// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
This class contains 6 SBC frame parameters: sampling frequency, block length,
channel mode, allocation mode, subbands and bitpool. It can validate all the
parameters, calculate frame length and bit rate.
class TSBCFrameParameters
This enum list all the possible sampling frequency settings
enum TSamplingFrequency
sampling frequency is 16000 Hz
E16000Hz = 0,
sampling frequency is 32000 Hz
sampling frequency is 44100 Hz
sampling frequency is 48000 Hz
This enum list all the possible block length settings
enum TBlockLength
block length is 4, one frame contains 4 blocks of audio samples
E4Blocks = 0,
block length is 8, one frame contains 8 blocks of audio samples
block length is 12, one frame contains 12 blocks of audio samples
block length is 16, one frame contains 16 blocks of audio samples
This enum list all the possible channel mode settings
enum TChannelMode
channel mode is Mono, in this mode,
only one channel contains audio samples.
EMono = 0,
channel mode is Dual Channel, in this mode,
it contains two seperate mono audio samples.
channel mode is Stereo, in this mode,
it contains stereo audio samples.
channel mode is Joint Stereo, in this mode,
the left channel stores half of sum of both channels,
the right channel stores half of difference of both channels.
This enum list all the possible allocation method settings
enum TAllocationMethod
allocation method is Loudness, in this mode,
the bit allocation calculation uses Table offset4 or offset8 as well as scale factors
ELoudness = 0,
allocation method is SNR, in this mode,
bit allocation only uses scale factors
This enum list all the possible subbands settings
enum TSubbands
subbands is 4, each channel contains 4 subbands in each block,
each subband contains one sample
E4Subbands = 0,
subbands is 8, each channel contains 8 subbands in each block,
each subband contains one sample
inline TSBCFrameParameters();
inline void Reset();
inline TUint8 SamplingFrequencyEnum() const;
inline TUint SamplingFrequencyHz() const;
inline void SetSamplingFrequency(TSamplingFrequency aSamplingFrequency);
inline TUint8 BlockLength() const;
inline void SetBlockLength(TBlockLength aBlockLength);
inline TUint8 ChannelMode() const;
inline TUint8 Channels() const;
inline void SetChannelMode(TChannelMode aChannelMode);
inline TUint8 AllocationMethod() const;
inline void SetAllocationMethod(TAllocationMethod aAllocationMethod);
inline TUint8 SubbandsEnum() const;
inline TUint8 Subbands() const;
inline void SetSubbands(TSubbands aSubbands);
inline TUint8 Bitpool() const;
inline void SetBitpool(TUint8 aBitpool);
inline TUint8 Parameters() const;
inline TInt Validate() const;
inline TUint CalcFrameLength() const;
inline TUint CalcBitRate(TUint aFrameLength) const;
TUint8 iParameters;
TUint8 iBitpool;
The minimum SBC bitpool value is 2
const TUint8 KSBCMinBitpoolValue = 2;
The maximum SBC bitpool value is 250
const TUint8 KSBCMaxBitpoolValue = 250;
The sampling frequency bits mask is 0b11, 2 bits
const TUint8 KSBCSampFreqBitsMask = 0x3;
The bit offset of sampling frequency field in TSBCFrameParameters::iParameters is 6
const TUint8 KSBCSampFreqBitOffset = 6;
The block length bits mask is 0b11, 2 bits
const TUint8 KSBCBlckLengBitsMask = 0x3;
The bit offset of block length field in TSBCFrameParameters::iParameters is 4
const TUint8 KSBCBlckLengBitOffset = 4;
The block length bits mask is 0b11, 2 bits
const TUint8 KSBCChnlModeBitsMask = 0x3;
The bit offset of block length field in TSBCFrameParameters::iParameters is 2
const TUint8 KSBCChnlModeBitOffset = 2;
The block length bits mask is 0b01, 1 bit
const TUint8 KSBCAllcMthdBitsMask = 0x1;
