// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <mobiletv/hai/dvbh/dvbhtypes.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
* Constants for expected values
const TInt KDvbhTestFilterId = 977;
const TIp6Addr KDvbhTestIpV6Addr = {{{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1}}};
const TInt KDvbhTestCustomCommand = 0;
_LIT8(KDvbhTestCustomCommandInput, "DvbhTestCustomCommandInput");
_LIT8(KDvbhTestCustomCommandOutput, "DvbhTestCustomCommandOutput");
_LIT8(KDvbhTestHardwareInfo, "Example Hardware Info;Version 1.0");
const TInt KInitialState = EDvbhStateInactive;
const TInt KExpectedState = EDvbhStateReady;
const TInt KInitialSignalQuality = EDvbhSignalQualityFair;
const TInt KExpectedSignalQuality = EDvbhSignalQualityExcellent;
const TInt KInitialFrequency = 1500000;
const TInt KExpectedFrequency = 3600000;
const TInt KInitialCellId = 1006;
const TInt KExpectedCellId = 756;
const TInt KInitialNetworkId = 9993;
const TInt KExpectedNetworkId = 3726;
const TUint32 KDvbhTestTerminalTimeStamp = 987654321;
const TInt KNoVerdict = -1;
const TInt KInitialPlatformId = 123456789;
_LIT8(KInitialPlatformName, "DvbhTestInitialPlatform");
const TInt KExpectedPlatformId = 987654321;
_LIT8(KExpectedPlatformName, "DvbhTestExpectedPlatform");
* @internalComponent
* @prototype
* Publish & Subscribe variables used for implementation to API communication.
* This must be kept identical to the ones defined in the non-exported header
* file dvbhimplcommon.h
enum TDvbhPropertyKey
EDvbhPropertyKeyState = 0, // integer (TDvbhState)
EDvbhPropertyKeyPlatform = 1, // byte array (TDvbhPlatform + TIp6Addr + TInt16)
EDvbhPropertyKeyNetworkTime = 2, // byte array (TDvbhNetworkTime)
EDvbhPropertyKeyPerformanceData = 3, // byte array (TDvbhPerformanceData)
EDvbhPropertyKeyFrequency = 4, // byte array (TDvbhFrequency)
EDvbhPropertyKeyNetworkId = 5, // byte array (TDvbhNetworkId)
EDvbhPropertyKeySignalQuality = 6, // byte array (TDvbhSignalQuality)
EDvbhPropertyKeyCellId = 7 // byte array (TDvbhCellId)
struct TDvbhPlatformProperty
TDvbhPlatform iPlatform;
TIp6Addr iEsgRoot;
* Interface to enable CDvbhTestUtil to log test data & messages.
class MDvbhHaiTestLoggerInterface
virtual void InfoPrintf3(const TDesC16& aString, TInt aInt1, TInt aInt2) = 0;
virtual void InfoPrintf4(const TDesC16& aString, TInt aInt1, TInt aInt2, TInt aInt3) = 0;
class RTestStep;
* @internalComponent
* @prototype
* A class of utility methods to help the DVB-H HAI test steps.
class CDvbhTestUtil : public CBase
ENoInitialState = -1
ENumDvbhProperties = 8
static CDvbhTestUtil* NewL(MDvbhHaiTestLoggerInterface& aTestStepLogger);
TInt DefineDvbhProperty(TInt aPropertyKey, TInt aType = RProperty::EInt) const;
TInt DefineDvbhProperty(TInt aPropertyKey, TInt aType, const TDesC8& aInitialValue) const;
TInt DefineDvbhStateProperty(TInt aInitialState = ENoInitialState);
TInt DefineDvbhIntegerProperty(TInt aPropertyKey, TInt aInitialValue) const;
TInt DeleteDvbhProperty(TInt aPropertyKey);
TInt SetStateProperty(TInt aValue);
TInt SetByteArrayProperty(TInt aPropertyKey, const TDesC8& aValue) const;
TInt SetIntegerProperty(TInt aPropertyKey, TInt aValue) const;
TInt DefineAllDvbhProperties();
TInt DeleteAllDvbhProperties();
static TInt GetKey(TDvbhPropertyKey aKey);
static TInt GetType(TDvbhPropertyKey aKey);
static TBool CompareVersions(const TVersion& aVersion1, const TVersion& aVersion2);
static TBool ComparePlatforms(const TDvbhPlatform& aPlatform1, const TDvbhPlatform& aPlatform2);
static TBool ComparePerformanceDatas(const TDvbhPerformanceData& aData1, const TDvbhPerformanceData& aData2);
static TBool CompareScanConfigurations(const TDvbhScanConfiguration& aConfig1, const TDvbhScanConfiguration& aConfig2);
CDvbhTestUtil(MDvbhHaiTestLoggerInterface& aTestStepLogger);
MDvbhHaiTestLoggerInterface& iTestStepLogger;