Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <gdi.h>
#include <ecamadvsettings.h>
#include <ecamviewfinderdef.h>
#include <ecamadvsettingsuidsconst.hrh>
#include <ecamconst.h>
class MCameraViewFinder;
class MCameraV2DirectViewFinder;
class MCameraClientViewFinder;
class MCameraDirectSnapshot;
class MHistogramV2Buffer;
Specific handle used to refer to viewfinder which is started using CCamera methods.
static const TInt KECamDefaultViewFinderHandle = 0;
The current Version of the TDirectSnapshotParameters class.
static const TUint KECamDirectSnapshotParametersCurrentVersion = 1;
UID used to identify the CCameraV2DirectViewFinder API.
@see CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
static const TUid KECamV2DirectViewFinderUid = {KECamV2DirectViewFinderUidValue};
UID used to identify the CCameraClientViewFinder API.
@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
static const TUid KECamClientViewFinderUid = {KECamClientViewFinderUidValue};
UID used to identify the CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot API.
This is the UID which is used to obtain the CCameraDirectSnapshot interface,
via a call to CCamera::CustomInterface().
@see KECamDirectSnapshotUidValue
@see CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot
static const TUid KECamDirectSnapshotUid = {KECamDirectSnapshotUidValue};
A mixin class to be implemented by the client in order to use the V2 direct view finder API CCameraV2DirectViewFinder. The
derived class methods are called by the implementation when the direct view finder operations are ready to be notified
accordingly. Implementation shall keep track of CCameraV2DirectViewFinder object deletion. It has to ensure that a callback
is not send should the client destroy the particular CCameraV2DirectViewFinder class object when the callback is queued to
be send across. Ownership of CCameraV2DirectViewFinder is retained by the client.
@see CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder
class MDirectViewFinderObserver
Implementation sends this callback in order to notify the client when the first direct viewfinder frame gets displayed
after starting/resuming a particular direct viewfinder.
@param aDirectViewFinderHandle
Reference to CCameraV2DirectViewFinder class object which refers a particular direct viewfinder.
@param aErrorCode
Appropriate error code.
virtual void DirectViewFinderFirstFrameDisplayed(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder& aDirectViewFinderHandle, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Implementation sends this callback in order to notify the client when the direct histogram data gets displayed on the
screen for the first time after starting/resuming a particular direct viewfinder. If a call to CCameraV2Histogram::
StartHistogram() is made without a previous successful call to CCameraV2Histogram::PrepareDirectHistogramL() then the
callback returns KErrBadHandle.
@param aDirectViewFinderHandle
Reference to CCameraV2DirectViewFinder class object which refers a particular direct viewfinder for which the
direct histogram data has been displayed.
@param aDirectHistogramDisplayed
Reference to CCameraV2Histogram class object which refers a particular type of histogram being displayed.
@param aErrorCode
Appropriate error code.
virtual void DirectHistogramDisplayed(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder& aDirectViewFinderHandle, CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram& aDirectHistogramDisplayed, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Implementation sends this callback in order to notify the client about availability of the histogram data. If a call
to CCameraV2Histogram::StartHistogram() is made without a previous successful call to CCameraV2Histogram::
PrepareClientHistogramL() then the callback returns KErrBadHandle.
@param aDirectViewFinderHandle
Reference to CCameraV2DirectViewFinder class object which refers a particular direct viewfinder for which the
client histogram data have been generated.
@param aClientHistogramBuffer
Pointer to MHistogramV2Buffer which retrieves a single histogram alongwith relevant information about it. The
ownership will be retained by the implementation. Client needs to call Release in order to indicate the
implementation that the buffer can be re-used. Client shall never try to delete the pointer. NULL, if error.
@param aErrorCode
Appropriate error code.
@note Client shall use the currently available histogram for the direct viewfinder frames until a new histogram is
virtual void ClientHistogramReady(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder& aDirectViewFinderHandle, MHistogramV2Buffer* aClientHistogramBuffer, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Implementation sends this callback as a notification of the display of direct snapshot for still images on the display
@param aDirectViewFinderHandle
Reference to CCameraV2DirectViewFinder class object which refers a particular direct viewfinder on which the
direct snapshot data for still images have been displayed.
@param aCaptureImageHandle
Reference to CCameraImageCapture class object which was used to issue the capture image operation.
@param aPostCaptureControlId
Id used to identify a particular CCameraPostImageCaptureControl object associated with the given
CCameraImageCapture class object. This is needed to identify the image which is represented by this snapshot.
