// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include "JpegTypes.h"
const TInt KShift = 14;
// TQTable
TInt TQTable::Set(const TUint8* aData,const TBool aSixteenBitPrecision)
iSixteenBitPrecision = aSixteenBitPrecision;
if (iSixteenBitPrecision)
TUint16* sixteenBitPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint16*>(iValues);
const TUint16* sixteenBitPtrLimit = sixteenBitPtr + KJpgQTableEntries;
while (sixteenBitPtr < sixteenBitPtrLimit)
*sixteenBitPtr++ = ReadBigEndianUint16(aData);
return KJpgQTableEntries * 2;
Mem::Copy(iValues, aData, KJpgQTableEntries);
Mem::FillZ(iValues + KJpgQTableEntries,KJpgQTableEntries);
return KJpgQTableEntries;
TInt TQTable::Get(TUint8* aData) const
const TInt valuesSize = KJpgQTableEntries * (iSixteenBitPrecision ? sizeof(TUint16) : sizeof(TUint8));
if (iSixteenBitPrecision)
TUint16* sixteenBitPtr = (TUint16*)iValues;
const TUint16* sixteenBitPtrLimit = sixteenBitPtr + KJpgQTableEntries;
while (sixteenBitPtr < sixteenBitPtrLimit)
return valuesSize;
void TQTable::SetQualityFactor(TInt aQualityFactor)
TInt scaleFactor = 0;
if (aQualityFactor < 50)
aQualityFactor = Max(aQualityFactor,1);
scaleFactor = 5000 / aQualityFactor;
aQualityFactor = Min(aQualityFactor,100);
scaleFactor = 200 - (aQualityFactor * 2);
if (iSixteenBitPrecision)
TUint16* qPtr = (TUint16*)iValues;
const TUint16* qPtrLimit = qPtr + KJpgDCTBlockSize;
while (qPtr < qPtrLimit)
TInt qValue = (qPtr[0] * scaleFactor + 50) / 100;
if (qValue <= 0)
qValue = 1;
if (qValue > KMaxTInt16)
qValue = KMaxTInt16;
*qPtr++ = TUint16(qValue);
TUint8* qPtr = iValues;
const TUint8* qPtrLimit = qPtr + KJpgDCTBlockSize;
TInt* qPtrM = iValues2;
while (qPtr < qPtrLimit)
TInt qValue = (qPtr[0] * scaleFactor + 50) / 100;
if (qValue <= 0)
qValue = 1;
if (qValue > TInt(KMaxTUint8) )
qValue = KMaxTUint8;
*qPtrM++ = TUint16( (1 << KShift) / qValue );
*qPtr++ = TUint8(qValue);
void TQTable::CalcQualityFactor() // Assumes the default tables have been used
TInt scaleFactor = 0;
if (iSixteenBitPrecision)
TUint16* qPtr = (TUint16*)iValues;
scaleFactor = qPtr[KJpgQTableEntries - 1];
scaleFactor = iValues[KJpgQTableEntries - 1];
if (scaleFactor > 100)
iQualityFactor = 5000 / scaleFactor;
iQualityFactor = 100 - (scaleFactor / 2);
// this section contains many performance-critical code, so use ARM instruction set for it
#ifdef __ARMCC__
#pragma push
#pragma arm
#pragma O3
#pragma Otime
template <class T>
void TQTable::DoQuantize(TDataUnit& aDestination, const TDataUnit& aSource) const
const TInt16* srcPtr = aSource.iCoeff;
TInt16* dstPtr = aDestination.iCoeff;
const TUint8* zigZagPtr = KZigZagSequence.iZigZag;
const TUint8* zigZagPtrLimit= zigZagPtr + KJpgDCTBlockSize;
register const T* qPtr = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(iValues);
register TInt qValue = *qPtr++;
register TInt dstValue = srcPtr[*zigZagPtr++];
if (dstValue > 0)
dstValue += (qValue >> 1);
if (dstValue >= qValue)
dstValue /= qValue;
dstValue = 0;
dstValue -= (qValue >> 1);
dstValue = -dstValue;
if (dstValue >= qValue)
dstValue /= qValue;
dstValue = -dstValue;
dstValue = 0;
*dstPtr++ = TInt16(dstValue);
} while (zigZagPtr < zigZagPtrLimit);
void TQTable::Quantize(TDataUnit& aDestination,const TDataUnit& aSource, TBool aHighSpeedMode) const
if (iSixteenBitPrecision)
DoQuantize<TUint16>(aDestination, aSource);
if (!aHighSpeedMode)
