author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 11 May 2010 17:37:08 +0300
changeset 19 8184f75a63d4
parent 0 40261b775718
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201017 Kit: 201019

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:



#include <imageframeformats.hrh>
#include <imageframeconst.hrh>

Constant which defines the maximum number of planes within TFrameLayout. 
const TInt KMaxPlanesInFrame = 4;

Identifier for TFrameFormat type. 
 @see KIclImageFrameFormatUidValue
static const TUid KUidIclImageFrameFormat   = {KIclImageFrameFormatUidValue};

Identifier for TFrameLayout type.
 @see KIclImageFrameLayoutUidValue
static const TUid KUidIclImageFrameLayout	= {KIclImageFrameLayoutUidValue};

/* Format Uids */

    TFrameFormat format code.
    Format Description:
    YUV Monochrome image format.
    Planar, 8 bit per pixel. 
    Single Y plane for monochrome images.
    Pixel order: Y00Y01..
    @note greyscale values, 0=black, 255=white.

    Equivalent to ECam format code CCamera::EFormatMonochrome.
    Equivalent to Video FourCC code Y800, Y8.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUVMonochromeUidValue
const TUid KUidFormatYUVMonochrome = {KFormatYUVMonochromeUidValue};

    TFrameFormat format code.
    Format Description:
    YUV 4:2:2 image format. 
    Interleaved, 16 bits per pixel, 8 bits per sample.
    Pixel order: UY0VY1.

    Equivalent to ECam format code CCamera::EFormatYUV422.
    Equivalent to Video FourCC code UYVY.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUV422InterleavedUidValue  
const TUid KUidFormatYUV422Interleaved = {KFormatYUV422InterleavedUidValue};

    TFrameFormat format code.
    Format Description:
	YUV 4:2:0 image format.
    Planar, 12 bits per pixel.
    8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x2 subsampled U and V planes.
    Pixel order: Y00Y01Y02Y03...U0...V0...
    Equivalent to ECam format code CCamera::EFormatYUV420Planar.
    Equivalent to Video FourCC code I420.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUV420PlanarUidValue  
const TUid KUidFormatYUV420Planar 		= {KFormatYUV420PlanarUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.
	Format Description:
	YUV 4:2:0 image format.
    Planar, 12 bits per pixel.
    8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x2 subsampled V and U planes.
    Pixel order: Y00Y01Y02Y03...V0...U0...
    No equivalent ECam format code.
    Equivalent to Video FourCC code YV12.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUV420InterleavedUidValue  
const TUid KUidFormatYUV420PlanarReversed = {KFormatYUV420PlanarReversedUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.
	Format Description:
	RGB Packed image format. 
    Interleaved in triplets, 12 bits per pixel.
    Pixel order: BGR - 4 bits per pixel with red in the least significant bits
    and the 4 most significant bits unused. 

    Equivalent to ECam format code CCamera::EFormat16bitRGB444.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormat16bitRGB444InterleavedUidValue      
const TUid KUidFormat16bitRGB444Interleaved = {KFormat16bitRGB444InterleavedUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.
	Format Description:
	RGB Packed image format. 
    Interleaved in triplets, 16 bits per pixel. 
    Pixel order: BGR - 5 bits per pixel for red and blue and 6 bits for green,
    with red in the least significant bits.
    Equivalent to ECam format code  CCamera::EFormat16bitRGB565.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code.
    @see CCamera::TFormat     
    @see KFormat16BitRGB565InterleavedUidValue      
const TUid KUidFormat16BitRGB565Interleaved = {KFormat16BitRGB565InterleavedUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.
	Format Description:
	RGB Packed image format. 
    Interleaved in triplets, 32 bits per pixel. 
    Pixel order: BGR - 8 bits per pixel with red in the least significant bits
    and the 8 most significant bits unused. 
    Equivalent to ECam format code CCamera::EFormat32BitRGB888.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code. 
    @see CCamera::TFormat 
    @see KFormat32BitRGB888InterleavedUidValue          
const TUid KUidFormat32BitRGB888Interleaved = {KFormat32BitRGB888InterleavedUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.
	Format Description:
	YUV 4:2:0 image format.
    Interleaved, 12 bits per pixel. 
    8 bit, 4 Y plane samples  followed by 2 8 bit U and V samples.
    Pixel order: Y00Y01Y10Y11UV. 
    Equivalent to ECam format code 	CCamera::EFormatYUV420Interleaved.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code.  
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUV420InterleavedUidValue    
const TUid KUidFormatYUV420Interleaved 		= {KFormatYUV420InterleavedUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.

