// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <a3f/mmfdevsoundcustominterfaceextensions.h>
#include <a3f/maudiocontext.h>
#include <a3f/maudiocontextobserver.h>
#include "testsetvol.h"
class CSetVol;
* CA3fClientCiStubExtn
* stub version of MDevSoundCIClientExtension
* Always fails to open CIs, but simulates presence of object
class CA3fClientCiStubExtn : public CBase,
public MDevSoundCIClientExtension,
public MTestSetVolIf
static MDevSoundCIClientExtension* NewL();
// from MDevSoundCIClientExtension
TInt Setup(MCustomCommand& aCustomCommand);
TInt CustomInterfaceExtension(TUid aUid, TAny*& aInterface);
void Release();
void PassDestructorKey(TUid aDestructorKey);
// from MTestSetVolIf
TInt SetVol(TInt aVolume);
TUid iKey;
MCustomCommand* iCommand; // not owned
HBufC* iDummyBuffer;
* CA3fServerCiStubExtn
* stub version of MDevSoundCIServerExtension
* Always fails to open CIs, but simulates presence of object
class CA3fServerCiStubExtn : public CBase,
public MDevSoundCIServerExtension
static MDevSoundCIServerExtension* NewL();
// from MDevSoundCIServerExtension
TInt Setup(MCustomInterface& aInterface);
TInt HandleMessageL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
void Release();
void PassDestructorKey(TUid aDestructorKey);
TUid iKey;
MCustomInterface* iInterface; // not owned
HBufC* iDummyBuffer;
CSetVol* iSetVol;
// CAVEAT - for testing only
class CSetVol : public CBase,
public MAudioContextObserver
static CSetVol* NewL(MCustomInterface& aCustomInterface);
TInt HandleMessageL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
// from MAudioContextObserver
void ContextEvent(TUid aEvent, TInt aError);
CSetVol(MCustomInterface& aCustomInterface);
void ConstructL();
void UpdateA3fPointers();
void SetVolumeL(TInt aVol);
MCustomInterface* iInterface; // not owned
MAudioContext* iContext;
MAudioStream* iStream;
MAudioProcessingUnit* iGain;
CActiveSchedulerWait* iWait;
TInt iError;