// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <mmf/devvideo/videoplayhwdevice.h>
#include <mmf/devvideo/devvideoplay.h>
#include <mmf/server/mmfdatabuffer.h>
class CVideoDataBuffer : public CBase
static CVideoDataBuffer* NewL(TUint aSize);
static CVideoDataBuffer* NewL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer);
operator CMMFBuffer*();
operator TVideoInputBuffer&();
TBool operator ==(const CMMFBuffer* aBuffer) const;
TBool operator ==(const TVideoInputBuffer& aVideoInputBuffer) const;
TUint Length();
void ConstructL(TUint aSize);
void ConstructL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer);
TUint iSize;
CMMFBuffer* iMmfBuffer;
TVideoInputBuffer iVideoInputBuffer;
class CVideoFrameBuffer : public CBase
enum TFrameBufferState
static CVideoFrameBuffer* NewL(TSize aFrameSize, TUncompressedVideoFormat aVideoFormat, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
operator CMMFBuffer&();
operator CMMFBuffer*();
operator TVideoPicture&();
operator TVideoPicture*();
TBool operator ==(const CMMFBuffer* aBuffer) const;
TBool operator ==(const TVideoPicture& aVideoPicture) const;
void LockFrameBufferHeap();
void UnlockFrameBufferHeap();
void SetLastBuffer(TBool aLastBuffer);
TBool LastBuffer();
CVideoFrameBuffer(TSize aFrameSize, TUncompressedVideoFormat aVideoFormat, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
void ConstructL();
CMMFBuffer* iMmfBuffer;
TVideoPicture iVideoPicture;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap;
HBufC8* iRawBuffer;
TPtr8 iRawPtr;
TInt iFrameBufferSize; // still need to fill this in
TSize iFrameSize;
TUncompressedVideoFormat iVideoFormat;
TDisplayMode iDisplayMode;
TBool iHeapLocked;
TBool iLastBuffer;
Buffer manager for video decoder hardware device.
class CMdfVideoDecoderBufferManager : public CBase
static CMdfVideoDecoderBufferManager* NewL();
void Init(const TUncompressedVideoFormat& aFormat);
// data buffers (input)
CVideoDataBuffer& CreateDataBufferL(TUint aSize);
TInt DataBuffersAvailable() const;
CVideoDataBuffer& GetDataBufferL();
// for convenience, allow the return of the data buffer in all permutations
void ReturnDataBufferL(TVideoInputBuffer& aBuffer);
// frame buffer management
CVideoFrameBuffer& CreateFrameBufferL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
CVideoFrameBuffer& GetEmptyFrameBufferL(TBool aLockHeap);
CVideoFrameBuffer& GetFilledFrameBufferL(TBool aLockHeap);
void ReturnFrameBufferL(TVideoPicture& aPicture, CVideoFrameBuffer::TFrameBufferState aState);
void ReturnFrameBufferL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer,
CVideoFrameBuffer::TFrameBufferState aState,
TBool aLastBuffer);
TInt EmptyFrameBuffersAvailable() const;
TInt FilledFrameBuffersAvailable() const;
const TPictureData& LastPictureL() const;
// getters/setters for frame attributes
void SetFrameSize(const TSize& aSize);
void SetFrameBufferSize(TInt aSize);
const TSize& FrameSize() const;
TInt FrameBufferSize() const;
TInt MaxFrameBuffers() const;
TInt FindFrameBuffer(const CMMFBuffer* aBuffer) const;
TInt FindFrameBuffer(const TVideoPicture& aVideoPicture) const;
TInt FindFrameBuffer(const CVideoFrameBuffer& aFrameBuffer) const;
void ConstructL();
// the format of the incoming video
TUncompressedVideoFormat iFormat;
// input data buffers
CVideoDataBuffer* iInputBuffer;
TBool iInputBufferInUse;
// output frame buffers
RPointerArray<CVideoFrameBuffer> iEmptyFrameBuffers;
RPointerArray<CVideoFrameBuffer> iFilledFrameBuffers;
RPointerArray<CVideoFrameBuffer> iFrameBuffersInUse;
TSize iFrameSize;
TInt iFrameBufferSize;
TInt iMaxFrameBuffers;
// last displayed frame
TPictureData iLastDisplayedFrame;