// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <mmf/server/mmfdes.h>
#include <mmf/server/mmfdatabuffer.h>
#include <mmf/common/mmfpaniccodes.h>
void Panic(TMMFDescriptorPanicCode aPanicCode)
_LIT(KMMFDescriptorPanicCategory, "MMFDescriptor");
User::Panic(KMMFDescriptorPanicCategory, aPanicCode);
Protected constructor.
Sets the offset to zero.
CMMFDescriptor::CMMFDescriptor( ) : CMMFClip( KUidMmfDescriptorSource, KUidMmfDescriptorSink )
The default implementation closes the descriptor thread.
iDesThread.Close() ;
Constructs a CMMFDescriptor MDataSource.
@return A pointer to a new CMMFDescriptor.
MDataSource* CMMFDescriptor::NewSourceL( )
CMMFDescriptor* self = new (ELeave) CMMFDescriptor( ) ;
return STATIC_CAST( MDataSource*, self ) ;
Constructs a CMMFDescriptor MDataSink.
@return A pointer to a new CMMFDescriptor.
MDataSink* CMMFDescriptor::NewSinkL( )
CMMFDescriptor* self = new (ELeave) CMMFDescriptor( ) ;
return STATIC_CAST( MDataSink*, self ) ;
Performs source construction dependant on the source construction
initialisation data aInitData.
@param aInitData
The TPckgC<TMMFDescriptorParams> descriptor package containing the descriptor and the thread
ID for the descriptor.
void CMMFDescriptor::ConstructSourceL( const TDesC8& aInitData )
ConstructL( aInitData ) ;
Sets how much of the underlying descriptor will be used, up to the underlying descriptor's maximum
@param aSize
The size of the descriptor.
@return An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes.
TInt CMMFDescriptor::SetSize( TInt aSize )
//[ precondition aSize >= 0
// precondition sSize < MaxSize()
// iDes is not null]
if(!iDes )
return KErrNotReady;
if( aSize > MaxLength() )
return KErrOverflow;
if( aSize < 0 )
return KErrUnderflow;
// [ actually do the work ]
iDes->SetLength( aSize );
//[ assert the post condition
// aSize == Length()
// descriptor is still ok]
ASSERT( aSize == iDes->Length());
ASSERT( iDes );
return KErrNone;
Performs sink construction dependant on the sink construction initialisation data aInitData.
@param aInitData
The TPckgC<TMMFDescriptorParams> descriptor package containing
the descriptor and the thread ID for the descriptor.
void CMMFDescriptor::ConstructSinkL( const TDesC8& aInitData )
ConstructL( aInitData ) ;
void CMMFDescriptor::ConstructL( const TDesC8& aInitData )
TMMFDescriptorParams params;
TPckgC<TMMFDescriptorParams> config(params);
if (aInitData.Length() < config.Length())
iDes = STATIC_CAST( TDes8*, config().iDes);
User::LeaveIfError( iDesThread.Open( config().iDesThreadId ) );
Loads aBuffer from iDes.
File read is asynchronous. CReadRequest is created to respond to completion.
@param aBuffer
The buffer to be filled from the descriptor.
@param aConsumer
The data sink consumer of the buffer.
@param aMediaId
Not used.
void CMMFDescriptor::FillBufferL( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, MDataSink* aConsumer, TMediaId /*aMediaId*/ )
// Current position in Descriptor is iOffset.
// Read from iDes in iDesThread into Des in aBuffer.
// Assume that the amount to be read is the size of the buffer descriptor
// Should check that there is sufficient data in the source buffer
// If there is not enough to fill the target then copy what there is
// How should the function deal with no data in the source buffer?
// Use of a single iOffset will preclude use by more than one client (use ReadBufferL())
if (CMMFBuffer::IsSupportedDataBuffer(aBuffer->Type()))
TDes8& bufferDes = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, aBuffer)->Data();
//if request size is set, use it, else use max length of buffer
TInt targetMaxLength = aBuffer->RequestSize() ? aBuffer->RequestSize() : bufferDes.MaxLength();
//ensure RequestSize was within bounds
if(targetMaxLength > bufferDes.MaxLength())
targetMaxLength = bufferDes.MaxLength();
TInt sourceLengthRemaining = iDes->Length() - iOffset;
if ( ( sourceLengthRemaining - targetMaxLength ) > 0 )
bufferDes = iDes->Mid(iOffset,targetMaxLength);
iOffset += targetMaxLength;
else if (sourceLengthRemaining > 0)
bufferDes = iDes->Mid(iOffset,sourceLengthRemaining);
iOffset += sourceLengthRemaining;
aConsumer->BufferFilledL( aBuffer ) ;
Empties aBuffer into iDes.
