// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <bitdev.h>
#include <mdaimageconverter.h>
#include "MdaImageConverter.inl"
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include "CompatAids.h"
// const TInt KWaitTimeMax = 8; // EABI warning removal
// const TInt KWaitTimeIncrement = 250000; // 0.25s // EABI warning removal
#endif // defined(__ECOM_POWERDOWN_WORKAROUND)
GLREF_C void Panic (TInt aPanic);
// CMdaImageUtility
CMdaImageUtility::CMdaImageUtility() : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
delete iProperties;
Closes the open file-based or descriptor-based image.
Any conversion operation in progress is cancelled.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageUtility::Close()
void CMdaImageUtility::DoClose()
void CMdaImageUtility::SelfComplete(TInt aError)
TRequestStatus *status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete(status, aError);
Retrieves information about the specified frame.
This function should only be called after an existing image has been
successfully opened or a new image successfully created.
@param aFrame
The frame number. This value is relative to zero. The
value must be less than the total number of frames in
the image, otherwise the function raises a USER 0
@param aInfo
A reference to the frame information.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageUtility::FrameInfo(TInt aFrame, TFrameInfo& aInfo) const
iProperties->FrameInfo(aFrame, aInfo);
Returns the number of frames in the image, counting from the first frame in the image, to the next frame to be decoded.
The image conversion utilities do not scan all the image data on calling OpenL(), just the header. Therefore, if, as in
the case of an animated gif, there is no frame count in the header, then until all the frames in the image have been
decoded, the total frame count is unknown. Initially therefore, FrameCount() returns 1, but this increments as each frame
is decoded, and the utility reads the next frame's header. Once the last frame has been decoded, all frames are available
for access as the information about each frame is stored.
@return The number of frames in the image
EXPORT_C TInt CMdaImageUtility::FrameCount() const
return iProperties->FrameCount();
void CMdaImageUtility::ImageUtil_Reserved1()
void CMdaImageUtility::ImageUtil_Reserved2()
void CMdaImageUtility::ImageUtil_Reserved3()
void CMdaImageUtility::ImageUtil_Reserved4()
void CMdaImageUtility::DoCancel()
void CMdaImageUtility::MoscoStateChangeEvent(CBase* /*aObject*/, TInt /*aPreviousState*/,
TInt /*aCurrentState*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
// CMdaImageDataReadUtility
Default destructor.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,TInt aFrameNumber)
Properties()->ConvertL(aBitmap, aFrameNumber);
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,CFbsBitmap& aMaskBitmap,TInt aFrameNumber)
Properties()->ConvertL(aBitmap, aMaskBitmap, aFrameNumber);
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::CancelConvertL()
void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::RunL()
void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::DoCancel()
Returns a particular comment attached to a given frame of the image
This function has been superceded by the parallel one in CImageDecoder,
as this assumes that each frame has a comment within it, which is not always the case.
@param aFrameNumber The Frame Number within the image from which to retrieve the specified comment
@return The specified comment
EXPORT_C const TDesC& CMdaImageDataReadUtility::FrameCommentL(TInt aFrameNumber)
return Properties()->FrameCommentL(aFrameNumber);
// Used to ensure ordinals in MediaClientImage.def file remain unchanged
// CMdaImageDataReadUtility::SourcePort() was removed from the public API
EXPORT_C void ImageReadUtilSourcePort_Reserved()
void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ImageReadUtil_Reserved2()
void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ImageReadUtil_Reserved3()
void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::ImageReadUtil_Reserved4()
void CMdaImageDataReadUtility::DoClose()
// CMdaImageDataWriteUtility
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,TInt aFrameNumber)
Properties()->ConvertL(aBitmap, aFrameNumber);
@param aBitmap
Not used.
@param aSourceRect
Not used.
@param aFrameNumber
Not used.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& /*aBitmap*/,const TRect& /*aSourceRect*/,TInt /*aFrameNumber*/)
@see CMdaImageUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,CFbsBitmap& aMaskBitmap,TInt aFrameNumber)
@param aBitmap
Not used.
@param aMaskBitmap
Not used.
@param aFrameNumber
Not used.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& /*aBitmap*/,CFbsBitmap& /*aMaskBitmap*/,TInt /*aFrameNumber*/)
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::CancelConvertL()
void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::RunL()
void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::DoCancel()
CImageEncoder* CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::Encoder() const
return Properties()->Encoder();
void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ImageWriteUtil_Reserved1()
void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ImageWriteUtil_Reserved2()
void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::ImageWriteUtil_Reserved3()
void CMdaImageDataWriteUtility::DoClose()
// CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility
Constructs a new instance of the file based image to bitmap conversion
utility object.
