* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header definition of plugin class implementing devsound server
* side custom interface extension.
// Include files
#include <e32base.h>
#include <a3f/mmfdevsoundcustominterfaceextensions.h>
#include "ciextnserverpluginwrapper.h"
// Forward declarations
class MCustomInterface;
class MCIMsgHndlrIntfc;
* Plugin class implementing DevSound CI server Extension
* An instance of this class is created when DevSound Session is created. When
* DevSound session object receives a RMmfIpcMessage that cannot be handled, the
* message is forwarded to this plugin.
* Only one instance of this plugin can exist in the system.
* This class is intended to be used only by DevSound Session implementation.
* @since S60 v3.2
class CCIExtnServerPlugin : public CBase,
public MDevSoundCIServerExtension
* Two-phased constructor.
* Called by ECom framework.
static MDevSoundCIServerExtension* NewL();
* Destructor.
// From MDevSoundCIServerExtension begins
// Called by framework when plugin is constructed
TInt Setup( MCustomInterface& aInterface );
// Called by framework passing aMessage to handle
TInt HandleMessageL(const RMmfIpcMessage& aMessage);
// Called by framework when plugin is to be deleted
void Release();
// Called by framework after plugin is created
void PassDestructorKey( TUid aDestructorKey );
// From MDevSoundCIClientExtension ends
* Constructor.
* Second phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Initializes factory plugins list.
* Leaves on error.
void InitializeMsgHndlrPluginsL();
* Reference to MCustomInterface interface
* Not own.
MCustomInterface* iMCustomInterface;
* Reference to MCustomInterface interface
* Not own.
CIExtnServerPluginWrapper* iCiExtnServerPluginWrapper;
* Uid of the plugin object passed by the framework via PassDestructorKey()
TUid iDestructorKey;
* List of message handler plugins. When framework calls
* HandleMessageL() function, the request will be forwarded to each
* message handler plugin in this list until it is handled.
* Own.
RPointerArray<MCIMsgHndlrIntfc> iMCIMsgHndlrIntfcList;