author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 11 May 2010 17:37:08 +0300
changeset 19 8184f75a63d4
parent 0 40261b775718
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201017 Kit: 201019

// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#include <mmf/plugin/mmfhwdeviceimplementationuids.hrh>
#include "SoundDeviceBody.h"
#include <mmf/server/mmfswcodecwrappercustominterfacesuids.hrh> // KUidRefDevSoundTaskConfig

const TInt KMaxMessageQueueItems = 8;

 *	Default Constructor.
 *	No default implementation. CMMFDevSound implements 2-phase construction.

 *	Destructor.
 *	Deletes all objects and releases all resource owned by this
 *	instance.
	// clear the array of custom interfaces
	for (TInt i = 0; i < iCustomInterfaceArray.Count(); i++)

	// delete the MUX utility
	delete iMuxUtility;

	if (iMsgQueueHandler && iMsgQueueHandler->IsActive())
	delete iMsgQueueHandler;


	if( iDevSoundProxy != NULL)
		delete iDevSoundProxy;

 *	Constructs, and returns a pointer to, a new CMMFDevSound object.
 *	Leaves on failure.
CMMFDevSoundClientImp* CMMFDevSoundClientImp::NewL()
	CMMFDevSoundClientImp* self = new (ELeave) CMMFDevSoundClientImp();
	return self;

 *	2nd phase constructor - assumes that iParent has already been set up properly.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::ConstructL()
	// all these data properties should be NULL, but add ASSERTs to verify

	iDevSoundProxy = new (ELeave) RMMFDevSoundProxy();

	TInt err = iMsgQueue.CreateGlobal(KNullDesC, KMaxMessageQueueItems);	// global, accessible to all that have its handle
	err = iDevSoundProxy->Open(iMsgQueue);
		delete iDevSoundProxy;
		iDevSoundProxy = NULL;


	// create MUX utility
	iMuxUtility = CMMFDevSoundCIMuxUtility::NewL(this);

 *	Initializes CMMFDevSound object to play and record PCM16 raw audio data
 *	with sampling rate of 8 KHz.
 *	On completion of Initialization, calls InitializeComplete() on
 *	aDevSoundObserver.
 *	Leaves on failure.
 *	@param	"MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver"
 *			A reference to DevSound Observer instance.
 *	@param	"TMMFState aMode"
 *			Mode for which this object will be used.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::InitializeL(MDevSoundObserver& aDevSoundObserver, TMMFState aMode)

	TInt initError = KErrNone;
	iDevSoundObserver = &aDevSoundObserver;
	initError = iDevSoundProxy->InitializeL(aMode);

	if (initError)

	if (iMsgQueueHandler)
		iMsgQueueHandler = CMsgQueueHandler::NewL(iDevSoundProxy, *iDevSoundObserver, &iMsgQueue, *this);


 *	Configure CMMFDevSound object for the settings in aConfig.
 *	Use this to set sampling rate, Encoding and Mono/Stereo.
 *	@param	"TMMFCapabilities& aConfig"
 *			Attribute values to which CMMFDevSound object will be configured to.
 *  As part of defect 20796, the iRecordFormat has been set under the iPlayFormat, 
 *  before it was not set at all.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SetConfigL(const TMMFCapabilities& aConfig)

 *	Changes the current playback volume to a specified value.
 *	The volume can be changed before or during playback and is effective
 *	immediately.
 *	@param	"TInt aVolume"
 *			The volume setting. This can be any value from zero to the value
 *			returned by a call to CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::MaxVolume(). If the
 *			volume is not within this range, the volume is automatically set to
 *			minimum or maximum value based on the value that is being passed.
 *			Setting a zero value mutes the sound. Setting the maximum value
 *			results in the loudest possible sound.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SetVolume(TInt aVolume)