The function leaves if this object cannot be created.
@param aObserver
The image utility observer interface
@param aServer
A pointer to a server object. The default is NULL
which means that one is automatically constructed and
owned by this conversion utility object. If not NULL,
the client must construct, and be responsible for, the
server object. This option may be more efficient if a
number of conversion utility objects are to be
@return A pointer to the new instance of the file based image to
bitmap conversion utility.
EXPORT_C CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility* CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility::NewL(MMdaImageUtilObserver& aObserver,CMdaServer* /*aServer*/)
CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility* self = new(ELeave) CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility();
self->iProperties = CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtilityPriv::NewL(aObserver, self);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
Opens the existing file based image.
The function is asynchronous. When the operation is complete,
successfully or otherwise, the callback function
MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoOpenComplete() is called.Open
must complete successfully before starting any conversion operation.
The function can complete with KErrUnderflow, if there is
insufficient information in the file. Typically, this occurs when
using the file as a cache. In this situation, open should be performed
repeatedly until the file has accumulated enough information for the
operation to complete with KErrNone.NotesThe optional
parameters can be used to force the Media Server to interpret the file
as being of a specific type. This is necessary for formats such as WAP
wireless bitmap where the supplied file does not contain a uniquely
recognisable signature.
@param aFileName
The full path name of the file.
@param aFormat
The data format. This is optional.
@param aCodec
The codec to use. This is optional.
@param aExtra
Any additional information which the Media Server may need
to recognise the data format. This is optional.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageFileToBitmapUtility::OpenL(const TDesC& aFileName,TMdaClipFormat* aFormat,TMdaPackage* aCodec,TMdaPackage* aExtra)
Properties()->OpenL(aFileName, aFormat, aCodec, aExtra);
// CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility
Constructs a new instance of the descriptor-based image to bitmap
conversion utility object.
The function leaves if this object cannot be created.
@param aObserver
The image utility observer interface.
@param aServer
A pointer to a server object. The default is NULL
which means that one is automatically constructed and
owned by this conversion utility object. If not NULL,
the client must construct, and be responsible for, the
server object. This option may be more efficient if a
number of conversion utility objects are to be
@return A pointer to the new instance of the descriptor-based
image to bitmap conversion utility
EXPORT_C CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility* CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility::NewL(MMdaImageUtilObserver& aObserver,CMdaServer* /*aServer*/)
CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility* self = new(ELeave) CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility();
self->iProperties = CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtilityPriv::NewL(aObserver, self);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
Opens the descriptor-based image.
The function is asynchronous. When the open operation is complete,
successfully or otherwise, the callback function
MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoOpenComplete() is called.Open
must complete successfully before starting any conversion operation.
The function can complete with KErrUnderflow, if there is
insufficient information in the descriptor. Typically, this occurs
when using the descriptor as a cache. In this situation, open should
be performed repeatedly until the descriptor has accumulated enough
information for the operation to complete with
The optional parameters can be used to
force the Media Server to interpret the descriptor-based data as being
of a specific type. This is necessary for formats such as WAP wireless
bitmap where the supplied descriptor does not contain a uniquely
recognisable signature.
@param aDescriptor
A descriptor containing the image.
@param aFormat
The data format. This is optional.
@param aCodec
The codec to use. This is optional.
@param aExtra
Additional information which the Media Server may need
to recognise the data format. This is optional.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageDescToBitmapUtility::OpenL(const TDesC8& aDescriptor,TMdaClipFormat* aFormat,TMdaPackage* aCodec,TMdaPackage* aExtra)
Properties()->OpenL(aDescriptor, aFormat, aCodec, aExtra);
// CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility
Constructs a new instance of the bitmap to file-based image conversion
The function leaves if this object cannot be created.
@param aObserver
The image utility observer interface
@param aServer
A pointer to a server object. The default is NULL
which means that one is automatically constructed and
owned by this conversion utility object. If not NULL,
the client must construct, and be responsible for, the
server object. This option may be more efficient if a
number of conversion utility objects are to be
@return A pointer to the new instance of the bitmap to
file-based image conversion utility.
