author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:50:33 +0200
changeset 7 94dbab0a2133
parent 0 40261b775718
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201007 Kit: 201008

// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Mda\Common\MmfVideo.h

#ifndef __MMF_COMMON_VIDEO_H__
#define __MMF_COMMON_VIDEO_H__

#include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>

#include <mmf/common/mmfvideoenums.h>

class CFbsBitmap;


The use of this constant as either a parameter for
CVideoRecorderUtility::SetVideoBitRateL or as a return value from
CVideoRecorderUtility::VideoBitRateL signifies that a variable
video bit rate is being used.
const TInt KMMFVariableVideoBitRate = -1;


CVideoRecorderUtility::SetMaxClipSizeL can take this constant
instead of a byte value.  This signifies there should be no max
clip size
const TInt KMMFNoMaxClipSize = -1;


CVideoPlayerUtility/CVideoRecorderUtility HandleEvent() code :
the video source file has been successfully opened
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoOpenComplete = {0x101F7F85};


The unique identifier for the event that indicates that the video has been prepared for recording.
const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoPrepareComplete = {0x101F7F86};

const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoLoadingStarted = {0x101F7F87};

const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoLoadingComplete = {0x101F7F88};

const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoPlayerGeneralError = {0x101F8000};

const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoRecorderGeneralError = {0x101F8001};


Defines an absolute rotation in 90 degree increments

@since  7.0s
enum TVideoRotation


Class used when sending custom commands from the client API
to the video controller to get or set the video configuration.
class TMMFVideoConfig
	inline TMMFVideoConfig();

	A flag indicating whether audio output is enabled. ETrue if teh audio is to be enabled, false if
	TBool						iAudioEnabled;
	The location of the top left corner of the video window.
	TPoint						iTopLeftPt;
	Defines the rectangle in which the video clip will be played.
	TRect						iClipRect;
	A handle to the bitmap into which the decoded frame(s) are put.
	TInt						iBitmapHandle;
	The current frame number in the video clip.
	TInt						iFrameNumber;
	The number of frames per second; may not be an integer.
	TReal32						iFramesPerSecond;
	The width & height of the video frame.
	TSize						iVideoFrameSize;
	The volume setting of the video device.

	Should be between 0 and iMaxVolume.
	TInt						iVolume;
	The maximum volume setting of the video device.

	This value is platform dependent but is always greater than or equal to one. This is the maximum
	value that should be passed to iVolume.
	TInt						iMaxVolume;
	The balance of the audio channels for the video device. Zero for normal balance.
	TInt						iBalance;
	The gain of the audio channels for the video device. This can be any value from zero to
	TInt						iGain;
	The maximum gain of the audio channels for the video device.
	TInt						iMaxGain;

	Meta data is often contained in the header of multimedia clips and is used to define attributes
	such as the author and copyright details.
	TInt						iMetaData;
	Set the maximum size of the recording, in bytes.
	TInt						iMaxFileSize;
	The number of channels (mono/stereo) that can be read by the video device.
	TUint						iChannels;
	The video bit rate of the video device.
	TInt						iVideoBitRate;
	The audio bit rate of the video device.
	TInt						iAudioBitRate;
	The unique identifier of the video format handled by the video device.
	TUid						iFormatUid;
	The video data type represented as a fourCC code.
	TFourCC						iVideoCodec;
	The audio data type represented as a fourCC code.
	TFourCC						iAudioCodec;
	The period over which the volume is to rise.
	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds	iRampDuration;
	The start position for playback in micro seconds.
	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds	iStartPosition;
	The end position for playback in micro seconds.
	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds	iEndPosition;
	The (possibly estimated) record time left in the clip.
	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds	iRecordTimeAvailable;
	Handle to the bitmap of the current video frame.

