// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <ecamviewfinder.h>
#include <ecam/ecamadvsettingsintfuids.hrh>
class MImplementationFactory;
/** This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraV2DirectViewFinder, via the
CCamera::CustomInterface() call. */
static const TUid KECamMCameraV2DirectViewFinderUid = {KECamMCameraV2DirectViewFinderUidValue};
/** This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraClientViewFinder, via the
CCamera::CustomInterface() call. */
static const TUid KECamMCameraClientViewFinderUid = {KECamMCameraClientViewFinderUidValue};
/** This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraViewFinder for v2 direct viewfinder, via the
CCamera::CustomInterface() call. */
static const TUid KECamMCameraBaseV2DirectViewFinderUid = {KECamMCameraBaseV2DirectViewFinderUidValue};
/** This is the UID which is used to obtain the interface MCameraViewFinder for client viewfinder, via the
CCamera::CustomInterface() call. */
static const TUid KECamMCameraBaseClientViewFinderUid = {KECamMCameraBaseClientViewFinderUidValue};
This is the UID which is used to obtain the MCameraDirectSnapshot interface,
via a call to CCamera::CustomInterface(), which provides implementation of the M-class interface.
@see KECamMCameraDirectSnapshotUidValue
static const TUid KECamMCameraDirectSnapshotUid = {KECamMCameraDirectSnapshotUidValue};
/** Mixin class for implementation of viewfinder methods common to both client and direct viewfinder. These methods will
be called in the context of either client viewfinder or direct viewfinder.
class MCameraViewFinder
Releases the interface.
virtual void Release()=0;
Retrieves the fading capabilites for a particular viewfinder.
@param aVFFadingCapabilities
Retrieves the fading capabilities associated with the given viewfinder.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetViewFinderFadingCapabilitiesL(CCameraViewFinder::TViewFinderFadingCapabilities& aVFFadingCapabilities) const=0;
Retrieves the current fading effect/control being used for a particular viewfinder.
@param aCurrentVFFadingEffect
Retrieves the fading effects associated with the given viewfinder.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetViewFinderFadingEffectL(CCameraViewFinder::TViewFinderFadingEffect& aCurrentVFFadingEffect) const=0;
Sets the fading effect/control for a particular viewfinder.
@param aVFFadingEffect
The desired fading effects associated with the given viewfinder.
@note Event KUidECamEvent2ViewFinderFadingEffect is used to notify the requesting client about setting of the
fading effect.
virtual void SetViewFinderFadingEffect(const CCameraViewFinder::TViewFinderFadingEffect& aVFFadingEffect)=0;
Retrieves the handle number which represents the given viewfinder object.
@param aVFHandle
The viewfinder handle
@leave May leave with any error code.
@note KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle is used to refer to the viewfinder started using CCamera methods.
virtual void GetViewFinderHandleL(TInt& aVFHandle) const=0;
Mixin class for implementation of CCameraV2DirectViewFinder methods.
class MCameraV2DirectViewFinder
Releases the interface.
@param aDirectViewFinderHandle
The pointer to the direct viewfinder class object which would be destroyed by the client.
virtual void Release(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder* aDirectViewFinderHandle)=0;
Retrieves the concrete factory handle for the histogram implementation in order to
use it specifically for a particular viewfinder.
@param aImplFactoryPtr
The concrete factory handle for the histogram implementation specific to the given view finder.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void CreateHistogramImplFactoryL(MImplementationFactory*& aImplFactoryPtr) const=0;
Retrieves the concrete factory handle for the image processing implementation in order to
use it specifically for a particular viewfinder.
@param aImplFactoryPtr
The concrete factory handle for the image processing implementation specific to the given view finder.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetImageProcessingImplFactoryL(MImplementationFactory*& aImplFactoryPtr) const=0;
Provides the interface pointers for the concrete implementation of CCameraDirectSnapshot.
@param aInterface
Interface uid for a particular M-class of direct snapshot.
@return Interface pointer.
virtual TAny* GetDirectSnapshotImpl(TUid aInterface) const=0;
The observer for the direct view finder is passed to the implementation for passing callbacks on it.
@param aDirectViewFinderObserver
The reference to the direct view finder observer.
virtual void SetDirectViewFinderObserver(MDirectViewFinderObserver& aDirectViewFinderObserver)=0;
The pointer to the client view finder class used to pass back to the client via observer callbacks. Implementation is
not supposed to destroy this object.
@param aDirectViewFinderHandle
The pointer to the direct view finder class object.
@see MDirectViewFinderObserver
virtual void SetDirectViewFinderHandle(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder* aDirectViewFinderHandle)=0;
Creates a new viewfinder and starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using direct
screen access.
The aScreenRect parameter is in screen coordinates and may be modified if,
for example, the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment, and so on.
