// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <mmf/server/mmfdatapath.h>
#include <mmf/server/mmfsubthreadbase.h>
#define KMMFDataPathProxyVersion TVersion(8,0,0)
The amount of time that is allowed for the datapath to close down before the its thread is killed.
#define KMMFDataPathProxyShutdownTimeout TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(10000000)
Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFDataPathEventMonitor must derive from.
@since 7.0s
class MMMFDataPathEventMonitorObserver
Handles an event that has been generated by the datapath.
Called by CMMFDataPathEventMonitor::RunL().
@param aEvent
The event to be handled.
@since 7.0s
virtual void HandleEvent(const TMMFEvent& aEvent) = 0;
class RMMFDataPathProxy; //forward reference
Active object utility class that can be used to monitor a datapath that is running in its own
thread for events. If an event occurs, the client will be notified via the
MMMFDataPathEventMonitorObserver interface.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFDataPathEventMonitor : public CActive
IMPORT_C static CMMFDataPathEventMonitor* NewL(MMMFDataPathEventMonitorObserver& aObserver,
RMMFDataPathProxy& aMMFDataPathProxy);
IMPORT_C ~CMMFDataPathEventMonitor();
IMPORT_C void Start();
IMPORT_C void RunL();
void DoCancel();
Constructs a datapath event monitor object.
@param aObserver
A reference to the observer of the active object. The observer will be
notified when an event occurs.
@param aMMFDataPathProxy
A reference to the datapath proxy class.
@since 7.0s
CMMFDataPathEventMonitor(MMMFDataPathEventMonitorObserver& aObserver,
RMMFDataPathProxy& aMMFDataPathProxy);
MMMFDataPathEventMonitorObserver& iObserver;
RMMFDataPathProxy& iMMFDataPathProxy;
TMMFEventPckg iEventPckg;
Proxy class used to create a datapath in a new subthread.
class RMMFDataPathProxy : public RMMFSubThreadBase
RMMFDataPathProxy() : RMMFSubThreadBase(KMMFDataPathProxyShutdownTimeout) {};
IMPORT_C TInt CreateSubThread();
IMPORT_C TInt LoadDataPath();
IMPORT_C TInt LoadDataPath(TMediaId aMediaId);
IMPORT_C TInt LoadDataPath(TUid aCodecUid);
IMPORT_C TInt LoadDataPath(TUid aCodecUid, TMediaId aMediaId);
IMPORT_C TInt AddDataSource(MDataSource* aSource);
IMPORT_C TInt AddDataSink(MDataSink* aSink);
IMPORT_C TInt Prime();
IMPORT_C TInt Play();
IMPORT_C TInt Pause();
IMPORT_C TInt Stop();
IMPORT_C TInt GetPosition(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition) const;
IMPORT_C TInt SetPosition(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aPosition);
IMPORT_C TInt SetPlayWindow( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStart, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aEnd ) ;
IMPORT_C TInt ClearPlayWindow() ;
IMPORT_C TInt State( TInt& aState ) ;
IMPORT_C void Close();
#include <mmf/server/mmfdatapathproxyserver.h>