// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file contains the test steps for Unit Test Suite 13 : TestUtils.cpp
// EPOC includes
#include <e32base.h>
// Test system includes
#include <testframework.h>
// Specific includes for this test suite
#include "TSU_MmTsthStep13.h"
#include "TSU_MmTsthSuite13.h"
// Specific includes for these test steps
#include "TSU_MmTsth13.h"
// --------------------------------------------
// Unit Test Suite 13 : TestUtils.cpp
// Depends on : none
// Tests :-
// 1. NewL / Construct - create with a CLog;
// RunUtils / RunUtilsL - script-line format testing :-
// 2 Copy File
// 3 Make Dir.
// 4 Change Dir.
// 5 Make Read/Write
// 6 Delete File
// 11 Syntax error (demonstrate no panic)
// NB! Test Utils in themselves are not test steps, and do NOT run in their own thread
// ------------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1301
RTestMmTsthU1301* RTestMmTsthU1301::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1301* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1301;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1301");
// preamble
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1301::OpenL()
// stub - purpose is that for this test we do not run the parent preamble
// which initialises iTestUtils
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// postamble
void RTestMmTsthU1301::Close()
// do the test step
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1301::DoTestStepL()
// NB CTestUtils does not report errors, but it DOES log them.
// NB a single run of TestFrameworkMain can only have ONE log file open at the server.
// Hence we must use that one.
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for TestUtils : Construct"));
CLog* theLog = iSuite->LogSystem(); // use the current log
CTestUtils* theTestUtils = NULL;
TRAPD(err, theTestUtils = CTestUtils::NewL(theLog));
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CTestUtils::NewL() failed with error code %d"), err);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
delete theTestUtils;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// ------------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1302
RTestMmTsthU1302* RTestMmTsthU1302::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1302* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1302;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1302");
// preamble
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1302::OpenL()
// do the standard preamble
TVerdict currentVerdict = RTSUMmTsthStep13::OpenL();
if(currentVerdict != EPass)
return currentVerdict;
// do extra, to set up the files/directories we need, which are :-
// C:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt must exist
// C:\\TFData2 must exist
RFs theFs;
RFile theFile;
TFileName theDirName = _L("c:\\TFData1\\");
TFileName theFileName = _L("c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt");
TInt rc = theFs.MkDir(theDirName);
if (rc != KErrNone && rc != KErrAlreadyExists)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed RFs::MkDir() error code %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
rc = theFile.Replace(theFs, theFileName, EFileWrite | EFileStreamText);
// check if open fails
if (rc == KErrNone)
theFile.Write(_L8("This is a test file for MM_TSTH_U_1302\n"));
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed RFile::Write() error code %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
theDirName = _L("c:\\TFData2\\");
rc = theFs.MkDir(theDirName);
if (rc != KErrNone && rc != KErrAlreadyExists)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed RFs::MkDir() error code %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict;
// postamble
void RTestMmTsthU1302::Close()
// clean up the extra files / directories we created
// do the standard postamble
// do the test step
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1302::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for TestUtils : RunUtils - CopyFile"));
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
iTestUtils->RunUtils(_L("run_utils copyfile c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt c:\\TFData2\\testfile2.txt"));
// check that testfile2.txt exists
TUint dummy;
RFs theFs;
TInt rc = theFs.Att(_L("c:\\TFData2\\testfile2.txt"), dummy);
if(rc != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CTestUtils : run_utils copyfile failed, error %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// cleanup
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// --------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1303
RTestMmTsthU1303* RTestMmTsthU1303::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1303* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1303;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
// store the name of this test case
// this is the name that is used by the script file
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1303");
// preamble
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1303::OpenL()
// do the standard preamble
TVerdict currentVerdict = RTSUMmTsthStep13::OpenL();
if(currentVerdict != EPass)
return currentVerdict;
// do extra, to set up the files/directories we need, which are :-
// C:\\TFData2 must not exist
RFs theFs;
CFileMan* theFm = NULL;
TRAPD(err, theFm = CFileMan::NewL(theFs));
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Cannot create CFileMan, error code %d"), err);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TInt rc = theFm->RmDir(_L("c:\\TFData2\\"));
if (rc != KErrNone && rc != KErrPathNotFound)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed CFileMan::RmDir() error code %d"), rc);
currentVerdict = EFail;
delete theFm;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict;
// postamble
void RTestMmTsthU1303::Close()
// clean up the extra files / directories we created
// do the standard postamble
// do the test step.
