Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "ImageDisplay.h"
#include "ImageDisplayFramework.h"
#include "ImageDisplayMain.h"
Constructs a CImageDisplay object.
@param aFs
A reference to a file server session for the display API to use.
@param aCallback
A reference to a Image Display observer object which would recieve status notifications
@return A pointer to a fully constructed CImageDisplay.
EXPORT_C CImageDisplay* CImageDisplay::NewL(MIclImageDisplayObserver& aCallback, RFs& aFs)
CImageDisplay* self = new(ELeave) CImageDisplay();
self->ConstructL(aCallback, aFs);
return self;
Constructor for this class.
Performs second phase of construction
@param aCallback
A reference to an observer interface implementation
@param aFs
A reference to a file server session for the display API to use.
void CImageDisplay::ConstructL(MIclImageDisplayObserver& aCallback, RFs& aFs)
iBody = CImageDisplayFramework::NewL(*this, aCallback, aFs);
This is the destructor for this class
and is responsible for deallocating all resources
EXPORT_C CImageDisplay::~CImageDisplay()
delete iBody;
Specifies the UID of the image display plugin to load
@param aPluginUid
The plugin's implementation UID
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised when a plugin is already loaded
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetPluginUid(TUid aPluginUid)
Specifies the source of the image to display
@param aSource
The data source container. Note that the framework doesn't take a copy of actual data/filename etc.
and they must persist during decoding
@return KErrNone if the given source type is supported, otherwise KErrNotSupported
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage
EXPORT_C TInt CImageDisplay::SetImageSource(const TMMSource& aSource)
return iBody->SetImageSource(aSource);
Specifies the MIME type of the source image.
@param aMIMEType
The MIME type of the source image
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetSourceMimeType(const TDesC8& aMIMEType)
Specifies the source image's type and (optionally) its subtype
@param aImageType
The UID of the source image's type
@param aImageSubType
The UID of the source image's subtype
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
a plugin is not loaded yet
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetSourceImageType(TUid aImageType, TUid aImageSubType)
iBody->SetSourceImageType(aImageType, aImageSubType);
Defines a clipping region. Only the specified region will be processed.
@param aRect
The coordinates of the clipping region
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
a plugin is not loaded yet
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetSourceRect(const TRect& aRect)
Clears settings for the clipping region, but not the image region
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
a plugin is not loaded yet
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::ResetSourceRect()
Specifies the requested image size.
@param aDestinationSize
The requested size of the image in pixels
@param aMaintainAspectRatio
Requests that the aspect ratio be maintained as far as possible
Defaults to true
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
a plugin is not loaded yet
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetSizeInPixels(const TSize& aDestinationSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio)
iBody->SetSizeInPixels(aDestinationSize, aMaintainAspectRatio);
Specifies the requested image display mode.
@param aDisplayMode
The requested display mode
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
a plugin is not loaded yet
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode)
Defines how the image is to be displayed.
Note that all plugins support EOptionMainImage, whereas the availability of the other options depends on
the image display plugin loaded.
@param aOptions - image type selected using the TImageOptions flag set
@return KErrArgument on wrong combination of options, especially if the rotate and
mirror options aren't set together with EOptionThumbnail or EOptionMainImage.
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised if the function was called during decoding stage or
a plugin is not loaded yet
EXPORT_C TInt CImageDisplay::SetOptions(TUint aOptions)
return iBody->SetOptions(aOptions);
Requests that a suitable plugin be selected and instantiated.
Leaves with KErrNotFound if no suitable plugin found or if the framework
or plugin finds any error in any of the preceeding SetXXX() calls
@leave KErrNotFound
No suitable plugin was found
@leave KErrArgument
One of the previously supplied parameters (image size, mime type etc.) is invalid
@panic ImageDisplay 2 EUndefinedSourceType Raised when image source is not defined yet
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::SetupL()
Initiates an image display operation.
The framework will panic if no plugin has been instantiated already.
Note: That a plugin may perform some asynchronous operations within the
current thread, so yielding to the Active Scheduler after calling this
function is almost mandatory
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
@panic ImageDisplay 3 EUndefinedDestSize
Raised when destination image size is not defined yet
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::Play()
Instructs a plug-in to pause its operation. An operation can be resumed
by calling the Play()
The framework will panic if no plugin has been instantiated already and
Play() has not been called yet.
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::Pause()
Cancels any image display operation currently in progress.
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence Raised when no plugin loaded yet.
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::StopPlay()
Resets all SetXXX() calls so that the state is the same as that immediately
after a call to NewL(). Deletes the plugin if one is loaded.
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::Reset()
Gets a pointer to a plugin extension
@param aIFaceUid
Requested extension interface Uid
@param aIFacePtr
Reference to pointer which would have interface pointer on sucessful completion, otherwise NULL
@return KErrNotSupported if given extension interface is not supported
or other system-wide error code
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
EXPORT_C TInt CImageDisplay::ExtensionInterface(TUid aIFaceUid, TAny*& aIFacePtr)
return iBody->ExtensionInterface(aIFaceUid, aIFacePtr);
Gets a reference to the current bitmap and mask
@param aBitmap
Reference to pointer which would have current frame bitmap address.
@param aMask
Reference to pointer which would have current frame mask address. This is NULL if no mask
is available or if aBitmap has a display mode of EColor16MA (see SetDisplayMode()).
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded or decoding was not started
@see SetDisplayMode
EXPORT_C void CImageDisplay::GetBitmap(const CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, const CFbsBitmap*& aMask) const
iBody->GetBitmap(aBitmap, aMask);
Check to see if the current frame can be displayed now
@return ETrue
The current bitmap contains a valid image. It will return ETrue only when it is called in between the ImageReady() callback
and a subsequent call to Play().
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded or decoding was not started
EXPORT_C TBool CImageDisplay::ValidBitmap() const
return iBody->ValidBitmap();
Returns an array of recommended image sizes i.e. sizes which would be processed faster
@return a reference to the array of recommended image sizes
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
EXPORT_C const RArray<TSize>& CImageDisplay::RecommendedImageSizes() const
return iBody->RecommendedImageSizes();
returns an integer, corresponding to the current image status (if known), the value will be comprised of elements of the TImageStatus bit field
@return a combination TImageStatus flags
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
EXPORT_C TUint CImageDisplay::ImageStatus() const
return iBody->ImageStatus();
returns the number of frames (if known) or an error code if unknown.
@param aNumFrames
a reference to frame number parameter which has meaning only if retrun value is KErrNone
@return KErrNotSupported if a plug-in can't determine number of frames
@panic ImageDisplay 1 EIllegalCallSequence
No plugin loaded.
EXPORT_C TInt CImageDisplay::NumFrames(TInt& aNumFrames) const
return iBody->NumFrames(aNumFrames);
const ContentAccess::TIntent KCCaccesUnknown=ContentAccess::EUnknown;
Constructor for the descriptor-based image datasource.
NOTE: Data is not copied, so the original buffer must be kept during image processing
@param aData
a reference to the pointer containing an image data
TDescriptorDataSource::TDescriptorDataSource(const TPtrC8& aData):
TMMSource(KUidDescDataSource, ContentAccess::KDefaultContentObject, KCCaccesUnknown),
Returns a reference to the pointer containing an image data. Data is not owned by this object.
@return a reference to the data pointer
const TPtrC8& TDescriptorDataSource::DataBuf() const
return iData;