// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "ImageTransform.h"
#include "ImageTransformFramework.h"
#include "ImageTransformMain.h"
Constructs a CImageTransform object.
@param aFs
A reference to a file server session for the transform API to use.
@return A pointer to a fully constructed CImageTransform.
EXPORT_C CImageTransform* CImageTransform::NewL(RFs& aFs)
CImageTransform* self = new(ELeave) CImageTransform();
return self;
Constructor for this class.
Performs second phase of contruction
@param aFs
A reference to a file server session for the transform API to use.
void CImageTransform::ConstructL(RFs& aFs)
iBody = CImageTransformFramework::NewL(*this, aFs);
This is the destructor for this class
and is responsible for deallocating all resources
EXPORT_C CImageTransform::~CImageTransform()
delete iBody;
Specifies the UID of the image transform plugin to load
@param aPluginUid
The plugin's implementation UID
@leave KErrArgument
The UID is KNullUid
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetPluginUidL(TUid aPluginUid)
Specifies the name of the source file containing the image to transform
@param aFilename
The source filename
@leave KNotFound
The file does not exist
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetSourceFilenameL(const TDesC& aFilename)
Specifies the source descriptor containing the image to transform.
Note that this descriptor must persist while the the image is transformed.
i.e. the transformation operation does not make a copy of the data.
Special care must be taken when passing a TPtrC8 or TPtr8 to this function:
The TPtrC8/TPtr8 itself (as well as the data it points to) must be persistent.
@param aData
The source descriptor
@leave KErrArgument
The length is zero
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetSourceDataL(const TDesC8& aData)
Specifies the MIME type of the source image.
@param aMIMEType
The MIME type of the source image
@leave KErrArgument
The length is zero
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetSourceMimeTypeL(const TDesC8& aMIMEType)
Specifies the source image's type and (optionally) its subtype
@param aImageType
The UID of the source image's type
@param aImageSubType
The UID of the source image's subtype
@leave KErrArgument
aImageType is KNullUid
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetSourceImageTypeL(TUid aImageType, TUid aImageSubType)
iBody->SetSourceImageTypeL(aImageType, aImageSubType);
Defines a clipping region. Only the specified region will be converted.
It is not supported by the Symbian Jpeg ImageTransform Plugin.
@param aRect
The coordinates of the clipping region
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetSourceRect(const TRect& aRect)
Clears the clipping region.
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::ClearSourceRect()
Specifies the name of the destination file where the transformed image
is to be written to.
@param aFilename
The destination filename
@leave KArgument
The length is zero
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetDestFilenameL(const TDesC& aFilename)
Defines the destination descriptor.
This is a reference to a pointer that is owned by the client app.
The pointer should be NULL; the plugin will take responsibility for
allocating (and potentially growing) the descriptor.
@param aData
The destination descriptor.
@leave KErrArgument
The pointer is not NULL
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetDestDataL(HBufC8*& aData)
Specifies the requested destination image size.
@param aDestinationSize
The requested size of the destination size in pixels.
@param aMaintainAspectRatio
Requests that the aspect ratio be maintained as far as possible.
Defaults to ETrue.
@leave KErrArgument
The destination size is zero.
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetDestSizeInPixelsL(const TSize& aDestinationSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio)
iBody->SetDestSizeInPixelsL(aDestinationSize, aMaintainAspectRatio);
Defines the options for the image transformation. The specified option must be one of the
options supported or a combination of them, see CImageTransform::TOptions.
@param aOptions
The required option or combination of options from CImageTransform::TOptions
@leave KErrArgument
One or more of the specified option flags is invalid
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetOptionsL(TUint aOptions)
Defines the transformations to be supported by the desired plug-in. The specified transformation must be one of the
transformations specified in CImageTransform::TTransformations or combination of them, see CImageTransform::TTransformations.
@param aTransformations
The required transformation or combination of transformations from CImageTransform::TTransformations.
@leave KErrArgument
One or more of the specified transformation flags is invalid.
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetTransformationsL(TUint aTransformations)
Specifies that either the original image data is to preserved, as far as possible,
or that the image data should be re-encoded to produce a more size-efficient image.
@param aPreserveImageData Requests that the aspect ratio be preserved
Defaults to false
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetPreserveImageData(TBool aPreserveImageData)
Requests that a suitable plugin be selected and instantiated.
@leave KErrNotFound
No suitable plugin was found
@leave KErrNotReady
A required parameter was not set before this call.
@leave KErrArgument
A parameter incompatible with the transformation options was previously set.
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::SetupL()
Initiates an asynchronous image transform operation.
The framework will panic if no plugin has been instantiated already.
@param aStatus
Request status to signal when scaling is complete.
@panic EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::Transform(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
Cancels any asynchronous image transform operation currently in progress.
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::CancelTransform()
Resets all SetXXX() calls so that the state is the same as that immediately
after a call to NewL(). Deletes the plugin if one is loaded.
EXPORT_C void CImageTransform::Reset()
Gets a pointer to a plugin extension
@panic EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
@return A pointer to a fully constructed CImageTransformPluginExtension
NULL, if there is no extension to the plugin
EXPORT_C CImageTransformPluginExtension* CImageTransform::Extension() const
return iBody->Extension();
Gets a pointer to a plugin extension
@panic EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
@param "aExtensionUid"
Uid of the required extension
@param "aError"
System wide error
@return A pointer to a fully constructed CImageTransformPluginExtension
NULL, if there is no extension to the plugin
EXPORT_C CImageTransformPluginExtension* CImageTransform::Extension(TUid aExtensionUid, TInt& aError) const
return iBody->Extension(aExtensionUid, aError);