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1303::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for TestUtils : RunUtils - MkDir"));
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
iTestUtils->RunUtils(_L("run_utils mkdir c:\\TFData2\\"));
// check that TFData2 exists
TUint dummy;
RFs theFs;
TInt rc = theFs.Att(_L("c:\\TFData2\\"), dummy);
if(rc != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CTestUtils : run_utils mkdir failed, error %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// --------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1304
RTestMmTsthU1304* RTestMmTsthU1304::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1304* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1304;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1304");
// preamble
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1304::OpenL()
// do the standard preamble
TVerdict currentVerdict = RTSUMmTsthStep13::OpenL();
if(currentVerdict != EPass)
return currentVerdict;
// do extra, to set up the files/directories we need, which are :-
// C:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt must exist and be read-only
RFs theFs;
RFile theFile;
TFileName theDirName = _L("c:\\TFData1\\");
TFileName theFileName = _L("c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt");
TInt rc = theFs.MkDir(theDirName);
if (rc != KErrNone && rc != KErrAlreadyExists)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed RFs::MkDir() error code %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
rc = theFile.Replace(theFs, theFileName, EFileWrite | EFileStreamText);
// check if open fails
if (rc == KErrNone)
theFile.Write(_L8("This is a test file for MM_TSTH_U_1304\n"));
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed RFile::Replace() error code %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// set read-only
rc = theFs.SetAtt(theFileName, KEntryAttReadOnly, 0);
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict;
// postamble
void RTestMmTsthU1304::Close()
// set the file read-write for deletion
RFs theFs;
TFileName theFileName = _L("c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt");
theFs.SetAtt(theFileName, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly);
// clean up the extra files / directories we created
// do the standard postamble
// do the test step
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1304::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for TestUtils : RunUtils - MakeReadWrite"));
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
iTestUtils->RunUtils(_L("run_utils makereadwrite c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt"));
// check that file exists and is read-only
TUint theAtts;
RFs theFs;
theFs.Att(_L("c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt"), theAtts);
if(theAtts & KEntryAttReadOnly)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CTestUtils : run_utils makereadwrite failed, file is still read-only"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// --------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1305
RTestMmTsthU1305* RTestMmTsthU1305::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1305* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1305;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1305");
// preamble
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1305::OpenL()
// do the standard preamble
TVerdict currentVerdict = RTSUMmTsthStep13::OpenL();
if(currentVerdict != EPass)
return currentVerdict;
// do extra, to set up the files/directories we need, which are :-
// C:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt must exist and be read-write
RFs theFs;
RFile theFile;
TFileName theDirName = _L("c:\\TFData1\\");
TFileName theFileName = _L("c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt");
TInt rc = theFs.MkDir(theDirName);
if (rc != KErrNone && rc != KErrAlreadyExists)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed RFs::MkDir() error code %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
rc = theFile.Replace(theFs, theFileName, EFileWrite | EFileStreamText);
// check if open fails
if (rc == KErrNone)
theFile.Write(_L8("This is a test file for MM_TSTH_U_1305\n"));
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed RFile::Replace() error code %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// set read-write
rc = theFs.SetAtt(theFileName, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly);
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict;
// postamble
void RTestMmTsthU1305::Close()
// clean up the extra files / directories we created
// do the standard postamble
// do the test step
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1305::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for TestUtils : RunUtils - Delete"));
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
iTestUtils->RunUtils(_L("run_utils delete c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt"));
// check that file does not exist
TUint dummy;
RFs theFs;
TInt rc = theFs.Att(_L("c:\\TFData1\\testfile1.txt"), dummy);
if(rc != KErrNotFound)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CTestUtils : run_utils delete failed, file still exists"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// ----------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1306
RTestMmTsthU1306* RTestMmTsthU1306::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1306* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1306;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1306");
// preamble
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1306::OpenL()
// do the standard preamble
TVerdict currentVerdict = RTSUMmTsthStep13::OpenL();
if(currentVerdict != EPass)
return currentVerdict;
// do extra, to set up the files/directories we need, which are :-
// C:\\TFData2 must exist
RFs theFs;
TFileName theDirName = _L("c:\\TFData2\\");
TInt rc = theFs.MkDir(theDirName);
if (rc != KErrNone && rc != KErrAlreadyExists)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Preamble failed RFs::MkDir() error code %d"), rc);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict;
// postamble
void RTestMmTsthU1306::Close()
// clean up the extra files / directories we created
// do the standard postamble
// do the test step.
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1306::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This test step is not available on EKA2 - Passing test!"));
return EPass;
// --------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1311
RTestMmTsthU1311* RTestMmTsthU1311::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1311* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1311;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1311");
// do the test step
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1311::DoTestStepL()
// to demonstrate that bad syntax does not panic
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for TestUtils : RunUtils - bad syntax"));
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
iTestUtils->RunUtils(_L("run_utils gobbledygook"));
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("RunUtils did not panic"));
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// --------------------