@param aErrorCode
Appropriate error code.
virtual void DirectSnapshotForImageDisplayed(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder& aDirectViewFinderHandle, CCamera::CCameraImageCapture& aCaptureImageHandle, TPostCaptureControlId aPostCaptureControlId, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Implementation sends this callback in order to notify the client about failure with the direct viewfinder.
@param aDirectViewFinderHandle
Reference to CCameraV2DirectViewFinder class object which refers a particular direct viewfinder.
@param aErrorCode
The reason of failure of the direct viewfinder.
virtual void DirectViewFinderFailed(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder& aDirectViewFinderHandle, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Gets a custom interface for future callbacks. This method will be called by the implementation to get a new interface
which would support future callbacks.
@param aInterface
The Uid of the particular interface function required for callbacks.
@param aPtrInterface
The implementation has to type-cast the retrieved custom interface pointer to the appropriate type.
@return The error code.
virtual TInt CustomInterface(TUid aInterface, TAny*& aPtrInterface)=0;
A mixin class to be implemented by the client in order to use the client view finder API CCameraClientViewFinder. The
derived class methods are called by the implementation when the client view finder operations are ready to be notified
accordingly. Implementation shall keep track of CCameraClientViewFinder object deletion. It has to ensure that a callback
is not send should the client destroy the particular CCameraClientViewFinder class object when the callback is queued to
be send across. Ownership of CCameraClientViewFinder is retained by the client.
@see CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder
class MClientViewFinderObserver
Implementation sends this callback in order to notify the client about the availability of viewfinder frames.
Viewfinder frames can be retrieved by the client using the CCameraClientViewFinder::GetViewFinderBufferL
(MCameraBuffer2& aClientViewFinderBuffer).
@param CCameraClientViewFinder
Reference to CCameraClientViewFinder class object which refers a particular client viewfinder.
@param aErrorCode
Appropriate error code.
virtual void ViewFinderBufferReady(CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder& aClientViewFinderHandle, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Implementation sends this callback in order to notify the client when the direct histogram data gets displayed on the
screen for the first time after starting a particular client viewfinder. If a call to CCameraV2Histogram::
StartHistogram() is made without a previous successful call to CCameraV2Histogram::PrepareDirectHistogramL() then the
callback returns KErrBadHandle.
@param aClientViewFinderHandle
Reference to CCameraClientViewFinder class object which refers a particular client viewfinder.
@param aDirectHistogramDisplayed
Reference to CCameraV2Histogram class object which refers a particular type of histogram being displayed.
@param aErrorCode
Appropriate error code.
virtual void DirectHistogramDisplayed(CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder& aClientViewFinderHandle, CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram& aDirectHistogramDisplayed, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Implementation sends this callback in order to notify the client about availability of the histogram data. If a call
to CCameraV2Histogram::StartHistogram() is made without a previous successful call to CCameraV2Histogram::
PrepareClientHistogramL() then the callback returns KErrBadHandle.
@param aClientViewFinderHandle
Reference to CCameraClientViewFinder class object which refers a particular client viewfinder for which the
client histogram data have been generated.
@param aClientHistogramBuffer
Pointer to MHistogramV2Buffer which retrieves a single histogram alongwith relevant information about it. The
ownership will be retained by the implementation. Client needs to call Release in order to indicate the
implementation that the buffer can be re-used. Client shall never try to delete the pointer. NULL, if error.
@param aErrorCode
Appropriate error code.
@note Client shall use the currently available histogram for the viewfinder frames until a new histogram is
virtual void ClientHistogramReady(CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder& aClientViewFinderHandle, MHistogramV2Buffer* aClientHistogramBuffer, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Implementation sends this callback in order to notify the client about failure of image processing for the client
viewfinder frames.
@param aClientViewFinderHandle
Reference to CCameraClientViewFinder class object which refers a particular client viewfinder.
@param aErrorCode
The reason of failure of the image processing.
virtual void ImageProcessingFailed(CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder& aClientViewFinderHandle, TInt aErrorCode)=0;
Gets a custom interface for future callbacks. This method will be called by the implementation to get a new interface
which would support future callbacks.
@param aInterface
The Uid of the particular interface function required for callbacks.
@param aPtrInterface
The implementation has to type-cast the retrieved custom interface pointer to the appropriate type.
@return The error code.
virtual TInt CustomInterface(TUid aInterface, TAny*& aPtrInterface)=0;
CCamera view finder base class is used to provide features common to both client view finders and direct view finders.
@note This class is not intended for stand alone use. One of the derived class shall be used instead.
Features of this class will automatically be used when either direct view finder or client based view finder are
created by clients.
