// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// mmf\common\mmfcontrollerpluginresolver.h
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <apmstd.h>
Default heap size for the controller thread
const TUint KMMFDefaultControllerThreadHeapSize = 0x100000; //1MB
class CMMFFormatImplementationInformation;
Array of CMMFFormatImplementationInformation
typedef RPointerArray<CMMFFormatImplementationInformation> RMMFFormatImplInfoArray;
class CMMFControllerImplementationInformation;
Array of CMMFControllerImplementationInformation
typedef RPointerArray<CMMFControllerImplementationInformation> RMMFControllerImplInfoArray;
class CMatchData;
class CDesC8Array;
Abstract class that contains basic information about ECom Multimedia plugins.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFPluginImplementationInformation : public CBase
Returns the uid of this particular plugin implementation.
This is the UID used to instantiate this multimedia plugin.
@return The implementation uid.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TUid Uid() const;
Returns the display name of this plugin implementation.
@return The display name.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const TDesC& DisplayName() const;
Returns the name of the supplier of this plugin implementation, e.g. "Symbian".
@return The plugin supplier.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Supplier() const;
Returns the version number of this plugin.
@return The version number.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TInt Version() const;
Returns the array of media IDs supported by this plugin.
The media ID can be used by clients to determine whether the plugin supports audio or
video data (or both). A UID is used for the media ID to provide future extensibility.
@return The array of media IDs.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const RArray<TUid>& SupportedMediaIds() const;
Tests whether this plugin was supplied by aSupplier.
@param aSupplier
The required supplier.
@return A boolean indicating if this plugin was supplied by aSupplier. ETrue if this plugin was supplied
by aSupplier, EFalse if not.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsSupplier(const TDesC& aSupplier) const;
Tests whether this plugin supports aMediaId.
@param aMediaId
The required media id.
@return A boolean indicating if the plugin supports aMediaId. ETrue if this plugin supports aMediaId, EFalse if not.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsMediaId(TUid aMediaId) const;
virtual ~CMMFPluginImplementationInformation();
Sets the supplier. Takes a copy of aData.
void SetSupplierL(const TDesC8& aData);
Adds a media id. aData is parsed to find the uid of the media id to be added.
void AddMediaIdL(const TDesC8& aData);
The UID of this plugin.
TUid iUid;
The display name of this plugin.
HBufC* iDisplayName;
The supplier of this plugin.
HBufC* iSupplier;
The version number of this plugin.
TInt iVersion;
The media ids supported by this plugin.
RArray<TUid> iMediaIds;
#include <mmf/common/taggeddataparser.h>
Interface to be implemented by customers of the class TaggedDataParser.
class MTaggedDataParserClient
virtual void ProcessTaggedDataL(const TDesC8& aTag, const TDesC8& aData) = 0;
Contains format support information retrieved from the ECom registry.
An object of this type may describe either a concrete format plugin (ie a CMMFFormatEncode or a
CMMFFormatDecode implementation) or a format supported by a controller plugin.
The object is created using a CImplementationInformation object retrieved from the ECom registry.
All relevant data is copied out of the CImplementationInformation object, and its opaque data is
parsed to provide the supplier, supported media ids, supported mime types, supported file extensions,
and supported header data matches.
Notes for Format Plugin developers:
The opaque data section of the ECom plugin resource file must be in the format:
opaque_data = "<?>Data 1<?>Data 2<?>Data 3<?>Data 4[...]<?>Data N";
The <?> preceding the data determines the meaning of the data. The following are the possible tags:
<s> - Supplier
<i> - Media Id
<m> - Mime Type
<e> - File Extension
<h> - Header Data
<c> - Custom Interfaces
UIDs must always be in hex in the format '0x12345678', must include the '0x' and be 10 characters long
@since 7.0s
class CMMFFormatImplementationInformation : public CMMFPluginImplementationInformation, MTaggedDataParserClient
Constructs a new format implementation information object.
@param aImplInfo
The ECOM implementation information
@return The new object created.
@since 7.0s
static CMMFFormatImplementationInformation* NewL(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo);
Constructs a new format implementation information object.
@param aImplInfo
The ECOM implementation information
@return The new object created. Note that this will be on the cleanup stack.
