// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// TestDevVideoPlay.cpp
#include "TestDevVideoPlay.h"
#include "TestDevVideoPlayTestData.h"
#include "TestDevVideoPlugins/decoder.h"
#include "TestDevVideoPlugins/postproc.h"
#include <e32math.h>
const TInt KTestScreenCount = 2;
// DevVideoPlay base class
const TUid KUidMDFVideoDecoderHwDeviceAdapter = { 0x102737ED };
CTestDevVideoPlayStep::CTestDevVideoPlayStep(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
// Each test step initialises it's own name
iTestStepName = aTestName;
iTestType = aTestType; // included in case needed in future
delete iDevVideoPlay;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayStep::DoTestStepL()
// construct DevVideoPlay object
TRAPD(err, iDevVideoPlay = CMMFDevVideoPlay::NewL(*this));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Could not create a CMMFDevVideoPlay class!"));
return EInconclusive;
TVerdict ret = EFail;
// call the test step
ret = DoTestL(*iDevVideoPlay);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: Destroying"));
delete iDevVideoPlay;
iDevVideoPlay = NULL;
if(iError != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2( _L("CMMFDevVideoPlay failed with error %d"), iError );
return ret;
// MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoNewBuffers()
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoReturnPicture(TVideoPicture* /*aPicture*/)
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoSupplementalInformation(const TDesC8& /*aData*/,
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /*aTimestamp*/,
const TPictureId& /*aPictureId*/)
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoPictureLoss()
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoPictureLoss(const TArray<TPictureId>& /*aPictures*/)
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoSliceLoss(TUint /*aFirstMacroblock*/, TUint /*aNumMacroblocks*/, const TPictureId& /*aPicture*/)
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoReferencePictureSelection(const TDesC8& /*aSelectionData*/)
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoTimedSnapshotComplete(TInt /*aError*/,
TPictureData* /*aPictureData*/,
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /*aPresentationTimestamp*/,
const TPictureId& /*aPictureId*/)
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoNewPictures()
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoFatalError(TInt aError)
iError = aError;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoFatalError(): Error = %d"), aError);
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoInitComplete(TInt aError)
iError = aError;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoInitComplete(): Error = %d"), aError);
void CTestDevVideoPlayStep::MdvpoStreamEnd()
CTestDevVideoPlayCommonFormat::CTestDevVideoPlayCommonFormat(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayCommonFormat* CTestDevVideoPlayCommonFormat::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayCommonFormat* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayCommonFormat(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayCommonFormat::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& /*aDevVideoPlay*/)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TBool expErr = ETrue;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: Find common format"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
// make a fake list of formats
RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> vFormats1;
RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> vFormats2;
TUncompressedVideoFormat commonFormat;
TUncompressedVideoFormat otherFormat;
// push arrays to cleanup stack
// setup vFormats1
// setup vFormats2
TArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> t1 = vFormats1.Array();
TArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> t2 = vFormats2.Array();
TBool formatFound = EFalse;
// attempt to find a common format
formatFound = CMMFDevVideoPlay::FindCommonFormat(t1, t2, commonFormat);
// now attempt to find a common format that doesn't exist
TBool otherFormatFound = ETrue;
// perform search for non-existent common format
t1 = vFormats1.Array(); // need to get Array class again
otherFormatFound = CMMFDevVideoPlay::FindCommonFormat(t1, t2, otherFormat);
// close the arrays
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &vFormats1);
// check format
if ( (!formatFound) || !(commonFormat == KTestVidFormat2) )
ret = EFail;
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: No common format found..."));
else if (otherFormatFound )
ret = EFail;
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: Found a common format when there wasn't one!"));
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("FindCommonFormat(), %d = %d"), formatFound, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayFindDecoders::CTestDevVideoPlayFindDecoders(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayFindDecoders* CTestDevVideoPlayFindDecoders::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayFindDecoders* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayFindDecoders(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayFindDecoders::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: FindDecoders"));
RArray<TUid> foundDecoders;
RArray<TUid> expectedDecoders;
RArray<TUid> unExpectedDecoders;
TInt error = KErrNone;
TUint32 requestedPostProcType = 0;
// Unsupported mime type
if (!error)
requestedPostProcType = 0;
_LIT8(KMimeType1, "VIDEO/mpeg21");
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindDecodersL(KMimeType1(), requestedPostProcType, foundDecoders, EFalse));
if (!error)
error = CheckDecoders(foundDecoders, expectedDecoders, unExpectedDecoders);
// Unsupported post proc type
if (!error)
requestedPostProcType = EPpOutputCrop|EPpInputCrop;
_LIT8(KMimeType2, "videO/duMMy");
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindDecodersL(KMimeType2(), requestedPostProcType, foundDecoders, EFalse));
if (error == KErrNotFound)//we actually expect KErrNotFound here
error = KErrNone;
error = KErrGeneral;
if (!error)
error = CheckDecoders(foundDecoders, expectedDecoders, unExpectedDecoders);
// Unsupported mime type (by exact match)