 *	Changes the current recording gain to a specified value.
 *	The gain can be changed before or during recording and is effective
 *	immediately.
 *	@param	"TInt aGain"
 *			The volume setting. This can be any value from zero to the value
 *			returned by a call to CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::MaxVolume(). If the
 *			volume is not within this range, the gain is automatically set to
 *			minimum or maximum value based on the value that is being passed.
 *			Setting a zero value mutes the sound. Setting the maximum value
 *			results in the loudest possible sound.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SetGain(TInt aGain)

 *	Sets the speaker balance for playing.
 *	The speaker balance can be changed before or during playback and is
 *	effective immediately.
 *	@param	"TInt& aLeftPercentage"
 *			On return contains left speaker volume perecentage. This can be any
 *			value from zero to 100. Setting a zero value mutes the sound on left
 *			speaker.
 *	@param	"TInt& aRightPercentage"
 *			On return contains right speaker volume perecentage. This can be any
 *			value from zero to 100. Setting a zero value mutes the sound on
 *			right speaker.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SetPlayBalanceL(TInt aLeftPercentage, TInt aRightPercentage)
	iDevSoundProxy->SetPlayBalanceL(aLeftPercentage, aRightPercentage);

 *	Sets the microphone gain balance for recording.
 *	The microphone gain balance can be changed before or during recording and
 *	is effective immediately.
 *	@param	"TInt aLeftPercentage"
 *			Left microphone gain precentage. This can be any value from zero to
 *			100. Setting a zero value mutes the gain on left microphone.
 *	@param	"TInt aRightPercentage"
 *			Right microphone gain precentage. This can be any value from zero to
 *			100. Setting a zero value mutes the gain on right microphone.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SetRecordBalanceL(TInt aLeftPercentage, TInt aRightPercentage)
	iDevSoundProxy->SetRecordBalanceL(aLeftPercentage, aRightPercentage);

 *	Initializes audio device and start play process. This method queries and
 *	acquires the audio policy before initializing audio device. If there was an
 *	error during policy initialization, PlayError() method will be called on
 *	the observer with error code KErrAccessDenied, otherwise BufferToBeFilled()
 *	method will be called with a buffer reference. After reading data into the
 *	buffer reference passed, the client should call PlayData() to play data.
 *	The amount of data that can be played is specified in
 *	CMMFBuffer::RequestSize(). Any data that is read into buffer beyond this
 *	size will be ignored.
 *	Leaves on failure.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::PlayInitL()
	if (!iDevSoundObserver)

 *	Initializes audio device and start record process. This method queries and
 *	acquires the audio policy before initializing audio device. If there was an
 *	error during policy initialization, RecordError() method will be called on
 *	the observer with error code KErrAccessDenied, otherwise BufferToBeEmptied()
 *	method will be called with a buffer reference. This buffer contains recorded
 *	or encoded data. After processing data in the buffer reference passed, the
 *	client should call RecordData() to continue recording process.
 *	The amount of data that is available is specified in
 *	CMMFBuffer::RequestSize().
 *	Leaves on failure.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::RecordInitL()

	if (!iDevSoundObserver)

 *	Plays data in the buffer at the current volume. The client should fill
 *	the buffer with audio data before calling this method. The Observer gets
 *	reference to buffer along with callback BufferToBeFilled(). When playing of
 *	the audio sample is complete, successfully or otherwise, the method
 *	PlayError() on observer is called.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::PlayData()

 *	Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay, Convert)
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::Stop()

 *	Temporarily Stops the ongoing operation (Play, Record, TonePlay, Convert)
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::Pause()

 *	Returns the sample recorded so far.
 *	@return "TInt"
 *			Returns the samples recorded.
TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SamplesRecorded()
	return iDevSoundProxy->SamplesRecorded();

 *	Returns the sample played so far.
 *	@return "TInt"
 *			Returns the samples recorded.
TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SamplesPlayed()
	return iDevSoundProxy->SamplesPlayed();