@since 7.0s
static CMMFFormatImplementationInformation* NewLC(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo);
virtual ~CMMFFormatImplementationInformation();
Returns the array of supported file extensions.
@return The array of file extensions.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const CDesC8Array& SupportedFileExtensions() const;
Returns the array of supported mime types.
@return The array of mime types.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const CDesC8Array& SupportedMimeTypes() const;
Returns the array of supported header data matches.
@return The array of header data.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const CDesC8Array& SupportedHeaderData() const;
Tests whether this format provides support for the specified file extension, aFileExtension.
@param aFileExtension
The requested file extension. Must be the extension only, and contain the dot '.'
@return A boolean indicating if the specified file extension is supported. ETrue if this format provides
the required support, EFalse if it does not.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsFileExtension(const TDesC8& aFileExtension) const;
Tests whether this format provides support for aMimeType.
@param aMimeType
The requested mime type.
@return A boolean indicating if the format is supported. ETrue if this format provides the required support, EFalse if not.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsMimeType(const TDesC8& aMimeType) const;
Tests whether this format provides support for aHeaderData.
aHeaderData is searched for each chunk supported by this format.
@param aHeaderData
The requested header data.
@return A boolean indicating if aHeaderData is supported. ETrue if this format provides the required support, EFalse if not.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsHeaderDataL(const TDesC8& aHeaderData) const;
Tests whether this format provides support for Custom Interfaces.
@return A boolean indicating if Custom Interfaces are supported. ETrue if this format provides the required support, EFalse if not.
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsCustomInterfaces() const;
2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo);
Adds a file extension to the array of extensions supported by this format.
void AddFileExtensionL(const TDesC8& aData);
Adds a mime type to the array of types supported by this format.
void AddMimeTypeL(const TDesC8& aData);
Adds a chunk of header data to the array of chunks supported by this format.
void AddHeaderDataL(const TDesC8& aData);
from MTaggedDataParserClient
void ProcessTaggedDataL(const TDesC8& aTag, const TDesC8& aData);
class CBody;
CMMFFormatImplementationInformation body
CBody* iBody;
Contains controller plugin information retrieved from the ECom registry.
The object is created using a CImplementationInformation object retrieved from the ECom registry.
All relevant data is copied out of the CImplementationInformation object, and its opaque data is
parsed to provide the supplier, supported media IDs.
Notes for Format Plugin developers:
The exact formats supported by the controller plugin are calculated by:
1. The formats supported by the controller plugin itself must be declared in separate entries in the
controller plugin resource file. Two interface UIDs should be defined by the plugin writer - one
for the play formats supported, the other for the record formats supported. The play formats are
then listed as implementations of the play format interface uid, and likewise the record formats.
2. Format plugins (CMMFFormatEncode and CMMFFormatDecode) declare which controller plugin they
extend. ECom is search for the format plugins that extend the controller plugin, and they
are added to the list.
The opaque data section of the ECom plugin resource file must be in the format:
opaque_data = "<?>Data 1<?>Data 2<?>Data 3<?>Data 4[...]<?>Data N";
The <?> preceding the data determines the meaning of the data. The following are the possible tags:
<s> - Supplier - must be only one
<i> - Media Id
<p> - UID of play format 'interface' - must be only one
<r> - UID of record format 'interface' - must be only one
UIDs must always be in hex in the format '0x12345678', must include the '0x' and be 10 characters long.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFControllerImplementationInformation : public CMMFPluginImplementationInformation, MTaggedDataParserClient
Constructs a new controller implementation information object.
@param aImplInfo
The ECOM implementation information.
@return The new object created.
@since 7.0s
static CMMFControllerImplementationInformation* NewL(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo);
Constructs a new controller implementation information object.
The new object will be on the cleanup stack.
@param aImplInfo
The ECOM implementation information
@return The new object created.
@since 7.0s
static CMMFControllerImplementationInformation* NewLC(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo);
Constructs a new controller implementation information object.
@param aUid
The Uid of the controller to obtain controller implementation information
@return The new object created.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C static CMMFControllerImplementationInformation* NewL(TUid aUid);
Returns the array of play formats supported by this controller.
