// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This is the public client API for the Image Transform Library
#include <e32base.h>
#include <fbs.h>
// fwd refs
class CImageTransformFramework; //fwd ref
class CImageTransformPluginExtension;
The public API for clients to call the Image Transform (scaling) library.
This class provides functions to scale images held in files or descriptors.
class CImageTransform : public CBase
Flags to control how the image is transformed.
The EThumbnail and EIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing are mutually exclusive,
and SHOULD NOT be used together. If they are, then EThumbnail is used.
enum TOptions
/** No flag set. This is the default option*/
EOptionNone = 0x00,
/** If set, the destination image will always have a thumbnail.
If the source already has a thumbnail, then this is the one that will appear
in the destination, otherwise one will be generated. */
EThumbnail = 0x01,
/** If set, then the Exif data is not parsed and ExifMetaData() will always return NULL. If the source image is EXIF,
then the EXIF information is copied without modification (i.e. without parsing) to the destination. In cases where
the source is JFIF, the destination image is also JFIF.
EIgnoreExifMetadataProcessing = 0x02,
TOptions should not be set greater than or equal to this value.
EEnumBoundary = 0x04
Flags to specify the desired transformations.
If no flag or "EScale" flag is set then the framework will look for the plugins
supporting scaling which includes all the plugins supporting
version-1 opaque data and the plugins supporting version-2 opaque
data with the scaling flag set.
A plug-in supporting Squeeze, Orientation and Overlay in a single transform
must perform these transformation in the order: Overlaying, Orientation and then
enum TTransformations
No transformation set
ETransformationNone = 0x00,
If set, the image is scaled based on the parameter passed in SetDestSizeInPixelsL().
EScale = 0x01,
If set, the image is clipped based on the parameter passed in SetSourceRect().
ECrop = 0x02,
If set, the image is squeezed
ESqueeze = 0x04,
If set, the image is oriented
EOrientation = 0x08,
If set, the image is blend with the overlay image
EOverlay = 0x10,
If set, the plugin having exif extension is looked for
EExif = 0x20,
TTransformations should not be set greater than or equal to this value
ETransformEnumBoundary = 0x40
IMPORT_C static CImageTransform* NewL(RFs& aFs);
IMPORT_C ~CImageTransform();
IMPORT_C void SetPluginUidL(TUid aPluginUid);
IMPORT_C void SetSourceFilenameL(const TDesC& aFilename);
IMPORT_C void SetSourceDataL(const TDesC8& aData);
IMPORT_C void SetSourceMimeTypeL(const TDesC8& aMIMEType);
IMPORT_C void SetSourceImageTypeL(TUid aImageType, TUid aImageSubType = KNullUid);
IMPORT_C void SetSourceRect(const TRect& aRect);
IMPORT_C void ClearSourceRect();
IMPORT_C void SetDestFilenameL(const TDesC& aFilename);
IMPORT_C void SetDestDataL(HBufC8*& aData);
IMPORT_C void SetDestSizeInPixelsL(const TSize& aDestinationSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue);
IMPORT_C void SetOptionsL(TUint aOptions);
IMPORT_C void SetPreserveImageData(TBool aPreserveImageData);
IMPORT_C void SetupL();
IMPORT_C void Transform(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
IMPORT_C void CancelTransform();
IMPORT_C void Reset();
IMPORT_C CImageTransformPluginExtension* Extension() const;
IMPORT_C CImageTransformPluginExtension* Extension(TUid aExtensionUid, TInt& aError) const;
IMPORT_C void SetTransformationsL(TUint aTransformations);
void ConstructL(RFs& aFs);
CImageTransformFramework* iBody;
#endif // __IMAGETRANSFORM_H__