// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <mmf/server/mmfswcodecwrapper.h>
#include "mmfSwCodecPlayDataPath.h"
#include "mmfSwCodecRecordDataPath.h"
#include "mmfSwCodecConvertDataPath.h"
#include <mmf/server/mmfswcodecwrappercustominterfacesuids.hrh>
#include "mmfswcodecwrapperCustomInterfaces.h"
#include <mmf/common/mmfpaniccodes.h>
* Internal panic
* @internalComponent
void Panic(TInt aPanicCode)
_LIT(KMMFSwCodecWrapperPanicCategory, "MMFSwCodecWrapper");
User::Panic(KMMFSwCodecWrapperPanicCategory, aPanicCode);
* This method is not be exported as it is only
* intended to be called within this DLL.
* It's purpose is to assign an RMdaDevSound to the play
* custom interface
* @internalComponent
void TPlayCustomInterface::SetDevice(RMdaDevSound* aDevice)
iDevice = aDevice;
void TPlayCustomInterface::SetVolume(TUint aVolume)
iVolume = aVolume;
if (iDevice && iDevice->Handle())
* Procedure to get the number of bytes played by the device driver
* If there is no handle available to the device driver then the
* procedure returns the last known value
* @released
* @return number of bytes played
TUint TPlayCustomInterface::BytesPlayed()
if (iDevice->Handle())
iBytesPlayed = iDevice->BytesPlayed();
return iBytesPlayed;
* Procedure to get the number of bytes recorded by the device
* @released
* @return The number of bytes recorded by an existing datapath. If there
* is no datapath, then the last known number of bytes recorded will be returned.
TUint TRecordCustomInterface::BytesRecorded()
iBytesRecorded = iDataPath->RecordedBytesCount();
return iBytesRecorded;
EXPORT_C CMMFSwCodecWrapper::CMMFSwCodecWrapper()
The destructor is called by ECom framework allowing derived classes
to clean up implementation specific resources. The sound
device drivers are freed.
EXPORT_C CMMFSwCodecWrapper::~CMMFSwCodecWrapper()
delete iDataPath;
delete iCodec;
delete iPlayCustomInterface;
delete iRecordCustomInterface;
Initializes the hardware device tasks - in the case of a
sw codec wrapper 'hardware device' this consits of loading the
sound device drivers and creating the CMMFSwCodec.
@param aDevInfo
Device initialization parameters.
Only the iHwDeviceObserver is used for CMFSwCodecWrapper
derived CMMFHwDevices.
@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Init(THwDeviceInitParams &aDevInfo)
// [ precondition that aDevInfo has a valid observer ]
if (!aDevInfo.iHwDeviceObserver)
return KErrArgument;
iHwDeviceObserver = aDevInfo.iHwDeviceObserver;
#ifndef SYMBIAN_MDF_SHAREDCHUNK_SOUNDDRIVER //Adapter loads the drivers
// Try to load the audio physical driver
TInt ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KPddFileName);
if ((ret!=KErrNone) && (ret!=KErrAlreadyExists))
return ret;
// Try to load the audio logical driver
ret = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KLddFileName);
if ((ret!=KErrNone) && (ret!=KErrAlreadyExists))
return ret;
iCodec = &(Codec()); //create codec
//[ assert the post condition ]
if (!iCodec)
return KErrNotSupported;
return KErrNone;
Starts Encoding or Decoding task(s) based on the parameter specified.
@param aFuncCmd
The device function specifying the requested service i.e. decode or encode
where EDevEncode = Record, EDevDecode = Play and EDevNullFunc = Convert.
@param aFlowCmd
The device flow directions for requested service.
This parameter is ignored for CMMFSwCodecWrapper CMMFHwDevicePlugins
@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Start(TDeviceFunc aFuncCmd, TDeviceFlow /*aFlowCmd*/)
TInt error = KErrNone;
// [ precondition that aFuncCmd is valid]
if (!((aFuncCmd == EDevEncode)|(aFuncCmd == EDevDecode)|(aFuncCmd == EDevNullFunc)))
return KErrArgument;
// [ precondition that iCodec is present]
if (!iCodec)
return KErrNotReady; //make sure the codec has been added
switch (aFuncCmd)
case EDevEncode: // Audio record
error = StartEncode();
case EDevDecode: // Audio play
error = StartDecode();
case EDevNullFunc: //Audio Convert
error = StartConvert();
error = KErrNotSupported;
//[ assert the post conditions ]
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!error)
{//only assert if no error otherwise post consitions not valid
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataPath, Panic(EMMFSwCodecWrapperNoDataPath));
if ((aFuncCmd == EDevEncode)||(aFuncCmd == EDevDecode))
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDataPath->Device().Handle(), Panic(EMMFSwCodecWrapperNoDevice));
if(error != KErrNone && iDataPath && aFuncCmd!=EDevEncode)
{//if error happens after opening LDD close it
if (iDataPath->Device().Handle()!= KNullHandle)
return error;
TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::StartDecode()
TInt error = KErrNone;
//[ assert precondition that play custom interface is present]
//if there is no play custom interface then the user of the CMMFSwCodecWrapper
//cannot have set any of the custom settings such as sample rate.
