// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Mmf\Common\MmfMidi.h
// Standard EPOC32 includes
#include <e32base.h>
// Public Media Server includes
#include <mmf/common/mmfbase.h>
#include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
#include <midiclientutility.h>
#include <mmf/common/mmfmidiconfig.h>
MIDI event usued by a MIDI controller to signal to a
client that a MIDI source open request has completed.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMidiOpenDataSourceComplete = {0x101F8F85};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a
client that play of a MIDI resource has commenced.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMidiPlaying = {0x101F8F86};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to
a client that play of a MIDI resource has commenced
but not all SP-MIDI requirements can be met.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMidiPlaybackIncompatible = {0x101F8F87};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that play
of a MIDI resource has commenced but due to system resource constraints
and SP-MIDI content constraints, there is no audible MIDI content
during playback.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMidiPlaybackSilent = {0x101F8F88};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to
a client that play of a MIDI resource has completed.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMidiPlayingComplete = {0x101F8F89};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to
a client a sync update event. The frequency of this event is
set by the client with SetSyncUpdateCallbackIntervalL.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMidiSyncUpdate = {0x101F8F8A};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to
a client that any currently opened resources have been closed.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMidiClose = {0x101F8F8B};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that the
MIDI controller has been primed and it's ready to play.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMidiPrime = {0x101F8F8C};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that the MIDI
resource has encountered a tempo change message in the MIDI data stream.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryTempoChanged = {0x101F8F8D};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that the MIDI
resource has encountered a volume change message in the MIDI data stream.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVolumeChanged = {0x101F8F8E};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that the
MIDI resource has encountered a mute message in the MIDI data stream.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMuteChanged = {0x101F8F8F};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that the polyphony
of the MIDI engine has changed.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryPolyphonyChanged = {0x101F8F90};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that
an instrument has been changed on a channel.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryInstrumentChanged = {0x101F8F91};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that a timed
meta data entry has been found in the MIDI data stream.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMetaDataEntryFound = {0x101F8F92};
MIDI event used by a MIDI controller to signal to a client that a
MIP message has been found in the MIDI data stream.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryMipMessageReceived = {0x101F8F93};