if (!error)
_LIT8(KMimeType3, "video/H263-2000; profile=45;level=40");
requestedPostProcType = 0;
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindDecodersL(KMimeType3(), requestedPostProcType, foundDecoders, ETrue));
if (error == KErrNotFound)//we actually expect KErrNotFound here
error = KErrNone;
error = KErrGeneral;
if (!error)
error = CheckDecoders(foundDecoders, expectedDecoders, unExpectedDecoders);
// Supported mime type (by unexact match)
if (!error)
_LIT8(KMimeType4, "video/H263-2000; profile=1234;level=20");
requestedPostProcType = 0;
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindDecodersL(KMimeType4(), requestedPostProcType, foundDecoders, EFalse));
if (!error)
error = CheckDecoders(foundDecoders, expectedDecoders, unExpectedDecoders);
// Supported mime type and post proc type (by exact match)
if (!error)
_LIT8(KMimeType5, "video/zippyvideo");
requestedPostProcType = EPpMirror|EPpInputCrop;
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindDecodersL(KMimeType5(), requestedPostProcType, foundDecoders, ETrue));
if (!error)
error = CheckDecoders(foundDecoders, expectedDecoders, unExpectedDecoders);
//Added to check that the mimetype comparison is not case sensitive
if (!error)
_LIT8(KMimeType6, "VIDEO/ZIPPYvideo");
requestedPostProcType = EPpMirror|EPpInputCrop;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("To check that the mime type comparison is not case sensitive"));
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindDecodersL(KMimeType6(), requestedPostProcType, foundDecoders, ETrue));
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("error = %d"),error);
if (!error)
error = CheckDecoders(foundDecoders, expectedDecoders, unExpectedDecoders);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //foundDecoders, expectedDecoders, unExpectedDecoders
if (!error)
ret = EPass;
return ret;
TInt CTestDevVideoPlayFindDecoders::CheckDecoders(const RArray<TUid>& aFoundDecoders,
const RArray<TUid>& aExpectedDecoders,
const RArray<TUid>& aUnExpectedDecoders)
TInt ret = KErrGeneral;
TBool foundUnExpected = EFalse;
TInt numberToBeFoundInExpectedDecoders = aExpectedDecoders.Count();
for (TInt i=0; i<aFoundDecoders.Count(); i++)
TUid uidToLookFor = aFoundDecoders[i];
for (TInt j=0; j<aExpectedDecoders.Count(); j++)
if (aExpectedDecoders[j] == uidToLookFor)
for (TInt k=0; k<aUnExpectedDecoders.Count(); k++)
if (aUnExpectedDecoders[k] == uidToLookFor)
foundUnExpected = ETrue;
if ((!foundUnExpected) && (numberToBeFoundInExpectedDecoders==0))
ret = KErrNone;
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayFindPostProc::CTestDevVideoPlayFindPostProc(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayFindPostProc* CTestDevVideoPlayFindPostProc::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayFindPostProc* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayFindPostProc(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayFindPostProc::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: FindPostProc"));
RArray<TUid> foundPostProx;
RArray<TUid> expectedPostProx;
RArray<TUid> unExpectedPostProx;
TInt error = KErrNone;
TUint32 requestedPostProcType = 0;
// First ask for post processor isn't supported
if (!error)
requestedPostProcType = EPpInputCrop|EPpMirror|EPpScale|EPpOutputPad|EPpNoiseFilter;
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindPostProcessorsL(requestedPostProcType, foundPostProx));
if (error == KErrNotFound)//we actually expect KErrNotFound here
error = KErrNone;
error = KErrGeneral;
if (!error)
error = CheckPostProx(foundPostProx, expectedPostProx, unExpectedPostProx);
// Next ask for all post processors
if (!error)
requestedPostProcType = 0;
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindPostProcessorsL(requestedPostProcType, foundPostProx));
if (!error)
error = CheckPostProx(foundPostProx, expectedPostProx, unExpectedPostProx);
// Next ask for a specific subset of post processors
if (!error)
requestedPostProcType = EPpMirror;
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindPostProcessorsL(requestedPostProcType, foundPostProx));
if (!error)
error = CheckPostProx(foundPostProx, expectedPostProx, unExpectedPostProx);
// Next ask for another specific subset of post processors
if (!error)
requestedPostProcType = EPpMirror|EPpInputCrop;
TRAP(error, aDevVideoPlay.FindPostProcessorsL(requestedPostProcType, foundPostProx));
if (!error)
error = CheckPostProx(foundPostProx, expectedPostProx, unExpectedPostProx);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//foundPostProx, expectedPostProx, unExpectedPostProx
if (!error)
ret = EPass;
return ret;
TInt CTestDevVideoPlayFindPostProc::CheckPostProx(const RArray<TUid>& aFoundPostProx,
const RArray<TUid>& aExpectedPostProx,
const RArray<TUid>& aUnExpectedPostProx)
TInt ret = KErrGeneral;
TBool foundUnExpected = EFalse;
TInt numberToBeFoundInExpectedPostProx = aExpectedPostProx.Count();
for (TInt i=0; i<aFoundPostProx.Count(); i++)
TUid uidToLookFor = aFoundPostProx[i];
for (TInt j=0; j<aExpectedPostProx.Count(); j++)
if (aExpectedPostProx[j] == uidToLookFor)
for (TInt k=0; k<aUnExpectedPostProx.Count(); k++)
if (aUnExpectedPostProx[k] == uidToLookFor)
foundUnExpected = ETrue;
if ((!foundUnExpected) && (numberToBeFoundInExpectedPostProx==0))
ret = KErrNone;
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayListDecoders::CTestDevVideoPlayListDecoders(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayListDecoders* CTestDevVideoPlayListDecoders::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayListDecoders* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayListDecoders(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayListDecoders::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: ListDecoders"));
RArray<TUid> foundDecoders;
RArray<TUid> expectedDecoders;
TRAPD(err, aDevVideoPlay.GetDecoderListL(foundDecoders));
if (!err)
// Make sure that the video hardware device adapter is NOT in the array
TBool foundAdapter = EFalse;
for (TInt j = 0; j < foundDecoders.Count(); j++)
if (foundDecoders[j] == KUidMDFVideoDecoderHwDeviceAdapter)
foundAdapter = ETrue;
// Make sure that all the UIDs of the test plugins are in the array..