	Format Description:
	YUV 4:2:2 image format. 
    Interleaved, 16 bits per pixel, 8 bits per sample.
    Pixel order: Y1VY0U.

    Equivalent to ECam format code CCamera::EFormatYUV422Reversed.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUV422InterleavedReversedUidValue
const TUid KUidFormatYUV422InterleavedReversed = {KFormatYUV422InterleavedReversedUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.

	Format Description:
	YUV 4:2:2 image format. 
    Interleaved, 16 bits per pixel, 8 bits per sample.
    Pixel order: Y0Y1UV.

    No equivalent ECam format code.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYYUV422InterleavedUidValue
const TUid KUidFormatYYUV422Interleaved = {KFormatYYUV422InterleavedUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.

	Format Description:
	YUV 4:2:2 image format. 
    Planar, 16 bits per pixel, 8 bits per sample.
    Pixel order: Y00Y01Y02Y03...U00U02...V00V02...

    No equivalent ECam format code.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUV422PlanarUidValue
const TUid KUidFormatYUV422Planar = {KFormatYUV422PlanarUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.

	Format Description:
	YUV 4:4:4 image format. 
    Planar, 24 bits per pixel, 8 bits per sample.
    Pixel order: Y00Y01Y02Y03...U00U01U02U03...V00V01V02V03...

    No equivalent ECam format code.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code.
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUV444PlanarUidValue
const TUid KUidFormatYUV444Planar = {KFormatYUV444PlanarUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.
	Format Description:
	YUV 4:4:4 image format.
    Interleaved, 24 bit per pixel, 8 bits per sample.
    Pixel order: Y00U00V00 Y01U01V01... 
    Equivalent to ECam format code CCamera::EFormatYUV444.
    No equivalent Video FourCC code. 
    @see CCamera::TFormat
    @see KFormatYUV444InterleavedUidValue    
const TUid KUidFormatYUV444Interleaved 		= {KFormatYUV444InterleavedUidValue};

	TFrameFormat format code.
	Format Description:
	YUV 4:2:0 image format.
    Semiplanar, 12 bits per pixel, 8-bit per sample. 
    Y plane followed by an interleaved U/V plane with 2x2 subsampling.
    Pixel order: Y00Y01Y02Y03...U0V0...
    Equivalent to ECam format code 	CCamera::EFormatYUV420SemiPlanar.
    Equivalent to Video FourCC code 	NV12. 
    @see CCamera::TFormat    
    @see KFormatYUV420SemiPlanarUidValue    
const TUid KUidFormatYUV420SemiPlanar 		= {KFormatYUV420SemiPlanarUidValue};

/* Colour spaces */

TFrameFormat image frame color space for YCbCr.
 @see KColourSpaceYCbCrUidValue
const TUid KUidColourSpaceYCbCr = {KColourSpaceYCbCrUidValue};

TFrameFormat image frame color space for YUV.
 @see KColourSpaceYUVUidValue
const TUid KUidColourSpaceYUV = {KColourSpaceYUVUidValue};

TFrameFormat image frame color space for RGB.
 @see KColourSpaceRGBUidValue
const TUid KUidColourSpaceRGB = {KColourSpaceRGBUidValue};

/* Sampling */

TFrameFormat frame sampling for monochrome image data.
 @see KSamplingMonochromeUidValue
const TUid KUidSamplingMonochrome = {KSamplingMonochromeUidValue};

TFrameFormat frame sampling for YUV444 image data.
 @see KSamplingColor444UidValue
const TUid KUidSamplingColor444 = {KSamplingColor444UidValue};

TFrameFormat frame sampling for YUV422 image data.
 @see KSamplingColor422UidValue
const TUid KUidSamplingColor422 = {KSamplingColor422UidValue};

TFrameFormat frame sampling for YUV420 image data.
 @see KSamplingColor420UidValue
const TUid KUidSamplingColor420 = {KSamplingColor420UidValue};

TFrameFormat frame sampling for YUV411 image data.
 @see KSamplingColor411UidValue
const TUid KUidSamplingColor411 = {KSamplingColor411UidValue};

Specific JPEG ImageFrame Decoder/Encoder option for the ConvertFrame API.
 @see KOptionConvertFrameUidValue
const TUid KUidOptionConvertFrame = {KOptionConvertFrameUidValue};

Specific JPEG ImageFrame Decoder option for the RecommendBufferSize API.
This option allows the client of the decoder to obtain the recommended size for a ImageFrame 
and allocate memory accordingly.
 @see KRecommendBufferSizeUidValue
const TUid KUidOptionRecommendBufferSize = {KOptionRecommendBufferSizeUidValue};