if (!iPlayCustomInterface)
return KErrNotReady;
if (!iDataPath)
{//create a datapath
TRAP(error,iDataPath = CMMFSwCodecPlayDataPath::NewL());
//if datapath could not be created, return error code
if (error != KErrNone)
return error;
//here we are sure iDataPath has been correctly allocated
error = iDataPath->AddCodec(*iCodec);
if (error == KErrNone)
iDeviceBufferSize = (iCodec->SinkBufferSize());
// if could not add codec to datapath, return error code
return error;
//Here we know that error is KerrNone, now we can check the state of the datapath
if (iDataPath->State() != CMMFSwCodecDataPath::EPlaying)
{//datapath was created ok and we are not playing
if (iDataPath->State() == CMMFSwCodecDataPath::EStopped)
{//starting from 'fresh so set sound device settings
if (!iDataPath->Device().Handle())
{//if Device() is called then we need a valid sound device handle
error = iDataPath->Device().Open();
if (error != KErrNone)
return error;
RMdaDevSound::TCurrentSoundFormatBuf soundDeviceSettings;
soundDeviceSettings().iRate = iSampleRate;
//this would normally be pcm16
soundDeviceSettings().iEncoding = RMdaDevSound::EMdaSoundEncoding16BitPCM;
//1 = mono 2 = stereo
soundDeviceSettings().iChannels = iChannels;
//tell sound driver what buffer size to expect
//it is up the the implementor to make use the device can support
//the required buffer size
soundDeviceSettings().iBufferSize = iDeviceBufferSize;
error = iDataPath->Device().SetPlayFormat(soundDeviceSettings);
}//iDataPath->State() == CMMFSwCodecDataPath::EStopped
//else resuming from pause
if ((error == KErrNone)||(error == KErrInUse))
error = iDataPath->Start();
}//status == KErrNone
return error;
TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::StartEncode()
//[ assert precondition that record custom interface is present]
//if there is no record custom interface then the user of the CMMFSwCodecWrapper
//cannot have set any of the custom settings such as sample rate.
if (!iRecordCustomInterface)
return KErrNotReady;
TInt error = KErrNone;
if (!iDataPath)
TRAP(error,iDataPath = CMMFSwCodecRecordDataPath::NewL());
//if datapath could not be created, return error code
if (error != KErrNone)
return error;
//here we are sure iDataPath has been correctly allocated
error = iDataPath->AddCodec(*iCodec);
if (error == KErrNone)
iDeviceBufferSize = (iCodec->SourceBufferSize());
// if could not add codec to datapath, return error code
return error;
//Here we know that error is KerrNone, now we can check the state of the datapath
if (iDataPath->State() != CMMFSwCodecDataPath::EPlaying)
if (iDataPath->State() == CMMFSwCodecDataPath::EStopped)
MSwSetParamInterface* setParams =
ASSERT(!error); // should not get here if error set
error = setParams->SetGain(iRecordCustomInterface->Gain());
if (!error)
error = setParams->SetNumChannels(iChannels);
if (!error)
error = setParams->SetSampleRate(iSampleRate);
if (error == KErrNone)
error = iDataPath->Start();
return error;
TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::StartConvert()
TInt error = KErrNone;
if (!iDataPath)
TRAP(error,iDataPath = CMMFSwCodecConvertDataPath::NewL());
if (error != KErrNone)
return error;
//Here we know we are not dereferencing a null pointer as iDataPath has been correctly initialised
error = iDataPath->AddCodec(*iCodec);
if (error == KErrNone)
error = iDataPath->Start();
return error;
Temporarily suspends the current task of decoding or encoding.
@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Pause()
// [ precondition that datapath exists ]
if (!iDataPath)
return KErrNotReady;
return KErrNone;
Stops the current on-going task.