@return The play formats supported.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& PlayFormats() const;
Returns the array of record formats supported by this controller.
@return The record formats supported.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& RecordFormats() const;
Returns the heap space required by this controller.
@return The heap space required.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TUint HeapSpaceRequired() const;
Queries the ECom registry for the play formats supported.
void GetPlayFormatsL();
Queries the ECom registry for the record formats supported.
void GetRecordFormatsL();
Returns the uri schemes of this plugin.
@return The array of uri schemes.
IMPORT_C const CDesC8Array& SupportedUriSchemes() const;
Tests whether the plugin supports aUriScheme.
@param aUriScheme
The required Uri Scheme.
@return A boolean indicating if the plugin supports aUriScheme. ETrue if this plugin supports aUriScheme, EFalse if not.
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsUriScheme(const TDesC8& aUriScheme) const;
Tests whether the controller plugin supports url
@return A boolean indicating if the plugin supports url. ETrue for uri supporting controller, EFalse if not.
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsNetworkCapability() const;
Sets the uri priority of this controller
@param aUriPriority
The Uri priority to be assigned.
IMPORT_C void SetUriPriority(TInt aUriPriority);
Retrieves the uri priority of this controller.
Higher priority implies greater number. ie UriPriority() returning 3
has higher prioirty than UriPriority() returning 1.
@return The assigned Uri priority.
IMPORT_C TInt UriPriority() const;
Check whether the controller plugin supports secure DRM process mode
@return A boolean indicating if the plugin supports secure DRM process mode.
ETrue for secure DRM process mode supporting controller, EFalse if not.
IMPORT_C TBool SupportsSecureDRMProcessMode() const;
Returns the stack space required by this controller.
@return The stack space required.
IMPORT_C TUint StackSize() const;
2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL(const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo);
Parses aData to get the collection UID of the play formats supported by this controller.
void SetPlayFormatCollectionUidL(const TDesC8& aData);
Parses aData to get the collection UID of the record formats supported by this controller.
void SetRecordFormatCollectionUidL(const TDesC8& aData);
Parses aData to get the size of the stack the controller requires.
void SetHeapSizeL(const TDesC8& aData);
From MTaggedDataParserClient.
void ProcessTaggedDataL(const TDesC8& aTag, const TDesC8& aData);
Queries the ECom registry for:
- all registry entries with an interface UID of aFormatCollectionUid
- all format plugins with an interface UID of aFormatPluginCollectionUid (ie CMMFFormatEncode
or CMMFFormatDecode) that have the UID of this controller plugin in the default_data field
of their ECom resource file.
CMMFFormatImplementationInformation objects are created for each entry returned, and appended to
@param aFormatCollectionUid
See above.
@param aFormatPluginCollectionUid
See above.
@param aFormatArray
See above.
@since 7.0s
void GetFormatsL(TUid aFormatCollectionUid, TUid aFormatPluginCollectionUid, RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& aFormatArray);
Creates CMMFFormatImplementationInformation objects for all CImplementationInformation objects
in aEcomArray. Any corrupt objects are ignored. The objects created are added to aFormatArray.
@param aEcomArray
See above.
@param aFormatArray
See above.
@since 7.0s
void AddFormatsSwallowCorruptL(RImplInfoPtrArray& aEcomArray, RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& aFormatArray);
Sets the Uri Scheme found in opaque data
@param aUriScheme
Gives the uri scheme supported by the controller
void SetUriSchemeL(const TDesC8& aUriScheme);
Sets the Network capability found in opaque data
@param aNetworkCapable
Declares the incapability to support uri if matches to 'yes'.
If this is the case, iIsNetworkCtrl is set to EFalse
void SetNetworkCapabilityL(const TDesC8& aNetworkCapable);
Parses aData to get the size of the stack the controller requires.
void SetStackSizeL(const TDesC8& aData);
The play formats supported by this controller.
RMMFFormatImplInfoArray iPlayFormats;
The record formats supported by this controller.
RMMFFormatImplInfoArray iRecordFormats;
The interface uid of the resource file definitions of the play formats supported directly by this controller.
TUid iPlayFormatCollectionUid;
The interface uid of the resource file definitions of the record formats supported directly by this controller.
