author William Roberts <>
Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:47:59 +0100
changeset 36 6320e299b97a
parent 0 40261b775718
permissions -rw-r--r--
Catchup to latest Symbian^4

// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:


#include <s32mem.h>
#include "mmfsubtitlegraphic.h"
#include "mmfsubtitlegraphicmessage.h"

// Constants
const TUid KSubtitleGraphicDrawerImplId      = {0x10285C9C};
const TUint KMaxSupportedFrames				 = 2;

Standard constructor for CMMFSubtitleGraphic

Standard destructor
EXPORT_C CMMFSubtitleGraphic::~CMMFSubtitleGraphic()
	delete iTempBitmap;

Allocates and constructs a CMMFSubtitleGraphic object
EXPORT_C CMMFSubtitleGraphic* CMMFSubtitleGraphic::NewL()
    CMMFSubtitleGraphic* self = new(ELeave) CMMFSubtitleGraphic;
    return self;

Performs 2nd phase construction for CMMFSubtitleGraphic
void CMMFSubtitleGraphic::ConstructL()
	CWsGraphic::BaseConstructL(KSubtitleGraphicDrawerImplId, KNullDesC8);
	iTempBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();

// From CWsGraphic
void CMMFSubtitleGraphic::OnReplace()

void CMMFSubtitleGraphic::HandleMessage(const TDesC8& /*aData*/)
// End from CWsGraphic

Requests that the content rendering plugin clears all content from the window
EXPORT_C void CMMFSubtitleGraphic::Clear()
	TSubtitleCrpMsgClear clear;
    const TPckgC<TSubtitleCrpMsgClear> message(clear);
    // Flush window server msg queue.. msg will sit there otherwise...

Draws the bitmap frame indicated by aFrameHandle

@param aFrameHandle 	A CFbsBitmap handle, used as a source framebuffer by the CRP.
@param aDisplayDuration The time in microseconds that this frame should be 
                        displayed for.  The CRP will clear this frame after
                        aDisplayDuration microseconds.  Note if the display duration
                        is 0 the frame will be cleared when a subsequent frame is drawn,
                        or when Clear() is called.
@param aDirtyRegion 	The decoder returns the region of the subtitle frame
                     	that has been updated.  i.e. the region that contains 
                     	new subtitle content
@return  				KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrArgument on an invalid
						aDirtyRegion/aFrameHandle, or KErrNotReady if the corresponding
						Initialize() function has not been called
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSubtitleGraphic::DrawFrame(TInt aFrameHandle, const TRect& aDirtyRegion, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDisplayDuration)
	if ((aDirtyRegion.Width()==0)||(aDirtyRegion.Height()==0))
		return KErrArgument;
	if ( KErrNone!=CheckBitmapHandle(aFrameHandle) )
		return KErrArgument;
	if ( ESubtitleGraphicStateInitSimple!=iState )
		return KErrNotReady;
	TSubtitleCrpMsgDrawFrame messageContent(aFrameHandle, aDirtyRegion, aDisplayDuration);
	TPckgBuf<TSubtitleCrpMsgDrawFrame> message(messageContent);
    // Flush window server msg queue.. msg will sit there otherwise...
    return KErrNone;

Requests that the CRP initializes.  The reference CRP duplicates and stores
both bitmap handles for future DrawFrame requests.  This function is to be 
used in conjunction with SwapFrame() only.

@param 	aBuffer1 A CFbsBitmap handle, will require duplication before use.  
		The reference CRP implementation treats this as the primary buffer 
		on startup, i.e. this handle should be used for the initial subtitle frame.
@param 	aBuffer2 A CFbsBitmap handle, will require duplication before use.
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrArgument on an invalid aBuffer1/aBuffer2
@see CFbsBitmap::Duplicate(TInt)
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSubtitleGraphic::Initialize(TInt aBuffer1, TInt aBuffer2)
	if ( (CheckBitmapHandle(aBuffer1)!=KErrNone) || 
		return KErrArgument;
	iState = ESubtitleGraphicStateInit;
	TSubtitleCrpMsgInit messageContent(aBuffer1, aBuffer2);
	TPckgBuf<TSubtitleCrpMsgInit> message(messageContent);
    // Flush window server msg queue.. msg will sit there otherwise...
    return KErrNone;

Requests that the CRP initializes.  The reference CRP does nothing on 
receiving this request.  This function is to be used in conjunction with 
DrawFrame() only.
EXPORT_C void CMMFSubtitleGraphic::Initialize()
	TSubtitleCrpMsgInitSimple simple;
	TPckgBuf<TSubtitleCrpMsgInitSimple> message(simple);
	iState = ESubtitleGraphicStateInitSimple;
    // Flush window server msg queue.. msg will sit there otherwise...

Requests that the CRP draws the requested internal buffer. 
The CRP maintains two internal buffers the handle for which are provided at initialisation
time. See CMMFSubtitleGraphic::Initialize(TInt aBuffer1, TInt aBuffer2).

@param 	aExpectedBuffer The index number of the internal frame the crp should draw.
@param 	aDisplayDuration The time in microseconds that this frame should be displayed for.
    					 The CRP will clear this frame after aDisplayDuration microseconds
@param   aDirtyRegion The decoder returns the region of the subtitle frame that has been
            		  updated.  i.e. the region that contains new subtitle content
@return KErrNone if successful.  KErrArgument if an invalid aExpectedBuffer, aDirtyRegion, or
aDisplayDuration are given.  KErrNotReady if the corresponding Initialize() function has not been called.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSubtitleGraphic::SwapFrame(TUint aExpectedBuffer, const TRect& aDirtyRegion, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDisplayDuration)
	if ((aExpectedBuffer > KMaxSupportedFrames) || (aExpectedBuffer == 0))
		return KErrArgument;
	if ((aDirtyRegion.Width() <= 0)||(aDirtyRegion.Height() <= 0))
		return KErrArgument;
	if (ESubtitleGraphicStateInit!=iState)
		return KErrNotReady;
	if (aDisplayDuration < 0)
		return KErrArgument;
	TSubtitleCrpMsgRenderSwapFrame messageData(aExpectedBuffer, aDirtyRegion, aDisplayDuration);
	TPckgBuf<TSubtitleCrpMsgRenderSwapFrame> message(messageData);
    // Flush window server msg queue.. msg will sit there otherwise...
    return KErrNone;
Checks that the given handle is valid
@param 	aHandle A bitmap handle
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrArgument if aHandle is invalid
@see CFbsBitmap::Handle()
TInt CMMFSubtitleGraphic::CheckBitmapHandle(TInt aHandle)
	// Check framehandle is valid.
	TInt err = iTempBitmap->Duplicate(aHandle);
	if ( KErrUnknown==err )
		return KErrArgument;
	return err;