@param aBuffer
The buffer to be written to the descriptor.
@param aSupplier
The data source supplier of the buffer.
@param aMediaId
The Media ID.
void CMMFDescriptor::EmptyBufferL( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, MDataSource* aSupplier, TMediaId /*aMediaId*/ )
// Does the buffer type need to be checked?
// Assume that the amount to be read is the size of the buffer descriptor
// Should check that there is sufficient data in the source buffer
// If there is not enough to fill the target then copy what there is
// How should the function deal with no data in the source buffer?
if (CMMFBuffer::IsSupportedDataBuffer(aBuffer->Type()))
TDes8& bufferDes = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, aBuffer)->Data();
TInt sourceLength = bufferDes.Length() ;
TInt targetLength = iDes->MaxLength() - iDes->Length();
if ( targetLength>0 )
if (sourceLength>targetLength)
sourceLength = targetLength;
iDes->Append(bufferDes) ;
aSupplier->BufferEmptiedL( aBuffer ) ;
Loads aLength number of bytes into aBuffer from specified point in iDes.
@param aLength
The number of bytes to be read into buffer.
@param aBuffer
The buffer to be filled from the descriptor.
@param aPosition
The offset into the descriptor at which to start reading.
@param aConsumer
The data sink consumer of the buffer
void CMMFDescriptor::ReadBufferL(TInt aLength, CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aPosition, MDataSink* aConsumer)
if (!aBuffer)
if (CMMFBuffer::IsSupportedDataBuffer(aBuffer->Type()))
TDes8& bufferDes = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, aBuffer)->Data();
if (aLength>bufferDes.MaxLength())
if ((aLength<0) || (aPosition<0))
TInt sourceLength = iDes->Length() ;
//ensure not trying to read more than is available
if(aPosition + aLength > sourceLength)
aLength = sourceLength - aPosition;
if (aLength>0)
TPtrC8 srcPtr(iDes->Mid(aPosition,aLength));
//have we read all the available data
if(aPosition + aLength >= sourceLength)
if (aConsumer)
Loads aBuffer from specified point in iDes
@param aBuffer
The buffer to be filled from the descriptor.
@param aPosition
The offset into the descriptor at which to start reading.
@param aConsumer
The data sink consumer of the buffer.
void CMMFDescriptor::ReadBufferL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aPosition, MDataSink* aConsumer)
if (!aBuffer)
if (aPosition<0)
if (CMMFBuffer::IsSupportedDataBuffer(aBuffer->Type()))
TDes8& bufferDes = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, aBuffer)->Data();
//if request size is set, use it, else use max length of buffer
TUint copyLength = aBuffer->RequestSize() ? aBuffer->RequestSize() : bufferDes.MaxLength();
ReadBufferL(copyLength, aBuffer, aPosition, aConsumer);
Loads aBuffer from specified point in iDes. Note that this is a synchronous read.
@param aBuffer
The buffer to be filled from the descriptor.
@param aPosition
The offset into the descriptor at which to start reading.
void CMMFDescriptor::ReadBufferL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aPosition)
ReadBufferL(aBuffer, aPosition, NULL);
Empties aBuffer into iDes at specified location.
@param aBuffer
The data buffer containing bytes to be written.
@param aPosition
The offset into the descriptor at which to start writing.
@param aSupplier
The data source to be notified when the write has been completed.
void CMMFDescriptor::WriteBufferL(CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aPosition, MDataSource* aSupplier)
if (CMMFBuffer::IsSupportedDataBuffer(aBuffer->Type()))
TDes8& bufferDes = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, aBuffer)->Data();
WriteBufferL(bufferDes.Length(), aBuffer, aPosition, aSupplier);
Empties aLength bytes from aBuffer into iDes at specified location.
@param aLength
The number of bytes to be emptied from buffer.
@param aBuffer
The data buffer containing bytes to be written.
@param aPosition
The offset into the descriptor at which to start writing.
@param aSupplier
The data source to be notified when the write has been completed.
@leave KErrNotReady
If SinkPrimeL() and SinkThreadLogon() have not been called.
@leave KErrArgument
If aLength<0 or aPosition<0 or aSupplier is NULL.
