else if (error!=KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unexpected %d return from CCamera::NewL()"), error);
result = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking basic CCamera::NewDuplicateL()"));
TRAP(error, camera = CCamera::NewDuplicateL(*observer, 0));
if (error==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unexpected KErrNone return from CCamera::NewDuplicateL()"));
delete camera;
result = EFail;
else if (error!=KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unexpected %d return from CCamera::NewDuplicateL()"), error);
result = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking additional \"ChunkAPI\" factory functions"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking CCamera::NewL()"));
TRAP(error, camera = CCamera::NewL(*observer2, 0, 0));
if (error==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unexpected KErrNone return from CCamera::NewL()"));
delete camera;
result = EFail;
else if (error!=KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unexpected %d return from CCamera::NewL()"), error);
result = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking CCamera::NewDuplicateL()"));
TRAP(error, camera = CCamera::NewDuplicateL(*observer2, 0));
if (error==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unexpected KErrNone return from CCamera::NewDuplicateL()"));
delete camera;
result = EFail;
else if (error!=KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unexpected %d return from CCamera::NewDuplicateL()"), error);
result = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking CCamera::New2L()"));
TRAP(error, camera = CCamera::New2L(*observer2, 0, 0));
if (error==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unexpected KErrNone return from CCamera::New2L()"));
delete camera;
result = EFail;
else if (error!=KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unexpected %d return from CCamera::New2L()"), error);
result = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()"));
TRAP(error, camera = CCamera::NewDuplicate2L(*observer2, 0));
if (error==KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unexpected KErrNone return from CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()"));
delete camera;
result = EFail;
else if (error!=KErrNotSupported)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unexpected %d return from CCamera::NewDuplicate2L()"), error);
result = EFail;
return result;
// RECamInnerTest
RECamInnerTest* RECamInnerTest::NewL(TBool aAllocTest)
RECamInnerTest* self = new (ELeave) RECamInnerTest(aAllocTest);
return self;
RECamInnerTest::RECamInnerTest(TBool /*aAllocTest*/)
iTestStepName = _L("MM-ECM-API-U-012");
TVerdict RECamInnerTest::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check can actually open ECam plugin"));
TVerdict result = EPass;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Open stub plugin directly"));
// TODO - would be nice to actually call CCameraPlugin::NewL, but this is not exported, so this is extract
TUid implementationUid = {KUidOnboardCameraStubPlugin};
TUid destructorKey = {0};
CCamera* camera = NULL;
camera = static_cast<CCamera*>
(REComSession::CreateImplementationL(implementationUid, destructorKey)));
if (error != KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CreateImplementationL() failed - %d"), error);
result = EFail;
delete camera;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Open stub plugin via interface"));
// TODO - would be nice to actually call CCameraPlugin::NewL, but this is not exported, so this is extract
TUid interfaceUid = {KUidOnboardCameraPlugin};
TUid destructorKey = {0};
CCamera* camera = NULL;
camera = static_cast<CCamera*>
(MmPluginUtils::CreateImplementationL(interfaceUid, destructorKey, KECamPluginMatchString, KRomOnlyResolverUid)));
if (error != KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CreateImplementationL() failed - %d"), error);
result = EFail;
delete camera;
return result;