@note If the class methods leave, the output type parameter value is not guaranteed to be valid.
class CCameraViewFinder : public CBase
/* so can use internal factory functions etc. */
friend class CCamera;
Different types of available viewfinder fading.
The enumeration list may be extended in future.
enum TViewFinderFadingType
/** Fading not supported. */
EVFFadingTypeNone =0x00,
/** Fading from a single frame of color given by the client. */
EVFFadingTypeStaticColorFading =0x01,
/** Fading from a single frame given by the client. */
EVFFadingTypeStaticFrameFading =0x02,
/** Fading from a number of previous VF frames. */
EVFFadingTypeCross =0x04
Different ways to control the viewfinder fading.
The enumeration list may be extended in future.
enum TViewFinderFadingControl
/** Fading not supported. */
EVFFadingControlNone = 0x00,
/** Switch on (enable) the fading. */
EVFFadingControlSwitchedOn = 0x01,
/** Switch off (disable) the fading. */
EVFFadingControlSwitchedOff = 0x02,
/** Automatic fading. */
EVFFadingControlSwitchAuto = 0x04
Different directions in which the fading may appear.
The enumeration list may be extended in future.
enum TViewFinderFadingDirection
/** Fading not supported. */
EVFFadingDirectionNone = 0x00,
/** Automatic direction or may be even custom direction decided by implementation. */
EVFFadingDirectionAuto = 0x01,
/** Uniform fading. */
EVFFadingDirectionUniform = 0x02,
/** Start to fade from up to down. */
EVFFadingDirectionUpDown = 0x04,
/** Start to fade from down to up. */
EVFFadingDirectionDownUp = 0x08,
/** Start to fade from left to right. */
EVFFadingDirectionLeftRight = 0x10,
/** Start to fade from right to left. */
EVFFadingDirectionRightLeft = 0x20
Image enhancement options to be applied for a particular display.
The enumeration list may be extended in future.
enum TImageEnhancement
/** Not Supported. */
EImageEnhancementNone = 0x00,
/** Image Enhancement switches off. */
EImageEnhancementSwitchOFF = 0x01,
/** Image Enhancement switches to auto mode. */
EImageEnhancementAuto = 0x02,
/** Image Enhancement switches on. */
EImageEnhancementSwitchOn = 0x04
Retrieves the capabilites of viewfinder fading.
class TViewFinderFadingCapabilities
IMPORT_C TViewFinderFadingCapabilities();
IMPORT_C TUint Size() const;
IMPORT_C TUint Version() const;
//for future expansion
TUint iSize:24;
TUint iVersion:8;
// reserved for future expansion
TInt iReserved1;
TInt iReserved2;
/** Bit-field retrieving the supported fading type TViewFinderFadingType. */
TUint iSupportedFadingType;
/** Bit-field retrieving the supported fading control TViewFinderFadingControl. */
TUint iSupportedFadingControl;
/** Bit-field retrieving the supported fading direction TViewFinderFadingDirection. */
TUint iSupportedFadingDirection;
Viewfinder fading effects characterizing a particular viewfinder fading.
class TViewFinderFadingEffect
IMPORT_C TViewFinderFadingEffect();
IMPORT_C TUint Size() const;
IMPORT_C TUint Version() const;
//for future expansion
TUint iSize:24;
TUint iVersion:8;
// reserved for future expansion
TInt iReserved1;
TInt iReserved2;
TInt iReserved3[6];
/** The type of viewfinder fading to be used. */
TViewFinderFadingType iViewFinderFadingType;
/** The control for the viewfinder fading, that is, on/off/auto. */
TViewFinderFadingControl iViewFinderFadingControl;
/** The direction of viewfinder fading. */
TViewFinderFadingDirection iViewFinderFadingDirection;
/** The color used to fade from/to in case of static color fading. This is ignored if iViewFinderFadingType is
not EVFFadingTypeStaticColorFading. */
TRgb iStaticFadingColor;
/** The handle of CFbsBitmap used to obtain the frame used to fade from/to in case of static frame fading.
This is KECamStaticFrameFadingTypeNotUsed if iViewFinderFadingType is not EVFFadingTypeStaticFrameFading.
This is KECamSpecialStaticFrameFormatHandle if CFBsBitmap handle is not to be used. */
TInt iStaticFadingFrameBitmapHandle;
/** The number of previous frames to be saved for cross fading.