TInt numberToBeFound = expectedDecoders.Count();
for (TInt i=0; i<expectedDecoders.Count(); i++)
TUid uidToFind = expectedDecoders[i];
for (TInt j=0; j<foundDecoders.Count(); j++)
if (foundDecoders[j] == uidToFind)
if ((numberToBeFound == 0) && (!foundAdapter))
ret = EPass;
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayListPostProc::CTestDevVideoPlayListPostProc(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayListPostProc* CTestDevVideoPlayListPostProc::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayListPostProc* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayListPostProc(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayListPostProc::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: ListPostProc"));
RArray<TUid> foundPostProx;
RArray<TUid> expectedPostProx;
TRAPD(err, aDevVideoPlay.GetPostProcessorListL(foundPostProx));
if (!err)
// Make sure that all the UIDs of the test plugins are in the array..
TInt numberToBeFound = expectedPostProx.Count();
for (TInt i=0; i<expectedPostProx.Count(); i++)
TUid uidToFind = expectedPostProx[i];
for (TInt j=0; j<foundPostProx.Count(); j++)
if (foundPostProx[j] == uidToFind)
if (numberToBeFound == 0)
ret = EPass;
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderInfo::CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderInfo(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderInfo* CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderInfo::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderInfo* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderInfo(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TBool CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderInfo::ValidDecoderInfo(CVideoDecoderInfo* aInfo)
// do null pointer check
if (!aInfo)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Decoder Info is NULL!"));
return EFalse;
// check the decoder against test data
// need to check every call so as to keep code coverage
// and prevent a situation where if the first test fails
// then subsequent tests will not be called
TBool ret = ETrue;
// UID check
if (aInfo->Uid() != KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Decoder UID is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Manufacturer check
if (!(aInfo->Manufacturer() == KTestDecoderInfoManufacturer))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Manufacturer is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Identifier check
if (!(aInfo->Identifier() == KTestDecoderInfoIdentifier))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Identifier is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Version check
TVersion decVer = aInfo->Version();
if ( (decVer.iMajor != KTestDecoderInfoVersionMaj) ||
(decVer.iMinor != KTestDecoderInfoVersionMin) ||
(decVer.iBuild != KTestDecoderInfoVersionBuild) )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Version is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Accelerated check
if (!aInfo->Accelerated())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Accelerated = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Direct display check
if (!aInfo->SupportsDirectDisplay())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supports Direct Display = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Max picture size
TSize maxSize = aInfo->MaxPictureSize();
if (maxSize.iWidth != KTestDecoderInfoMaxSizeX || maxSize.iHeight != KTestDecoderInfoMaxSizeY)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Max Picture Size is wrong!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Max Bitrate
if (aInfo->MaxBitrate() != KMaxTUint)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Max Bitrate is wrong!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Supports picture loss
if (!aInfo->SupportsPictureLoss())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supports Picture Loss = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Supports slice loss
if (aInfo->SupportsSliceLoss())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supports Slice Loss = ETrue!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Coding standard info
if (!(aInfo->CodingStandardSpecificInfo() == KTestDecoderInfoCSInfo))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Coding standard specific info is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Implementation info
if (!(aInfo->ImplementationSpecificInfo() == KTestDecoderInfoISInfo))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Implementation specific info is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
if (!aInfo->SupportsContentProtected())//Check if flag is set indicating Content Protection is supported.
