// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __PARSELINE_H__
#define __PARSELINE_H__
* Max len of string buffers
* @xxxx
const TInt KMaxLenStepData = 256;
const TInt KMaxLenScriptLine = 2000;
* Guard timer default
* @xxxx
const TInt KNoGuardTimer = -1L;
* constant that indicates that the panic reason should be ignored
const TInt KNoPanicReason = -1;
* This class is used for storing information on
* test suite DLLs currently loaded
* @xxxx
class CSuiteDll : public CBase
static CSuiteDll* NewL(const TDesC& aName, CLog* aLog);
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aName, CLog* aLog);
// accessors
CTestSuite* Suite() const;
TPtrC Name() const;
CLog* iLog;
RLibrary iLibrary; // DLL Library
CTestSuite* iTestSuite; // pointer to Test suite object
TBuf<KMaxLenTestSuiteName> iName; // name of the test suite
* CStepData class used for passing test step data to the step thread
* JW 03-01-03 : rewritten from TStepData to use heap - avoiding stack overflow
* @xxxx
class CStepData
// constructor
static CStepData* NewL(const TDesC& aStep, const TDesC& aConfig, CSuiteDll* aSuite);
static CStepData* NewL(const TDesC& aStep, const TDesC& aConfig, const TDesC& aParamSet, CSuiteDll* aSuite);
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aStep, const TDesC& aConfig, const TDesC& aParamSet, CSuiteDll* aSuite);
// accessors
TPtrC Step() const;
TPtrC Config() const;
const TDesC& ParamSet() const;
CSuiteDll* SuiteDll() const;
TBuf<KMaxLenStepData> iStep;
TBuf<KMaxLenStepData> iConfig;
TBuf<KMaxLenStepData> iParamSet;
CSuiteDll* iSuite;
* CParseLine - the main test script interpreter
* @xxxx
class CParseLine : public CBase
static CParseLine* NewL(CScript* aScript, CTestUtils* aTestUtils, CLog* aLog, TInt64 aGuardTimer, const TDesC& aMatchString);
CParseLine(const TDesC& aMatchString);
void ConstructL(CScript* aScript, CTestUtils* aTestUtils, CLog* aLog, TInt64 aGuardTimer);
void ProcessLineL(const TDesC8& aNarrowline, TInt aLineNo); // process a line of script
// accessors
TPtrC CurrentSuiteName() const;
TPtrC CurrentStepName() const;
// thread functions
static TInt ThreadFunctionL (TAny* aPtr);
static TInt ThreadTrapFunctionL (TAny* aPtr);
// script keyword commands
void ScriptPrint(const TDesC& aText);
void RunScriptL(const TDesC& aText);
void RunTestStep(const TDesC& aText);
void RunPanicTestStep(const TDesC& aText);
void RunTerminationTestStep(const TDesC& aText);
void RunUtil(const TDesC& aText);
void LoadSuiteL(const TDesC& aText);
void Reboot();
TVerdict DoTestNewThread(const TDesC& aSuite, const TDesC& aStep,
TInt64 aGuardTimerValue, const TDesC& aConfig, const TDesC& aParamSet);
TVerdict DoPanicTest(const TDesC& aSuite, const TDesC& aStep, TInt64 aGuardTimerValue, const TExitCategoryName aExitCategory, TInt aExitReason, const TDesC& aConfig, const TDesC& aParamSet);
TVerdict DoTerminationTest(const TDesC& aSuite, const TDesC& aStep, TInt64 aGuardTimerValue, TInt aExitReason, const TDesC& aConfig);
void GetHeapAndStackSize(const CStepData* aStepData, TInt* aHeapSize, TInt* aStackSize);
void Unload();
void HeapMark();
void HeapCheck();
void RequestMark();
void RequestCheck();
void HandlesMark();
void HandlesCheck();
void RunProgram(const TDesC& aText);
void TestComplete(const TDesC& aText);
void Delay(const TDesC& aText);
void SetSeverity(const TDesC& aText);
void LogSettings(const TDesC& aText);
// logger - use only with macros
void LogExtra(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity,
TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFmt, ...);
void CreateUniqueTestThreadL(const TDesC& aBaseName, TDes& aThreadName, RThread& aTestThread, TThreadFunction aFunction, TInt aStackSize, TInt aHeapMinSize, TInt aHeapMaxSize, TAny *aPtr);
// record of the current test suite / step name
TBuf<KMaxLenTestSuiteName> iCurrentSuiteName;
TBuf<KMaxLenTestStepName> iCurrentStepName;
// data members
TPath iTheTestPath; // test path
TInt iReqsAtStart;
TInt iProcessHandleCountBefore;
TInt iThreadHandleCountBefore;
// the current test result
TVerdict iTestVerdict;
// owner script
CScript* iScript;
// test utils
CTestUtils* iTestUtils;
// log
CLog* iLog;
// default guard timer, if any
TInt64 iGuardTimer;
// severity level
TInt iSeverity;
const TDesC& iMatchString;
TBool iSkip;
// array of CSuiteDll objects which contain
// information on the current loaded test suite DLLs
CArrayPtr<CSuiteDll>* iArrayLoadedSuiteDll;
// Flag to indicate that there has been an error
// and the user has selected to skip the rest of the script until a
// test result statement is found in the log
TBool iBreakOnError;
#endif // __PARSELINE_H__