@leave KErrNotSupported
If aBuffer is not of type KMMFDataBuffer.
void CMMFDescriptor::WriteBufferL(TInt aLength, CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aPosition, MDataSource* aSupplier)
if (CMMFBuffer::IsSupportedDataBuffer(aBuffer->Type()))
TDes8& bufferDes = STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, aBuffer)->Data();
if (aLength>bufferDes.Length() || (aLength<0) || (aPosition<0))
TInt sourceLength = aLength;
TPtr8 bufferPtr(((sourceLength) ? &bufferDes[0] : NULL), sourceLength, sourceLength);
TInt targetLength = iDes->MaxLength() - aPosition;
if (targetLength>0 && sourceLength > 0)
if (sourceLength>targetLength)
if ((iDes->Length() - aPosition) > 0)
TInt bytesToReplace = iDes->Length() - aPosition;
if (sourceLength > bytesToReplace)
TPtrC8 replaceBuf = bufferPtr.Left(bytesToReplace);
TPtrC8 appendBuf = bufferPtr.Right(sourceLength-bytesToReplace);
iDes->Replace(aPosition, bytesToReplace, replaceBuf);
iDes->Replace(aPosition, sourceLength, bufferPtr);
else if (targetLength<0)
else if (aLength != 0)
if (aSupplier)
Empties aBuffer into iFile at specified location. Note that this is a synchronous write
@param aBuffer
The data buffer containing bytes to be written.
@param aPosition
The offset into file at which to start writing.
void CMMFDescriptor::WriteBufferL( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aPosition)
WriteBufferL( aBuffer, aPosition, NULL );
Returns the amount of space available for the clip.
@return The space available in descriptor (difference between length and maxlength).
TInt64 CMMFDescriptor::BytesFree()
TInt64 length = iDes->Length() ;
TInt64 maxLength = iDes->MaxLength() ;
return( maxLength - length ) ;
Returns the length of the clip.
@return The length (not max length) of the descriptor.
TInt CMMFDescriptor::Size()
TInt length = iDes->Length();
Returns the data type as a fourCC code for the CMMFDescriptor data source.
@param aMediaId
The ID of the media for which the codec is obtained.
@return The data type fourCC code.
TFourCC CMMFDescriptor::SourceDataTypeCode(TMediaId /*aMediaId*/)
return iSourceFourCC ;
Returns the data type as a fourCC code of the CMMFDescriptor data sink.
Used by MDataSource and MDataSink.
@return The data type fourCC code.
TFourCC CMMFDescriptor::SinkDataTypeCode(TMediaId /*aMediaId*/)
return iSinkFourCC ;
CMMFDescriptor as a source is always passive so this function is not supported.
@param aBuffer
The emptied buffer.
void CMMFDescriptor::BufferEmptiedL( CMMFBuffer* /*aBuffer*/ )
Tests whether a source buffer can be created.
@return A boolean indicating if the buffer can be created. EFalse if a CMMFDescriptor cannot create
it's own buffer
TBool CMMFDescriptor::CanCreateSourceBuffer()
return EFalse ;
Creates a source buffer.
@param aMediaId
The Media ID.
@param aReference
A boolean indicating if MDataSource owns the buffer. ETrue if MDataSource owns the buffer,
EFalse if the caller owns the buffer.
@return NULL as a CMMFFile cannot create it's own buffer
CMMFBuffer* CMMFDescriptor::CreateSourceBufferL( TMediaId /*aMediaId*/, TBool& /*aReference*/ )
return NULL;
CMMFDescriptor as a sink is always passive so this function is not supported.
@param aBuffer
The filled buffer.
void CMMFDescriptor::BufferFilledL( CMMFBuffer* /*aBuffer*/ )
Tests whether a sink buffer can be created.
@return A boolean indicating if the sink buffer can be created. EFalse if a CMMFDescriptor cannot
create it's own buffer.
TBool CMMFDescriptor::CanCreateSinkBuffer()
return EFalse ;
Creates a sink buffer.
@param aMediaId
The Media ID.
@param aReference
A boolean indicating if MDataSource owns the buffer. ETrue if MDataSource owns the buffer,
EFalse if the caller owns the buffer.
@return NULL as a CMMFDescriptor cannot create it's own buffer
CMMFBuffer* CMMFDescriptor::CreateSinkBufferL( TMediaId /*aMediaId*/ , TBool& /*aReference*/)
return NULL;