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed To get flag indicating support of Content Protection!"));
ret = EFalse;
// get some test compressed video formats
CCompressedVideoFormat* testFormat = NULL;
TInt err = KErrNone;
// get formats supported
const RPointerArray<CCompressedVideoFormat>& vidFormats = aInfo->SupportedFormats();
// get supported max picture rates
TPictureRateAndSize testRate;
const RArray<TPictureRateAndSize>& maxRates = aInfo->MaxPictureRates();
// test formats supported
for (TUint i = 0; i < KTestDecoderInfoCount; i++)
TPtrC8 mimeType = KTestDecoderInfoMimeArray[i];
TRAP(err, testFormat = GetTestCVFormatL(mimeType));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - Failed to construct CCompressedVideoFormat: %d!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
if(testFormat != NULL)
delete testFormat;
if (!(*testFormat == *(vidFormats[i])) || !(aInfo->SupportsFormat(*testFormat)))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - Video Format %d is corrupt!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
delete testFormat;
testFormat = NULL;
// Test supported max picture rates
GetTestEncoderInfoRate(i, testRate);
if (!(testRate.iPictureSize == maxRates[i].iPictureSize) ||
!(testRate.iPictureRate == maxRates[i].iPictureRate) )
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - picture rate %d is corrupt!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
//Screen information check
RArray<TInt> supportedScreens;
TRAP(err, aInfo->GetSupportedScreensL(supportedScreens));
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedScreensL leaves with %d"), err);
ret = EFalse;
if(supportedScreens.Count() != KTestScreenCount)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Unexpected screen count"));
ret = EFalse;
err = supportedScreens.Find(KDecoderDefaultScreenNumber);
if(err == KErrNotFound)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - No support for primary screen"));
ret = EFalse;
err = supportedScreens.Find(KDecoderSecondaryScreenNumber);
if(err == KErrNotFound)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - No support for secondary screen"));
ret = EFalse;
// finally check a format which isn't supposed to be supported
TRAP(err, testFormat = GetTestCVFormatL(_L8("Frederick Bloggs and his amazing coloured dog")));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed to construct final CCompressedVideoFormat!"));
ret = EFalse;
if (aInfo->SupportsFormat(*testFormat))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed negative SupportsFormat() check!"));
ret = EFalse;
if(testFormat != NULL)
delete testFormat;
return ret;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderInfo::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: GetDecoderInfo"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
CVideoDecoderInfo *decInfo = NULL;
TBool valid = EFalse;
// get decoder information from test decoder plugin
decInfo = aDevVideoPlay.VideoDecoderInfoLC(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice);
valid = ValidDecoderInfo(decInfo);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(decInfo); );
if (err != expErr)
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("VideoDecoderInfoLC() gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ret = EFail;
// check the Video Decoder
else if (!valid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CVideoDecoderInfo class is corrupt!"));
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CVideoDecoderInfo passed check successfully"));
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("VideoDecoderInfoLC(), %d = %d"), err, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayGetPostProcInfo::CTestDevVideoPlayGetPostProcInfo(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetPostProcInfo* CTestDevVideoPlayGetPostProcInfo::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetPostProcInfo* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayGetPostProcInfo(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TBool CTestDevVideoPlayGetPostProcInfo::ValidPostProcInfo(CPostProcessorInfo* aInfo)
// do null pointer check
if (!aInfo)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Post Processor Info is NULL!"));
return EFalse;
// check the post processor against test data
// need to check every call so as to keep code coverage
// and prevent a situation where if the first test fails
// then subsequent tests will not be called
TBool ret = ETrue;
// UID check
if (aInfo->Uid() != KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Post Processor UID is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Manufacturer check
if (!(aInfo->Manufacturer() == KTestPostProcInfoManufacturer))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Manufacturer is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Identifier check
if (!(aInfo->Identifier() == KTestPostProcInfoIdentifier))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Identifier is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Version check
TVersion posVer = aInfo->Version();
if ( (posVer.iMajor != KTestPostProcInfoVersionMaj) ||
(posVer.iMinor != KTestPostProcInfoVersionMin) ||
(posVer.iBuild != KTestPostProcInfoVersionBuild) )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Version is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Accelerated check
if (!aInfo->Accelerated())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Accelerated = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Direct display check
if (!aInfo->SupportsDirectDisplay())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supports Direct Display = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// YUVToRGB Capabilities
if (!CompareYuvRgbCaps(aInfo->YuvToRgbCapabilities(), KTestPostProcInfoYuvToRgbCaps))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - YUV To RGB capabilities is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Supported rotations
if (aInfo->SupportedRotations() != KTestPostProcInfoRotations)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supported Rotations is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Supports arbitrary scaling check
if (!aInfo->AntiAliasedScaling())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Anti-Aliased Scaling = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Supports anti-aliased scaling check
if (!aInfo->SupportsArbitraryScaling())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supports Arbitrary Scaling = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Implementation info
if (!(aInfo->ImplementationSpecificInfo() == KTestPostProcInfoISInfo))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Implementation specific info is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// get some test compressed video formats
TUncompressedVideoFormat testFormat;
TUint32 testComb = 0;
TScaleFactor testFactor = {0, 0};
// get supported formats
const RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& vidFormats = aInfo->SupportedFormats();
// get supported combinations
const RArray<TUint32>& suppCombs = aInfo->SupportedCombinations();
// get supported scale factors
const RArray<TScaleFactor>& scaleFactors = aInfo->SupportedScaleFactors();
// test formats, combinations, and scale factors supported
for (TUint i = 0; i < KTestPostProcInfoCount; i++)
testFormat = KTestPostProcInfoFormatArray[i];
if (!(testFormat == (vidFormats[i])) || !(aInfo->SupportsFormat(testFormat)))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - Video Format %d is corrupt!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