DoQuantize<TUint8>(aDestination, aSource);
const TInt16* srcPtr = aSource.iCoeff;
TUint64* dstPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint64*>(aDestination.iCoeff);
const TUint8* zigZagPtr = KZigZagSequence.iZigZag;
const TUint8* zigZagPtrLimit= zigZagPtr + KJpgDCTBlockSize;
const TUint64* qPtr = &iValues2Aligment;
// we do 2 values per loop iteration
register TAligned64Value dstValue;
register TAligned64Value qValue;
register TAligned64Value zValue;
dstValue.iAligment = 0; //to remove possible RVCT warning
zValue.iAligment = *reinterpret_cast<const TUint64*>(zigZagPtr);
qValue.iAligment = *qPtr++;
dstValue.iWord[0] = TUint16(DESCALE(srcPtr[ zValue.iByte[0] ] * qValue.iInt[0], KShift));
dstValue.iWord[1] = TUint16(DESCALE(srcPtr[ zValue.iByte[1] ] * qValue.iInt[1], KShift));
qValue.iAligment = *qPtr++;
dstValue.iWord[2] = TUint16(DESCALE(srcPtr[ zValue.iByte[2] ] * qValue.iInt[0], KShift));
dstValue.iWord[3] = TUint16(DESCALE(srcPtr[ zValue.iByte[3] ] * qValue.iInt[1], KShift));
*dstPtr++ = dstValue.iAligment;
qValue.iAligment = *qPtr++;
dstValue.iWord[0] = TUint16(DESCALE(srcPtr[ zValue.iByte[4] ] * qValue.iInt[0], KShift));
dstValue.iWord[1] = TUint16(DESCALE(srcPtr[ zValue.iByte[5] ] * qValue.iInt[1], KShift));
qValue.iAligment = *qPtr++;
dstValue.iWord[2] = TUint16(DESCALE(srcPtr[ zValue.iByte[6] ] * qValue.iInt[0], KShift));
dstValue.iWord[3] = TUint16(DESCALE(srcPtr[ zValue.iByte[7] ] * qValue.iInt[1], KShift));
*dstPtr++ = dstValue.iAligment;
zigZagPtr += 8;
} while (zigZagPtr < zigZagPtrLimit);
void TQTable::FastHalfDeQuantize(TDataUnit& aDestination,const TDataUnit& aSource,TInt aNumNonZeroValues) const
DoDeQuantize(aDestination,aSource,Min(KJpgDCTBlockSize/2, aNumNonZeroValues), KJpgDCTBlockSize/2);
void TQTable::DeQuantize(TDataUnit& aDestination,const TDataUnit& aSource,TInt aNumNonZeroValues) const
DoDeQuantize(aDestination,aSource, aNumNonZeroValues, KJpgDCTBlockSize);
void TQTable::DoDeQuantize(TDataUnit& aDestination,const TDataUnit& aSource,
TInt aNumNonZeroValues, TInt aBlockLen) const
FillCompZ(aDestination, aBlockLen );
const TInt16* srcPtr = aSource.iCoeff;
const TInt16* const srcPtrLimit = srcPtr + aNumNonZeroValues;
TInt16* dstPtr = aDestination.iCoeff;
const TUint8* zigZagPtr = KZigZagSequence.iZigZag;
if (iSixteenBitPrecision)
const TUint16* qPtr = (const TUint16*)iValues;
while (srcPtr < srcPtrLimit)
TInt16 v=(*srcPtr++);
if (v)
dstPtr[*zigZagPtr] = TInt16(v * (*qPtr));
const TUint8* qPtr = iValues;
while (srcPtr < srcPtrLimit)
TInt16 v=*srcPtr++;
if (v)
dstPtr[*zigZagPtr] = TInt16(v* (*qPtr));
void TQTable::FastQuarterDeQuantize(TDataUnit& aDestination,const TDataUnit& aSource,TInt /*aNumNonZeroValues*/) const
// we're interested only in result at indeces 0,1 and 8,9 for fast 1/4 iDCT,
// so use excerpt of the ZigZag table:
// 0, 1, 8, 16, 9
const TInt16* srcPtr = aSource.iCoeff;
TInt16* dstPtr = aDestination.iCoeff;
if (iSixteenBitPrecision)
const TUint16* qPtr = (const TUint16*)iValues;
dstPtr[0] = TInt16(srcPtr[0] * qPtr[0]);
dstPtr[1] = TInt16(srcPtr[1] * qPtr[1]);
dstPtr[8] = TInt16(srcPtr[2] * qPtr[2]);
dstPtr[9] = TInt16(srcPtr[4] * qPtr[4]);
const TUint8* qPtr = iValues;
dstPtr[0] = TInt16(srcPtr[0] * qPtr[0]);
dstPtr[1] = TInt16(srcPtr[1] * qPtr[1]);
dstPtr[8] = TInt16(srcPtr[2] * qPtr[2]);
dstPtr[9] = TInt16(srcPtr[4] * qPtr[4]);
#ifdef __ARMCC__
#pragma pop