EXPORT_C CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility* CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility::NewL(MMdaImageUtilObserver& aObserver,CMdaServer* /*aServer*/)
CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility* self = new(ELeave) CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility();
self->iProperties = CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtilityPriv::NewL(aObserver, self);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
Creates a new file to receive the file-based image.
The function is asynchronous. When the operation is complete,
successfully or otherwise, the callback function
MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoCreateComplete() is called. The
file must be have been created before any conversion operation can
start. Note, however, that the file will expand to accommodate the
data i.e. image data is not truncated if the original size of the
file is too small.
@param aFileName
The full path name of the file to be created.
@param aFormat
The data format.
@param aCodec
The codec to use.
@param aExtra
Any additional information which the Media Server may need
to recognise the data format.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageBitmapToFileUtility::CreateL(const TDesC& aFileName,TMdaClipFormat* aFormat,TMdaPackage* aCodec,TMdaPackage* aExtra)
Properties()->CreateL(aFileName, aFormat, aCodec, aExtra);
// CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility
Constructs a new instance of the bitmap to descriptor-based image
conversion utility.
The function leaves if this object cannot be created.
@param aObserver
The image utility observer interface
@param aServer
A pointer to a server object. The default is NULL
which means that one is automatically constructed and
owned by this conversion utility object. If not NULL,
the client must construct, and be responsible for, the
server object. This option may be more efficient if a
number of conversion utility objects are to be
@return A pointer to the new instance of the bitmap to
descriptor-based image conversion utility.
EXPORT_C CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility* CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility::NewL(MMdaImageUtilObserver& aObserver,CMdaServer* /*aServer*/)
CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility* self = new(ELeave) CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility();
self->iProperties = CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtilityPriv::NewL(aObserver, self);
return self;
Initialises the supplied descriptor to receive the descriptor-based
The function is asynchronous. When the operation is complete,
successfully or otherwise, the callback function
MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoCreateComplete() is called.The
descriptor must have been successfully initialised before any
conversion operation can start.
@param aDescriptor
A descriptor to contain the image.
@param aFormat
The data format. This is optional.
@param aCodec
The codec to use. This is optional.
@param aExtra
Additional information which the Media Server may need
to recognise the data format. This is optional.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageBitmapToDescUtility::CreateL(TDes8& aDescriptor,TMdaClipFormat* aFormat,TMdaPackage* aCodec,TMdaPackage* aExtra)
Properties()->CreateL(aDescriptor, aFormat, aCodec, aExtra);
Constructs and initialises a new instance of the bitmap converter.
The function leaves if the bitmap converter object cannot be created.
@param aObserver
The image utility observer interface.
@param aServer
A pointer to a server object. The default is NULL which means that one is automatically constructed
and owned by this conversion utility object. If not NULL, the client must construct, and be responsible
for, the server object. This option may be more efficient if a number of conversion utility objects
are to be created.
@return A pointer to the new bitmap converter object.
EXPORT_C CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility* CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::NewL(MMdaImageUtilObserver& aObserver, CMdaServer* /* aServer */)
CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility* self = new(ELeave) CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility();
self->iProperties = CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtilityPriv::NewL(aObserver, self);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
EXPORT_C CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::~CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility()
Opens the bitmap converter utility.
The function is asynchronous. When the open operation is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback
function MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoOpenComplete() is called.
The source bitmap must be open before any conversion operation can start.
@param aBitmap
The bitmap to be used as the source for subsequent conversions.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::OpenL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap)
Converts a bitmap.
The operation is asynchronous. When the conversion operation is complete, successfully or
otherwise, the callback function MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoConvertComplete() is called.
@param aBitmap
The destination bitmap.
@param aFrameNumber
The frame number. This value is relative to zero.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, TInt aFrameNumber)
Properties()->ConvertL(aBitmap, aFrameNumber);
Converts a bitmap with a mask. Not supported
@param aBitmap
A reference to the bitmap which is the target of the conversion operation.
@param aMaskBitmap
The overloaded variant which takes this argument is not supported for bitmap to bitmap
conversion. This variant leaves with KErrNotSupported.
@param aFrameNumber
The frame number. This value is relative to zero.
@since Not supported
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& /* aBitmap */, CFbsBitmap& /* aMaskBitmap */, TInt /* aFrameNumber = 0 */)
Cancels any conversion in progress.
The callback function MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoConvertComplete() is not called.
EXPORT_C void CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::CancelConvertL()
void CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::RunL()
Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
void CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::DoCancel()
void CMdaImageBitmapToBitmapUtility::DoClose()