testComb = KTestPostProcInfoCombsArray[i];
if (!(testComb == (suppCombs[i])) || !(aInfo->SupportsCombination(testComb)))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - Combination %d is corrupt!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
testFactor = KTestPostProcInfoScaleFactorsArray[i];
if (!CompareScaleFactors(testFactor, scaleFactors[i]))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - Scale factor %d is corrupt!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
//Screen information check
RArray<TInt> supportedScreens;
TRAPD(err, aInfo->GetSupportedScreensL(supportedScreens));
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedScreensL leaves with %d"), err);
ret = EFalse;
if(supportedScreens.Count() != KTestScreenCount)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Unexpected screen count"));
ret = EFalse;
err = supportedScreens.Find(KPostProcDefaultScreenNumber);
if(err == KErrNotFound)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - No support for primary screen"));
ret = EFalse;
err = supportedScreens.Find(KPostProcSecondaryScreenNumber);
if(err == KErrNotFound)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - No support for secondary screen"));
ret = EFalse;
// check a format that isn't supposed to be supported
testFormat = KTestPostProcInfoNegativeFormat;
testFormat.iYuvFormat = KTestYuvFormat1;
if (aInfo->SupportsFormat(testFormat))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed negative SupportsFormat() check!"));
ret = EFalse;
// finally check a combination that isn't supposed to be supported
testComb = KTestPostProcInfoNegativeComb;
if (aInfo->SupportsCombination(testComb))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed negative SupportsCombination() check!"));
ret = EFalse;
if (!aInfo->SupportsContentProtected())//Check if flah is set indicating Content Protection is supported.
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed To get flag indicating support of Content Protection!"));
ret = EFalse;
return ret;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayGetPostProcInfo::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: GetPostProcInfo"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
CPostProcessorInfo *procInfo = NULL;
TBool valid = EFalse;
// get decoder information from test decoder plugin
procInfo = aDevVideoPlay.PostProcessorInfoLC(KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice);
valid = ValidPostProcInfo(procInfo);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(procInfo); );
if (err != expErr)
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("PostProcessorInfoLC() gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ret = EFail;
// check the Video Post Processor
else if (!valid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CPostProcessorInfo class is corrupt!"));
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CPostProcessorInfo passed check successfully"));
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("PostProcessorInfoLC(), %d = %d"), err, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlaySelectDecoder::CTestDevVideoPlaySelectDecoder(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySelectDecoder* CTestDevVideoPlaySelectDecoder::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySelectDecoder* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlaySelectDecoder(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlaySelectDecoder::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: SelectDecoder"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
iError = KErrNone;
// this will leave if an error occurs
TRAP( iError, aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice) );
if (iError != expErr)
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SelectDecoderL() gave error %d (expected %d)"),iError, expErr);
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("SelectDecoderL(), %d = %d"), iError, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlaySelectPostProc::CTestDevVideoPlaySelectPostProc(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySelectPostProc* CTestDevVideoPlaySelectPostProc::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySelectPostProc* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlaySelectPostProc(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlaySelectPostProc::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: SelectPostProc"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
iError = KErrNone;
// this will leave if an error occurs
TRAP( iError, aDevVideoPlay.SelectPostProcessorL(KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice) );
if (iError != expErr)
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SelectPostProcessorL() gave error %d (expected %d)"),iError, expErr);
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("SelectPostProcessorL(), %d = %d"), iError, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayGetHeaderInfo::CTestDevVideoPlayGetHeaderInfo(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetHeaderInfo* CTestDevVideoPlayGetHeaderInfo::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetHeaderInfo* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayGetHeaderInfo(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TBool CTestDevVideoPlayGetHeaderInfo::ValidPictureHeader(const TVideoPictureHeader* aPictureHeader)
TBool ret = EFalse;
if (!aPictureHeader)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Picture Header is NULL!"));
return EFalse;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds testTime(KTestInputBufferTimestamp);
// check the picture header
if (aPictureHeader->iOptions != KTestPictureHeaderOptions)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Options are incorrect!"));
else if (!(aPictureHeader->iPresentationTimestamp == testTime))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Timestamp is incorrect!"));
else if (!(*(aPictureHeader->iOptional) == KTestInputBufferData()))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Optional data is corrupt!"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Picture Header is valid"));
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayGetHeaderInfo::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: GetHeaderInfo"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
// THwDeviceId hwDecoder = 0;
// select decoder
// TRAP(err, hwDecoder = aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice));
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice)); // EABI warning removal
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize decoder"));
return EInconclusive;
// construct a test video input buffer with a valid timestamp
TPtrC8 testInputBufferDataLitCPtr(KTestInputBufferData);
HBufC8* testInputBufferData = testInputBufferDataLitCPtr.AllocLC();
TVideoInputBuffer testBuffer;
testBuffer.iOptions = KTestInputBufferOptions;
testBuffer.iPresentationTimestamp = KTestInputBufferTimestamp;
TVideoPictureHeader* picHeader = NULL;
// get header information from test data unit
TRAP(err, picHeader = aDevVideoPlay.GetHeaderInformationL(KTestDataUnitType, KTestDataUnitEncap, &testBuffer) );
if (err != expErr)
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("GetHeaderInformationL() gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ret = EFail;
else if (!ValidPictureHeader(picHeader))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Picture header corrupt!"));