	Used by RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetFrame()
	to pass a bitmap handle to the video controller.
	TInt						iFrameBitmapServerHandle;
	Defines the window in which the video clip will be played.
	TRect						iWindowRect;
	A handle to the video camera being used.
	TInt						iCameraHandle;
	Whether the video display is active
	TInt						iDSAEvent;
	The percentage of loading/rebuffering completed.
	TInt						iLoadingCompletePercentage;
	The video rotation.
	TVideoRotation				iVideoRotation;
	The percentage (100 = original size) by which the width of the video image is scaled.
	TReal32						iWidthScalePercentage;
	The percentage (100 = original size) by which the height of the video image is scaled.
	TReal32						iHeightScalePercentage;
	A boolean indicating if anti-aliasing filtering should be used.
	TBool						iAntiAliasFiltering;
	The crop region currently applied to the image.
	TRect						iCropRectangle;
	This member is internal and not intended for use.
	TInt iReserved1;
	TInt iReserved2;
	TInt iReserved3;

Initialises the object with arbitrary values.
inline TMMFVideoConfig::TMMFVideoConfig() {};


Interface class to provide a callback to the video controller
custom command interface from the controller plug-in
(the object that implements the video record controller interface
MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor) when a GetFrame()
request has been issued.

@see RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands::GetFrame()
class MMMFVideoFrameMessage 
	Called when a frame has been successfully decoded.

	@param  aError
	        The result code to be given to the client.
	virtual void FrameReady(TInt aError) = 0;
	Returns the decoded frame as a bitmap.

	@return A reference to the video frame.
	virtual CFbsBitmap& GetBitmap() = 0;


Represents the video aspect ratio as a fraction: iNumerator/iDenominator.
class TVideoAspectRatio
    Aspect ratio numerator.
    TInt iNumerator;
    Aspect ratio denominator.
    TInt iDenominator;

    Constructs a default aspect ratio object. The default aspect ratio is
    1:1 (square).
    inline TVideoAspectRatio();

    Constructs an aspect ratio object from a numerator and a denominator.
    @param 	aNumerator 
    		Aspect ratio numerator.
    @param 	aDenominator 
    		Aspect ratio denominator.
    inline TVideoAspectRatio(TInt aNumerator, TInt aDenominator);

    Compares two aspect ratio object for equality. The objects are
    considered equal if the numerator and denominator match. 
    Note that the implementation will not attempt to reduce the fractions 
    before comparison.
    inline TBool operator==(const TVideoAspectRatio& aAspectRatio) const;

    Compares two aspect ratio object for equality. The objects are
    considered inequal if either the numerators or the denominators differ.
    Note that the implementation will not attempt to reduce the fractions
    before comparison.
    inline TBool operator!=(const TVideoAspectRatio& aAspectRatio) const;

inline TVideoAspectRatio::TVideoAspectRatio()
	: iNumerator(1),iDenominator(1)

inline TVideoAspectRatio::TVideoAspectRatio(TInt aNumerator, TInt aDenominator)
	: iNumerator(aNumerator),iDenominator(aDenominator)

inline TBool TVideoAspectRatio::operator==(const TVideoAspectRatio& aAspectRatio) const
	return ((iNumerator == aAspectRatio.iNumerator) && (iDenominator == aAspectRatio.iDenominator));
inline TBool TVideoAspectRatio::operator!=(const TVideoAspectRatio& aAspectRatio) const
	return ((iNumerator != aAspectRatio.iNumerator) || (iDenominator != aAspectRatio.iDenominator));

Automatic scaling type.


@see CVideoPlayerUtility::SetAutoScaleL
enum TAutoScaleType
    /** No automatic scaling */
    EAutoScaleNone = 0,
    Best fit: The picture is scaled to fit the window without
    clipping while maintaining aspect ratio. If window and
    picture aspect ratios do not match, window background color
    is used to fill the borders.

    Clip: The picture is scaled to fit in the window, scaled in both
    directions while maintaining aspect ratio. If window and
    picture aspect ratios do not match, some of the video
    picture will be clipped.

    Stretch: The picture is scaled to fit in the window without
    maintaining aspect ratio. If window and picture aspect
    ratios do not match, the picture will be distorted.

Horizontal alignment for automatic scaling.


@see SetAutoScaleL
enum THorizontalAlign
	/** The picture is horizontally centered */
	EHorizontalAlignCenter = 0x70000000, 
	/** The picture is left-aligned */
	/** The picture is right-aligned */
Vertical alignment for automatic scaling.


@see SetAutoScaleL
enum TVerticalAlign
	/** The picture is vertically centered */
	EVerticalAlignCenter = 0x70000000,
	/** The picture is top-aligned */
	/** The picture is bottom-aligned */