This is KECamCrossFadingFramesNotUsed if iViewFinderFadingType is not EVFFadingTypeCross. */
TUint iCrossFadingFrames;
/** The fading time. This may be used both for auto and manual fading as per implementation. */
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iFadingTime;
IMPORT_C void GetViewFinderFadingCapabilitiesL(TViewFinderFadingCapabilities& aVFFadingCapabilities) const;
IMPORT_C void GetViewFinderFadingEffectL(TViewFinderFadingEffect& aCurrentVFFadingEffect) const;
IMPORT_C void SetViewFinderFadingEffectL(const TViewFinderFadingEffect& aVFFadingEffect);
IMPORT_C void GetViewFinderHandleL(TInt& aVFHandle) const;
CCameraViewFinder(CCamera& aOwner);
void GetSpotsPositionL(TUint aSpotCombination, RArray<TRect>& aSpotsPosition) const;
void GetSupportedImageEnhancementL(TUint& aSupportedImageEnhancement) const;
void GetImageEnhancementL(TImageEnhancement& aImageEnhancement) const;
void SetImageEnhancementL(TImageEnhancement aImageEnhancement);
void GetSupportedVFMagnificationL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedVFMagnification) const;
void GetViewfinderMagnificationL(TUint& aVFMagnification) const;
void SetViewfinderMagnificationL(TUint aVFMagnification);
CCamera& iOwner;
MCameraViewFinder* iImplBase; // not owned
CCamera direct view finder v2 class is used to provide support for multiple Direct View Finder.
A new instance of this class will be created for every new direct viewfinder.
@note This class is not intended for sub-classing and used to standardise existing varieties of implementations.
@note If the class methods leave, the output type parameter value is not guaranteed to be valid.
@note Clients must implement an MDirectViewFinderObserver in order to use this CCameraV2DirectViewFinder API.
class CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder : public CCameraViewFinder
/* so can use internal factory functions etc. */
friend class CCamera;
friend class CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot;
/** Specifies direct viewfinder state. */
enum TViewFinderState
/** View Finder is activated */
/** View Finder has been paused */
/** View Finder has been stopped or hasn't yet started. Default state. */
IMPORT_C static CCameraV2DirectViewFinder* NewL(CCamera& aOwner, MDirectViewFinderObserver& aDirectViewFinderObserver);
IMPORT_C CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CreateHistogramHandleL() const;
IMPORT_C CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing* GetTransformationHandleL() const;
IMPORT_C CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot* GetDirectSnapshotHandleL() const;
IMPORT_C void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs, CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice, RWindowBase& aWindow, TRect& aScreenRect);
IMPORT_C void StartViewFinderDirectL(RWsSession& aWs, CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice, RWindowBase& aWindow,
TRect& aScreenRect, TRect& aClipRect);
IMPORT_C void GetDirectViewFinderPropertiesL(TInt& aScreenNumber, TRect& aScreenRect, TRect& aClipRect) const;
IMPORT_C void PauseViewFinderDirect();
IMPORT_C void ResumeViewFinderDirect();
IMPORT_C void GetViewFinderStateL(TViewFinderState& aViewFinderState) const;
IMPORT_C void StopDirectViewFinder();
IMPORT_C ~CCameraV2DirectViewFinder();
CCameraV2DirectViewFinder(CCamera& aOwner);
void ConstructL(MDirectViewFinderObserver& aDirectViewFinderObserver);
void SetImplHandle();
void SetImplBaseHandle();
MCameraV2DirectViewFinder* Impl();
MCameraV2DirectViewFinder* iImpl; // not owned
CCamera client view finder class is used to provide support for multiple client View Finder.
A new instance of this class will be created for every new client viewfinder.
@note This class is not intended for sub-classing and used to standardise existing
varieties of implementations.
@note If the class methods leave, the output type parameter value is not guaranteed to be valid.
@note Clients must implement an MClientViewFinderObserver in order to use this CCameraClientViewFinder API.
MCameraObserver2::ViewFinderReady will not be used with this class.