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Header information retrieved successfully"));
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("GetHeaderInformationL(), %d = %d"), err, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayReturnHeader::CTestDevVideoPlayReturnHeader(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayReturnHeader* CTestDevVideoPlayReturnHeader::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayReturnHeader* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayReturnHeader(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayReturnHeader::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: ReturnHeader"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
// THwDeviceId hwDecoder = 0;
// select decoder
// TRAP(err, hwDecoder = aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice));
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice)); // EABI warning removal
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize decoder"));
return EInconclusive;
TVideoPictureHeader picHeader;
picHeader.iOptions = KTestPictureHeaderOptions;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds testTime(KTestPictureHeaderTimestamp);
picHeader.iPresentationTimestamp = testTime;
// return picture header [can use a local TVideoPictureHeader because we
// are testing a fake plugin - normally this would be a header supplied by
// the video plugin].
// if plugin didn't PANIC then test has passed
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Header information returned successfully"));
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayConfigureDecoder::CTestDevVideoPlayConfigureDecoder(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayConfigureDecoder* CTestDevVideoPlayConfigureDecoder::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayConfigureDecoder* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayConfigureDecoder(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayConfigureDecoder::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr;
expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: ConfigureDecoderL"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice)); // EABI warning removal
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize decoder"));
return EInconclusive;
//construct a test picture header
TVideoPictureHeader pictureHeader;
pictureHeader.iOptions = KTestPictureHeaderOptions;
pictureHeader.iPresentationTimestamp = KTestInputBufferTimestamp;
TPtrC8 testInputBufferDataLitCPtr(KTestInputBufferData);
pictureHeader.iOptional = &testInputBufferDataLitCPtr;
// get header information from test data unit
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.ConfigureDecoderL(pictureHeader));
if (err != expErr)
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("ConfigureDecoderL() gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ret = EFail;
if (err == KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Header information successfully configured in Decoder"));
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("ConfigureDecoderL(), error %d = expected %d"), err, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormatUC::CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormatUC(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormatUC* CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormatUC::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormatUC* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormatUC(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormatUC::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: SetInputFormatUC"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
// THwDeviceId hwDecoder = 0;
THwDeviceId hwPostProc = 0;
// select decoder
// TRAP(err, hwDecoder = aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice));
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice)); // EABI warning removal
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize decoder"));
return EInconclusive;
// select post-processor
TRAP(err, hwPostProc = aDevVideoPlay.SelectPostProcessorL(KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize post processor"));
return EInconclusive;
// this will leave if an error occurs in either plugin
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SetInputFormatL(hwPostProc, KTestVidFormat2) );
if ( err != expErr )
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SetInputFormatL() on Post-Processor gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("SetInputFormat(), %d = %d"), err, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormat::CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormat(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormat* CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormat::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormat* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormat(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlaySetInputFormat::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: SetInputFormat"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
THwDeviceId hwDecoder = 0;
// THwDeviceId hwPostProc = 0;
// select decoder
TRAP(err, hwDecoder = aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize decoder"));
return EInconclusive;
// select post-processor
// TRAP(err, hwPostProc = aDevVideoPlay.SelectPostProcessorL(KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice));
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SelectPostProcessorL(KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice)); // EABI warning removal
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize post processor"));
return EInconclusive;
// get a temporary compressed video class
CCompressedVideoFormat *tempCFormat = NULL;
TRAP(err, tempCFormat = GetTestCVFormatL(KTestMimeType1));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize compressed video class"));
return EInconclusive;
// this will leave if an error occurs
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SetInputFormatL(hwDecoder, *tempCFormat, KTestUnitType1, KTestEncapType1, ETrue) );
// delete compressed video class
delete tempCFormat;
tempCFormat = NULL;
if ( err != expErr )
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SetInputFormatL() on Decoder gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("SetInputFormat(), %d = %d"), err, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayGetOutputFormatList::CTestDevVideoPlayGetOutputFormatList(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetOutputFormatList* CTestDevVideoPlayGetOutputFormatList::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetOutputFormatList* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayGetOutputFormatList(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayGetOutputFormatList::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: GetOutputFormatList"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
TInt err2 = KErrNone;
THwDeviceId hwDecoder = 0;
THwDeviceId hwPostProc = 0;
// select decoder
TRAP(err, hwDecoder = aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize decoder"));
return EInconclusive;
// select post-processor
TRAP(err, hwPostProc = aDevVideoPlay.SelectPostProcessorL(KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize post processor"));
return EInconclusive;
RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> decodeList;
RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat> postProcList;
