* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: TelephonyAudioRoutingServer implementation
#include <e32base.h>
#include "TelephonyAudioRouting.h"
const TInt KMaxNumberOfSessions = 256;
enum TTelephonyAudioRoutingPanic
void PanicClient(const RMessage2& aMessage,TTelephonyAudioRoutingPanic aPanic);
* TelephonyAudioRoutingServer class declaration
* @lib TelephonyAudioRoutingServer.lib
* @since Series 60 3.1
class CTelephonyAudioRoutingServer : public CServer2
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
IMPORT_C static CTelephonyAudioRoutingServer* NewL();
* Destructor.
* Start the TelephonyAudioRoutingServer thread
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param TAny* aParams
* @return KErrNone is successfull, else appropriate err code
IMPORT_C static TInt StartThreadL(TAny* aParams);
* Add a new Session.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param none
* @return void
void AddSession();
* Remove an existing session.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param TInt aSessionId Id of the session to remove
* @return void
void RemoveSession(TInt aSessionId);
* Notify the policy session about a request to change output.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param TInt aSessionId Id of the session to utilize, aMessage contains output value
* @return void
void DoSetOutputL (TInt aSessionId, const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Assign a unique session Id to a new session.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param none
* @return TInt session Id
TInt IdentifyAndAllocateNextFreeSessionIdL();
* Free the session Id or a deleted session for re-use.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param TInt aSessionId Id of the session to free
* @return void
void FreeSessionId(TInt aSessionId);
* Used by policy session to indicate the session that requested a SetOutput() that
* the request is complete, all the other session get OutputChanged() notification
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aOutput value of modified output, aError result of operation.
* @return void
void SetOutputCompleteL(CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput aOutput, TInt aError);
* Used by policy session to notify all sessions that the output has changed.
* (Policy initiated change in output)
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aOutput value of modified output
* @return void
void OutputChanged(CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput aOutput);
* Used by policy session to indicated to all other sessions that available outputs have changed.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aOutputs contains array of available outputs
* @return void
void AvailableOutputsChangedL( const TArray<CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput>& aOutputs);
* Set the Id of the policy session.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param TInt aSessionId is Id to set
* @return void
void SetPolicySessionId(TInt aSessionId);
* Provide caller with iCurrentAudioOutput
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param none
* @return iCurrentAudioOutput
CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput& CurrentAudioOutput();
* Provide caller with iPreviousAudioOutput
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param none
* @return iPreviousAudioOutput
CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput& PreviousAudioOutput();
* Provide caller with iShowNoteMode
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param none
* @return iShowNoteMode
TBool& ShowNoteMode();
* Allows caller to set iShowNoteMode
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param TBool aShowNoteMode
* @return void
void SetShowNoteMode(TBool aShowNoteMode);
* Provide caller with iAvailableOutputs array
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param none
* @return: Array of available outputs
RArray<CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput>& AvailableOutputs();
* C++ default constructor.
CTelephonyAudioRoutingServer(/*TProcessId& aClientPID*/);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* From CServer2
* Creates a server-side client session object.
CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
* determines if audio output is in available outputs array.
* @since Series 60 3.1
* @param aOutput is current output value
* @return TBool ETrue if current output is available, EFalse if not
TBool IsAvailableOutput(CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput aOutput);
TInt iSessionCount;
TInt iPolicySessionId;
RArray<TInt> iSetOutputRequests;
RArray<TInt> iSessionIdsInUse;
CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput iCurrentAudioOutput;
CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput iPreviousAudioOutput;
RArray<CTelephonyAudioRouting::TAudioOutput> iAvailableOutputs;
TBool iShowNoteMode;