class CCamera::CCameraClientViewFinder : public CCameraViewFinder
/* so can use internal factory functions etc. */
friend class CCamera;
IMPORT_C static CCameraClientViewFinder* NewL(CCamera& aOwner, MClientViewFinderObserver& aClientViewFinderObserver);
IMPORT_C CCamera::CCameraV2Histogram* CreateHistogramHandleL() const;
IMPORT_C CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing* GetTransformationHandleL() const;
IMPORT_C void StartClientViewFinderL(TInt aScreenNumber, CCamera::TFormat aImageFormat, TSize& aSize);
IMPORT_C void StartClientViewFinderL(TInt aScreenNumber, CCamera::TFormat aImageFormat, TSize& aSize, TRect& aClipRect);
IMPORT_C void GetClientViewFinderStateL(TBool& aIsActive) const;
IMPORT_C void GetClientViewFinderPropertiesL(TInt& aScreenNumber, CCamera::TFormat& aImageFormat, TSize& aSize, TRect& aClipRect) const;
IMPORT_C void StopClientViewFinder();
IMPORT_C void GetViewFinderBufferL(MCameraBuffer2& aClientViewFinderBuffer) const;
IMPORT_C ~CCameraClientViewFinder();
CCameraClientViewFinder(CCamera& aOwner);
void ConstructL(MClientViewFinderObserver& aClientViewFinderObserver);
void SetImplHandle();
void SetImplBaseHandle();
MCameraClientViewFinder* iImpl; // not owned
This class allows the client to enable direct snapshot feature for still images only. The direct snapshot API can not be
used for video.
The direct snapshot can be created out of CCameraV2DirectViewFinder object only. Its lifetime is dependent on the parent
direct viewfinder object. So, the client is supposed to destroy the direct snapshot object before deleting the parent
direct viewfinder object. The MDirectViewFinderObserver observer class provides callback to notify the client whenever
direct snapshot data gets displayed on the given direct viewfinder screen. The callback also provides information regarding
the CCameraImageCapture object used to issue the image capture calls. It also provides the Id for the individual images
which get represented by the snapshot displayed.
@note This class provides a standardised client interface for the direct snapshot. Classes cannot be derived from it.
@note If the class methods leave, the output type parameter value is not guaranteed to be valid.
class CCamera::CCameraDirectSnapshot : public CBase
friend class CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder;
Describes the state of direct snapshot.
The enumeration list may be extended in future.
enum TDirectSnapshotState
/** The direct snapshot has been enabled. */
/** The direct snapshot has been disabled. */
Specifes the parameters necessary for direct snapshots. The screen co-ordinates used for direct snapshot will be the
same as used for the parent direct viewfinder screen co-ordinates. This screen co-ordinate for direct snapshot may be
changed by the implementation in certain cases for alignment.
class TDirectSnapshotParameters
IMPORT_C TDirectSnapshotParameters();
IMPORT_C TUint Size() const;
IMPORT_C TUint Version() const;
IMPORT_C TBool IsAspectRatioMaintained() const;
IMPORT_C void SetAspectRatioState(TBool aIsAspectRatioMaintained);
//for future expansion
TUint iSize:24;
TUint iVersion:8;
// reserved for future expansion
TInt iReserved1;
TInt iReserved2;
TInt iReserved3;
TUint iReserved4:31;
/** Set to ETrue if the aspect ratio of the direct snapshot image must be maintained when scaling down */
TUint iIsAspectRatioMaintained:1;
/** The bit field representing the drive modes for which the direct snapshot will be displayed if enabled.
Refer CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TDriveMode. */
TUint iDriveModes;
/** The background colour to be used if the snapshot has been scaled (maintaining its aspect ratio)
and does not fully fill the dimension as per the direct view finder screen size. The TRect supposed to be used
for direct snapshot may be modified by the implementation in certain cases for alignment. */
TRgb iBgColor;
/** The time duration during which the snapshot data should appear on the screen. The implementation may
internally change this display time if the client sets iDisplayTime to TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32
(KECamSnapshotDefaultDisplayTime). This may happen when the client doesn't want to specify a specific duration
and would rather let the implementation decide. */
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iDisplayTime;
IMPORT_C void GetDirectViewFinderL(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder*& aDirectViewFinder) const;
IMPORT_C void EnableDirectSnapshotL(TDirectSnapshotParameters& aDirectSnapshotParameters);
IMPORT_C void DisableDirectSnapshot();
IMPORT_C void GetDirectSnapshotStateL(TDirectSnapshotState& aDirectSnapshotParameters) const;
IMPORT_C void GetDirectSnapshotParametersL(TDirectSnapshotParameters& aDirectSnapshotParameters) const;
IMPORT_C void SetDirectSnapshotParametersL(const TDirectSnapshotParameters& aDirectSnapshotParameters);
IMPORT_C ~CCameraDirectSnapshot();
IMPORT_C static CCameraDirectSnapshot* CreateL(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder& aDirectViewFinder);
void ConstructL(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder& aDirectViewFinder);
MCameraV2DirectViewFinder* DirectViewFinderImpl(CCamera::CCameraV2DirectViewFinder& aDirectViewFinder);
MCameraDirectSnapshot* iImpl; // not owned