TUid iRecordFormatCollectionUid;
The heap space required by this controller
TUint iHeapSpaceRequired;
The Uri scheme supported by this plugin
CDesC8Array* iUriSchemes;
The uri priority acquired by this controller
TInt iUriPriority;
The uri support provided by this controller
TBool iIsNetworkCtrl;
Secure DRM process model supported by this controller
TBool iSupportsSecureDRMProcessMode;
The stack space required by this controller
TUint iStackSize;
Contains the parameters used to select mmf plugins from the ECOM registry.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFPluginSelectionParameters : public CBase
Describes the type of preferred supplier match to be performed on the plugins return from
the ECOM registry.
enum TPreferredSupplierMatchType
/** No preferred supplier match will be performed.
/** Plugins from all suppliers will be returned, but those from the preferred supplier will be first in the list.
/** Only plugins from the preferred supplier will be returned.
Describes the type of media ID match to be performed on the plugins return from
the ECOM registry.
enum TMediaIdMatchType
/** No media ID match will be performed.
/** All plugins that support the media ID supplied will be returned, even those that support
other media IDs. For example, if an audio plugin is requested, plugins that support
audio and video will also be returned.
/** Only plugins that support the exact media IDs supplied will be returned. For example, if an
audio plugin is requested, plugins that only support audio will be returned
(ie. no audio/video plugins).
Destructor. Resets and destroys all member data.
@since 7.0s
virtual ~CMMFPluginSelectionParameters();
Sets the preferred supplier of the plugin.
@param aPreferredSupplier
The preferred supplier of the plugin.
@param aMatchType
The type of match to be made.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetPreferredSupplierL(const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier, TPreferredSupplierMatchType aMatchType);
Sets the media IDs that must be supported by the plugin, for example audio, video etc.
@param aMediaIds
An array of the media IDs that the selected plugins must support.
@param aMatchType
The type of match to be made.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetMediaIdsL(const RArray<TUid>& aMediaIds, TMediaIdMatchType aMatchType);
Returns the preferred supplier. If no preferred supplier has been set, a blank
string will be returned.
@return The preferred supplier
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const TDesC& PreferredSupplier() const;
Returns the type of preferred supplier match to perform.
@return The preferred supplier match type.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TPreferredSupplierMatchType PreferredSupplierMatchType() const;
Returns the list of media IDs that must be supported by the plugin.
@return The list of media IDs.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const RArray<TUid>& MediaIds() const;
Returns the type of preferred supplier match to perform.
@return The preferred supplier match type.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TMediaIdMatchType MediaIdMatchType() const;
Returns the uid of the interface to be searched for plugin matches.
@return The interface uid.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TUid InterfaceUid() const;
Protected constructor.
Defaults to setting the TPreferredSupplierMatchType enum to ENoPreferredSupplierMatch and TMediaIdMatchType
to ENoMediaIdMatch.
@param aPluginInterfaceUid
The plugin's interface UID.
CMMFPluginSelectionParameters(TUid aPluginInterfaceUid);
Tests whether the specified media is supported by the plugin.
@param aPlugin
The media to test.
@return A boolean indicating if the specified media is supported by the plugin. ETrue if the specified
media is supported by the plugin. EFalse if the specified media is not supported by the plugin.
TBool CheckMediaIdSupportL(const CMMFPluginImplementationInformation& aPlugin) const;
TUid iPluginInterfaceUid;
HBufC* iPreferredSupplier;
TPreferredSupplierMatchType iPreferredSupplierMatchType;
RArray<TUid> iMediaIds;
TMediaIdMatchType iMediaIdMatchType;
Defines the format support required.
On construction, the selection parameters are blank, causing all plugins to be returned.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFFormatSelectionParameters : public CBase
Describes the type of match to be performed.
The match types are mutually exclusive.
enum TMatchDataType
/** All plugins will be selected. This is the default option.
/** The match will be based on a file extension.
/** The match will be based on a mime type.
/** The match will be based on a header data.
The match will be based on Uri details.
Allocates and constructs a new format selection parameter object with blank parameters.
Calls NewLC().
@return A new format selection parameter object.