@param aWs
Window server session.
@param aScreenDevice
Screen device.
@param aWindow
Displayable window.
@param aScreenRect
Portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be
transferred. This is in screen co-ordinates and may be modified if, for example,
the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment.
@leave KErrInUse if another direct viewfinder is running with the same set of window parameters. May leave with any other error code.
@note MDirectViewFinderObserver::DirectViewFinderFirstFrameDisplayed() will be used to notify clients that the first
frame has been displayed.
virtual void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs, CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice, RWindowBase& aWindow, TRect& aScreenRect)=0;
Creates a new viewfinder and starts transfer of view finder data to the given portion of the screen using direct screen
access and also clips to the specified portion of the screen.
The view finder has the same size and position as aScreenRect but is only
visible in the intersection of aScreenRect and aClipRect. May leave with KErrNotSupported
or KErrNotReady if Reserve() has not been called, or has not yet completed.
@param aWs
Window server session.
@param aScreenDevice
Screen device.
@param aWindow
Displayable window.
@param aScreenRect
Portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be
transferred. This is in screen coordinates and may be modified if, for example,
the camera requires the destination to have a certain byte alignment.
@param aClipRect
The rectangle to which the screen will be clipped.
@leave KErrInUse if another direct viewfinder is running with the same set of window parameters. May leave with any other error code.
@note MDirectViewFinderObserver::DirectViewFinderFirstFrameDisplayed() will be used to notify clients that the first
frame has been displayed.
virtual void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs, CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,
RWindowBase& aWindow, TRect& aScreenRect, TRect& aClipRect)=0;
Retrieves the parameters associated with the direct viewfinder.
@param aScreenNumber
Retrieves the screen number on which the direct viewfinder is supposed to run.
@param aScreenRect
Retrieves the TRect which identifies the portion of the screen to which view finder data is to be transferred.
@param aClipRect
Retrieves the TRect which identifies the rectangle to which the screen will be clipped.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetDirectViewFinderPropertiesL(TInt& aScreenNumber, TRect& aScreenRect, TRect& aClipRect) const=0;
Pauses the direct viewfinder.
virtual void PauseViewFinderDirect()=0;
Resumes the direct viewfinder
@note MDirectViewFinderObserver::DirectViewFinderFirstFrameDisplayed() will be used to notify clients that the first
frame has been displayed.
virtual void ResumeViewFinderDirect()=0;
Retrieves the state of the direct viewfinder.
@param aViewFinderState
Retrieves the state of the direct viewfinder.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetViewFinderStateL(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder::TViewFinderState& aViewFinderState) const=0;
Stops the direct viewfinder.
virtual void StopDirectViewFinder()=0;
Mixin class for implementation of camera client viewfinder.
class MCameraClientViewFinder
Releases the interface.
@param aClientViewFinderHandle
The pointer to the client viewfinder class object which would be destroyed by the client.
virtual void Release(CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder* aClientViewFinderHandle)=0;
Retrieves the concrete factory handle for the histogram implementation in order to
use it specifically for a particular viewfinder.
@param aImplFactoryPtr
The concrete factory handle for the histogram implementation specific to the given view finder.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void CreateHistogramImplFactoryL(MImplementationFactory*& aImplFactoryPtr) const=0;
Retrieves the concrete factory handle for the image processing implementation in order to
use it specifically for a particular viewfinder.
@param aImplFactoryPtr
The concrete factory handle for the image processing implementation specific to the given view finder.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetImageProcessingImplFactoryL(MImplementationFactory*& aImplFactoryPtr) const=0;
The observer for the client view finder is passed to the implementation for passing callbacks on it.
@param aClientViewFinderObserver
The reference to the client view finder observer.
virtual void SetClientViewFinderObserver(MClientViewFinderObserver& aClientViewFinderObserver)=0;
The pointer to the client view finder class used to pass back to the client via observer callbacks. Implementation is
not supposed to destroy this object.
@param aClientViewFinderObserver
The pointer to the client view finder class object.
@see MClientViewFinderObserver
virtual void SetClientViewFinderHandle(CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder* aClientViewFinderHandle)=0;
Creates a new viewfinder and starts transfer of view finder data.
Availability of viewfinder data is notified by MClientViewFinderObserver::ViewFinderBufferReady().
@param aScreenNumber
The screen number on which the client viewfinder is supposed to run.
@param aImageFormat
The image format requested by the client.
@param aSize
On return, the size used. The size may be modified by the implementation because of hardware constraints and
byte alignment.
@leave May leave with any error code.
@note KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle is used to refer to the viewfinder started using CCamera methods.