 *	Initializes audio device and start playing tone. Tone is played with
 *	frequency and for duration specified.
 *	Leaves on failure.
 *	@param	"TInt aFrequency"
 *			Frequency at with the tone will be played.
 *	@param	"TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration"
 *			The period over which the tone will be played. A zero value causes
 *			the no tone to be played (Verify this with test app).
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::PlayToneL(TInt aFrequency, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration)
	iDevSoundProxy->PlayToneL(aFrequency, aDuration);

 *	Initializes audio device and start playing a dual tone. 
 *  The tone consists of two sine waves of different frequencies summed together
 *  Dual Tone is played with specified frequencies and for specified duration.
 *	@param	"aFrequencyOne"
 *			First frequency of dual tone
 *	@param	"aFrequencyTwo"
 *			Second frequency of dual tone
 *	@param	"aDuration"
 *			The period over which the tone will be played. A zero value causes
 *			the no tone to be played (Verify this with test app).
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::PlayDualToneL(TInt aFrequencyOne, TInt aFrequencyTwo, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration)
	iDevSoundProxy->PlayDualToneL(aFrequencyOne, aFrequencyTwo, aDuration);

 *	Initializes audio device and start playing DTMF string aDTMFString.
 *	Leaves on failure.
 *	@param	"TDesC& aDTMFString"
 *			DTMF sequence in a descriptor.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::PlayDTMFStringL(const TDesC& aDTMFString)
	if (!iDevSoundObserver)


 *	Initializes audio device and start playing tone sequence.
 *	Leaves on failure.
 *	@param	"TDesC8& aData"
 *			Tone sequence in a descriptor.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::PlayToneSequenceL(const TDesC8& aData)
	if (!iDevSoundObserver)


 *	Initializes audio device and start playing the specified pre-defined tone
 *	sequence.
 *	Leaves on failure.
 *	@param	"TInt aSequenceNumber"
 *			The index identifying the specific pre-defined tone sequence. Index
 *			values are relative to zero.
 *			This can be any value from zero to the value returned by a call to
 *			CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::FixedSequenceCount() - 1.
 *			The function raises a panic if sequence number is not within this
 *			range.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::PlayFixedSequenceL(TInt aSequenceNumber)
	if (!iDevSoundObserver)


 *	Defines the duration of tone on, tone off and tone pause to be used during the
 *	DTMF tone playback operation.
 *	Supported only during tone playing.
 *	@param	"TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aToneOnLength"
 *			The period over which the tone will be played. If this is set to
 *			zero, then the tone is not played.
 *	@param	"TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aToneOffLength"
 *			The period over which the no tone will be played.
 *	@param	"TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aPauseLength"
 *			The period over which the tone playing will be paused.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SetDTMFLengths(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aToneOnLength,
								TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aToneOffLength,
								TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aPauseLength) 
	iDevSoundProxy->SetDTMFLengths(aToneOnLength, aToneOffLength, aPauseLength);

 *	Defines the period over which the volume level is to rise smoothly from
 *	nothing to the normal volume level.
 *	@param	"TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration"
 *			The period over which the volume is to rise. A zero value causes 
 *			the tone sample to be played at the normal level for the full
 *			duration of the playback. A value, which is longer than the duration
 *			of the tone sample, that the sample never reaches its normal
 *			volume level.
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SetVolumeRamp(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration)

 *	@see sounddevice.h
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::GetSupportedInputDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings) const
	iDevSoundProxy->GetSupportedInputDataTypesL(aSupportedDataTypes, aPrioritySettings);

 *	@see sounddevice.h
void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::GetSupportedOutputDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes, const TMMFPrioritySettings& aPrioritySettings) const
	iDevSoundProxy->GetSupportedOutputDataTypesL(aSupportedDataTypes, aPrioritySettings);

 *	@see sounddevice.h
TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::SetClientThreadInfo(TThreadId aTid)
	return iDevSoundProxy->SetClientThreadInfo(aTid);

TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::RegisterAsClient(TUid aEventType, const TDesC8& aNotificationRegistrationData)
	return iDevSoundProxy->RegisterAsClient(aEventType,aNotificationRegistrationData);
TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::CancelRegisterAsClient(TUid aEventType)
	return iDevSoundProxy->CancelRegisterAsClient(aEventType);
TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::GetResourceNotificationData(TUid aEventType,TDes8& aNotificationData)
	return iDevSoundProxy->GetResourceNotificationData(aEventType,aNotificationData);
TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::WillResumePlay()
	return iDevSoundProxy->WillResumePlay();

TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::EmptyBuffers()
	return iDevSoundProxy->EmptyBuffers();

TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::GetTimePlayed(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime)
	return iDevSoundProxy->GetTimePlayed(aTime);
 *	Returns a given Custom Interface on the DevSound based on the UID
 *  If this is not recognised then the custominterface is created by
 *  a pair of ECOM plugins.
 *  @released
 *  @param	"TUid aInterfaceId"
 *			The UID of the required Custom Interface
 *  @return a pointer to the custom interface
TAny* CMMFDevSoundClientImp::CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId)
	// check if this UID refers to auto/pause/resume
	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundAudioResourceCustomInterface)
		MAutoPauseResumeSupport* result = this; 
		return result;
	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundEmptyBuffersCustomInterface)
		MMMFDevSoundEmptyBuffers* result = this; 
		return result;
	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundAudioClientThreadInfoCustomInterface)
		MAudioClientThreadInfo* result = this;
		return result;

	if (aInterfaceId == KMmfUidDevSoundTimePlayedCustomInterface)
		MMMFDevSoundTimePlayed* result = this;
		return result;
	// we are being asked for a Custom Interface not natively supported 
	// by the DevSound plugin.  
	// first check if we already have resolved a custom interface of this type
	TInt index = FindCustomInterface(aInterfaceId);
	MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceMuxPlugin* ptr = NULL;
	// if we found the interface, take a copy of this instead
	if (index != KNullHandle)
		// check our index is valid
		ptr = iCustomInterfaceArray[index-1].iInterface;
		if (ptr)		
			return ptr->CustomInterface(aInterfaceId);
			// we may not need this code because this 
			// *should* be impossible to reach
			return NULL;
		// else try and instantiate a plugin tunnelling
		// pair to support this Custom Interface
		TRAPD(err, ptr = iMuxUtility->CreateCustomInterfaceMuxL(aInterfaceId));
		if (ptr && (err == KErrNone))
			TMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceData data;
			data.iInterface = ptr;
			data.iId = aInterfaceId;
			// attempt to open remote demux
			// this will store a handle in the mux plugin if successful
			// and also return it here - invalid handle = -1
			data.iHandle = ptr->OpenInterface(aInterfaceId);
			// if the handle is greater than zero then we know we have
			// successfully opened the interface
			if (data.iHandle > KNullHandle)
				// append this to the current interface list
				TInt err = KErrNone;
				err = iCustomInterfaceArray.Append(data);
				if (err == KErrNone)
					// return the custom interface on the ptr
					return ptr->CustomInterface(aInterfaceId);
				// no memory or other problem so shut down interface
				ptr = NULL;
		// if code gets here then we don't support the interface
		// so we can pass it onto the DevSound proxy so that we 
		// can attempt to resolve the interface externally
		return iDevSoundProxy->CustomInterface(aInterfaceId);	

TInt CMMFDevSoundClientImp::FindCustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId)
	TInt index = KNullHandle;
	for (TInt i = 0; i < iCustomInterfaceArray.Count(); i++)
		if (iCustomInterfaceArray[i].iId == aInterfaceId)
			index = i+1; // use index+1 as the handle, so 0 is undefined/not-found
	return index;

void CMMFDevSoundClientImp::CloseCustomInterface(TInt aIndex)
	for (TInt i = 0; i < iCustomInterfaceArray.Count(); i++)
		if(iCustomInterfaceArray[i].iHandle == aIndex)