IMPORT_C static CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* NewL();
Allocates and constructs a new format selection parameter object with blank parameters, placing it on the
cleanup stack.
@return A new format selection parameter object.
IMPORT_C static CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* NewLC();
Allocates and constructs a new format selection parameter object with the specified parameters.
@param aParams
The required parameters.
@return A new format selection parameter object.
static CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* NewL(const CMMFFormatSelectionParameters& aParams);
Sets this object to match to a file extension.
aFileName can be a full filename or just an extension. If there is no dot in the filename
and it is 5 characters or less in length then it is assumed to be an extension. If the first
character of the filename is a dot, it assumed to be an extension. Otherwise, the filename
is parsed using TParse to reveal the extension.
Once the extension has been extracted, it is converted from unicode to utf8 and copied into
@param aFileName
The file name to be matched. Must include the extension.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetMatchToFileNameL(const TDesC& aFileName);
Sets this object to match to a file extension specified by a URI
Once the extension has been extracted, it is copied into iMatchData.
@param aUri
The URI containing the file name to be matched. Must include the extension.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetMatchToUriL(const TDesC& aUri);
Sets this object to match to uri scheme and file extension specified by a URI.
The Uri scheme and extension are saved in iMatchReqData. Further,iMatchData contains uri extension,
iMatchUriScheme contains uri scheme.
@param aUri
The URI containing the scheme and uri extension to be matched.
IMPORT_C void SetMatchToUriSupportL(const TDesC& aUri);
Sets this object to match to a MIME type.
@param aMimeType
The mime type to match.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetMatchToMimeTypeL(const TDesC8& aMimeType);
Sets this object to match to a pattern in header data.
@param aHeaderData
The header of the file in question. This header data will be matched
against the match patterns provided by the plugins.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetMatchToHeaderDataL(const TDesC8& aHeaderData);
Returns the data used to perform the plugin match.
@return The match data.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C const TDesC8& MatchData() const;
Returns the uri scheme used to perform the plugin match.
@return The uri scheme.
IMPORT_C const TDesC8& MatchUriScheme() const;
Returns the type of the data used to perform the plugin match.
@return The match data type.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C TMatchDataType MatchDataType() const;
virtual ~CMMFFormatSelectionParameters();
Protected constructor.
void ConstructL(const CMMFFormatSelectionParameters& aParams);
CMatchData* iMatchReqData;
TMatchDataType iMatchDataType;
Contains the parameters used to select controller plugins from the ECOM registry.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters : public CMMFPluginSelectionParameters
Constructs a new controller selection parameters object.
@return The new object created.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C static CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters* NewL();
Construct a new controller selection parameters object.
@return The new object created. Note that the new object will be left on the cleanup stack.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C static CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters* NewLC();
Sets the play format support required.
The play formats supported by the controller plugins will only be retrieved if
this method is called. To get all the play formats supported by the system, call this
with a 'blank' CMMFFormatSelectionParameters object.
@param aRequiredSupport
The play format support required.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetRequiredPlayFormatSupportL(const CMMFFormatSelectionParameters& aRequiredSupport);
Sets the record format support required.
The record formats supported by the controller plugins will only be retrieved if
this method is called. To get all the record formats supported by the system, call this
with a 'blank' CMMFFormatSelectionParameters object.
@param aRequiredSupport
The record format support required.
@return The new object created.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetRequiredRecordFormatSupportL(const CMMFFormatSelectionParameters& aRequiredSupport);
Retrieves all controller plugins that support the requirements of the caller.
@param aImplementations
After this method returns, this array will contain all the
controller plugins that support the caller's requirements.