@see CCamera::StartViewFinderL(TFormat aImageFormat,TSize& aSize)
virtual void StartClientViewFinderL(TInt aScreenNumber, CCamera::TFormat aImageFormat, TSize& aSize)=0;
Creates a new viewfinder and starts transfer of view finder data. Also, clips the picture to the specified clip rectangle.
Availability of viewfinder data is notified by MClientViewFinderObserver::ViewFinderBufferReady().
The picture is the size of the intersection of aSize and aClipRect, not simply
aSize padded with white space.
@param aScreenNumber
The screen number on which the client viewfinder is supposed to run.
@param aImageFormat
The image format.
@param aSize
On return, the size used. The size may be modified by the implementation because of hardware constraints and
byte alignment.
@param aClipRect
Required clip rectangle. May be modified if, for example,
the camera only supports certain byte alignments.
@leave May leave with any error code.
@note KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle is used to refer viewfinder started using CCamera methods.
@see CCamera::StartViewFinderL(TFormat aImageFormat,TSize& aSize,TRect& aClipRect)
virtual void StartClientViewFinderL(TInt aScreenNumber, CCamera::TFormat aImageFormat, TSize& aSize, TRect& aClipRect)=0;
Retrieves the state of the client viewfinder.
@param aIsActive
ETrue indicates that client viewfinder is active.
EFalse indicates that client viewfinder is not active.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetClientViewFinderStateL(TBool& aIsActive) const=0;
Retrieves the parameters associated with the client viewfinder.
@param aScreenNumber
Retrieves the screen number on which the client viewfinder is supposed to run.
@param aImageFormat
Retrieves the image format of the client viewfinder.
@param aSize
Retrieves the size used for the client viewfinder.
@param aClipRect
Retrieves the clip rectangle. If not specified, the clipping is retrieved as a TRect having origin as top left
corner and the size as 'aSize'.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetClientViewFinderPropertiesL(TInt& aScreenNumber, CCamera::TFormat& aImageFormat, TSize& aSize, TRect& aClipRect) const=0;
Stop the client viewfinder.
virtual void StopClientViewFinder()=0;
Retrieves the client viewfinder buffer. Client calls this method after being notified about availability of viewfinder
data via MClientViewFinderObserver::ViewFinderBufferReady().
@param aClientViewFinderBuffer
Reference to MCameraBuffer2 which retrieves the client viewfinder data.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetViewFinderBufferL(MCameraBuffer2& aClientViewFinderBuffer) const=0;
This is a mixin class to be implemented by providers of the extension API for camera direct snapshot.
@see CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot
class MCameraDirectSnapshot
Releases the interface.
virtual void Release()=0;
Sets the version2 direct viewfinder object out of which this direct snapshot has been created. This is called only
during the creation time of CCameraDirectSnapshot.
@param aDirectViewFinder
A pointer to the camera version2 direct viewfinder object on which the direct snapshot will be displayed.
virtual void SetDirectViewFinder(const CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder* aDirectViewFinder)=0;
Retrieve the version2 direct viewfinder object out of which this direct snapshot has been created. This information
may be required by the client in order to map the direct snapshot object with its parent version2 direct viewfinder
object or also to retrieve properties of its parent version2 direct viewfinder object.
@param aDirectViewFinder
A pointer to the camera version2 direct viewfinder object on which the direct snapshot will be displayed.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetDirectViewFinderL(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder*& aDirectViewFinder) const=0;
Enable the direct snapshot. The direct snapshot will be displayed on the parent direct viewfinder screen. The screen
size of the snapshot will be the same as that of the parent direct viewfinder screen.
The direct snapshot can be displayed only for still images.
@param aDirectSnapshotParameters
The desired direct snapshot parameter.
@leave MAy leave with any error code.
virtual void EnableDirectSnapshotL(CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot::TDirectSnapshotParameters& aDirectSnapshotParameters)=0;
Disable the direct snapshot. The direct snapshot will not be displayed on the parent direct viewfinder screen.
virtual void DisableDirectSnapshot()=0;
Retrieves the current state for direct snapshot.
@param aDirectSnapshotParameters
Retrieves the current state for direct snapshot.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetDirectSnapshotStateL(CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot::TDirectSnapshotState& aDirectSnapshotState) const=0;
Retrieves the direct snapshot parameters.
@param aDirectSnapshotParameters
Retrieves the direct snapshot parameter of type TDirectSnapshotParameters.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void GetDirectSnapshotParametersL(CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot::TDirectSnapshotParameters& aDirectSnapshotParameters) const=0;
Sets the direct snapshot parameters.
@param aDirectSnapshotParameters
The desired direct snapshot parameter of type TDirectSnapshotParameters.
@leave May leave with any error code.
virtual void SetDirectSnapshotParametersL(const CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot::TDirectSnapshotParameters& aDirectSnapshotParameters)=0;