The bit offset of block length field in TSBCFrameParameters::iParameters is 1
const TUint8 KSBCAllcMthdBitOffset = 1;
The block length bits mask is 0b01, 1 bit
const TUint8 KSBCSubbandsBitsMask = 0x1;
The bit offset of block length field in TSBCFrameParameters::iParameters is 0
const TUint8 KSBCSubbandsBitOffset = 0;
inline TSBCFrameParameters::TSBCFrameParameters() : iParameters(0), iBitpool(0)
This function reset all the parameters
inline void TSBCFrameParameters::Reset()
iParameters = 0;
iBitpool = 0;
This function gets the sampling frequency enum value
@return enum value of sampling frequency
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::SamplingFrequencyEnum() const
return static_cast<TUint8>( (iParameters >> KSBCSampFreqBitOffset) & KSBCSampFreqBitsMask);
This function gets the sampling frequency value in Hz
@return samplinng frequency value in Hz
inline TUint TSBCFrameParameters::SamplingFrequencyHz() const
switch (SamplingFrequencyEnum() )
case E16000Hz:
return 16000;
case E32000Hz:
return 32000;
case E44100Hz:
return 44100;
case E48000Hz:
return 48000;
return 0;
This function sets the sampling frequency value
@param aSampFreq
New sampling frequency enum value to set
inline void TSBCFrameParameters::SetSamplingFrequency(TSamplingFrequency aSampFreq)
// clear sampling frequency bits
iParameters &= ~(KSBCSampFreqBitsMask << KSBCSampFreqBitOffset);
// set new sampling frequency bits
iParameters |= ( (aSampFreq & KSBCSampFreqBitsMask) << KSBCSampFreqBitOffset);
This function gets the block length value
@return number of blocks in one frame
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::BlockLength() const
switch ( (iParameters >> KSBCBlckLengBitOffset) & KSBCBlckLengBitsMask)
case E4Blocks:
return 4;
case E8Blocks:
return 8;
case E12Blocks:
return 12;
case E16Blocks:
return 16;
return 0;
This function sets the block length value
@param aBlockLen
New block length value to set
inline void TSBCFrameParameters::SetBlockLength(TBlockLength aBlockLen)
// clear block length bits
iParameters &= ~(KSBCBlckLengBitsMask << KSBCBlckLengBitOffset);
// set new block length bits
iParameters |= ( (aBlockLen & KSBCBlckLengBitsMask) << KSBCBlckLengBitOffset);
This function gets the channel mode enum value
@return channel mode enum value
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::ChannelMode() const
return static_cast<TUint8>( (iParameters >> KSBCChnlModeBitOffset) & KSBCChnlModeBitsMask);
This function gets number of channels
@return number of channels
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::Channels() const
switch (ChannelMode() )
case EMono:
return 1;
case EDualChannel:
case EStereo:
case EJointStereo:
return 2;
return 0;
This function sets the channel mode enum value
@param aChnlMode
New channel mode enum value to set
inline void TSBCFrameParameters::SetChannelMode(TChannelMode aChnlMode)
// clear channel mode bits
iParameters &= ~(KSBCChnlModeBitsMask << KSBCChnlModeBitOffset);
// set new channel mode bits
iParameters |= ( (aChnlMode & KSBCChnlModeBitsMask) << KSBCChnlModeBitOffset);
This function gets the allocation method enum value
@return allocation method enum value
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::AllocationMethod() const
return static_cast<TUint8>( (iParameters >> KSBCAllcMthdBitOffset) & KSBCAllcMthdBitsMask);
This function sets the channel mode enum value
@param aAllocMethod
New channel mode enum value to set
inline void TSBCFrameParameters::SetAllocationMethod(TAllocationMethod aAllocMethod)
// clear allocation method bits
iParameters &= ~(KSBCAllcMthdBitsMask << KSBCAllcMthdBitOffset);
// set new allocation method bits
iParameters |= ( (aAllocMethod & KSBCAllcMthdBitsMask) << KSBCAllcMthdBitOffset);