@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::Stop()
// [ precondition that datapath exists ]
if (!iDataPath)
return KErrNotReady;
return KErrNone;
Stops and deletes the codec.
This default implementation simply calls DeleteCodec() and then Stop()
but real hardware devices might use this method to free up resources.
@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::StopAndDeleteCodec()
TInt stopError = Stop();
TInt deleteError = DeleteCodec();
if (stopError != KErrNone)
return stopError;
return deleteError;
Deletes the codec
This default implementation does nothing
but real hardware devices might use this method to free up resources.
@return Error code. KErrNone if successful
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::DeleteCodec()
return KErrNone;
Call this function to notify hardware device implementation that
data is available in aFillBufferPtr for decoding.
@param aFillBufferPtr
The data buffer filled by the observer.
@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::ThisHwBufferFilled(CMMFBuffer& aFillBufferPtr)
TRAPD(err,iDataPath->BufferFilledL(STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer&, aFillBufferPtr)));
return err;
Call this function to notify hardware device implementation that
data in aEmptyBufferPtr from encoding is processed.
@param aBuffer
The data buffer processed by observer.
@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::ThisHwBufferEmptied(CMMFBuffer& aBuffer)
TRAPD(err,iDataPath->BufferEmptiedL(STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer&, aBuffer)));
return err;
Retrieves a custom interface to the device.
The reference CMMFSwCodecWrapper supports two standard custom interfaces,
MPlayCustomInterface and MRecordCustomInterface.
@param aInterface
Interface UID, defined with the custom interface.
aInterface = KMmfPlaySettingsCustomInterface for MPlayCustomInterface,
aInterface = KMmfRecordSettingsCustomInterface for MRecordCustomInterface.
aInterface = KMmfUidEmptyBuffersCustomInterface for MEmptyBuffersCustomInterface
Actual device implementations of CMMFSwCodecWrapper may do this differently however.
@return A pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the device can not
implement the interface requested. The return value must be cast to the
correct type by the user.
EXPORT_C TAny* CMMFSwCodecWrapper::CustomInterface(TUid aInterface)
TAny* ret = NULL;
TInt err = KErrNone;
if (aInterface.iUid == KMmfPlaySettingsCustomInterface)
if (!iPlayCustomInterface)
TRAP(err,iPlayCustomInterface = new(ELeave)TPlayCustomInterface());
if (err)
ret = NULL;
ret = static_cast<TAny*>(iPlayCustomInterface);
else if (aInterface.iUid == KMmfRecordSettingsCustomInterface)
if (!iRecordCustomInterface)
TRAP(err,iRecordCustomInterface = new(ELeave)TRecordCustomInterface());
if (err)
ret = NULL;
ret = static_cast<TAny*>(iRecordCustomInterface);
else if (aInterface.iUid == KMmfUidEmptyBuffersCustomInterface || aInterface == KTimePlayedCustomInterfaceTypeUid || aInterface == KIgnoreUnderflowCustomInterfaceTypeUid)
if (!iDataPath)
ret = NULL;
ret = static_cast<CMMFSwCodecDataPath*>(iDataPath)->CustomInterface(aInterface);
return ret;
Used to configure the sample rate and stereo mode of a CMMFHwDevice plugin.
The configuration of HwDevices is device specific and is not used in any of the reference
devices that return KErrNotSupported.
@param aConfig
The device configuration.
EXPORT_C TInt CMMFSwCodecWrapper::SetConfig(TTaskConfig& aConfig)
if (aConfig.iUid != KUidRefDevSoundTaskConfig)
return KErrArgument;
iSampleRate = aConfig.iRate;
if (aConfig.iStereoMode == ETaskMono)
iChannels = 1;
else if (aConfig.iStereoMode == ETaskInterleaved || aConfig.iStereoMode == ETaskNonInterleaved)
iChannels = 2;
return KErrArgument;
return KErrNone;
Used to set iVbrFlag on the datapath.
This method is used to set the iVbrFlag in datapath. This flag is added to datapath to avail the
alternative dataflow wherein datapath makes sure that destinationbuffer is filled to its maximum length
before sending it to the sound driver. Sending the buffer directly to the device causes underflow incase of VBR codecs.
EXPORT_C void CMMFSwCodecWrapper::SetVbrFlag()
TUid cUid = TUid::Uid(KSetVbrFlagCustomInterfaceTypeUid);