// Get output format list for decoder
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.GetOutputFormatListL(hwDecoder, decodeList));
// Get output format list for post-processor
TRAP(err2, aDevVideoPlay.GetOutputFormatListL(hwPostProc, postProcList));
if ((err != expErr) || (err2 != expErr))
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("GetOutputFormatListL() on Decoder gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("GetOutputFormatListL() on Post-Processor gave error %d (expected %d)"),err2, expErr);
ret = EFail;
TBool decPass = EFalse;
TBool posPass = EFalse;
// expecting KTestVidFormat1,2,3 - check
TInt count = decodeList.Count();
if (count == 3)
if ((decodeList[0] == KTestVidFormat1) &&
(decodeList[1] == KTestVidFormat2) &&
(decodeList[2] == KTestVidFormat3) )
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Decoder output list checks ok"));
decPass = ETrue;
// expecting KTestVidFormat3,2,1 - check
count = postProcList.Count();
if (count == 3)
if ((postProcList[0] == KTestVidFormat3) &&
(postProcList[1] == KTestVidFormat2) &&
(postProcList[2] == KTestVidFormat1) )
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Post-Processor output list checks ok"));
posPass = ETrue;
if (!decPass)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Decoder output list corrupt!"));
ret = EFail;
if (!posPass)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Post-Processor output list corrupt!"));
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("GetOutputFormatListL(), %d, %d = %d"), err, err2, expErr);
// close the arrays
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlaySetOutputFormat::CTestDevVideoPlaySetOutputFormat(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySetOutputFormat* CTestDevVideoPlaySetOutputFormat::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySetOutputFormat* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlaySetOutputFormat(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlaySetOutputFormat::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: SetOutputFormat"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
TInt err2 = KErrNone;
THwDeviceId hwDecoder = 0;
THwDeviceId hwPostProc = 0;
// select decoder
TRAP(err, hwDecoder = aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize decoder"));
return EInconclusive;
// select post-processor
TRAP(err, hwPostProc = aDevVideoPlay.SelectPostProcessorL(KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize post processor"));
return EInconclusive;
// set output format on decoder
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SetOutputFormatL(hwDecoder, KTestVidFormat1) )
// set output format on post-processor
TRAP(err2, aDevVideoPlay.SetOutputFormatL(hwPostProc, KTestVidFormat2) )
if ((err != expErr) || (err2 != expErr))
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SetOutputFormatL() on Decoder gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SetOutputFormatL() on Post-Processor gave error %d (expected %d)"),err2, expErr);
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("SetOutputFormat(), %d, %d= %d"), err, err2, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlaySetPostProcTypes::CTestDevVideoPlaySetPostProcTypes(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySetPostProcTypes* CTestDevVideoPlaySetPostProcTypes::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlaySetPostProcTypes* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlaySetPostProcTypes(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlaySetPostProcTypes::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: SetPostProcTypes"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
TInt err2 = KErrNone;
THwDeviceId hwDecoder = 0;
THwDeviceId hwPostProc = 0;
// select decoder
TRAP(err, hwDecoder = aDevVideoPlay.SelectDecoderL(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize decoder"));
return EInconclusive;
// select post-processor
TRAP(err, hwPostProc = aDevVideoPlay.SelectPostProcessorL(KUidDevVideoTestPostProcHwDevice));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - couldn't initialize post processor"));
return EInconclusive;
// set post-process types on decoder
TRAP(err, aDevVideoPlay.SetPostProcessTypesL(hwDecoder, KTestProcessType1) )
// set post-process types on post-processor
TRAP(err2, aDevVideoPlay.SetPostProcessTypesL(hwPostProc, KTestProcessType2) )
if ((err != expErr) || (err2 != expErr))
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SetPostProcessTypesL() on Decoder gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SetPostProcessTypesL() on Post-Processor gave error %d (expected %d)"),err2, expErr);
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("SetPostProcessTypes(), %d, %d= %d"), err, err2, expErr);
return ret;
CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderPostProcInfo::CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderPostProcInfo(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
:CTestDevVideoPlayStep(aTestName, aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderPostProcInfo* CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderPostProcInfo::NewL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestType aTestType)
CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderPostProcInfo* self = new(ELeave) CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderPostProcInfo(aTestName, aTestType);
return self;
TBool CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderPostProcInfo::ValidPostProcInfo(CPostProcessorInfo* aInfo)
// do null pointer check
if (!aInfo)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Post Processor Info is NULL!"));
return EFalse;
// check the post processor against test data
// need to check every call so as to keep code coverage
// and prevent a situation where if the first test fails
// then subsequent tests will not be called
TBool ret = ETrue;
// UID check
if (aInfo->Uid() != KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Decoder UID is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Manufacturer check
if (!(aInfo->Manufacturer() == KTestPostProcInfoManufacturer))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Manufacturer is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Identifier check
if (!(aInfo->Identifier() == KTestPostProcInfoIdentifier))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Identifier is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Version check
TVersion posVer = aInfo->Version();
if ( (posVer.iMajor != KTestPostProcInfoVersionMaj) ||
(posVer.iMinor != KTestPostProcInfoVersionMin) ||
(posVer.iBuild != KTestPostProcInfoVersionBuild) )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Version is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Accelerated check
if (!aInfo->Accelerated())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Accelerated = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Direct display check
if (!aInfo->SupportsDirectDisplay())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supports Direct Display = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// YUVToRGB Capabilities
if (!CompareYuvRgbCaps(aInfo->YuvToRgbCapabilities(), KTestPostProcInfoYuvToRgbCaps))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - YUV To RGB capabilities is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
//Content Protection
if (!aInfo->SupportsContentProtected())//Check if flag is set indicating Content Protection is supported.