This function gets the subbands enum value
@return subbands enum value
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::SubbandsEnum() const
return static_cast<TUint8>( (iParameters >> KSBCSubbandsBitOffset) & KSBCSubbandsBitsMask);
This function gets the subbands value
@return subbands value, i.e 4, 8
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::Subbands() const
switch (SubbandsEnum() )
case E4Subbands:
return 4;
case E8Subbands:
return 8;
return 0;
This function sets the subbands enum value
@param aSubbands
New subbands enum value to set
inline void TSBCFrameParameters::SetSubbands(TSubbands aSubbands)
// clear subbands bits
iParameters &= ~(KSBCSubbandsBitsMask << KSBCSubbandsBitOffset);
// set new subbands bits
iParameters |= ( (aSubbands & KSBCSubbandsBitsMask) << KSBCSubbandsBitOffset);
This function gets the bitpool value
@return bitpool value
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::Bitpool() const
return iBitpool;
This function sets the bitpool enum value
@param aSubbands
New bitpool enum value to set
inline void TSBCFrameParameters::SetBitpool(TUint8 aBitpool)
iBitpool = aBitpool;
This function gets the 5 parameters (except bitpool) byte value
@return 5 parameters byte value
inline TUint8 TSBCFrameParameters::Parameters() const
return iParameters;
This function checks the bitpool value according to:
1. bitpool >= 2 and bitpool <= 250
2. bitpool <= 16 * subbands for Mono and Dual Channel,
bitpool <= 32 * subbands for Stereo and Joint Stereo
3. results in bit_rate <= 320 kbps for Mono
results in bit_rate <= 512 kpbs for two-channel modes
@return -1 if invalid; 0 if valid
inline TInt TSBCFrameParameters::Validate() const
if (iBitpool < KSBCMinBitpoolValue || iBitpool > KSBCMaxBitpoolValue)
return -1;
const TUint16 numSubbands = Subbands(); // use 16 bits to avoid overflow
const TUint8 channelMode = ChannelMode();
if (channelMode == EMono || channelMode == EDualChannel)
// bitpool <= 16 * subbands, for Mono and Dual_Channel modes
if (iBitpool > (numSubbands << 4) )
return -1;
// bitpool <= 32 * subbands, for Stereo and Joint_Stereo modes
if (iBitpool > (numSubbands << 5) )
return -1;
if (channelMode == EMono)
// bit rate <= 320kbps for Mono mode
if (CalcBitRate(CalcFrameLength() ) > 320)
return -1;
// bit rate <= 512kpbs for two-channels modes
if (CalcBitRate(CalcFrameLength() ) > 512)
return -1;
return 0;
This function calculates the frame length value according to:
frame_len = 4 + (4 * subbands * channels) / 8 + ceil(blocks * channels * bitpool / 8)
2. for STEREO
frame_len = 4 + (4 * subbands * channels) / 8 + ceil(blocks * bitpool / 8)
frame_len = 4 + (4 * subbands * channels) / 8 + ceil((subbands + blocks * bitpool) / 8)
ceil(), taking the upper integer value
@return frame length value
inline TUint TSBCFrameParameters::CalcFrameLength() const
TUint temp = 0;
switch (ChannelMode() )
case EMono:
temp = BlockLength() * Bitpool(); // blocks * bitpool
case EDualChannel:
temp = (BlockLength() * Bitpool() ) << 1; // blocks * bitpool * 2
case EStereo:
temp = BlockLength() * Bitpool(); // blocks * bitpool
case EJointStereo:
temp = Subbands() + BlockLength() * Bitpool(); // subbands + blocks * bitpool
User::Panic(_L("Invalid channel mode"), KErrNotSupported);
TUint frameLen = 4 + ( (Subbands() * Channels() ) >> 1) + (temp >> 3);
if (temp & 0x7)
return frameLen;
This function calculates the bit rate value according to:
bit_rate = 8 * frame_len * sampling_freq / subbands / blocks
@return bit rate value in kHz
inline TUint TSBCFrameParameters::CalcBitRate(TUint aFrameLen) const
return (aFrameLen << 3) * SamplingFrequencyHz() / (Subbands() * BlockLength() * 1000);