Obtain an image of Webcamera from QEMU and add the Bitmap change display function.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Example declaration of RDvbhReceiver::RBody for the test stub
#include "dvbhreceiver.h"
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
* @internalComponent
* @prototype
* @see RDvbhReceiver
* This is the RDvbhReceiver internal, RHandleBase derived class to which the
* RDvbhReceiver test stub implementation delegates its methods. Its public
* interface should contain the RDvbhReceiver public interface and for these
* methods the documentation is the same as for RDvbhReceiver and are not
* documented here.
* This example shows RDvbhReceiver::RBody deriving from RBusLogicalChannel.
* Another suitable parent class would have been RSessionBase.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(RDvbhReceiver::RBody) : public RBusLogicalChannel
static TInt GetDriverVersion( TVersion& aVersion );
static TInt GetSupportedReceiverTypes( RArray<TDvbhReceiverType>& aReceiverTypes );
TInt Open( const TDvbhReceiverType aReceiverType );
void Close();
TInt PowerOn( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CancelPowerOn();
void PowerOff( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CancelPowerOff();
void SetDisabled( TBool aDisable, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CancelSetDisabled();
TInt SetScanConfiguration( const TDvbhScanConfiguration& aScanConfiguration );
TInt GetScanConfiguration( TDvbhScanConfiguration& aScanConfiguration );
TInt GetDvbhVersion( TVersion& aVersion );
TInt GetHardwareInfo( TDvbhHardwareInfo& aHardwareInfo );
TInt Scan( MDvbhScanObserver& aObserver, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CancelScan();
TInt SetPlatform( const TDvbhNetwork& aNetwork, const TDvbhPlatform& aPlatform, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CancelSetPlatform();
TInt CreateFilter( const TIp6Addr& aSourceAddress, TInt& aFilterId, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
TInt CancelFilter( TInt aFilterId );
TInt ReceiveIPData( MDvbhDataObserver& aObserver );
void CancelReceiveIPData();
TInt UpdateNetworkTime( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CancelUpdateNetworkTime();
TInt CustomCommand( TInt aCommand, const TDesC8& aInputData, TDes8& aOutputBuffer, TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CancelCustomCommand( TRequestStatus &aStatus );
TInt CustomCommand( TInt aCommand, const TDesC8& aInputData );
// Copy construction and assignment not allowed
RBody( const RBody& );
RBody& operator=( const RBody& );
// Private data needed for the implementation would go here.