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed To get flag indicating support of Content Protection!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Supported rotations
if (aInfo->SupportedRotations() != KTestPostProcInfoRotations)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supported Rotations is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Supports arbitrary scaling check
if (!aInfo->AntiAliasedScaling())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Anti-Aliased Scaling = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Supports anti-aliased scaling check
if (!aInfo->SupportsArbitraryScaling())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Supports Arbitrary Scaling = EFalse!"));
ret = EFalse;
// Implementation info
if (!(aInfo->ImplementationSpecificInfo() == KTestDecoderInfoISInfo))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Implementation specific info is incorrect!"));
ret = EFalse;
// get some test compressed video formats
TUncompressedVideoFormat testFormat;
TUint32 testComb = 0;
TScaleFactor testFactor = {0, 0};
// get supported formats
const RArray<TUncompressedVideoFormat>& vidFormats = aInfo->SupportedFormats();
// get supported combinations
const RArray<TUint32>& suppCombs = aInfo->SupportedCombinations();
// get supported scale factors
const RArray<TScaleFactor>& scaleFactors = aInfo->SupportedScaleFactors();
// test formats, combinations, and scale factors supported
for (TUint i = 0; i < KTestPostProcInfoCount; i++)
testFormat = KTestPostProcInfoFormatArray[i];
if (!(testFormat == (vidFormats[i])) || !(aInfo->SupportsFormat(testFormat)))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - Video Format %d is corrupt!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
testComb = KTestPostProcInfoCombsArray[i];
if (!(testComb == (suppCombs[i])) || !(aInfo->SupportsCombination(testComb)))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - Combination %d is corrupt!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
testFactor = KTestPostProcInfoScaleFactorsArray[i];
if (!CompareScaleFactors(testFactor, scaleFactors[i]))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error - Scale factor %d is corrupt!"), i);
ret = EFalse;
// check a format that isn't supposed to be supported
testFormat = KTestPostProcInfoNegativeFormat;
testFormat.iYuvFormat = KTestYuvFormat1;
if (aInfo->SupportsFormat(testFormat))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed negative SupportsFormat() check!"));
ret = EFalse;
// finally check a combination that isn't supposed to be supported
testComb = KTestPostProcInfoNegativeComb;
if (aInfo->SupportsCombination(testComb))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed negative SupportsCombination() check!"));
ret = EFalse;
if (!aInfo->SupportsContentProtected())
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - Failed to Set Content Protected Support!"));
ret = EFalse;
return ret;
TVerdict CTestDevVideoPlayGetDecoderPostProcInfo::DoTestL(CMMFDevVideoPlay& aDevVideoPlay)
TVerdict ret = EPass;
TInt expErr = KErrNone;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFDevVideoPlay: GetPostProcInfo"));
// expected results
if (iTestType != ETestValid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - invalid test step type"));
return EInconclusive;
TInt err = KErrNone;
CPostProcessorInfo *procInfo = NULL;
TBool valid = EFalse;
// get decoder information from test decoder plugin
procInfo = aDevVideoPlay.PostProcessorInfoLC(KUidDevVideoTestDecodeHwDevice);
valid = ValidPostProcInfo(procInfo);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(procInfo); );
if (err != expErr)
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("PostProcessorInfoLC() gave error %d (expected %d)"),err, expErr);
ret = EFail;
// check the Video Decoder
else if (!valid)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CPostProcessorInfo class is corrupt!"));
ret = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CPostProcessorInfo passed check successfully"));
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("PostProcessorInfoLC(), %d = %d"), err, expErr);
return ret;