author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:20:54 +0300
changeset 23 545d349d14da
parent 0 40261b775718
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201021 Kit: 2010123

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#include "sounddevicebody.h"
#include <a3f/mmfdevsoundcustominterfaceextensions.h>
#include <mmf/plugin/mmfdevsoundcustominterface.hrh>
#include <mm/mmpluginutils.h>

 *  Default Constructor.

 *  Destructor.
 *  Deletes all objects and releases all resource owned by this
 *  instance.
	// Clear the array of custom interfaces
	TInt numIfs = iCustomInterfaceArray.Count();
	for (TInt i = 0; i < numIfs; i++)

	// Delete the MUX utility
	delete iMuxUtility;

	if (iDevSoundProxy)
		delete iDevSoundProxy;
	// Delete the CI extension
	if (iCIExtension)

 *  Constructs, and returns a pointer to, a new CMMFDevSound::CBody object.
 *  Leaves on failure.
CMMFDevSound::CBody* CMMFDevSound::CBody::NewL()
	CBody* self = new (ELeave) CBody;
	return self;

 *  Second phase constructor.
void CMMFDevSound::CBody::ConstructL()
	// all these data properties should be NULL, but add ASSERTs to verify.
	iDevSoundProxy = new (ELeave) RMMFDevSoundProxy();
	TInt err = iDevSoundProxy->Open();
	// create Custom Interface MUX utility
	iMuxUtility = CMMFDevSoundCIMuxUtility::NewL(this);
	// Create Custom Interface extension
	RImplInfoPtrArray pluginArray;
	TUid interfaceUid = {KUidDevSoundCIClientExtension};
	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(interfaceUid, pluginArray);
	TUid destructorKey;
	if (pluginArray.Count() > 0)
		// One or more exists - use the 1st one found
		iCIExtension = static_cast<MDevSoundCIClientExtension*>
						(REComSession::CreateImplementationL(pluginArray[0]->ImplementationUid(), destructorKey));
	if (iCIExtension)
		// Extension exists. Complete the setup

 *  CMMFDevSound::InitializeL
 *  Initializes CMMFDevSound object. On completion of Initialization will
 *  call InitializeComplete() on aDevSoundObserver.
 *  Leaves on failure.
 *  @param  MDevSoundObserver&
 *          A reference to the DevSound Observer instance.
 *  @param  TMMFState
 *          A mode for which this object will be used.
void CMMFDevSound::CBody::InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver,
                                      TMMFState aMode)


	iDevSoundProxy->InitializeL(aDevSoundObserver, aMode, *this);

 *  CMMFDevSound::InitializeL
 *  Initializes CMMFDevSound object with hardware device with hardware
 *  device's FourCC code. On completion of Initialization will call
 *  InitializeComplete() on aDevSoundObserver.
 *  Leaves on failure.
 *  @param  MDevSoundObserver&
 *          A reference to the DevSound Observer instance.
 *  @param  TFourCC
 *          CMMFHwDevice implementation FourCC.
 *  @param  TMMFState
 *          A mode for which this object will be used.
void CMMFDevSound::CBody::InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver,
                                      TFourCC aDesiredFourCC,
                                      TMMFState aMode)
	iDevSoundProxy->InitializeL(aDevSoundObserver, aDesiredFourCC, aMode, *this);

 *  CMMFDevSound::CBody::CustomInterface
 *  Returns custom interface proxy object created by Proxy Custom Interface
 *  Utility.
 *  @param  TUid
 *          UID of the custom interface object to be started.
 *  @return TAny*
 *          Pointer to the Interface Returned by the DevSoundProxy member.
TAny* CMMFDevSound::CBody::CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId)
	// check if this UID refers to CancelInitialize()
	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundCancelInitializeCustomInterface)
		MMMFDevSoundCancelInitialize* result = this; 
		return result;
	// check if this UID refers to EmptyBuffers()
	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundEmptyBuffersCustomInterface)
		MMMFDevSoundEmptyBuffers* result = this; 
		return result;
	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundAudioResourceCustomInterface)
		MAutoPauseResumeSupport* result = this; 
		return result;

	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundTimePlayedCustomInterface)
		MMMFDevSoundTimePlayed* result = this; 
		return result;
	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundQueryIgnoresUnderflowCustomInterface)
		MMMFDevSoundQueryIgnoresUnderflow* result = this;
		return result;
	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundAudioClientThreadInfoCustomInterface)
		MAudioClientThreadInfo* result = this; 
		return result;

	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundTruePauseCustomInterface)
		MMMFDevSoundTruePause* result = this;
		return result;

	// first check if we already have resolved a custom interface of this type
	TInt index = FindCustomInterface(aInterfaceId);
	MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceMuxPlugin* ptr = NULL;
	// if we found the interface, take a copy of this instead
	if (index != KNullHandle)
		// check our index is valid
		ptr = iCustomInterfaceArray[index-1].iInterface;
		if (ptr)		
			return ptr->CustomInterface(aInterfaceId);
		// else try and instantiate a plugin tunnelling
		// pair to support this Custom Interface
		TRAPD(err, ptr = iMuxUtility->CreateCustomInterfaceMuxL(aInterfaceId));
		if (ptr && (err == KErrNone))
			TMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceData data;
			data.iInterface = ptr;
			data.iId = aInterfaceId;
			// attempt to open remote demux
			// this will store a handle in the mux plugin if successful
			// and also return it here - invalid handle = -1
			data.iHandle = ptr->OpenInterface(aInterfaceId);
			// if the handle is greater than zero then we know we have
			// successfully opened the interface
			if (data.iHandle > KNullHandle)
				// append this to the current interface list
				TInt err = KErrNone;
				err = iCustomInterfaceArray.Append(data);
				if (err == KErrNone)
					// return the custom interface on the ptr
					return ptr->CustomInterface(aInterfaceId);
				// no memory or other problem so shut down interface
				ptr = NULL;
	if (iCIExtension)
		// CI Extension exists, see if it supports the interface
		TAny* interface;
		TInt err = iCIExtension->CustomInterfaceExtension(aInterfaceId, interface);
		if (err == KErrNone)
			return interface;
	// No Mux/DeMux support & no support from CI Extension, if here
	// So, its not supported	
	return NULL;

TInt CMMFDevSound::CBody::FindCustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId)
	TInt index = KNullHandle;
	TInt count = iCustomInterfaceArray.Count();
	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if (iCustomInterfaceArray[i].iId == aInterfaceId)
			index = i+1; // use index+1 as the handle, so 0 is undefined/not-found
	return index;

void CMMFDevSound::CBody::CloseCustomInterface(TInt aIndex)
	TInt count = iCustomInterfaceArray.Count();
	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if(iCustomInterfaceArray[i].iHandle == aIndex)

TInt CMMFDevSound::CBody::GetTimePlayed(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime)
	return iDevSoundProxy->GetTimePlayed(aTime);

TBool CMMFDevSound::CBody::QueryIgnoresUnderflow()
	return ETrue;

TInt CMMFDevSound::CBody::SetClientThreadInfo(TThreadId aTid)
	return iDevSoundProxy->SetClientThreadInfo(aTid);
// End of File