Note: The array will be emptied by this method.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C virtual void ListImplementationsL(RMMFControllerImplInfoArray& aImplementations) const;
virtual ~CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters();
void MatchImplementationToSelectParamsL(RMMFControllerImplInfoArray& aImplementations, const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aPlugin, TInt& aArrayPos) const;
TInt CheckPreferredSupplierL(RMMFControllerImplInfoArray& aImplementations, const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& aPlugin) const;
TBool CheckFormatSupportL(CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* aSelectParams, const RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& aFormats) const;
Checks the given Controller for uri support. Uri support may be there
if either requiredscheme or extension matches with that given controller
@param aSelectParams
Describes the selection parameter which a controller needs to
support in order to be selected
@param aPlugin
The controller plugin which is checked for uri support
@param aFormats
The play or record formats looked for extension match
TBool CheckUriSupport(CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* aSelectParams, CMMFControllerImplementationInformation* aPlugin, const RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& aFormats) const;
The required play format support
CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* iRequiredPlayFormatSupport;
The required record format support
CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* iRequiredRecordFormatSupport;
Contains the parameters used to select controller plugins which support SecureDRM model
from the ECOM registry. Controller plugins which support SecureDRM model allow play back of DRM-protected
content by client processes without DRM capability. In such case the controller will be loaded in a separate secure DRM process.
class CMMFControllerSecureDrmPluginSelectionParameters : public CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters
Constructs a new controller selection parameters object.
@return The new object created.
IMPORT_C static CMMFControllerSecureDrmPluginSelectionParameters* NewL();
Construct a new controller selection parameters object.
@return The new object created. Note that the new object will be left on the cleanup stack.
IMPORT_C static CMMFControllerSecureDrmPluginSelectionParameters* NewLC();
Retrieves all controller plugins that support SecureDRM model and the requirements of the caller.
@param aImplementations
After this method returns, this array will contain all the
controller plugins that support the caller's requirements.
Note: The array will be emptied by this method and SecureDRM model.
IMPORT_C virtual void ListImplementationsL(RMMFControllerImplInfoArray& aImplementations) const;
virtual ~CMMFControllerSecureDrmPluginSelectionParameters() {};
Abstract class used to contain the parameters used to select format plugins from the ECOM registry.
The classes CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParamters and CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters
should be used to list and select format plugin implementations.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters : public CMMFPluginSelectionParameters
Retrieves all format plugins that support the requirements of the caller.
@param aImplementations
After this function returns, this array will contain all the
format plugins that support the caller's requirements.
Note: The array will be emptied by this method.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void ListImplementationsL(RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& aImplementations) const;
Sets the format support required.
@param aRequiredSupport
The format support required.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C void SetRequiredFormatSupportL(const CMMFFormatSelectionParameters& aRequiredSupport);
virtual ~CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters();
Protected constructor.
CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters(TUid aInterfaceUid);
void MatchImplementationToSelectParamsL(RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& aImplementations, const CMMFFormatImplementationInformation& aPlugin, TInt& aArrayPos) const;
TInt CheckPreferredSupplierL(RMMFFormatImplInfoArray& aImplementations, const CMMFFormatImplementationInformation& aPlugin) const;
TBool CheckFormatSupportL(const CMMFFormatImplementationInformation& aPlugin) const;
The format support required
CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* iRequiredFormatSupport;
Class used to list and select plugins implementing the CMMFFormatEncode interface.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters : public CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters
Construct a new format encode selection parameters object.
@return The new object created.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C static CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters* NewL();
Constructs a new format encode selection parameters object.
@return The new object created. Note that the new object will be left on the cleanup stack.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C static CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters* NewLC();
Protected constructor.
Class used to list and select plugins implementing the CMMFFormatDecode interface.
@since 7.0s
class CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters : public CMMFFormatPluginSelectionParameters
Constructs a new format decode selection parameters object.
@return The new object created.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C static CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters* NewL();
Constructs a new format decode selection parameters object.
@return The new object created. Note that the new object will be left on the cleanup stack.
@since 7.0s
IMPORT_C static CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters* NewLC();
Protected constructor.
Template class CleanupResetAndDestroy to clean up the array
of implementation information from the cleanup stack.
template <class T>
class CleanupResetAndDestroy
Puts an item on the cleanup stack.
@param aRef
The implementation information to be put on the cleanup stack.
inline static void PushL(T& aRef);
static void ResetAndDestroy(TAny *aPtr);
template <class T>
inline void CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(T& aRef);
template <class T>
inline void CleanupResetAndDestroy<T>::PushL(T& aRef)
template <class T>
void CleanupResetAndDestroy<T>::ResetAndDestroy(TAny *aPtr)
template <class T>
inline void CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(T& aRef)